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61. Francis Poulenc News - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'SATIE, ERIK' News about Francis Poulenc. Commentary and archival information about Francis Poulenc from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/p/francis_poulenc/ind |
62. Piano Composers From R To Z satie, erik, Piano Music of erik satie 30 pieces Eschig Edition featuring Menus satie, erik, Trois Gymnopedies with CD for Audio Midi, 25, $ 10.95 http://www.opus-two.com/PianocompR.html | |
63. RadiOM.org - Search Results For Erik (as Cage was fond of calling it) of erik satie apos;s music was held in Putah Musical Selections Furniture Music / erik satie Socrate / erik satie http://www.radiom.org/mno_radiom.cgi?q=erik |
64. Satie, Erik (Harper's Magazine) THINGS CONNECTED TO satie, erik. HUMAN BEINGS. Auric, Georges. Baldwin, Danton. Bizet, Georges. Casadesus, Gaby. Casadesus, Robert. Chabrier, Emmanuel http://www.harpers.org/subjects/ErikSatie | |
65. The Sheet Music Archive Single Listing Page satie, erik. 3 Gymnopedies. No.1 No.2 No.3. 3 Gymnopedies (computertypeset by D. Galimberti). No.1 No.2 No.3. Gnossiennes. No.1 No.2 No.3. http://www.sheetmusicarchive.net/single_listing.cfm?composer_id=56 |
66. Notes In Homage To Erik Satie EJ118687 Notes in Homage to erik satie. Abstract, Article evaluated the character and compositions of the eccentric French artists, erik satie. (RK) http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ118687 |
67. Satie, Erik Jean Cocteau led the way with his new aesthetic for a Parisian musical avant garde claiming erik satie as its leader, and members of Les Six as its chief http://www.musicfromthegarden.com/Archive/Satie,Erik.html | |
68. Erik Satie Guitar Pro Tablatures Archive - MySongBook TABLATURES Index Artist satie, erik - 8 tabs Gnossienne No. 1 In the waiting for a regularization with the editor of this score, its download is http://www.mysongbook.com/tab-tab_list-id_artist=1343.htm | |
69. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Biography Of Erik Satie Over 50 complete works offered in MIDI format. Two biographies, including that from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Timelines, search engine. http://www.classicalarchives.com/bios/codm/satie.html | |
70. Urntaroutexas.hrc.00293 Valentine Hugo An Inventory Of Her She alone survived most of her acquaintances from youth; erik satie, Raymond Radiguet, Paul Éluard, Jean Cocteau, and Andrè Breton all passed before http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00293.xml | |
71. Score Erik Satie / Gymnopedies And Gnossiennes - Di-arezzo The World Of Sheet Mu Purchase the score Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes erik satie on diarezzo music bookshop. http://www.di-arezzo.co.uk/detail_notice.php?no_article=ALFRE00565 |
72. ILike | Satie, Erik | Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Satie, Erik | |
73. MusicSack / Music Sack Schallplatten/CDs erik satie Sports et Divertissements, Trois Melodies de 1886, . Aus Archivstaub geholt erik satie Musik zu Le fils des etoiles http://musicsack.com/PersonFMTDetail.cfm?PersonPK=100013922 |
74. JAZCLASS : About Erik SATIE - The Eccentric Impressionist French Composer And Mu Profile of erik satie , the eccentric Impressionist French composer and musician, including a chronology, bibliography and discography. http://esvc001419.wic024u.server-web.com/satie.htm | |
75. Videos For Classical Guitar satie, erik; Gnossienne n°1 toniopepe86 - fr 86 satie, erik; Gnossienne No.1 - Denian Arcoleo - en 29 satie, erik; Gnossienne No.1 - hamedfathi - en 29 http://www.delcamp.net/infos/catalogue/classical_guitar_wmv.html | |
76. Browse By Artist: SATIE, ERIK Exquisite set of historic recordings from the early fifties of erik satie and Francis Poulenc piano music played superbly by satie s friend Poulenc. http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/satie.erik.html | |
77. Erik Satie AudioSparx Composer Site Dating from his first composition in 1884, he signed his name as erik satie, as he said he preferred it. He wrote articles for several periodicals and, http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/composer/sounds.cfm/composer_iid.45 | |
78. 4 Pleasure - Ravel, Satie Piano Works / Anne Queffelec - Virgin Composers erik satie (1866 1925) Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937) Performers Catherine Collard Anne Queffélec Album 4 Pleasure - Ravel, satie Piano Works http://www.hbdirect.com/album_detail.php?pid=535540 |
79. PUBLIC -//The New York Public Library//TEXT (USNNMUSJPB 83 (Eng. translation of notes in score written in ink) 212 satie, erik 213 satie, erik 18661925 Les Pantins Danset (Oeuvres Posthumes pour piano). http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/music/mushorst.xml | |
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