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61. Klassika: Niels Wilhelm Gade (1817-1890) Translate this page Informationen zu Leben und Werk von niels wilhelm gade (1817-1890) http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Gade/index.html | |
62. Newbooks Oct15-21 25 / JOHANN wilhelm WILMS ; HERAUSGEGEBEN VON CHRISTIAN VITALIS. M2.D45 Bd.28 2007. gade, niels W. (niels wilhelm), 18171890. SYMPHONIES, NO. 5, OP. http://www.lib.uwo.ca/music/nboct15.htm | |
63. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, G, Gade, Niels Wilhelm From Thum gade, niels wilhelm Biography noting the quality of his compositions, niels wilhelm gade Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life, http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/G/G |
64. Niels W. Gade - Wikipedia, Den Frie Encyklopædi niels wilhelm gade (22. februar 1817 21. december 1890), i Danmark normalt kaldet niels W. gade, var en dansk komponist og dirigent. http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels_W._Gade | |
65. Niels Wilhelm Gade (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Free web archive of over 25000 texts (lyrics) to Lieder and other classical vocal pieces in more than 45 languages with over five thousand translations to http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/g/gade.html | |
66. Excite España - Arts - Music - Composition - Composers - G - Gade, Niels Wilhel Miscellaneous songs by niels wilhelm gade Guarder Links to texts in the original Danish. niels wilhelm gade, Danish Composer (18171890) Guarder http://www.excite.es/directory/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/G/Gade,_Niels_Wi | |
67. Notes, Volume 59, 2002-2002 - Table Of Contents Celenza, Anna Harwell. Early works of niels W. gade in search of the poetic. gade, niels W. (niels wilhelm), 18171890 Criticism and interpretation. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/notes/toc/not59.3.html | |
68. Niels Wilhelm Gade Translate this page Finale Allegro, Coda. *. Trio op.42 in Fa maggiore per pianoforte, violino e violoncello Dedicato a Mathilde gade, 1863. Allegro animato (8Mb) http://users.libero.it/claudioronco/sampl-gade.htm | |
69. Niels W. Gade niels W. gades gravsted. www.gravsted.dk 2003, 2007. niels wilhelm gade. Dansk komponist, dirigent, professor og organist http://www.gravsted.dk/person.php?navn=nielswgade |
70. Buy Selected Piano Pieces By GADE, Niels Wilhelm Sheet Music - Capitol Music Cen Buy Selected Piano Pieces by gade, niels wilhelm Sheet Music, plus books for band, choir, or instruction with guitar, piano, voice and more. http://www.capitolmusiccenter.com/found.cfm?bywhat1=artist&searchfor1=Gade, Niel |
71. Http//hdl.loc.gov/loc.music/eadmus.mu004004 William B. Bradbury gade, niels W. (niels wilhelm), 18171890Autographs. Joachim, Joseph, 1831-1907Autographs. Lind, Jenny, 1820-1887Autographs. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/master/music/eadxmlmusic/2004/mu004004.xml | |
72. Niels Wilhelm Gade - Komponist Translate this page Einführender Text über niels wilhelm gade. Mit Hörempfehlungen. http://www.fuer-die-ohren.at/Niels-Wilhelm-Gade.htm | |
73. Djangos.com Home Music Classic gade, niels wilhelm. gade, niels wilhelm gade String Quartets, CD, retail n/a. USED, n/a, notify me. NEW, n/a, notify me http://www.djangomusic.com/artist_music.asp?pid=P 1073 |
74. Gade, Niels Wilhelm/Grieg, Edvard - Sacred Choral Works (Chandos Audio CD) gade, niels wilhelm/Grieg, Edvard Sacred Choral Works (Chandos Audio CD). $31.54 *. Quantity * Estimated price. Product Code 2104494 http://www.boosey.com/shop/prod/Gade-Niels-Wilhelm-Grieg-Edvard-Sacred-Choral-Wo | |
75. Gade, Neils Wilhelm gade, Neils wilhelm Repertoire list and information on his/her piano music. http://www.pianopedia.com/cp_10543_w_gade.aspx | |
76. DVM Årg.1937, nr.810; R. Henriques, niels W. gade (Copenhagen, 1891); D. gade, niels W. gade optegnelser og breve breve (Copenhagen, 1892; Ger. trans., 1894, http://www.dvm.nu/hierarchy/theme/romance/nwg/biblio/index.tkl?type=theme |
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