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81. Course Electrochemistry Summer School, Southampton The University of Southampton electrochemistry Group is holding its annual Summer School Instrumental Methods in electrochemistry from 2nd to 7th July 2000. A fairly diverse offering. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~elecchem/s_school/s_school.html |
82. The History Of Electrochemistry The following pages are taken from the 1997 History of electrochemistry calendar. As we move towards a new millenium, the uses of electrochemistry http://www.bioanalytical.com/info/calendar/97/ | |
83. UL Electrochemistry Research Group Fundamental and applied studies of electrochemical reactions, including, ion and electron transfer reactions at electrified liquidliquid interfaces; electroactive polymers, thin films, electroplating, electrodeposition of composite coatings, aqueous corrosion and the anisotropic etching of silicon http://www.ul.ie/~electrochem | |
84. Electrochemistry Division COURSE FOR THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL GROUP THEORETICAL electrochemistry (additional Division of electrochemistry in the general course on PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY http://www.chem.msu.su/eng/chair/electr.html | |
85. Welcome To The Bangor Electrochemistry & Sensors Group Homepage Contains a detailed introduction to the electrochemistry group, under the supervision of Dr M. Kalaji. Spectroelectrochemistry (SNIFTIRS, Electrochemically modulated IR), STM/AFM, EIS. http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ch/elect/elect1.htm | |
86. The Analytical Chemistry Springboard - Electrochemistry A collection of electrochemistry links and resources on the Internet. Department of Physical Chemistry and electrochemistry Research Activities. http://www.anachem.umu.se/cgi-bin/jumpstation.exe?Electrochemistry |
87. GEPE WEB All the information about the group Scientific interests, research staff, photographs. Bilingual Spanish/English http://www.ua.es/electro |
88. ECL Electrochemistry Laboratory Welcome to the Home Page of the electrochemistry Laboratory (ECL). The electrochemistry Laboratory is part of the General Energy Research Department at the http://ecl.web.psi.ch/ |
89. University Of Southampton | School Of Chemistry Research group in electrochemistry, chemistry links research news. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~chemweb/ | |
90. 2005 GRC On Electrochemistry Thermodynamic and kinetic effects on the electrochemistry of encapsulated Using electrochemistry on semiconductor surfaces to pattern nanoscale organic http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2005/elecchem.htm | |
91. Welcome To SuprEMat Large variety of experimental and computational techniques are applied to Metal complexes, Mechanicallyinterlocked systems, Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes, Biosensors and Biologically-active systems. http://www.ciam.unibo.it/electrochem/ |
92. 2000 GRC On Electrochemistry California, Los Angeles electrochemistry of High Surface Area SolGel Materials; 945a BREAK; 1000a Phil Ross, Lawerence Berkeley Laboratories Surface http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2000/elecchem.htm | |
93. Dmitri Brevnov Web Page Finklea group @ W Va Univ.. electrochemistry Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and AC Voltammetry applied to the hybrid bilayer membranes Electroreflectance AC Voltammetry http://www.chem.wvu.edu/hfinklea/dbrevnov/ | |
94. ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION SCIENCE Department of Physical Chemistry and electrochemistry Research; University of Delaware Dennis H. Evans electrochemistry Group; University of Florida http://www.steelynx.net/corrosion.html | |
95. Bounce Research in conducting polymers and polymer interfaces, electrochemistry, sensor arrays and artificial neural networks, scanning probe microscopy, ESCA and novel approaches to surface modification, and electrochemicallybased actuators and pumping. http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~mfreund/ |
96. Chpc06.ch.unito.it/electrochemistry.html Humphry Davy electrochemistryShort article how he proved that it was not using two different metals that made the Voltaic Pile work. http://chpc06.ch.unito.it/electrochemistry.html |
97. F. G. Banica Research electrochemistry; surface chemistry; carotenoid electrochemistry; Metalloproteins; Electrocatalysis http://www.nt.ntnu.no/users/floban/index.html | |
98. Computational Electrochemistry 2004 A 3day workshop on the application of atomistic computer simulation to interfacial electrochemistry will be held from September 26 to September 29, 2004, on Santorini island, Greece. Sponsored by ISE. http://www.fz-juelich.de/iwv/iwv3/compelchem04 | |
99. International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry Physical Chemistry Division (I). Commission on electrochemistry (I.3) The Electrochemical Society International Society of electrochemistry http://www.iupac.org/divisions/I/I.3/ | |
100. THEODOR GROTTHUSS ELECTROCHEMISTRY CONFERENCE June 58, 2005. Vilnius, Lithuania. ISE sponsored. Proceedings to be published in Electrochimica Acta. Charge transfer, corrosion, conducting polymers, nanoplating and nanostructured materials. http://www.chi.lt/Conference/Grotthuss.htm |
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