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Apivor Denis: more detail | ||||
61. Archive Of Dissertation Abstracts In Music and Beethoven; Gallo, denise P., The Catholic University of America, . 2002 ExtraMusical Influences and Musical Style in the Works of denis apivor http://www.rhul.ac.uk/music/golden-pages/Archive/Disserts/index.html | |
62. Life In Legacy - Week Of 06/12/2004 denis apivor British opera composer, who despite several early successes of such operas as Yerma , had his many works largely ignored by the musical http://www.lifeinlegacy.com/2004/WIR20040612.html | |
63. Frederick Ashton And His Ballets - 1951 M Constant Lambert, partly orchestrated by Robert Irving, Christian Darnton, Humphrey Searle, denis apivor, Gordon Jacob, Alan Rawsthorne, and Elisabeth http://www.ashtonarchive.com/ballets/1951.htm | |
64. Leeds University Library and the voluminous musical archive of the composer denis apivor (19162004). Finally the Library also holds the research materials, concentrated in the http://www.leeds.ac.uk/library/spcoll/virtualtour/side_mozart.htm | |
65. The Musical Times: Index 2000 Vol141 Mark Marrington denis apivor and his contribution to British opera and ballet, vol.146 no.1891 (Summer 2005), pp.8596. JeanPaul C. Montagnier French http://www.musicaltimes.co.uk/archive/index/2005_146.html | |
66. Art Song Artsong Collective dated British site, but includes biographies of art song composers denis apivor, Bernard van Dieren, Francis George Scott, Alan Bush, http://www8.addr.com/~pazzobas/artsong.html | |
67. Music Sheets (A-B) For Sale 3 (Tonnazi) $16.25; · denis apivor; · Discanti 8 pgs. $11.50; · Arai; · Anhelo 2 pgs. $3.50; · Sonatina for 2 guitars $3.00 O.P.; · Julian Arcas http://www.finefretted.com/html/music_sheets__a-b__for_sale.html | |
68. GDRM : Noms Comportant Une Orthographe Complexe Ou Une Particularité Translate this page apivor, denis Armstrong, Karan { Forme fautive Karen} Attaingnant, Pierre Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel {Deux p dans Philipp et un m dans Emanuel} http://www.mus.ulaval.ca/roberge/gdrm/01-ortho.htm | |
69. Welcome To The "New Classical Forum" Website ! "áøåëéí äáàéí ìà Leslie Adams Eduardo AlonsoCrespo David Amram Daniel Andres denis apivor (The denis apivor Society); David Arditti Paul Ayres http://klassi.net/mahler/index.html | |
70. Allied Artists - Henry Moss Mahler s Das Lied von der Erde (recorded for the Royal Academy) and denis apivor s Landscapes for the Redcliffe Concerts of 20th Century English Music. http://www.alliedartists.co.uk/artist_page.php?tid=9&aid=55 |
71. Classical Guitar Sheet Music Author/Composer, denis apivor. Classical Guitar Heading, CONCERTOS. Publisher, SCHOTT GUITAR ARCHIVE. Click here to view score excerpt http://www.guitargallerymusic.com/newsearch.html?do=bbq&department=music&instrum |
72. Die Neue MGG - Stichwortverzeichnis Personen A Translate this page apivor, denis, Davies, Lyn. Apollinaire, Guillaume, Schilling-Wang, Britta. Apolloni, Giovanni, Morelli, Giorgio. Apolloni, Giuseppe, Essinger, Martin W. http://www.mgg-online.com/mggpers-a.htm | |
73. Sitwell, Sacheverell: An Inventory Of His Collection At The Harry Ransom Humanit Amies, Hardy, 1909 66.1; Andrade, Lorna66.1; apivor, Denis66.1 .. Anya70.9; Salfeld, Denise70.9; Salter, Elizabeth, 1918-198170.9, 83.5 http://research.hrc.utexas.edu:8080/hrcxtf/view?docId=ead/00238.xml |
74. Warwick Music - Page Not Found Warwick Music, Publisher and Distributor of Quality Brass Music from the Heart of England, providing Sheet Music, Books, and CD s for Trombone, Trumpet, http://www.warwickmusic.net/biographies.asp?bid=15 |
75. Music Letters Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://ml.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/issue_pdf/frontmatter_pdf/XXXII/3.pdf |
76. Blackwell Synergy - Anaesthesia, Volume 9 Issue 3 Page 225-226, July 1954 (Artic Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2044.1954.tb01575.x | |
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