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61. Action Days In A Musical Life | The Australian The film is not an attempt (at) a comprehensive life story of philip glass, it s not an attempt to explain his music, Hicks says. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23024623-16947,00.html | |
62. Philip Glass Discography philip glass Discography. Date, ALBUMS / Singles. 1973, MUSIC IN SIMILAR MOTION/MUSIC IN 5THS. 1974, MUSIC IN TWELVE PARTS. 1977, NORTH STAR http://www.connollyco.com/discography/philip_glass/index.html | |
63. Apple - Pro - Profiles - Philip Johnson philip Johnson A glass House Opens. By Bija Gutoff. Designers, get in line. Some folks may covet scalperworthy Broadway shows or ride-the-redial rock http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/glasshouse/ | |
64. Tiny Mix Tapes Reviews: Philip Glass And Leonard Cohen - Book Of Longing philip glass The Book of Longing is another unexpected turn in his prolific discography. Orchestrating a collection of Leonard Cohens poetry, the twodisc http://www.tinymixtapes.com/Philip-Glass-and-Leonard-Cohen | |
65. Welcome To Rainbow Glass Inc. is coming to Rainbow glass in March 14 15 16 in 2008 to teach his new technique of glass Tapestry. $475.00 includes all materials. call philip at http://www.glassglow.com/ | |
66. Paste Magazine :: News :: Philip Glass Doc Features Martin Scorsese, Errol Morri philip glass doc features Martin Scorsese, Errol Morris, , http://www.pastemagazine.com/action/article/6237/news/music/philip_glass_doc_fea | |
67. FREE Philip Glass Ringtones Previews Preview High Quality Ring Tones for FREE. Download the philip glass Ringtones for your Cingular, Verizon, AT T, Sprint, T Mobile all other cell phones. http://www.prex.com/ringtones/Philip-Glass.html | |
68. Philip Johnson's Glass House | National Trust Historic Sites | National Trust Fo philip Johnson s glass House was a remarkable achievement when it was completed in 1949. Inspired by the plans of Mies van der Rohe s Farnsworth House http://www.nationaltrust.org/historicsites/glasshouse.html | |
69. Stanford Lively Arts: Event: Philip Glass, Book Of Longing Based On The Poetry A Book of Longing is the consummation of longstanding mutual admiration between iconoclast composer philip glass and Leonard Cohen, the profound poet and folk http://livelyarts.stanford.edu/event.php?code=PHIL |
70. Thomas Moore, Pianist - Interviews Interview by the pianist explores some of his multimedia compositions. http://userpages.umbc.edu/~tmoore/interview_frame.html | |
71. BMOP :: Philip Glass Born in Baltimore, Maryland on January 31, 1937, philip glass discovered music in a line of records his father s radio repair shop carried in addition to http://www.bmop.org/musicians/composer_bio.aspx?cid=98 |
72. Pomegranate Arts - PHILIP GLASS Established by composer philip glass, the first performance by the philip glass Ensemble was held in May 1969 at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New http://www.pomegranatearts.com/project-philip_glass/artists.html | |
73. Debbie Millman: Philip Glass On Sesame Street Geometry of Circlesis a series of unnumbered animation pieces that was created for Sesame Street in 1979 with music by philip glass. http://debbiemillman.blogspot.com/2008/01/philip-glass-on-sesame-street.html | |
74. Orange Mountain Music - New Releases/OMM News philip glass s Music Label. http://www.orangemountainmusic.com/ | |
75. Building On Philip Johnson's Glass House - International Herald Tribune LONDON When a guest thanked philip Johnson for his hospitality during her visit to the house of glass that he had designed as his weekend home in New http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/06/01/arts/design4.php | |
76. Philip Glass 110 philip glass Released 2003 $9.90 The Hours (Music from the Motion Picture) Lyric Quartet, Michael Riesman Nick Ingman Released 2001 $9.99 glass http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=791154 |
77. Philip Glass Pictures, Biography, Discography, Filmography, News, Trailers, philip glass Pictures, Biography, Discography, Filmography, News, Trailers, http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Glass,_Philip/index.html | |
78. An Architectural Record Contest - The Philip Johnson Glass House Guessing Game - In 1974, philip Johnsons glass House was 25 years old. The Architectural League of New York celebrated with a birthday picnic on September 22 of that year, http://archrecord.construction.com/features/glass/0706contest.asp | |
79. RadiOM.org - Interview With Philip Glass, April 18, 1983 philip glass discusses his work The Photographer, a theater piece conceived as a play, a concert and a dance in three acts which had, at the time of this http://radiom.org/detail.php?et=interview&omid=AM.1983.04.18 |
80. Philip Glass At U-Md.: Complexity In Simplicity - Washingtonpost.com Hate it or love it, philip glass s music, with its nearconstant arpeggios, slowly evolving harmonies and repetitive structures, sounds like nothing else. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/19/AR2007071902663. | |
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