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         Berio Luciano:     more books (77)
  1. Das Musiktheater Von Luciano Berio (Perspektiven Der Opernforschung) by Ute Brudermann, 2007-01
  2. Remembering the Future (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) by Luciano Berio, 2006-05-30
  3. Luciano Berio: Two Interviews by Luciano Berio, 2000-07-01
  4. Berio's Sequenzas
  5. Luciano Berio by Markus Frohn, 2005-04-30
  6. Luciano Berio et la phonologie: Une approche jakobsonienne de son euvre (European university studies. Series XXXVI, Musicology) (French Edition) by Florivaldo Menezes Filho, 1993
  7. Playing on Words: A Guide to Luciano Berio's Sinfonia (Royal Musical Association Monographs) (Royal Musical Association Monographs) by David Osmond-Smith, 1987-11-28
  8. Dissoziation als Prozess: Sincronie for string quartet von Luciano Berio (German Edition) by Charlotte Seither, 2000
  9. Sinfonia von Luciano Berio: Eine analytische Studie (German Edition) by Peter Altmann, 1977
  10. Les debuts du theatre musical d'avant-garde en Italie: Berio, Evangelisti, Maderna (Collection Univers musical) (French Edition) by Giordano Ferrari, 2000
  11. Postmodern Composers: Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Terry Riley, Louis Andriessen, Luciano Berio, Michael Nyman, John Zorn, Arvo Pärt
  12. Folk Songs by Berio Luciano, 2009-08-15
  13. Compositions by Luciano Berio: List of Compositions by Luciano Berio, Recital I, Sequenza X, Sequenza Xi, Folk Songs, Epifanie, Sequenza Iv
  14. Luciano Berio: An entry from Gale's <i>Newsmakers 2004 Cumulation</i> by Carol Brennan, 2004

1. Luciano Berio - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In 2000, he became Presidente and Sovrintendente at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. Luciano Berio died in 2003 in a hospital in Rome.
Luciano Berio
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Luciano Berio Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI October 24 May 27 ) was an Italian composer . He is noted for his experimental work (in particular his composition Sinfonia for voices and orchestra ) and also for his pioneering work in electronic music
  • Biography Berio's music
    edit Biography
    Berio was born in Oneglia Imperia ). He was taught the piano by his father and grandfather who were both organists . During World War II he was conscripted into the army, but on his first day he injured his hand while learning how a gun worked. He spent time in a military hospital, before fleeing to fight in anti- Nazi groups. Following the war, Berio studied at the Milan Conservatory under Giulio Cesare Paribeni and Giorgio Federico Ghedini . He was unable to continue studying the piano because of his injured hand, so instead concentrated on composition. In 1947 came the first public performance of one of his works, a suite for piano Berio made a living at this time accompanying singing classes, and it was in doing this that he met American mezzo-soprano Cathy Berberian , whom he married shortly after graduating (they divorced in 1964). Berio would write many pieces exploiting her versatile and unique voice.

2. Luciano Berio --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Luciano Berio Italian musician, whose success as theorist, conductor, composer, and teacher placed him among the
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Luciano Berio
Page 1 of 1 born Oct. 24, 1925, Oneglia, Italy
died May 27, 2003, Rome Luciano Berio, 1970. Courtesy of RCA Records Italian musician, whose success as theorist, conductor, composer, and teacher placed him among the leading representatives of the musical avant-garde . His style is notable for combining lyric and expressive musical qualities with the most advanced techniques of electronic and aleatory music.

3. Luciano Berio - Wikipédia
Translate this page Luciano Berio (24 octobre 1925 à Oneglia - 27 mai 2003 à Rome) compositeur italien réputé pour ses travaux expérimentaux et son travail de pionnier dans la
Luciano Berio
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Luciano Berio 24 octobre Oneglia 27 mai Rome ... italien r©put© pour ses travaux exp©rimentaux et son travail de pionnier dans la musique ©lectroacoustique Son p¨re et son grand-p¨re ©taient des organistes qui lui apprirent le piano . De 1946   1951, il ©tudia au conservatoire Giuseppe Verdi de Milan chez Giulio Cesare Paribeni (contrepoint) et Giorgio Federico Ghedini Bless©   la main, il ne peut continuer ses ©tudes de piano et gagne sa vie comme accompagnateur de classes de chant. Il fit ainsi la connaissance de la soprano am©ricaine Cathy Berberian qu'il ©pousa en 1950. Ils rest¨rent mari©s jusqu'en 1964. En 1951, il se rendit aux ‰tats-Unis   Tanglewood pour ©tudier chez Luigi Dallapiccola qui poussa son int©rªt vers les principes du s©rialisme . Il participa aux Ferienkurse f¼r Neue Musik Darmstadt o¹ il fit la connaissance de Pierre Boulez Karlheinz Stockhausen Gy¶rgy Ligeti et Mauricio Kagel Studio di Fonologia Musicale Bruno Maderna . Il y invita de nombreux compositeurs comme Henri Pousseur et John Cage Incontri Musicali En 1960, il retourna   Tanglewood et,   l'invitation de

4. Berio Luciano: Biografia
Translate this page Appunti biografici del compositore ligure scomparso nel 2003.
Partecipa al Forum Newsletter Links Download ... Cerca Biografia Luciano Berio Biografia di Luciano Berio
La produzione degli anni 70 e 80 si distingue per l’importanza crescente attribuita dal Maestro alla musica vocale come emerge in “A-Ronne” (da Sanguineti), “Coro” per voci e strumenti (1975-76), fino ad ”Ofanim" per solo, coro, strumenti ed elaborazioni elettroniche (1988-92), “Shofar” per coro e orchestra (1995).
Il percorso artistico di Berio trova il suo sbocco naturale nel teatro musicale, in forme che presuppongono e negano al tempo stesso la grande tradizione operistica: ”Opera” (1970), considerata da molti il suo capolavoro; ”La vera storia” del 1978 su testo di Calvino; “Un re in ascolto” (1983) da Shakespeare e “Outis” (1996).
Si è spento a Roma il 27 maggio 2003.

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Research berio luciano and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the online library.
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serial music by Luigi Dallapiccola , and a nondoctrinaire serialism subsequently pervaded his music. In 1954, he began working in electronic music at Milan Radio with Bruno Maderna , and founded the Studio di Fonologia Musicale, an important electronic music center. Despite the uncompromising modernism of his innovative and analytically avant-garde compositions, their richly sensuous sound colorings and dramatic power made them popular with concert audiences. Among Berio's many works are Circles, settings of poems of E. E. Cummings for mezzo-soprano, harp, and percussion; several pieces with texts taken from James Joyce 's work; Visage (1961), for electronically manipulated voice; Sinfonia (1968), for orchestra and voices; Opera (1970, rev. 1977), for mixed media; La vera storia (1982), an opera with acrobats and a wordless soprano; Ofanim (1988), for voices, instruments, and electronics; and two operas

6. Luciano Berio - Britannica Concise
Berio, Luciano Italian musician, whose success as theorist, conductor, composer, and teacher placed him among the leading representatives of the musical
Berio, Luciano
Britannica Concise
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Luciano Berio
born Oct. 24, 1925, Oneglia, Italy
died May 27, 2003, Rome
Italian composer. Omaggio a Joyce Visage Sinfonia Opera (1970), and his series of Sequenze document.writeln(AAMB2); Images and Media: More on "Luciano Berio" from Britannica Concise Reich, Steve - U.S. composer. More on "Luciano Berio" from the 32 Volume Berio, Luciano - Italian musician, whose success as theorist, conductor, composer, and teacher placed him among the leading representatives of the musical avant-garde. His style is notable for combining lyric and expressive musical qualities with the most advanced techniques of electronic and aleatory music. Berio, Luciano - Italian composer (b. Oct. 24, 1925, Oneglia, Italy-d. May 27, 2003, Rome, Italy), drew on serialism, aleatoric practices, electronic sounds, musique concrete, and other sources to create a complex musical language. He received his first music lessons from his father and grandfather and beginning at age 20 studied at the Milan Conservatory. In 1952 he studied with Italian composer Luigi ... Friedrich, Gotz

7. Luciano Berio - Wikipedia
Translate this page Luciano Berio (* 24. Oktober 1925 in Oneglia; † 27. Mai 2003 in Rom) war ein italienischer Komponist, bekannt für seine experimentellen Arbeiten und einer
Luciano Berio
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Luciano Berio 24. Oktober in Oneglia 27. Mai in Rom ) war ein italienischer Komponist , bekannt f¼r seine experimentellen Arbeiten und einer der Pioniere der elektronischen Musik
Bearbeiten Leben
Berio wurde in einer musikalischen Familie in der ligurischen K¼stenstadt Oneglia geboren. Sowohl sein Vater als auch sein GroŸvater waren beide Organisten und lehrten ihn das Klavierspiel . W¤hrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde er zur Armee eingezogen, verletzte sich aber bereits am ersten Tag mit einem Gewehr die Hand. Er verbrachte einige Zeit in einem Milit¤rkrankenhaus und floh schlieŸlich, um sich einer Widerstandsgruppe anzuschlieŸen. Nach dem Krieg studierte Berio am Mail¤nder Konservatorium bei Giulio Cesare Paribeni und Giorgio Federico Ghedini . Durch die verletzte Hand am Klavierspiel gehindert, konzentrierte er sich auf die Komposition. 1947 fand die erste ¶ffentliche Auff¼hrung eines seiner Werke statt, einer Suite f¼r Klavier.

8. SEARCH SILO Locator [AUTHOR Berio Luciano.1925-]
This title can be found in 1 Iowa libraries; Record 8 Berio conducts Berio. Author Berio, Luciano, This title can be found in 1 Iowa libraries

9. Universal Edition Music Publisher - Sheet Music - Downloads - Download Sheet Mus
berio luciano 6 Encores Nr. 4 Erdenklavier, Klavier, UED1991804. berio luciano berio luciano Sequenza IXc, UED3123400. berio luciano

10. ARTSaha! » Luciano Berio
Luciano berio luciano Berio born Borgo d’Oneglia, Italy, October 24, 1925; died Rome, Italy, May 27, 2003. In WWII, Berio suffered an injury to his hand

11. Biography Center : Biographies Of Luciano Berio In
Biographies of berio luciano and, for more detail Biography of , ,
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12. BERIO Luciano :Gilder-MusicWeb Dictionary Of Composers
BERIO, Luciano b Oneglia, Italy, 24 October 1925. He started his studies very early with his father and grandfather, who were both musicians, then continued
MusicWeb is not a subscription site and it is these advertisers that pay for it. Please visit their sites regularly to see if anything might interest you. Purchasing from them keeps MusicWeb free. Classical Editor: Rob Barnett Founder Len Mullenger BERIO, Luciano
b Oneglia, Italy, 24 October 1925

He started his studies very early with his father and grandfather, who were both musicians, then continued at the Milan Conservatory with Paribeni and Ghedini. He taught at the Berkshire Music Festival (Tanglewood), at Darmstadt, at Mulls College (California), at Harvard University, the Northwestern University and the Juilliard School of Music in New York. In 1955 he founded the Milan Electronic Studio.
Four Popular Songs for female voice and piano
Petite Suite, for piano
Magnificat, for two sopranos, mixed chorus and instruments
Concertino for solo clarinet, solo violin, harp, celeste and strings

13. Html,Viola,Alto,Passion
berio luciano, K7, Sequenza VI, Aldo Bennici ? berio luciano, 33T, Sequenza VI, Walter Trampler Dir Berio, RCA lsc 3168. Bloch Ernest, K7, Suite Inachevée
Liste d'enregistrement concernant l'Alto
List of recordings of works for Viola
ALTO(viola) SOLO
Compositeurs Supports Titres Interprètes Références Anonyme 3 Danses Italian Milton Thomas Bach JS La Chaconne Lionel Tertis PEARL Gemm 9918 Badinski Nikolai 3 Dialogues Eckart Schloifer Proviva Lc 6542 Bartolozzi Bruno Andamenti(1967) Aldo Bennici Berio Luciano Sequenza VI Aldo Bennici Berio Luciano Sequenza VI Walter Trampler Dir Berio RCA lsc 3168 Bloch Ernest Suite Inachevée PH.Xuereb ADDA 581107 Britten Elegie (1985) G.Caussé Burkhard Willy Sonate Op59 Christoph Schiller JD 647-2 Bussotti Sylvano Para(1967) Aldo Bennici Donatoni Franco Ali 2 Pces(1977) Aldo Bennici Druzinine Yuri Bashmet CDM C10-9467-8 Hindemith Opus 21 No1 Zahari Tchavdarov HM.Bis CD-81 Hindemith Op 25,1 (1922) Georg Schmid SchwannVms 734 Hindemith CD Integral des Sonates Kashka DDD ECM 1330/32 Hindemith CD Opus 25 No 1 Gerard Caussé EMI 7243 5 55583 2 Kodaly Zoltan Fantaisie Chromatique Asciolla Kodaly Zoltan CD Fantaisie Chromatique N.Imai

14. BERIO LUCIANO : Vinyl, Cd, Maxi, Lp, Ep For Sale On CD And LP
berio luciano vinyl, cd, maxi, lp, ep, buy it on CDandLP.
Home Sign Up Sell Shopping Cart ... My CDandLP Search Artist Title Label Seller Item # All medias CD CD Album CD Single CD Maxi Vinyls LP 7 inchs 7 inchs (SP) 7 inchs (EP) 12 inchs 78 rpm 10 inchs DVD VHS Others
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  • 15. Musician : Berio Luciano
    berio luciano, First held in 1989, the Ars Musica Festival is an international festival of contemporary music, held annually in March in Brussels, Belgium.

    16. Luciano Berio [ Ircam - Brahms - Base De Documentation Sur La Musique Contempora
    Translate this page C’est à Oneglia, au Nord-Ouest de la péninsule italienne, que luciano berio voit le jour le 24 octobre 1925. Le cercle familial où il vit jusqu’à l’âge de

    17. Luciano Berio
    berio, luciano (b. October 24, 1925, Oneglia now Imperia d. May 27, 2003, Rome). Renowned Italian composer of stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal,
    T he Living Composers Project Berio Luciano (b. October 24, 1925, Oneglia [now Imperia] - d. May 27, 2003, Rome). Renowned Italian composer of stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, piano, and electroacoustic works that have been performed very successfully across the world, and that have been widely recorded. Mr. Berio studied initially with his grandfather Adolfo and father Ernesto, who were both organists and composers, and he quickly developed an interest in the piano. In 1944, he was summoned for military service, and suffered a hand injury that ended his career as a pianist. After the war, he studied counterpoint with Giulio Cesare Paribeni and composition with Giorgio Federico Ghedini at the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan from 1946-51, followed by a Koussevitzky Foundation scholarship, which allowed him to receive lessons in serialism from Luigi Dallapiccola at Tanglewood in 1952. Also in 1952, he was in attendance at the first American concert of electronic music, given in New York by Otto Luening and Vladimir Ussachevsky. In 1953, with Bruno Maderna, he founded the Studio di fonologia musicale at Milan Radio for electronic music, and he was its director until 1959. Also with Maderna, he founded the avant-garde journal Incontri Musicali , and from 1956-59 was both its editor and the organizer of the same-named concert series.

    18. Luciano Berio Biography - Famous Luciano Berio Classical Collection And Luciano
    luciano berio (1925 2003) Classical music and classical hit collection. Compilations of luciano berio classics and listen to its finest classical music
    The World's Leading Classical Music Label
    Naxos Worldwide Sites: Choose Country Global Site Australia Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong Japan Korea New Zealand Norway Sweden UK USA E-mail Password New Releases Artists Composers Labels ... B
    Luciano Berio occupies a leading position in 20th century music, a pioneer in the use of electronic and avant-garde techniques of composition. He was married for some years to Cathy Berberian, a singer well known for her performances of contemporary music. Instrumental Music Berio's works include a series of nine compositions under the title Sequenza for a series of solo instruments, some of them the basis of later elaboration. Vocal Music A number of vocal works were written for Berio's wife, Cathy Berberian. These include Circles, a setting of poems by E.E. Cummings and Sequenza III.

    BERIO / XENAKIS / TURNAGE: Trombone Concertos Dedicated to Christian Lindberg
    BIS-SACD-1638 Orchestral PUCCINI: Boheme (La) / Madama Butterfly / PUCCINI / BERIO: Turandot Opera DVD ATTRAZIONE D'AMORE / VOYAGE TO CYTHERA (NTSC) Classical Documentary BERIO: Sequenzas I-XIV (Complete) Vocal, Instrumental

    19. John Fowler - Luciano Berio Portrait And Biography
    luciano berio was born in Oneglia, Italy. After studies with Ghedini at the Milan Conservatory, he worked for the Italian Broadcasting Corporation from 1953
    Luciano Berio was born in Oneglia, Italy. After studies with Ghedini at the Milan Conservatory, he worked for the Italian Broadcasting Corporation from 1953 until 1960, when he founded the Studio di Fonologia and directed a concert series under its name. He has taught in America at Tanglewood, Mills College and Harvard University, and in Europe at Darmstadt and Dartington; from 1965 to 1971 he was a member of the composition faculty of the Juilliard School in New York. He ran the electro-acoustic department of IRCAM in Paris until 1980; in 1981 he founded tempo Reale, an institute for new music, in Florence. In 1982 he became Musical Director of the newly founded Regional Orchestra of Tuscany. In 1984 he was Artistic Director of the Maggio Musicale in Florence. In 1988 he became an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music, London. He has also been awarded the prestigious Siemens Prize.
    Berio's compositions are performed regularly throughout the world. Luciano Berio Biography
    Luciano Berio Selected Discography

    20. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Berio
    Born in Oneglia, Italy, luciano berio studied with Giorgio Federico Ghedini at the Milan Conservatory and with Luigi Dallapiccola at Tanglewood,
    The Internet's Premier Classical Music Source
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    Luciano Berio
    Born in Oneglia, Italy, Luciano Berio studied with Giorgio Federico Ghedini at the Milan Conservatory and with Luigi Dallapiccola at Tanglewood, then worked for the Italian Broadcasting Corporation from 1953 through 1960. In 1960 he founded the Studio di Fonologia and directed a concert series under its name. He has taught in the United States at Tanglewood, Mills College and Harvard University; and in Europe at Darmstadt and Dartington. From 1965 to 1971 he was a member of the composition faculty at the Juilliard School in New York. Berio ran the electro-acoustic department of IRCAM in Paris until 1980, and the following year he founded tempo Reale, an institute for new music, in Florence. In 1982 he became Musical Director of the newly founded Regional Orchestra of Tuscany, and in 1984 was Artistic Director of the Maggio Musicale in Florence. In 1988 he became an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music, London. In 1994 Berio became Distinguished Composer in Residence at Harvard University and remained there until 2000.
    Sequenzas I - XII/ Naxos 8.557661-63

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