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         Wilder Billy:     more books (103)
  1. Billy Wilder El Cine de Ingenio 1906-2002 (Spanish Edition) by Glenn Hopp, 2003-09
  2. Billy Wilder by Axel Madsen, 1969-01-01
  3. Double Indemnity: The Complete Screenplay by Billy Wilder, Raymond Chandler, 2000-12-04
  4. Sunset Boulevard by Billy Wilder, 1999-06-24
  5. The Film Career of Billy Wilder (A Reference publication in film) by Steve Seidman, 1977-06
  6. Literary Readings of Billy Wilder by Georges-Claude Guilbert, 2007-10-01
  8. Billy Wilder by Bernard F. Dick, 1996-09
  9. Billy Wilder (Rivages/cinema) (French Edition) by Jerome Jacobs, 1988
  10. Billy Wilder by Michael Hanisch, 2004-12-31
  11. The bright side of Billy Wilder, primarily by Tom Wood, 1970
  12. Billy Wilder by Hellmuth Karasek, 2006-06-30
  13. Elogio de lo imperfecto. El cine de Billy Wilder by Juan Carlos GONZÁLEZ ARROYAVE, 2008
  14. Billy Wilder (German Edition) by Glenn Hopp, 2003-05

21. Encyklopedia: Wilder Billy
wilder billy, wlasciwie Samuel Wilder (1906–2002), amerykanski rezyser, scenarzysta i producent filmowy pochodzenia austriackiego. Studiowal,haslo.html

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Wilder Billy
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22. Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder movies, photos, video, biography, interviews, awards, news, filmography, credits.
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Billy Wilder
director, screenwriter,producer
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News Writer-director Billy Wilder dies at age 95 Movie reviews: "Heist" Happy 95th birthday, Billy Wilder Monroe remembered ... NEWSMAKERS: Leo's Paradise Lost
1914 Moved to Vienna at age 8 (date approximate). Joined staff of DIE STUNDE as journalist. Moved to Berlin aged 20; worked various jobs including crime reporter and (allegedly) arts critic, dancer and gigolo. 1929 First film as co-screenwriter (with Curt Siodmak), the pseudo-documentary "Menschen am Sonntag/People on Sunday", co-directed by Robert Siodmak and Edgar G Ulmer. 1929-1933 Worked as a screenwriter for UFA; among his sound pictures was Gerhard Lamprecht's version of "Emil and the Detectives" (1931).

23. Billy Wilder
Contiene su biograf­a, filmograf­a y fotos.
Principal Optimizada para 1024 x 768 Lista Alfabética Frank Capra Alfred Hitchcock Lista Alfabética ... Cary Grant © CineGor Si Billy Wilder no hubiera existido tendríamos que haberlo inventado. Todo en él fue genialidad, en la vida real y en su cine. El suyo, porque Wilder hizo de su cine algo inconfundible y único. Fue capaz de amalgamar en su quehacer cotidiano todas las virtudes que caracterizaron a otros por separado, de fundir en un sólo hombre todo el talento que la vida difundió entre tantos cineastas. Comenzó a trabajar como periodista en Berlín, pero gracias a Dios cambió la pluma por la cámara y, de este modo, se producen sus primeros trabajos en Alemania, siempre como escritor. Hitler le ayuda a abandonar el país, gracias a su condición de judío, comenzando un éxodo que concluye en la frontera entre Méjico y Estados Unidos, donde un funcionario le interroga antes de darle el visado: " ¿A qué se dedica?

24. - Legendary Director Billy Wilder Dead At 95 - March 29, 2002
Read the article about the death of the writerdirector.



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Legendary director Billy Wilder dead at 95
'If you have something important to say, wrap it in chocolate'
By Paul Clinton CNN LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) Writer-director Billy Wilder, whose films' cynical worldview was often at odds with their rousing humor, died of pneumonia Wednesday night in his Beverly Hills home. He was 95. The director's health had been failing in recent months, producer George Schlatter, a longtime friend, told The Associated Press. Wilder died peacefully in his sleep about 11 p.m. PST, said Schlatter. Wilder was one of the last survivors of the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood. His remarkable career in American cinema extended from the mid-1930s to 1981 and included such classics as "Double Indemnity" (1944), "The Lost Weekend" (1945), "Sunset Blvd." (1950), "Sabrina" (1954), "Some Like It Hot" (1959) and "The Apartment" (1960). Along the way, he helped to shape the art of moviemaking for generations to come, forged the careers of many of Hollywood's greatest stars, was nominated for 21 Academy Awards and won six times. Both "The Lost Weekend" and "The Apartment" won best picture.

25. Billy Wilder At Reel Classics
A detailed filmography with posters.
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Billy Wilder
Awards Image Credits Links Writer turned director turned producer Billy Wilder contributed to a plethora of highly successful films of varying genres over the course of his 50+ year Hollywood film career, receiving an incredible eight Academy Award nominations as Best Director (second only to William Wyler who had twelve). He won the award twice, but even more amazing is the fact that he was nominated twelve times for Best Screenplay awards, and he took three of these home. Perhaps better than any other director of his time, Wilder succeeded in creating films of substance which appealed to (most) critics and audiences alike. Claudette Colbert and Gary Cooper in BLUEBEARD'S EIGHTH WIFE (1938), an Ernst Lubitsch comedy about a millionaire ( Cooper ) whose eighth wife ( Colbert ) tries to make sure she's the last. Wilder co-wrote the screenplay with Charles Brackett based on a French play by Alfred Savoir. Featuring Olivia de Havilland Charles Boyer and Paulette Goddard, HOLD BACK THE DAWN (1941) is the story of a spinster American school teacher ( de Havilland ) taken advantage of by a foreign gigolo who wants to immigrate to the United States. The film earned six Oscar nominations including one for Best Picture and one for the Wilder-Brackett screenplay based on Ketti Frings book.

26. Billy Wilder
billy wilder at Reel ClassicsWriter turned director turned producer billy wilder contributed to a plethora of highly successful films of varying genres over the course of his 50+ year, Billy

27. Billy Wilder's Grave (photo)
A photo of the grave at Westwood Memorial in Los Angeles.
(director: " Some Like it Hot ", " The Apartment ", " Sunset Blvd ")
at Pierce Brothers Westwood Memorial Park
in Los Angeles, California
Go to the following related pages: Pierce Brothers Westwood Memorial Park
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28. Billy Wilder
A complete rundown of billy wilder s fling with a guy named Oscar. One interesting aspect of billy wilder s career is that he not only got screenwriting
A Tribute to Billy Wilder



  • Born Samuel Wilder in 1906 in Vienna.
  • His mother liked all things American, and took to calling her son 'Billy', because it sounded so American.
  • He studied for a career in law, but soon decided to pursue a career in journalism.
  • To this end, he got a job as a reporter for a major Berlin newspaper.
  • Wilder broke into films in Germany as a screenwriter.
  • In 1933, when Hitler came to power, Wilder left for Paris, then to Hollywood a year later.
  • His family died in a concentration camp.
  • He teamed up with screenwriter Charles Brackett for a successful collaboration that lasted until 1950.
  • As screenwriters, they were responsible for such classic films as Midnight, Ninotchka, and Ball of Fire
  • In 1942, Wilder and Brackett, at Paramount Studios, extended their roles. Brackett became producer and Wilder directed their co-screenwriting efforts.
  • They were successful from the word go. Their oscars included best picture, director and screenplay for The Lost Weekend , and best screenplay for Sunset Boulevard
  • After Sunset Boulevard , they broke off their collaboration. Wilder took on producing duties for a number of his films, and worked with various screenwriters until 1957.

29. Wilder, Billy
Biografia i filmografia d'aquest director.
BILLY WILDER Nascut a Viena, Samuel Wilder va iniciar els estudis de Dret, que va abandonar per a llançar-se a una carrera com ballarí i, posteriorment, va acabar treballant com periodista a Berlín. El seu llinatge jueu li va obligar a abandonar Alemanya en 1933, amb l'arribada al poder d'Adolf Hitler.
Després d'un breu pas per París, on va debutar amb la realització de 'Curvas peligrosas', arriba a Hollywood reclamat per un altre exiliat, Joe May, perquè redactès guions per a altres cineastes refugiats, a pesar del seu desconeixement de l'anglès. Es va associar més tard amb Charles Brackett i va escriure els guions d'algunes comèdies clàssiques, com 'Ninotchka' i 'Bola de fuego'.
En 1942, amb Brackett de productor, el duo va crear diversos clàssics com 'Perdición', 'Cinco Tumbas al Cairo', 'Días sin Huella' (Oscar a la Millor Pel·lícula, Millor Director i al Millor Guió) i 'El Crepúsculo de los Dioses' (Oscar al Millor Guió).
A partir d'aleshores les seves pel·lícules van ser notablement més cíniques, com 'El Gran Carnaval', encara que Wilder també va produir comèdies sublims com 'Con faldas y a lo loco' i 'El Apartamento' (Oscar a la Millor Pel·lícula i Millor Director). Wilderes va retirar definitivament al 1981.

30. Billy Wilder
Richard Armstrong profile the writer/director for Senses of Cinema.

great directors cteq annotations
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... search Billy Wilder

b. Samuel 'Billie' Wilder
b. June 22, 1906, Sucha, Poland.
d. March 27, 2002, Los Angeles, USA. by Richard Armstrong Richard Armstrong is an Associate Tutor affiliated to the British Film Institute. He is preparing a book on Realism for BFI Publishing. filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources
Bridging the transition between the studio system and the rise of independent producer-directors, and still active in the 'New Hollywood' era, Billy Wilder was a key player in the American cinema throughout the postwar period. A '30s screenwriter who became a contract director in the '40s, by 1950 Wilder had come to be regarded as a consummate studio auteur. Producing from the mid-1950s, he and his co-screenwriters were renowned in front office and fan magazine for making money, teasing audience sensibilities, and pleasing the critics. If the early-1960s saw a critical downturn, by the mid-1970s Wilder's reputation led to accolades and awards. He was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire the son of a businessman. Baulking at a career in law, Wilder's imagination was fired by his mother's girlhood experiences in America. (He was even nicknamed Billie because she had been smitten with 'Buffalo Bill' Cody). Growing up in the devastated Europe of post-Great War American largesse, he fell under the spell of jazz, the Charleston, and Douglas Fairbanks. Dropping out of university in 1925, his knowledge of American culture got him into journalism. In 1926 he interviewed band leader Paul Whiteman. So impressed was Whiteman with Wilder that Wilder accompanied him on the Berlin leg of his tour.

31. Alles über Billy Wilder
Ein kurzer œberblick ¼ber Lebenund Werk sowie die wichtigsten Filme.

32. Billy Wilder
What you need to know about billy wilder, movie director, writer, producer, Hollywood legend.
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Billy Wilder
What you need to know about Billy Wilder, movie director, writer, producer, Hollywood legend.
Recent Up a category Top Five Billy Wilder Comedy Movies This impressive writer-producer-director won six Academy Awards and was nominated for 21. Besides his terrific dramas ("Sunset Boulevard," "Stalag 17," "Double Indemnity," "The Lost Weekend"), he made memorable comedies: "The Major and the Minor," "Irma la Douce," "Kiss Me, Stupid," "Love in the Afternoon," and "One, Two, Three." And those are a few that didn't make our list! Tribute to Billy Wilder, A About Classic Movies Guide Brad Lang has the deepest collection of Net resources. There are more Wilder sites, memorabilia, movie reviews, posters, books. Plus, an overview of the director's life. Billy Wilder at eBay Participate in auctions for memorabilia or simply enjoy the photographs. An excellent location to see movie stills and poster art.

33. - Legendary Director Billy Wilder Dead At 95 - March 29, 2002



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Legendary director Billy Wilder dead at 95
'If you have something important to say, wrap it in chocolate'
By Paul Clinton CNN LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) Writer-director Billy Wilder, whose films' cynical worldview was often at odds with their rousing humor, died of pneumonia Wednesday night in his Beverly Hills home. He was 95. The director's health had been failing in recent months, producer George Schlatter, a longtime friend, told The Associated Press. Wilder died peacefully in his sleep about 11 p.m. PST, said Schlatter. Wilder was one of the last survivors of the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood. His remarkable career in American cinema extended from the mid-1930s to 1981 and included such classics as "Double Indemnity" (1944), "The Lost Weekend" (1945), "Sunset Blvd." (1950), "Sabrina" (1954), "Some Like It Hot" (1959) and "The Apartment" (1960). Along the way, he helped to shape the art of moviemaking for generations to come, forged the careers of many of Hollywood's greatest stars, was nominated for 21 Academy Awards and won six times. Both "The Lost Weekend" and "The Apartment" won best picture.

34. Index Ningú No és Perfecte
Pel·l­cula de billy wilder. Amb seccions sobre les fitxes t¨cniques i art­stiques, l'argument, curiositats, cr­tiques, imatges i enlla§os, entre altres.

35. Wilder, Billy
wilder, billy. Austrianborn US film director and screenwriter. His films display an acerbic wit and a cynical analysis of US society.
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Wilder, Billy Austrian-born US film director and screenwriter. His films display an acerbic wit and a cynical analysis of US society. They include the pioneering film noir Double Indemnity The Lost Weekend Sunset Boulevard (1950), and the comedies Some Like It Hot (1959) and The Apartment Wilder began his film career writing scripts in Germany and then made his debut as director in France. He moved to the USA in 1934 and worked on a number of screenplays for director Ernst Lubitsch . His first directorial outing in Hollywood was The Major and the Minor Among his many films are Five Graves to Cairo Ace in the Hole Stalag 17 Sabrina The Seven Year Itch Love in the Afternoon Witness for the Prosecution One, Two, Three (1963), and The Fortune Cookie
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37. Books
German Cinema up great. Till 1933. Adrian Stahlecker tells about the refugees. Gays, Jews and Communists, Dietrich, billy wilder, Murnau ao. Narrow escapes, failed careers, tragic deaths or huge successes. Nearly 500 pages filled with information. In Dutch.
Adrian Stahlecker h ome 2005: Liefde tussen oorlog en Vrede 2004: Goebbels Droomfabrieken 2003: Hildergard Knef 2001: Film en kunst in ballingschap 1933-1945

38. Billy Wilder
Creative Quotations from billy wilder (19062002)billy wilder in quotations to inspire creative thinking.
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Billy Wilder
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© Corbis Sygma
Réalisateur, Producteur, Scénariste, 2ème assistant réalisateur américain
Né le 22 Juin 1906 à Sucha (Autriche-Hongrie)
Décédé le 27 Mars 2002 à Beverly Hills, Californie (Etats-Unis) (Pneumonie)
Actuellement au cinéma dans : Certains l'aiment chaud Casino Royale Assurance sur la mort
Après des études de droit, Billy Wilder débute comme journaliste à Vienne et trouve très vite sa voie dans l'écriture. Il devient scénariste pour la UFA et ouvre sa carrière par Les Hommes le dimanche de Robert Siodmak . Le succès est immédiat et Wilder multiplie les collaborations. La menace nazie le contraint à l'exil. Il fait une halte en France, le temps pour lui de s'essayer à la mise en scène ( Mauvaise graine ), et s'expatrie aux Etats-Unis.

39. Sunset Boulevard - The Movie Web Site
The online tribute to the classic film by director billy wilder.
The online tribute to Billy Wilder's classic tale of the Golden Era of Hollywood. This site is divided into the following sections: The Story:  The complete tale of Sunset Boulevard, with pictures accompanying the detailed text. The Cast:  A list of the credited cast of the film, with mini-biographies, pictures and a complete list of credits of its major stars. The Production:  An in-depth examination of the film, including notes on its origins, casting controversies, filming anecdotes and locations, test screenings, reshoots, general release information, Academy Award triumphs, and its aftermath. Related Sites:  Links to other web sites related to the film, including reviews and other fan tributes, and a complete listing of the resources used in the creation of this web site.  The Guestbook:  A place to share your opinions on the film and on this site, with entries from other Sunset fans from around the world. Please add your own entry before you leave, as I would love to hear from you. Well? What are you waiting for? Enter the world of Sunset Boulevard now!

40. Billy Wilder
Profile Legacy of filmmaker billy wilder, who died this week (Weekend LEGENDARY DIRECTOR HAD STREAK OF CLASSICS billy wilder 19062002 (The Palm Beach
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