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Organic Chemistry: more books (102) | ||||||
141. General, Organic And Biochemistry http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/genobc/ |
142. The Organic Laboratory This area contains presentations associated with the organic Teaching Laboratory Please mail comments and questions to kofron@atlas.chemistry.uakron.edu http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/organic_lab/ | |
143. Other Cool Sites - Department Of Medicinal Chemistry A collection of links for chemists and students involved in organic, biochemical, computational, and/or medicinal chemistry research, maintained by Virginia Commonwealth University. http://www.phc.vcu.edu/othercoolsites.html | |
144. Organic Synthesis On Solid Phase Reference on all aspects of combinatorial and solid phase chemistry, parallel synthesis, synthesis of peptides, oligonucleotides, and small molecules. http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/doerwald/spos4.htm | |
145. OBC Home Cover image for organic Biomolecular chemistry, click here for current issue. organic Biomolecular chemistry. An international, high quality journal http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/OB/index.asp | |
146. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgibin/jtoc?ID=4569 More results from www3.interscience.wiley.com IUPAC Nomenclature Home PageThe full text of IUPAC and IUBMB organic and biochemical nomenclature recommendations. Department of chemistry, Queen Mary University of London, http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=27380 |
147. Lancaster University IENS - CNH Group research into the occurrence and behaviour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/cnhgroup/cover.html | |
148. Welcome To ICTOS Part of the Faculty of Science, Graz University of Technology. Information for students and researchers, staff pages. http://www.ictos.tugraz.at/ |
149. Chemistry, Consulting Chemist Consultant in organic Fluorocarbons. http://www.chemconsultants.com | |
150. Welcome To Advanced ChemTech Synthesis instrumentation, and chemicals for combinatorial, organic and peptide chemistry. http://www.peptide.com/ | |
151. The Hites' Laboratory Applies organic analytical chemistry to the understanding of environmental problems. Almost all of work uses gas chromatographic mass spectrometry for the analysis of trace levels of potentially toxic environmental pollutants. http://www.indiana.edu/~hiteslab/ | |
Recent Additions(05/12/05)Publications have been updated.Recent Additions(12/16/04)Pictures from SETAC 2004 in Portland, OR have been added.Recent Additions(8/10/04)Global Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether in Farmed and Wild Salmon - An update to the January 9th, 2004 Science study, has been published in Environmental Science and Technology. For more information on the results of this study, go to: salmonstudy.org | |
153. Jsactoppage Dedicated to all aspects of the theory and practice of analytical sciences, including fundamental and applied, inorganic and organic, wet chemical and instrumental methods. With monthly journal. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsac/indexeng.html | |
154. American Chemical Society Publications: Journal Of Combinatorial Chemistry Home Interdisciplinary journal that opens up channels of information for synthetic organic chemists, medicinal and analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, biotechnologists, computational chemists, material scientists, and agrochemists. http://pubs.acs.org/journals/jcchff/index.html | |
155. Computational Chemistry And Organic Synthesis A tutorial intended for experimental organic chemists, with emphasis on computational methods for locating and characterizing transition states. http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/tutorials/cheminf/mopac/comp.html | |
156. CHEMnetBASE Online access to major chemical reference works from Chapman Hall/CRC including Combined Chemical Dictionary (CCD), The Handbook of chemistry Physics, Polymers A Property Database, Properties of organic Compounds. http://chemnetbase.com | |
157. Top20Chemistry.com - Online Directory For Chemistry Education. Online directory for chemistry education in organic, analytical, bio, physical, electro, atmospheric, and several other topics. http://www.top20chemistry.com/ | |
158. Metal Carbenes In Organic Synthesis The reference to consult for all aspects of carbene complex chemistry, olefin metathesis, benzannulations, cyclopropanation, the D¶tz reaction, rhodium and ruthenium complexes. http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/doerwald/Zara02.html | |
159. Windows Educational Software & Shareware From Chemware Educational Windows software and shareware for General, organic, Analytical and Physical chemistry. For use in high school and college. Ordering information available. http://chemware.co.nz/ | |
160. Blake Otwells' Chemistry Homepage Lecture notes and links to chemistry courses taught at Jacksonville State University. Topics include environmental, organic, and general chemistry. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/4196/ |
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