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41. Interrogation Du Catalogue: Titl=1&loc=1&dspshape=rows&?AUTEUR:10614. © Ircam - Translate this page leifs, jon. (1899-1968), jon leifs Visions and Images Geysir ; Landsyn, ouverture pour orchest, Enrgmt sonore, 1990 http://mediatheque.ircam.fr/cgi-bin-loris/bibrebond.pl?titl=1&loc=1&dspshape=row |
42. Jón Leifs - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Jón leifs (May 1, 1899July 30, 1968) was an Icelandic composer. He left Iceland in 1916 to study in Germany at the Leipzig Conservatory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jón_Leifs | |
43. Icelandic Composers: Jón Leifs Biography and comments on his independence from musical trends. http://www.est.is/~kvam/choirlink/comp/jon_leifs.htm | |
44. Composer Jón Leifs MP3 Composer Jón leifs MP3,classical music downloads and thousands of classical music mp3 files. Search by composers, titles, performers or ensembles and browse http://www.eclassical.com/eclassic/eclassical?&composer_id=248&last_page=find_by |
45. Jón Leifs - Wikipedia Translate this page So erschien im Jahr 1951 das deutschsprachige Buch Islands künstlerische Anregung von Jón leifs in Reykjavík. In diesem rechtfertigt er sich als durch http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jón_Leifs | |
46. RÚV&ITM: VEFURINN UM JÓN LEIFS Umfangsmikil útgáfuverkefni eru hafin í tengslum við tónlist Jón leifs, annars vegar er ný nótnaútgáfa Íslenskrar tónverkamiðstöðvar og hins vegar http://servefir.ruv.is/jonleifs/idag.html | |
47. BBC - Radio 3 - Daily Schedule leifs, Jón (18991968) Geysir, Op 51 2.05am Liszt, Franz (1811-1886) Années de P lerinage, Premi re année La Suisse, S160 Matti Raekallio (piano) http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/schedule/2005/08/18/day/ | |
48. Jón Leifs » Nordische Musik Translate this page Mit dieser CD setzt das schwedische Label BIS seine in jeder Weise ambitionierte Serie mit Einspielungen der Werke des isländischen Komponisten Jón leifs http://www.nordische-musik.de/komponist.php?id_komponist=404 |
49. Www.naxos.se leifs, Jón Edda, Part 1 - Bäumer, Hermann Few composers have been as consistently preoccupied with their national origins as Jón leifs, who only found http://www.naxos.se/label.asp?lab_id=52&cat_id=12&show=top |
50. PUBLIC -//The New York Public Library//TEXT (USNNMUSJPB 83 125 leifs, Jón 18991968 Vier Klavierstücke, Op. 2. (1922) Leipzig Kistner and Siegel, 1931. 7 p. 126 L enfant, Ed. Évolution; suite de danses en 1 acte. http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/music/mushorst.xml |
51. Jón Leifs - Biography Jón leifs on IMDb Movies, TV, Celebs, and more http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0500152/bio | |
52. Bibliography leifs, Jón. Isländische Volkslieder. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, March 1929. Nielsen, Svend. En islandsk kvædemands recitationsform. http://music.calarts.edu/KVAEDASKAPUR/Bibliography.html | |
53. Jón Leifs@Everything2.com Jón leifs. printable version chaos An easy way to determine your own moral character Reykjavik Icelandic place name elements pianist http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1726432 |
54. RR-uut Muusikakogus leifs, Jón. Hafís / Jón leifs ; performed by Schola Cantorum, chorusmaster Hördur Askelsson. - Djursholm BIS, c2000. - 1 CD (55 41 ) - DAC-04822 http://www.nlib.ee/html/anded/muus/m1-01.html | |
55. String Quartet Repertoire- (Nineteenth Century Composers) Foulds, John (18801939). Op 80, Quartetto Intimo; Op 97, Quartetto Genial; Op 32, Aquarelles . leifs, Jón (1899-1968). 1, Op 21 (1939), Mors et vita http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/1790/q_r18.htm | |
56. Jón Leifs Jón leifs var brautryðjandi í tónlist á Íslandi. Hann starfaði m.a. í Þýskalandi sem hljómsveitarstjóri og tónskáld og stjórnaði Fílharmóníuhljómsveit http://hls.itn.is/tonleikaskrar1925/jón_leifs.htm | |
57. Hermann Baumer - Jón Leifs Edda, Part 1 - The Creation Of The Hermann Baumer Jón leifs Edda, Part 1 - The Creation of the World - Hybrid Multichannel SACD. http://store.acousticsounds.com/browse_detail.cfm?Title_ID=42661 |
58. LEIFS Baldr [RB]: Classical CD Reviews- Aug 2002 MusicWeb(UK) Jón leifs (18991968) Baldr Op. 34 - A Choreographic Drama in Two Acts (1943-47) Gunnar Guðbjörnsson (ten) Óðin Schola Cantorum/Hörður Áskelsson http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2002/Aug02/Liefs_Baldr.htm | |
59. BIS Records Jón leifs Edda, Part I. Hybrid Disc (SACD Surround / SACD Stereo / CD Stereo). Jón leifs Edda, Part 1 Sköpun heimsins (The Creation of the World) http://www.bis.se/index.php?op=album&aID=BIS-SACD-1350 |
60. Folksy Links - Folk Bands And Musicians On Line Eriksson Brodd Leif Andersson, Staffan (Sweden); Eriksson, .. Legends, The (Australia); Lehto Wright (USA Celtic); leifs, Jón (Iceland); Leigh, http://www.folksylinks.it/folksy_name_right_al.html | |
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