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41. I Ring For The General Dance- Gustav Holst And Thaxted Essex therefore can claim one of the best of the British 20th Century composers, gustav holst even though he was born in Cheltenham and lived most of his http://www.foxearth.org.uk/holst.html | |
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43. Gustav Theodore Holst Hymn tunes, lyrics, MIDI audio, NWC format scores, background information, and portrait from the Cyber Hymnal. http://www.cyberhymnal.org/bio/h/o/l/holst_gt.htm | |
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48. BBC - H2g2 - 'The Planets' By Gustav Holst - A592977 Written around 1915 by the English composer, gustav holst, it includes a piece of music for each of the seven planets that were known at the time, http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A592977 | |
49. Gustav Holst - MSN Encarta holst, gustav Theodore (18741934), British composer, known for his compositions based on Hindu literature and English folk song. Born in Cheltenham, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761564112/Holst_Gustav_Theodore.html | |
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54. International Vegetarian Union - Gustav Holst IVU logo. Famous Vegetarians gustav holst. holst , gustav, Classical Composer, source wso.williams.edu/~ktaylor/gholst/biography/page2.html http://www.ivu.org/people/music/holst.html | |
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57. Gustav Holst -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia gustav holst (18741934). English composer and music teacher gustav holst is noted for the excellence of his orchestration and the international flavor of http://student.britannica.com/ebi/article-9326521 | |
58. Stainer & Bell: Gustav Holst The following titles by gustav holst are not in our current sales (or online) catalogue, but are available to special order as authorised photocopies http://www.stainer.co.uk/holst.html | |
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