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Home - Composers - Leifs Jon |
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61. Composers Starting With The Letter L (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts An Leicht V. Leicht (1) * Leichtling Alan Leichtling (5) * Leidgebel Amandus Leopold Leidgebel (1816) (2) * leifs Jón leifs (1899-1968) (1) http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/cindexl.html | |
62. Sumartónleikar í Skálholti - English Other recordings include the Oratorio A Child Is Born by John Speight and the songs of Hjálmar H. Ragnarsson, John A. Speight, Jón leifs, Jón Nordal, http://www.sumartonleikar.is/?english/performers |
63. Nicolas Slonimsky Collection: Finding Aids (Performing Arts Reading Room, Music BOX 210, leifs, Jón. BOX 210, Leigh, Carolyn. BOX 210, Leigh, Walter. BOX 210, Leighton, Kenneth. BOX 210, Leimer, Kurt. BOX 210, Leinsdorf, Erich http://www.loc.gov/rr/perform/special/Slonimsky/Slonimsky-HTML-Doc7.htm | |
64. Leifs: Geysir Op 51 : Läs Recensioner Och Jämför Priser På Ciao.se Titel leifs Geysir Op 51. Kompositör Jón leifs (1899 1968). Orchestra / Ensemble(s) Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Releasedatum 30/06/2003 http://www.ciao.se/Leifs_Geysir_Op_51__350933 | |
65. Viking Answer Lady Webpage - Viking Age Music, Viking Answer Lady Webpage - Viki leifs, Jón. The Nature of Icelandic Music . Skírnir (1922). Levick, Ben and Roland Williamson. Music and Verse in AngloSaxon and Viking Times. http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/music.shtml | |
66. Previously Broadcast Works By Artists Whose Names Begin With L Jón leifs. Fine I, 155, 1963, Iceland Symphony Orchestra (cond. . John Loffink. Resuscitation, 98, 1998, tuning @ eartha.mills.edu a microtonal music http://www.prismsonline.org/frames/l.html | |
67. Chapters.indigo.ca: Leifs: Dettifoss, Organ Concerto, Etc / Shao, Icelance SO: : Composer Jón leifs Performers Bjorn Steinar Solbergsson Instruments Organ Conductors En Shao Ensembles Iceland Symphony Orchestra Form/Genre Concerto http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/music/Leifs-Dettifoss-Organ-Concerto-etc/731859000 | |
68. Iceland Music Information Centre > Útgáfa > Geisladiskar > Stærri Verk ( DNN Jón leifs Þessi glæsilegi geisladiskur hefur að geyma þrjár fornar kviður og næturljóð fyrir einsöngara og hljómsveit eftir Jón leifs. http://www.mic.is/is/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=86 |
69. Presto Classical - Buy Classical Music CDs, Opera CDs, & DVDs Online leifs, Jón (18991968) Leigh, Walter (1905-42) Leighton, Kenneth (1929-88) Leisring, Volckmar (1588-1637) Lekeu, Guillaume (1870-94) http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/ci/L | |
70. Sögufélag The cantata Þjóðhvöt by Jón leifs and the Althingi millennium 1930 13 by Jón leifs (18991968), a work originally conceived as an entry in composition http://www.sogufelag.is/timarit/saga_40_2_summary.htm | |
71. La Folia -- Meat, Potatoes, Parsley: Eötvös, Kagel, Leifs, Pritchard, Stäbler Jón leifs Baldr, Op. 34 (194347). Gunnar Guðbjörnsson (tenor), Schola Cantorum, Iceland Symphony Orchestra, Kari Kropsu (cond.). http://www.lafolia.com/archive/covell/covell200401meat.html | |
72. Nýr Vefur Þessi möguleiki mun ekki virka rétt. Því miður, vafrinn þinn styður ekki Inline Frames. Þetta vefsvæði er vistað hjá Vodafone. vodafone@vodafone.is http://www.mmedia.is/ | |
73. Composer Names Starting With 'L' Sat 19 Jan The Ivory Duo St John s, Smith Square, London, UK Sun 20 Jan Stamford Symphony Orchestra Palace Theatre, Stamford, CT, USA http://www.classical-composers.org/search/firstL | |
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