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21. Organic Compounds Database Welcome to the Organic Compounds Database. This 2483 compound database has been compiled by Harold M. Bell at Virginia Tech. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
22. ACS Organic Chemistry Division The Division of organic chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Provides important information and announcements on the divisions activities and member http://www.organicdivision.org/ | |
23. Organic Chemistry - Wikibooks A user contributed resource of basic concepts and ideas in organic chemistry. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Organic_chemistry | |
24. NIST Chemistry WebBook Database of organic chemistry compounds, organized by species. Contains chemical and physical property data on over 30,000 compounds. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
25. Colby OChem Visual Demos The following is a listing of organic chemistry demos made using Macromedia Director. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
26. VirtualText Of Organic Chemistry a comprehensive virtual textbook of organic chemistry. Includes interactive problems. http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/VirtualText/intro1.htm | |
27. UB Reporter Davies Receives Top Organic Chemistry Award About the Reporter Subscribe Archives new content. Davies receives top organic chemistry award By ELLEN GOLDBAUM Contributing Editor http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
28. Educational Materials For Organic Chemistry - EMOC organic chemistry Course Web Pages at Michigan State University. CEM 143 Survey of organic chemistry; CEM 251 - organic chemistry I (non-majors) http://www.cem.msu.edu/~parrill/ | |
29. SciTutor - Online Scitutor Tutorials A series of tutorials for organic chemistry at present. The site is under development. http://www.scitutor.com/ | |
30. Learn Chemistry - Organic, Physical & AP Help, Article, Chemistry Tutorials, Qui Tutorials, tests, problems, and tools for learning basic and organic chemistry. http://www.learnchem.net | |
31. Wiley-VCH - European Journal Of Organic Chemistry Publishes full papers, short communications, and microreviews from the entire spectrum of synthetic organic, bioorganic and physicalorganic chemistry. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2046/ | |
32. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY JOBS WORLDWIDE Job site for synthetic organic chemists. http://www.organicworldwide.net/jobs/jobs.html | |
33. Glossary Of Physical Organic Chemistry The full text of the IUPAC glossary of terms used in physical organic chemistry. http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/gtpoc/ | |
34. Organic Chemistry On Line Welcome to organic chemistry On Line This tutorial presently consists of five modules. The Library structural and NMR data for fifty representative http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/OCOL-II/WIN/HOME.HTM | |
35. Safety In Organic Chemistry Laboratory Explicit guidelines which are reasonable for all chemistry labs. Easily adaptable into a safety contract. http://www.towson.edu/~sweeting/safeorg.htm |
36. Lectures, Labs And Online Materials For Organic Chemistry organic chemistry Lecture Courses. Second Year Pericyclic Reactions. Prof. Quantitative Models for organic chemistry Tutorials and Problems Classes . http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/organic/ | |
37. Electronic Conferences On Trends In Organic Chemistry Electronic Conference on Trends in organic chemistry; 1996 ECTOC2 ECHET96. Electronic Conference on Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry; 1997 ECTOC-3. http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/ectoc/ | |
38. Electronic Organic Chemistry Flashcards http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/organic/flashcards/ |
39. Curriculum Vitae Ph.D. organic chemistry at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Thesis Synthesis of Dioxins as Analytical and Toxicological Standards . http://members.aol.com/tlcrnw/private/tlccv1.html | |
40. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-RESOURCES FOR ORGANIC CHEMISTRY http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/organic/ | |
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