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61. Music Online Search Results Hadewijch by andriessen, louis, 1939 (Boosey and Hawkes, 1999), 94pp Dancing on the Bones (Tanz auf den Knochen) by andriessen, louis, 1939- (Boosey http://shmu.alexanderstreet.com/Search/instrumentgroupid/5/timeperiodid/9/compos |
62. Register Of Betty Freeman Papers - MSS 0227 Persons include John Adams, louis andriessen, George Benjamin, Phillipe Boesmans, Pierre Boulez, John Cage, Philip Glass, Lou Harrison, Gyorgy Ligeti, http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/testing/html/mss0227a.html | |
63. MusicSack / Music Sack The Music Sack has 30 items with information about louis andriessen . Zitatenkompositionen von louis andriessen und Peter Schat. Sonorum Speculum. http://musicsack.com/PersonFMTDetail.cfm?PersonPK=100002984 |
64. KBPS : All Classical 89.9 - Program Playlists Concerto for Piano and Orchestra andriessen, louis David Kuyken, piano/ Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra/ Alexander Vedernikv, cond. http://www.allclassical.org/pages/programs_playlist.php5?year=2007&month=09&day= |
65. H B Recordings Direct - Browse Classical Music Writing to Vermeer is the sixth Nonesuch release from louis andriessen, Dutch composer louis andriessen turned minimalism upside down in the 1970 s with http://www.hbdirect.com/browse_classical.php?v[0]=composer&composer=A&do=specifi |
66. Contemporary Composers andriessen, louis. andriessen, louis. louis andriessen, Living Compsers Project. louis andriessen. Wikipedia entry. louis andriessen. Boosey Hawkes http://www.zeroland.co.nz/contemporary_composers.html | |
67. Lisa Moore Piano : Available Programs andriessen, louis Waltz, The Memory of Roses, Base . andriessen, louis - Disco, Hout^^, Dubbelspoor++, Workers Union, Hoketus http://www.lisamoore.org/programs.htm | |
68. Tmecca : Translate this page , andriessen, louis. , Hardcover. , 2002/05. , 344 Pages booksize 2.38Cm x 21.94Cm x 17.17Cm (HLW). , 2 ~ 3 http://www.tmecca.co.kr/detail/detail_book.html?isbn=0815337892 |
69. Composition Composers A Andriessen, Louis Composition Composers A andriessen, louis. 1) louisandriessen Profile includes biographical details, educational and familial background, noted works, http://music.wundermusic.com/music/dir/7/9302/andriessen,-louis.html |
70. Musica - On-line South African CD Sales Discography for Artist andriessen, louis . Found 1 matches. Results 1 1 andriessen, louis Catalog No. 7559795592 http://www.musica.co.za/eMusica/search.asp?GenreId=0&ReturnType=rtArtistTitles&R |
71. Andriessen, Louis The Music of louis andriessen For much of his career, the internationally known, and still active Dutch composer louis andriessen has been understood as an http://www.growinglifestyle.com/us/j3651360 | |
72. Jeff Andrien â Veronica Andriole : ZoomInfo Business People Information andriessen, louis, San Francisco Examiner, andriessen Gigantic Dancing Human Machine. Bang on a Can All Stars, etc. (Cantaloupe Music) This is a fairly http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page1044.aspx | |
73. BMOP :: Louis Andriessen In May 2004 the Lincoln Center in New York presented the music of louis andriessen in a two weeklong festival as part of its Great Performers series. http://www.bmop.org/musicians/composer_bio.aspx?cid=116 |
74. Louis Andriessen Worldwidebase Translate this page In een wip naar je favoriete sites. Deze startpagina bied je een overzicht van zakelijk tot pikant, dankzij de honderden dochterpagina s snel naar babes http://www.worldwidebase.com/componisten/louis_andriessen.shtml | |
75. Rutgers University Libraries: Libraries And Centers: Blanche And Irving Laurie M R23834 v.40; andriessen, louis/ Elegy cello or double bass and piano/ M233. .. andriessen, louis/ Rosa The Death of a Composer/ 7980; European Cornet http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/music_lib/acquisitions/05_03-04_acquis | |
76. Header Adrien Manglard; Giovanni Battista Cipriani; Jurriaen andriessen; louis Adrien Masrelier; John Mulcaster Carrick and Francesco Paolo Michetti. http://www.riley-smith.com/crispian/catalogues/ | |
77. Louis Andriessen | Classical Music Composer About classical music composer louis andriessen life, biography, compositions, sheet music, recordings, CDs, books. http://www.classical-composers.org/comp/andriesl | |
78. Music In The World Of Islam: Handasah Al Sawt Jazz is often perceived as a music of passion and energy, but, as described by 20thcentury German composer louis andriessen, bebop is a very cold, or http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~blackrse/islam.html | |
79. Find CDs And Sound Recordings By Title - M Composer/Arranger(s) andriessen, Hendrik; andriessen, louis; Eyck, Jacob van; Froberger, Johann Jacob; Huygens, Constantijn; Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon; http://www.lib.rochester.edu/index.cfm?CurrentPage=8&Label=cds&searchtype=alpha& |
80. ANABlog: May 2006 Adams, John Naive and Sentimental Music; Harmonielehre; Violin Concerto; Chamber Concerto; Shaker Loops (1983) andriessen, louis Writing to Vermeer http://www.analogartsensemble.net/blog/2006_05_01_analog.html | |
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