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21. CRESTON Symphony No. 5 / Toccata / Partita Classical Music CD And Composer(s), creston, paul. Artist(s). Show list. Schwarz, Gerard, Conductor Goff, Scott, flute Seattle Symphony Orchestra Talvi, Ilkka, violin http://www.classicsonline.com/catalogue/product.aspx?pid=5070 |
22. Paul Creston â Infoplease.com creston, paul, 190685, American composer, b. New York City as Guiseppe Guttoveggio. creston was largely selftaught in composition. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0814018.html | |
23. Creston, Paul - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Creston, Paul Hutchinson encyclopedia article about creston, paul. creston, paul. Information about creston, paul in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Creston, Paul | |
24. Saxophone Literature: School Of Music: Indiana University creston, paul Rapsodie for Alto Saxophone and Organ·Shawnee -Dahl, Ingolf Concerto·European American Music -Denisov, Edison Sonate pour saxophone alto et http://www.music.indiana.edu/department/saxophone/literature.shtml | |
25. AAA Commissioned Works creston, paul, Fantasy for Accordion and Orchestra, Mills Publishing Co. creston, paul, Prelude and Dance, Pietro Deiro Publications http://www.ameraccord.com/comm.htm | |
26. Creston, Paul Search Catalogue. Home Composers creston, paul. creston, paul. 3 Poems from Walt Whitman Op. 4. 3 Poems from Walt Whitman Op. 4. Cello Piano. $12.00 http://www.fatrockink.com/crestonpaul.html | |
27. Creston,Paul creston,paul (1906). Sex, Male. Comments. Suite. Written. Duration. Comments. Publisher, Shawnee Templeton The New Music Society of California. Inst. http://test.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/002446.html | |
28. Art Songs By American Composers / Yolanda Marcoulescou-Stern Composers John Woods Duke (1899 1984) paul creston (1906 - 1985) Richard Hageman (1882 - 1966) John Alden Carpenter (1876 - 1951) Charles Ives (1874 http://www.hbdirect.com/album_detail.php?pid=35635 |
29. Composition-and-songwriting: Composers: C: Creston,-paul creston, paul. Brief biography from HNHNaxos with recommended recording. creston, paul. Brief musical biography noting his style and his self-taught http://www.somusical.com/composition-and-songwriting/composers/c/creston_-paul/i | |
30. NYPL, Circulating Collections, Orchestra Catalog, Composer CRESTON, Paul, 1906-1 Catalog Composer creston, paul, 19061985. Your search returned 1 records of 2614 for creston, paul, 1906-1985. Composer creston, paul, 1906-1985. http://www.nypl.org/research/lpa/circ/composer.cfm?composer=CRESTON, Paul, 1906- |
31. MIT Lewis Music Library News Fall '97 - New Scores Mu pts C813 pha creston, paul. La lettre, voice and piano, op.59. Mu pts C865 let creston, paul. Narrative no.2, piano, op.79 no.2. Mu pts C865 nar2 creston http://libraries.mit.edu/music/news/997/score.html | |
32. Hester Saxophone Repertoire Part 2 creston, paul, Rapsodie (with pipe organ), Shawnee. DEMARS, James, Crow Wing (asx,cedar flt), Demars. DEMARS, James, Tapestry V (asx,clo,perc,pno,cedar flt) http://home.att.net/~michaelhester/repertoire2.html | |
33. Ccm :: Creston, Paul Creston creston, paul (ne Guttoveggio, Giuseppe) 19061985 USA, New York - San Diego. Title, Parts. Symphony no3 Three mysteries . 1950. op48, 1 - The Nativity http://composers-classical-music.com/c/CrestonPaul.htm | |
34. Creston, Paul Musica Viva Encyclopedia creston, paul. creston, paul. This page is generously sponsored by Virtual Sheet Music ® Sheet Music Plus Barnes Noble http://www.musicaviva.com/encyclopedia/display.html?phrase=creston-paul |
35. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, C, Creston, Paul From Thumbshots Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/C/C |
36. Symphony No. 3 Partita For Flute, Violin Strings ; Out Of The Recording Guarantee Project. lccnn84-212979 Luening, Otto 1900- prf lccn-n85-179986 Seattle Symphony Orchestra. prf creston, paul 1906-1985 creston, http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n80-53118 | |
37. Creston, Paul - The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Music - HighBeam Research The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music creston, paul - From the HighBeam Research Archive. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O76-CrestonPaul.html | |
38. Creston, Paul Have a surf through the collection of creston, paul available here at PlayRecord.Net the UK s creston, paul Shop. If you have any questions or are looking http://books.playrecord.net/browse-az/artists/c/creston-paul/index.1_2_175_3838. | |
39. 20060503 [OCLC] New 100 1 creston, paul, ßd 19061985. n 79096903 Old 100 1 Cãamara, Hâelder, ßd 1909- New 100 1 Cãamara, Hâelder, ßd 1909-1999. n 89262811 http://www.oclc.org/rss/feeds/authorityrecords/20060503.htm | |
40. Google Directory - Arts > Music > Composition > Composers > C > Cresto creston, paul http//www.naxos.com/composer/creston.htm paul creston - http//www.schirmer.com/composers/creston_bio.html http://www.google.nl/alpha/Top/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/C/Creston,_Paul/ | |
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