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         Ibert Jacques:     more books (102)
  1. Catalogue de l'euvre de Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) (Musikwissenschaftliche Publikationen) (French Edition) by Alexandra Laederich, 1998
  2. Histoires for Alto Saxophone and Piano by Jacques Ibert, 1939
  3. The Little White Donkey (Alfred Masterwork Edition) by Jacques Ibert, 1999-11
  5. L'Éventail de Jeanne. Ballet en un acte. < [Music by] Maurice Ravel, P.-O. Ferroud, Jacques Ibert, Roland-Manuel, Marcel Delannoy, Albert Roussel, Darius ... Georges Auric, Florent Schmitt. > [Score.]
  6. 3 Pieces Breves By Jacques-francois Ibert (1890-1962). for Wind Quintet - Score and Parts by jacques ibert, 1930
  7. Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Jacques Ibert (1890-1962).(Review): An article from: Notes by James William Sobaskie, 1999-12-01
  8. Histoires, etc. [P. F.] by Jacques Ibert, 1922
  9. Ibert: Impromptu for C Trumpet and Piano (Impromptu Pour Trompette Et Piano) (Folio with Pull-out Parts for C Trumpet & Piano) (AL20950) by Jacques François Antoine Ibert(1890 - 1962), 1951
  10. Concertino Da Camera for Alto Saxophone and Piano by Jacques Ibert, 1935
  11. Divertissment pour Orchestre de Chamber. by Jacques. IBERT, 1970
  12. Suite symphonique für Kammerorchester. Partitur by Jacques Ibert, 1935
  13. Concertino Da Camera for Large Saxophone Ensemble by Jacques Ibert, 1999
  14. Le petit ane blanc (The little white donkey) - Piano Solo by Jacques Ibert, 2010

1. Jacques Ibert - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Ibert s music is considered to be typically quite light in character, often witty, colourfully orchestrated with attractive melodies.
Jacques Ibert
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Jacques Fran§ois Antoine Ibert August 15 February 5 ) was a French composer of classical music
  • Life and importance Works
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    He studied under Paul Vidal at the Paris Conservatoire and won the Prix de Rome in 1919 for his cantata Le po¨te et la f©e . From 1937 he was director of the French Academy in Rome , and from 1955 to 1957 directed Paris's Op©ra-Comique . He died in Paris. Ibert's music is considered to be typically quite "light" in character, often witty, colourfully orchestrated with attractive melodies. Although he was not a member of Les Six , his music shares some characteristics with theirs. His best known work is probably the orchestral Divertissement (1930), based on his incidental music for Eug¨ne Labiche 's play, Un Chapeau de paille d'Italie (The Italian Straw Hat). In the course of the work he comically quotes many pieces, including Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Other prominent pieces include Escales (1924) for orchestra, the

2. Jacques Ibert --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Jacques Ibert composer whose music is admired for its colourful, technically polished, and often witty
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Jacques Ibert
Page 1 of 1 born Aug. 15, 1890, Paris, France
died Feb. 5, 1962, Paris in full composer whose music is admired for its colourful, technically polished, and often witty neoclassical style. Ibert studied at the Paris Conservatory and in 1919 won the Prix de Rome for his cantata Escales Ibert, Jacques... (75 of 114 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Jacques Ibert Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Jacques Ibert , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

3. Jacques-François Ibert | Classical Music Composer
About classical music composer JacquesFrançois Ibert life, biography, compositions, sheet music, recordings, CDs, books.
Jacques-Fran§ois Ibert
See also: French composers Modern composers Pianists Born: 15 August , Paris (France) Died: 5 February , Paris (France) Sheet music Music Biography Shop ... FREE Classical MP3! Download 25 tracks from eMusic — Vast collection — No Restrictions — Own Your Music! Reactions [No reactions yet.] Add your reaction Title: Comments: Note: HTML code will be filtered out. Comments will appear on the website immediately after submission, but will be moderated. Reactions should be between 50 and 2000 characters long. [Phonetic spelling (mp3)] Please copy the above security text: Contributions by: muuse
Sheet music
Below is a selection of scores available at Find more scores by Jacques-Fran§ois Ibert → select instrument ← Show all Piano Organ Harpsichord Guitar Violin Viola Cello Double bass Gamba Recorder Piccolo Flute Oboe English horn Saxophone Clarinet Bassoon Trumpet French horn Trombone Tuba Percussion Voice Vocal Choir Band Orchestra Show results (max.) [details ←] Deux Interludes Flute, Violin, Harpsichord

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By Christopf Willibald Von Gluck; Claude Debussy; Ernest Von Dohnanyi; Francis Poulenc; Frederic Chopin; Gabriel Faure; Isaac Albeniz; Jacques Ibert; Jacques

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7. Galerie De Compositeurs - IBERT Jacques 1890 - 1962 -Ministère Des Affaires ét
Translate this page Jacques Ibert fait ses études musicales au Conservatoire de Paris de 1910 à 1914. Après la Grande Guerre, il remporte un 1er Grand Prix de Rome en 1919 pour
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    HISTOIRES; ibert jacques. Offered by
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    Alphonse Leduc. 1975. In-4In-4 Carré. En feuillets. Bon état. Tâchée. Dos satisfaisant. Intérieur frais. 4 pages. Quelques écritures au crayon. ¶ A.L. 16, 512. N°1 : "Lameneuse de tortues d'or". Partitions pour piano.
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    9. Jacques Ibert - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Bearbeiten Weblinks. Literatur von und über Jacques Ibert im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Bühnenwerke
    Jacques Ibert
    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
    Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Jacques Fran§ois Antoine Ibert 15. August in Paris 5. Februar in Paris ) war ein franz¶sischer Komponist
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    Er studierte von 1910 bis 1914 am Pariser Conservatoire unter anderem bei Gabriel Faur© Paul Vidal und Andr© G©dalge . W¤hrend des Studiums arbeitete er als Klavierimprovisator bei Stummfilmauff¼hrungen. 1919 wurde er Tr¤ger des begehrten Prix de Rome (Rompreis). Vor und nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg war er Direktor der franz¶sischen Akademie in Rom . 1955 fungierte er als Verwaltungsdirektor beider Pariser Opernh¤user.
    Bearbeiten Werk
    Seine stilistisch keiner eindeutigen Richtung zugeh¶rigen Werke sind vor allem in der Fr¼hzeit angelehnt an die Groupe des Six , lassen aber auch Beeinflussung durch den Impressionismus sowie den Neoklassizismus eines Igor Strawinsky erkennen. Vorherrschend ist elegante, mitunter etwas glatt wirkende Virtuosit¤t. Werkauswahl:

    10. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Ibert
    Jacques Ibert. Jacques Ibert. (1890 1962). Submit a biography . Divertissement (1930). Divertissement/Academy Sound Vision LTD CDDCA517 Neville
    The Internet's Premier Classical Music Source
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    Divertissement (1930)
    Neville Marriner/Academy Of St. Martin-In-The-Fields
    Divertissement /Telarc CD-80294
    Erich Kunzel/Cinncinati Pops Orchestra

    Studio 52 online music store / CD Shop CD Info ibert jacques / MACBETH - GOLGTHA - DON QUICHOTTE.

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    jacques ibert (1890 1962) Classical music and classical hit collection. Compilations of jacques ibert classics and listen to its finest classical music
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    Ibert, a winner of the Prix de Rome at the Paris Conservatoire, was for a number of years director of the French Academy in Rome. Versatile and prolific, he wrote operas, ballets and music for the theatre, cinema and radio, in addition to vocal and instrumental works, all equally beautifully crafted, with particularly idiomatic handling of wind instruments. He died in Paris in 1962. Orchestral Music The Flute Concerto by Ibert, written in 1934, is a useful addition to solo repertoire for an instrument whose possibilities the composer well understood, as he did the saxophone in his concertino for that instrument, composed in the following year. The orchestral music of Ibert includes suites and extracts from his theatre music, among which the scores written for A Midsummer Night's Dream and for the Orson Welles film of Macbeth should be mentioned. His Divertissement for chamber orchestra was derived from incidental music for Un chapeau de paille d' Italie (An Italian Straw Hat). Chamber Music The most popular of Ibert's works for smaller groups must be the Entracte for flute or violin, with harpsichord or guitar, followed by the Interludes for flute, violin and harp, from Lifar's Le burlador, and Histoires, taken from his own piano work of that name.

    13. Jacques Ibert --  Britannica Student Encyclopaedia
    jacques ibert (18901962). The French composer jacques ibert is admired for his colorful, technically polished, and often witty neoclassical style.
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    Learn about ibert, jacques. Read our encyclopedia entry on ibert, jacques. RSS Make HowStuffWorks your homepage Get Newsletter Search HowStuffWorks and the web:
    Humanities Music Biographies ... French Composers Learn about French Composers and get biographical information on French Composers. Related Categories:
    REFERENCE LINKS PRINT EMAIL Ibert, Jacques Ibert, Jacques, ee BEHR, zhahk (1890-1962), was a French composer. He wrote many works for the stage, including comic operas and ballets. Ibert also wrote music for plays and motion pictures as well as orchestral works and chamber music. His style combines the sometimes contradictory French schools of Impressionism and Neoclassicism.
    Related Topics: Franck, frahngk, Cesar (1822-1890), was a French composer, organist, and teacher. His compositions are a synthesis of the strict Viennese forms of... Berlioz, Hector , BAIR lee ohz, ehk TAWR (1803-1869), was a French composer. He is known for his orchestrating genius; his long, uninterrupted... Gounod, GOO noh or goo NOH, Charles (1818-1893), was a French composer best known for his opera Faust (1859, revised and expanded 1869). This opera... Offenbach, Jacques

    15. IBERT, Jacques :Gilder-MusicWeb Dictionary Of Composers
    ibert, jacques b Paris, 15 August 1890 d Paris, 5 February 1965, aged seventyone. He trained at the Paris Conservatory, winning the Prix de Rome in 1919.
    MusicWeb is not a subscription site and it is these advertisers that pay for it. Please visit their sites regularly to see if anything might interest you. Purchasing from them keeps MusicWeb free. Classical Editor: Rob Barnett Founder Len Mullenger IBERT, Jacques
    b Paris, 15 August 1890
    d Paris, 5 February 1965, aged seventy-one
    He trained at the Paris Conservatory, winning the Prix de Rome in 1919. He was the director of the French Academy in Rome from 1937 to 1955, then until 1957 was director of the Paris Opera and Opera-Comique. Ports of Call (Escales), orchestral suite Ballad of Reading Gaol, ballet Concerto for cello and wind instruments Jeux, for orchestra Angelique, opera Le Roi d'Yvetot, opera Divertissement, for chamber orchestra Donogoo, for orchestra Paris, symphonic suite Diane de Poitiers, ballet Concertino da camera, for alto saxophone and small orchestra Gonzaque, opera L'Aiglon, opera (with Honegger, qv) La Famille Cardinal, opera (with Honegger)

    16. Jacques Ibert Classical Music Compositions And Jacques Ibert
    Classical music compositions of jacques ibert and classical hit collection. jacques ibert cds for your classic music collections available to download.
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        Jacques Ibert (1890 - 1962) View Discography
        Ibert, a winner of the Prix de Rome at the Paris Conservatoire, was for a number of years director of the French Academy in Rome. Versatile and prolific, he wrote operas, ballets and music for the theatre, cinema and radio, in addition to vocal and instrumental works, all equally beautifully crafted, with particularly idiomatic handling of wind instruments. He died in Paris in 1962. Orchestral Music The Flute Concerto by Ibert, written in 1934, is a useful addition to solo repertoire for an instrument whose possibilities the composer well understood, as he did the saxophone in his concertino for that instrument, composed in the following year. The orchestral music of Ibert includes suites and extracts from his theatre music, among which the scores written for A Midsummer Night's Dream and for the Orson Welles film of Macbeth should be mentioned. His Divertissement for chamber orchestra was derived from incidental music for Un chapeau de paille d' Italie (An Italian Straw Hat). Chamber Music The most popular of Ibert's works for smaller groups must be the Entracte for flute or violin, with harpsichord or guitar, followed by the Interludes for flute, violin and harp, from Lifar's Le burlador, and Histoires, taken from his own piano work of that name.

    17. Ibert, Jacques
    jacques François Antoine ibert was a student of Gabriel Fauré and director of the French Academy in Rome from 1937. He composed a number of works in

    18. Ibert, Jacques
    ibert, jacques Repertoire list and information on his/her piano music.
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    19. Ibert, Jacques - MP3 Music Downloads At EMusic
    Home » Browse » ibert, jacques. Refine Results. Genres Chausson ibert. Added Mon Oct 01 000000 EDT 2007 jacques ibert
    eMusic Shortcuts Home Alternative/Punk Blues Classical Country/Folk Electronic International Jazz New Age Rock/Pop Soundtracks/Other Spiritual Audiobooks Recent Editorial Dozens Your Profile Saved for Later Account Search Music Artist Album Track Label Search Classical Music Classical Composer Classical Album Classical Performer Classical Conductor Classical Ensemble Search Audiobooks Books Authors Narrators Home Browse
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    Albums begin with: A B C D ... F G H I J K L M N O ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc Show All Sort by Most Downloaded Most Recent Additions Album Name (A-Z) Album Name (Z-A) Artist Name (A-Z) Artist Name (Z-A) Label Name (A-Z) Label Name (Z-A) 1-15 of Albums ALBUM ARTIST STYLES LABEL Music for Saxophone an... Added: Wed Oct 19 00:00:00 EDT 2005
    Theodore Kerkezos
    Orchestral Naxos IBERT: Histoires… / MA... Added: Tue Dec 13 00:00:00 EST 2005
    Various Artists
    BIS / IODA The Best of The New Yo...

    20. Jacques Ibert
    Translate this page Musica et Memoria. Biographie de jacques ibert, prix de Rome en 1919.
    Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) Jacques Ibert, en 1957
    ( coll. Alain Bernaud ) DR
    " Si l'on voulait dessiner le portrait d'un Français de vieille souche, courtois et racé, on demanderait à Jacques Ibert quelques séances de pose. On crayonnerait d'abord sa haute silhouette, svelte comme un jonc, on l'habillerait de gris clair: c'est une teinte qui lui sied à merveille et que, d’ailleurs, il affectionne. Puis l'on s’attaquerait, par euphémisme, au visage dont les traits réguliers auraient certainement tenté Ingres ou Flandrin. Ce visage respire l'ordre, la droiture, la discipline, la franchise et l’équilibre. Une courte moustache blanche atteste que celui qui la porte est de son temps, de son âge et de son pays, et qu'il n'en rougit pas. L’œil est clair. Il vous plante son regard dans le vôtre et il vous délègue, ce regard, tous les paysages qu'il a fixés, tous les horizons auxquels il s'est accordé , tous les rêves qui l'ont enrichi. " Ainsi s’exprimaient, en 1957, Bernard Gavoty et Daniel Lesur dans leur ouvrage Pour ou contre la musique moderne à propos de ce musicien dont le centenaire de la naissance a été célébré en 1990. Il faut l'avouer cependant, celui-ci est passé un peu inaperçu. Il n'y eut que quelques manifestations parmi lesquelles une exposition organisée à la Bibliothèque Nationale à Paris du 16 octobre au 15 décembre 1990. Ce musicien subtil, délaissé par le grand public, gagne a être connu et c'est pour cette raison que nous dressons ici l'esquisse d'un portrait qui, espérons-le, s'il est loin d'être complet, donnera au moins l'envie à nos lecteurs de mieux le connaître et de le découvrir avec profit.

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