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Home - Composers - Schillings Max Von |
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61. The Wagner Recordings - Max Von Schillings Test Und Preisvergleich Translate this page The Wagner Recordings - max von schillings ab EUR 9,59 (15.01.08) im Ciao Preisvergleich. Lesen Sie Testberichte zum Thema Klassische Musik und machen Sie http://musik.ciao.de/The_Wagner_Recordings_Max_Von_Schillings__1527794 | |
62. Michal Schmidt: Discography schillings, max von Mona Lisa Kiel Philharmonic Orchestra CPO STRAUSS Symphony in D Minor; Festmarsch, Op. 1 Nuremberg Symphony Colosseum http://www.schmidtart.com/discography.aspx?id_num=64 |
63. Cinemusic.de - Komponisten-Übersicht Translate this page Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek Donna Diana Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek Ritter Blaubart. von schillings, max. max von schillings Das Hexenlied http://www.cinemusic.de/komponisten.htm?let=v |
64. Schillings, Max Von - Dizionario E Enciclopedia Gratis Translate this page schillings, max von. (Düren, Renania 1868-Berlino 1933) Compositore e direttore d orchestra tedesco. Maestro a Bayreuth e poi all opera di stato di Berlino. http://enciclopedia.studenti.it/res/adda29d4/Schillings.html | |
65. Partituras De Max Von Schillings Translate this page Partituras de max von schillings Página 1 Realice sus pedidos de partituras de música desde su casa en di-arezzo. http://www.di-arezzo.es/partituras-de-Max von Schillings.html | |
66. Opera Manager - Opera: Max Von Schillings Mona Lisa Translate this page max schillings (la nobilitazione delvongiunse solo nel 1912) venne allevato nella casa di campagna della famiglia presso Düren e Bonn, fin dal 1882, http://www.operamanager.com/cgi-bin/process.cgi?azione=ricerca&tipo=OP&id=10855 |
67. Max Von Schillings Translate this page schillings, max von * 19. April 1868 in Düren 24. Juli 1933 in Berlin Komponist und Dirigent. Bühnenwerk I. Opern. Ingwelde (Ferdinand Graf von Sporck), http://www.operone.de/komponist/schillings.html | |
68. Http//hdl.loc.gov/loc.music/eadmus.mu003009 Ernest Bloch schillings, max von, 18681933Correspondence. Stokowski, Leopold, 1882-1977Correspondence. Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942Correspondence. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/master/music/eadxmlmusic/2003/mu003009.xml | |
69. Ccm :: Schillings, Max Von Schillings Translate this page schillings, max von 1868-1933 Germany, Duren - Berlin. Title, Parts. Mona Lisa. Opera. 1915, Seht hier des meeres wunderbarsten schatz http://composers-classical-music.com/s/SchillingsMaxVon.htm | |
70. Heckelphones Richard Strauss and max von schillings (18681933) in particular made use of the instrument in their opulent scores, above all in their operatic works. http://www.contrabass.com/pages/heckel.html | |
71. Schillings, Max Von - Zeno.org Translate this page Werkverzeichnis von schillings, max von. Komponiert von max von schillings. Libretto von Emil Gerhäuser. Uraufführung am 08.12.1906, http://www.zeno.org/Musik/M/Schillings, Max von | |
72. On An Overgrown Path: Furtwangler And The Forgotten New Music From your list, the names of max von Schilling, Ernst Toch, Walter Braunfels, Karol Rathaus, Wladimir Vogel, and Ernst Pepping are ones immediately familiar http://www.overgrownpath.com/2005/10/furtwngler-and-forgotten-new-music.html | |
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