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41. Ives, Charles Edward - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Ives, Charles Edwar Hutchinson encyclopedia article about ives, charles Edward. ives, charles Edward. Information about ives, charles Edward in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Ives, Charles Edward | |
42. Free Charles Ives Music Online, Music Downloads, Music Videos And Lyrics - Rhaps Listen to charles ives for free on Rhapsody Online. Fulllength songs, albums, downloads, videos, playlists, photos, lyrics, and more. http://www.rhapsody.com/charlesives | |
43. IVES, Charles E(dward) ives, charles E(dward). ives was born Oct. 20, 1874, in Danbury, Conn. He received his most significant musical education from his father, George E. ives . http://www.history.com/encyclopedia/article.jsp?link=FWNE.fw..iv050900.a |
44. Art Of The States: Charles Ives Although virtually unknown until he ceased composing in 1925, charles ives (18741954) is considered one of the first great composers of concert music in http://artofthestates.org/cgi-bin/compbio.pl?compname=ivescharles |
45. Charles Ives All Made of Tunes charles ives and the Uses of Musical Borrowing, 1995, BY J. Peter Burkholder charles ives A Life with Music, 1996, BY Jan Swafford http://www.nndb.com/people/225/000092946/ | |
46. John Adams | List Of Works The title, My Father Knew charles ives, may have been unconsicously Carl Adams, my Massachusettsborn father, did not in fact know charles ives. http://earbox.com/W-myfatherknew.html | |
47. MySpace.com - Charles Ives - Danbury, Connecticut - Classical - Www.myspace.com/ MySpace music profile for charles ives with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=162314 |
48. Aworks :: "new" American Classical Music: Ives, Charles :: The Alcotts I m listening to the US Marine Band recording of charles ives The Alcotts. Hearing a band rather than a piano play this makes for a much more Beethovian http://rgable.typepad.com/aworks/ives_charles_the_alcotts/index.html | |
49. CHRONICLE - New York Times It s not a runof-the-mill instrument, so what was MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS to do when he noticed that the score for the charles ives Fourth Symphony calls for http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE0DD103FF932A05753C1A96495826 |
50. CD Baby: Charles Ives CD Baby sells only the best new independent music, directly from the artists, so here are some great albums, handpicked for people who like charles ives. http://cdbaby.com/found?soundlike=Charles Ives |
51. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Biography Of Charles Ives Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. http://www.classicalarchives.com/bios/codm/ives.html | |
52. Burkholder, J., Ed.: Charles Ives And His World. of the book charles ives and His World by Burkholder, J., ed., published by Princeton University Press....... http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5871.html | |
53. Baseball And The Music Of Charles Ives (Scarecrow Press, Inc.) Inasmuch as Johnson s stated intent is to show ives love of baseball as a proving ground for later developments in his musical evolution, http://www.scarecrowpress.com/Catalog/SingleBook.shtml?command=Search&db=^DB/CAT |
54. Biography: Ives Biography [biography]: The Library Of Congress Presents: Music, To hear the music of composer charles ives is to hear a unique voice in American music, and indeed, in Western music as a whole. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.natlib.ihas.200035714/ | |
55. Charles Ives | Composer Erst nach ives Tode fand sein Werk größere Beachtung. charles ives wurde, nicht nur in Amerika, zu einem der wichtigsten Wegbereiter der Moderne. http://www.lichtensteiger.de/ives.html | |
56. Ives, Charles (Harper's Magazine) charles ives The unanswered question. Milhaud Symphony 4 for strings. Skalkottas Little suite for strings (Sound recording) http://www.harpers.org/subjects/CharlesIves | |
57. Wordsandmusic: Xmas Mix - Whitedog... Charles Ives... Bill Evans... Cecil Taylor charles ives First Symphony Adagio molto (sustenuto) Labels bill evans, Cecil Taylor, charles ives, guy clark, judee sill, peter brotzmann, http://soundsandtexts.blogspot.com/2007/12/xmas-mix-whitedog-charles-ives-bill.h | |
58. Charles Ives - Free Music Downloads, Videos, Lyrics, CDs, MP3s, Bio, Merchandise charles ives feature on ARTISTdirect. Includes free downloads, music videos, lyrics, bio, discography and merchandise information. http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,447823,00.html | |
59. Charles Ives Quotes 13 quotes and quotations by charles ives. charles ives If a poet knows more about a horse than he does about heaven, he might better stick to the horse, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/charles_ives.html | |
60. City Of Danbury, Connecticut - Charles Ives Center For The Arts The charles ives Center for the Arts is a unique outdoor amphitheater situated on 40 wooded acres with a pond, breathtaking gardens and public hiking trails http://www.ci.danbury.ct.us/content/43/6793/10868/default.aspx | |
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