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21. Claude Debussy Biography, work list, bibliography, WAV and MP3 files. http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/debussy.html | |
22. Internet Public Library: Music History 102 The Twentieth Century. claude debussy. photo of claude debussy debussy also fell under the influence of the French Impressionist painters of the day, http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/twen/debussy.htm | |
23. Claude Debussy Biography, Works, Photos.. - Debussy, Claude BIOGRAPHY Achille claude debussy is one of the most influential composers who creates a unique and forward-looking style of innovative technical finish http://www.claude-debussy.com/ |
24. Claude Debussy Biography. Download Classical Music By Claude Debussy claude debussy (1862 1918) Classical music and classical hit collection. Compilations of claude debussy classics and listen to its finest classical music http://www.naxos.com/composerinfo/bio27153.htm | |
25. Claude Debussy And Impressionism A brief biography of claude debussy, listing many of his major compositions and a description of his compositional techniques. http://www.carolinaclassical.com/articles/debussy.html | |
26. Island Of Freedom - Claude Debussy Biographical information with links to related people and material including influences with MIDI audio sample. From Island of Freedom. http://www.island-of-freedom.com/DEBUSSY.HTM | |
27. Claude Debussy Soundtrack The Usual Suspects. claude debussy was born on August 22, 1862 in St. Germainen-Laye, near Paris Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006033/ | |
28. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3 Karadar dictionary entry with life, works, catalogue, photo gallery, related composer links, and MIDI audio files. http://www.karadar.com/Dictionary/debussy.html | |
29. Free Claude Debussy Music Online, Music Downloads, Music Videos And Lyrics - Rha Listen to claude debussy for free on Rhapsody Online. Fulllength songs, albums, downloads, videos, playlists, photos, lyrics, and more. http://www.rhapsody.com/claudedebussy | |
30. Essentials Of Music - Composers The primary aim of French music, claude debussy wrote in 1904, is to give pleasure. debussy, more than anything, was interested in the sensuous quality http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/debussy.html | |
31. The Claude Debussy Mp3 Page -- Classic Cat Directory of mp3s on the internet that have been made available by the performing artists. http://www.classiccat.net/debussy_c/index.htm | |
32. Claude Achille Debussy â Infoplease.com debussy, claude Achille (klôd äsh l dubüs ) key, 18621918, French composer, exponent of musical impressionism. He studied for 11 years at the Paris http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0814903.html | |
33. Claude Debussy Borne to a family of meagre standings, claude debussy was borne on 22 August, 1862, at SaintGermain-en-Laye, France. debussy showed talents as a pianist by http://library.thinkquest.org/16020/data/eng/text/classical/composers/debussycla |
34. Composer Biography - Debussy, Claude debussy worked on other opera projects and left substantial sketches for two pieces after tales by Poe (Le diable dans le beffroi and La chûte de la maison http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?nodeid=181 |
35. BBC - H2g2 - Claude Debussy - The Composer - A684272 Achilleclaude debussy was born on 22 August, 1862, in St Germain-en-Laye near Paris. His father was a shopkeeper, and he received the beginning of his http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A684272 | |
36. Claude Debussy - AOL Music claude debussy official AOL Music site for claude debussy music videos, claude debussy songs, claude debussy photos, claude debussy live performances and http://music.aol.com/artist/claude-debussy/1054264 | |
37. Claude Debussy - An Overview Of The Classical Composer This is the mfiles page for claude debussy, with biography and links to related composers, plus some examples of Sheet Music, MIDI and MP3 files. http://www.mfiles.co.uk/composers/Claude-Debussy.htm | |
38. The Impressionistic Period, Music From Debussy, Ravel, Satie debussy, claude (18621918) French. 24 Preludes, 1ere Livre Jeruen E. Dery. No.1 Danseuses de Delphes (6k) No.2 Voiles (7k) http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/impress.html | |
39. Debussy, (Achille-) Claude - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Debussy, (Ach Hutchinson encyclopedia article about debussy, (Achille) claude. debussy, (Achille-) claude. Information about debussy, (Achille-) claude in the Hutchinson http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Debussy, (Achille-) Claude | |
40. ClassicalPlus Composer - Claude Debussy (Achille)claude debussy. (Born; St Germainen-Laye, 22 Aug 1862; Died; Paris, 25 March 1918). French composer. He studied with Guiraud and others at the http://classicalplus.gmn.com/composers/composer.asp?id=16 |
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