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61. Cowell, Henry Dixon Birthdate - Astrology Natal Chart Of Cowell, Henry Dixon cowell, henry Dixon birthdate astrology natal chart of cowell, henry Dixon. http://www.astrologyweekly.com/birthdate/index2.php?celeb=Cowell, Henry Dixon |
62. Moldenhauer, Hans, Collector. The Moldenhauer Archives At Harvard University: Pr (33) cowell, henry, 18971965. Short symphony (no. 4) for orchestra. (35) cowell, henry, 1897-1965. United quartet for stringart. http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou00095 | |
63. List Of Performances - Composer Names Starting With C2 cowell, henry, The Tides of Mancunaun, 12/6/2000, Tsai Performance Center, Boston, cowell, henry, Trio in 9 Movements, 4/18/2003, Peabody Essex Museum http://www.yesterdayservice.com/PerfC2.html | |
64. Michael Hicks / Henry Cowell, Bohemian: In this first fulllength study of henry cowell, Michael Hicks shows how the maverick composer, writer, teacher, and performer built his career on the http://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/catalog/35fpr3eg9780252027512.html | |
65. Ladyslipper Online Catalog & Resource Guide Of Music By Women - Gay American Com Composer cowell, henry Performer cowell, henry Instrument Piano Minutes 1 Seconds 32 Period 20th Century FormGenre Character Piece Written 1923 http://www.ladyslipper.org/rel/v2_viewupc.php?storenr=53&upc=09043807502 |
66. S.H. Cowell S.H. cowell (or Harry, as he was known to his close friends) was the last surviving child of henry and Harriet cowell. henry was a Massachusetts businessman http://www.shcowell.org/sections/whoweare/wwa_legacy.php | |
67. Biography Of Cowell, Henry (Dixon) Biographies of people living and dead of all nations. http://www.allbiographies.com/biography-HenryDixonCowell-8397.html | |
68. George Eastman House Imogen Cunningham Series TITLE ON OBJECT Hands of henry cowell, with parts of his Rhythmicon. ca. 1931 artifact, piano keys personage, pianist / cowell, henry http://www.geh.org/fm/cunningham/htmlsrc/m197707600070_ful.html | |
69. Index Of /ibiblio-academic/music/American-Music-Resource/subject-index/Cowell,He Index of /ibiblioacademic/music/American-Music-Resource/subject-index/cowell,henry. Name Last modified Size http://ftp.wayne.edu/ibiblio-academic/music/American-Music-Resource/subject-inde | |
70. Leonardo On-Line: Special Projects - Theremin Resources Bibliography henry cowell s New Music, 19251936 The Society, the Music Editions and the . henry cowell s Rhythmicana, Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion http://leonardo.info/isast/spec.projects/thereminresource.html | |
71. RootsWeb: COWELL-L [COWELL] Henry Cowell In fowling my Mothers line we have gone back to henry cowell and are stuck. henry cowell b before 1765, d between 18101817 Green county Pa. http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/COWELL/2003-05/1051805219 | |
72. Lamson Library by henry cowell ; with playing instructions inside the back of the cover and a note on the Folk music · Mediterranean Region · cowell, henry, 18971965 http://www.plymouth.edu/library/browse/?author=cowell, henry, 1897-1965. |
73. A-musik: Mailorder, Distribution, Recordshop, Label cowell, henry, CONCERTO GROSSO / HYMN FUGUING TUNE NO 10 cowell, henry, PERSIAN SET manhattan chamber orchestra, richard auldon clark http://www.a-musik.com/cart/catalog.php?am_id=&flt[age]=1&flt[style]=NM |
74. Ccm :: Cowell, Henry Cowell, Henry Dixon Cowell cowell, henry Dixon 18971965 Calif, Menlo Park - Shady. Title, Parts. Piano piece. 1924 David Miller. Liebermann 80203. 2000-10-28 223700. http://composers-classical-music.com/c/CowellHenryDixon.htm | |
75. Thelist cowell, henry (18971975), The Tides of Minaunaun, 1911, 0225 Schaeffer and henry- 1910-95, Symphonie pour un Homme Seul (henry -1927- ), 1950, 0336 http://alltheseworlds.org/oldmus114/thelist.htm | |
76. Cowell, Henry - Recordings Cowell, Henry. Ostinato Pianissimo. CBS cowell, henry. Symphony No.11. Columbia Masterworks, ML 5039, UNCG LP 946. cowell, henry. Toccanta. Columbia Masterworks, ML 4986, UNCG LP 958. 10/19/88. http://sun-wais.oit.unc.edu/pub/academic/music/American-Music-Resource/subject-i | |
77. University At Buffalo Libraries - Music - June In Buffalo: A Catalogue (1975-198 Composer cowell, henry Title Ostinato pianissimo (1941) Performer(s) Dan Mink, wood blocks; Michael Pugliese, gongs; Joanne Rosenberg, tomtoms; http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/music/spcoll/june.html | |
78. Letters To Schoenberg From "C" cowell, henry, 1944.03.16, This has no particular point except to send hearty. cowell, henry, 1948.10.22, I was completely enthralled by the Five Orchestra http://www.usc.edu/libraries/archives/schoenberg/ltrto-c.htm | |
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