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         Wagner Richard:     more books (100)
  1. My Life, Volume 1 by Richard Wagner, 2010-04-02
  2. Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung by Stewart Spencer, Richard Wagner, 2000-11
  3. Richard Wagner: A Biography by Derek Watson, 1983-02
  4. Wagner and the Erotic Impulse by Laurence Dreyfus, 2010-12-01
  5. Gotterdammerung in Full Score by Richard Wagner, 1982-03-01
  6. Richard Wagner: His Life, Art, and Thought (Panther books) by Ronald Taylor, 1984-06
  7. The Flying Dutchman and other Stories from Wagner by C.E. Smith, Richard Wagner, 2008-05-15
  8. Decoding Wagner: An Invitation to His World of Music Drama (includes 2 CDs) by Thomas May, 2004-12-22
  9. The Wagner Clan: The Saga of Germany's Most Illustrious and Infamous Family by Jonathan Carr, 2007-12-21
  10. Tannhauser in Full Score (Music Scores & Music to Play Series) by Richard Wagner, 1984-05-01
  11. I Saw the World End: A Study of Wagner's Ring (Clarendon Paperbacks) by Deryck Cooke, 1992-03-12
  12. In Search of Wagner (Verso Modern Classics) by Theodor W. Adorno, 1991-08
  13. On Conducting (?eber Das Dirigiren) : a Treatise by Richard Wagner, 2009-11-15
  14. Cosima Wagner: The Lady of Bayreuth by Oliver Hilmes, 2010-06-08

61. Wagner Society Of Washington DC
Membership organization devoted to the music of richard wagner. Plans and supports lectures, workshops, symposia and operatic performances in the Washington area.

Who We Are

How to Contact Us

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The Wagner Society of Washington DC
For the Study and Enjoyment of Wagner's Art
Programs for the 2005 - 2006 season
Iain Scott, on "Richard Wagner and the Inspiration of Italy"
- Thursday, September 15, 2005, at 7:30 pm, location to be announced.

Iain Scott, one of Canada's most popular opera educators and a frequent guest on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Saturday Afternoon at the Opera , will give a video-illustrated lecture on the influence of the Mediterranean psyche on Richard Wagner. The 11th Evelyn Lear and Thomas Stewart
Emerging Singers Concert Friday, October 14, 2005, at the German Embassy
Under the honorary patronage of His Excellency, Wolfgang Ischinger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, the 11th Emerging Singers concert will present selections from two of Richard Wagner's works, performed by four American singers with the potential for careers singing Wagner's music. Admission is $25 for Wagner Society members and $35 for others. See the press announcement for details, or call the Society at

Die Festspielseiten des Nordbayerischen Kuriers. Hier gibt es Infos rund um die Bayreuther richardwagner-Festspiele Programm, Kartentauschb¶rse, Pressestimmen, Links und ein wagnerforum


... Festspiele News
„Blähungen der Regisseure interessieren mich nicht”
„Menschen mit ihren Konflikten, Problemen und Widersprüchen gehören auf die Opernbühne.” Einer, der das sagt, musste früher oder später bei Wagner landen. Harry Kupfer, der... [mehr]
Kein Aufräumen in der Rumpelkammer
Auch in der Wiederaufnahme präsentiert sich Christoph Schlingensiefs „Parsifal”-Inszenierung als zu bilderlastig ­ Ovationen für Pierre Boulez

Von Gordian... [mehr]
„Niemand hat mich da reingeprügelt”
KURIER-Interview mit Katharina Wagner über die „Meistersinger”-Neuinszenierung 2007 und die Nachfolgefrage

Von Gert-Dieter Meier
Sie ist schlagfertig... [mehr] Veranstaltungen Selige Öde auf sonniger Höh Richard-Wagner-Festspiele 2005 Parsifal Richard Wagner: Das Liebesverbot Richard-Wagner-Festspiele 2005 Tannhäuser Mehr davon auf Anzeige Impressum Ein Service des Nordbayerischen KURIER

63. Richard Wagner Books And Articles - Research Richard Wagner At
richard wagner Scholarly books and articles on richard wagner at Questia, world s largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better

64. Home Page
Family history of William James (Bill) Barber, Bowling Green, OH USA. Includes surnames Cleaves, Dazey, Hoover, Knoll, Kunesh, Miller, Null, richard, Schindler, Streit, Umbs, wagner and Wight.
Genealogy.Com Barber Forum Ancestry.Com Barber Forum Index of Other Barbers Ancestry.Com ... Dick Eastman Online Welcome to! This is a collection of genealogical information on the Barber family. Collected, compiled and maintained by William Barber for over 25 years the offline database has grown to contain over 6800 entries and 1600 surnames (last names). Before contacting me directly, please post all enquiries and questions to the forum . All available entries can be found by clicking on the records button above and also note that any files, gedcoms for example, can be found in the files section. Below is a list containing the top 50 families in the database and accounting for approximately 2500 of the entries:
  • BARBER (212) FLORY (142) MILLER (139) CLEAVES (124) WAGNER (115) WILLITZER (108) KUNESH (100) UMBS (83) BAUER (66) KNOLL (64) WEBER (57) STEFFEL (56) GRIME (55) KOFRON (52) CRANDALL (51) MOSER (51) SCHLEMBACH (47) RICE (43) WIGHT (42) MEKUS (41) SHINDLER (40) BROWN (37) DAZEY (37) CORESSEL (36) BATES (34) BERNATH (34) HOOVER (34) RICHARD (34) CLARK (32) HOSHOCK (32) MACK (32) LINK (31) YOUNG (31) HOFMANN (30) PERRY (30) SUCHER (30) ENGLISH (29) FROELICH (28) SMITH (28) SITTERLY (27) LENHART (26) HENCH (24) KOHOUT (24) RUSSELL (24) HALE (23) WEISENBURGER (23) WITT (23) SCHINDLER (22) SCHLEGEL (22) DAVIS (21)
!! NOTICE !! - As with any genealogical information you should remember to research and verify it all before using any. Though countless hours have been spent in compiling this information for it's accuracy to the connections of my family it must be noted that in all possibility there are no connections between this and your family. So please remember to make sure you don't start adding any information to your database until you are sure it is the correct information.

65. History Of Vegetarianism - Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
A large collection of articles about the development of vegetarianism around the world for thousands of years.
International Vegetarian Union History of Vegetarianism Europe: late 19th Century
Richard Wagner (Wilhelm) Richard Wagner
German romantic composer noted chiefly for his inventio of the music drama. His cycle of four such dramas The Ring of the Nubelung was produced at his own theatre in Bayreuth in 1876. His other operas include (1845 revised 1861), Tristan and Isolde (1865), and Parsifal This teaching [of the sinfulness of murdering and living upon our fellow beings] was the result of a deep metaphysical recognition of a truth; and, if the Brahman has brought to us the consciousness of the most manifold phenomenon of the living world, with it is awakened the consciousness that the sacrifice of one of our near kin is, in a manner, the slaughter of one of ourselves; that the non-human animal is separated from man only by the degree of mental endowment, that it has the faculties of pleasure and pain, has the same desire for life as the most reason-endowed portion of mankind. - Art and Religion Human dignity begins to assert itself only at a point where man is distinguishable from the beast by pity for it. - The Regeneration of Mankind The thought of their sufferings penetrates with horror and dismay into my soul, and in the sympathy evoked I recognise the strongest impulse of my moral being, and also the probable source of all my art. The total abolition of the horror we fight against must be our real aim. In order to attain this our opponents, the vivisectors, must be frightened, thotoughtly frightened, into seeing the people rise up against them with stocks and cudgels. Difficulties and costs must not discourage us . . . If experiments on animals were abandoned on grounds of compassion, mankind would have made a fundamental advance. -

66. Monsalvat
richard wagner's musicdrama 'Parsifal' synopsis, libretto, analysis, sources, performance history, reactions plus religious, philosophical, cultural and political aspects. Contains also some links to other opera interest sites.
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This page last updated -07/27/03 00:51:35-.

67. Gustav-Eberlein-Forschung E.V.
Der Berliner Bildhauer, Maler und Poet geh¶rt zu den bedeutendsten K¼nstlern der Berliner Bildhauerschule des 19. Jahrhunderts . U.a. schuf er das GoetheDenkmal in Rom, die richard-wagner- und Albert-Lortzing-Denkm¤ler im Berliner Tiergarten und das Nationaldenkmal Argentiniens in Buenos Aires.
Selbstportrait (Relief) des Bildhauers, Malers und Schriftstellers
Prof. GUSTAV HEINRICH EBERLEIN (1847 Spiekershausen - 1926 Berlin) Der 1982 in Hann. Münden gegründete gemeinnützige Verein bezweckt gemäß § 2 der Satzung "die Erforschung des Schaffen und Lebens Eberleins, die Pflege und Erhaltung der von ihm geschaffenen Kulturwerte sowie die Vertiefung und Verbreitung des Wissens um diesen berühmten Mündener Künstler und Heimatfreund
insbesondere durch Forschung in Zusammenarbeit mit den maßgeblichen öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen, vor allem der Skulpturengalerie in Berlin,
Veröffentlichung von Forschungsergebnissen,
Erstellen eines Eberlein-Archivs in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Archiv der Stadt Münden,
Erhaltung und Restaurierung der vom Verfall bedrohten Werke in Zusammenarbeit mit den zuständigen Denkmalbehörden,
Durchführung von wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen und Vorträgen,
Führungen und Besichtigungen der noch vorhandenen Werke Eberleins,
Förderung des Eberlein-Museums der Stadt Münden, insbesondere durch Mithilfe bei der

68. Nuova Pagina
richard wagner en MIDI. - MIDI FILE - From Lohengrin Marcia nunziale (1 41 )
Diccionario de la Música Clàssica Languages Richard Wagner Vida Wagner en MIDI Óperas Photo Gallery ... Home Page La vida de Richard Wagner Nace en Leipzig el 22 de mayo de 1813; en sus primeros años, mostró una afición más dirigida hacia las letras; tenía dificultades con sus maestros de música que incluso lo consideraban un mal discípulo por su actitud renuente. Humann, su primer maestro de piano y Sipp, de violín, jamás debieron imaginar que quien fue quizá el menos destacado de sus alumnos llegaría a convertirse en una gloria de la música. A los 18 años voluntariamente reinicia sus estudios de música en la Universidad de Leipzig, teniendo como maestro a Theodor Weiling. Una vez terminados sus estudios, a la edad de 20 años, Wagner empezó a producir sus primeras obras, que al paso de los años y la experiencia se convirtieron en verdaderas manifestaciones de maestría; Richard Wagner fue indudablemente una de las grandes figuras de la música y maestro excepcional de su época. Uno de sus grandes aciertos, fue seguir la reforma iniciada por Monteverdi Lully y Gluck en Europa, la cual consistía en hacer una unidad entre la música y la poesía, de manera que uno fuera complemento del otro y se reforzaran entre sí.

69. Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883)
Translate this page Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble - Dizionario della Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik
Komponisten Richard Wagner Biographie Opern Photo Gallery Home Page Die Biographie von Richard Wagner Geburt Richard Wilhelm Wagners am 02. Mai in Leipzig als jüngstes von neun Kindern des Polizeiaktuars Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner und seiner Frau Johanna, geb. Pätz 22. August: nach der Wiederverheiratung der Mutter mit dem Porträtisten, Schauspieler und Dichter Ludwig Geyer Übersiedlung der Familie nach Dresden Besuch der Kreuzschule in Dresden und, nach der Rückkehr nach Leipzig, des Nicolai-Gymnasiums und der Thomas-Schule erste erhaltene Komposition Musikstudent von Theodor Weinling an der Universität Leipzig; erstes gedrucktes Werk Klaviersonate B-Dur Chordirektor in Würzburg Abschluß der ersten Oper "Die Feen" (nach Gozzi) Musikdirektor in Magdeburg; konzertante Aufführung von "Das Liebesverbot" (nach Shakespeare) 24. November: Heirat mit Minna Planer Musikdirektor des Theaters in Riga; Komposition von "Rienzi" Aufenthalt in Paris; Vollendung von "Rienzi" und "Der fliegende Holländer" 02. Januar: Urauffürhung von "Der fliegende Holländer" in Dresden; Ernennung in Dresden zum Kgl. Sächsischen Hofkapellmeister; Komposition von "Tannhäuser"

70. Sing Faster: The Stagehands' Ring Cycle
Chronicles the making of richard wagner's Ring Cycle from the point of view of the union stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Includes overview, broadcast schedule, and biographies of the filmmakers.

Broadcast Schedule


Get the Video

See the opera like you've never seen it before - through the eyes of the people behind the scenes. Jon Else's entertaining documentary SING FASTER: THE STAGEHANDS' RING CYCLE , winner of the 1999 Sundance Filmmakers Trophy, is a co-presentation of Oregon Public Broadcasting and the Independent Television Service
The Story
Film Facts Press ... ITVS

71. Die Homepage Der Richard-Wagner-Grundschule
Die musikorientierte Grundschule in BerlinLichtenberg stellt sich vor.

72. Richard Wagner
Over seventy MIDI files, plus images, opera notes and links.
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73. Literary Encyclopedia: Wagner, Richard
wagner, richard (18131883). Composer. Active 1865-1883 in Germany, wagner was born in Leipzig in 1813 into a musical and theatrical family and studied

74. Literary Encyclopedia: List Works ()
Die Kunst und die Revolution (Art and Revolution) wagner, richard Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft (The Art Work of the Future) - wagner, richard, Richard&golist=true&exact=tru

75. Archivo Richard Wagner (1813-1883) - Hemeroteca Wagneriana
Documentos sobre la vida del compositor alem¡n. Incluye informaci³n sobre su obra, escritos y bibliograf­a.
Archivo Richard Wagner
Fundado el 13-V-2000 y patrocinado por:
Archivo Richard Wagner no se responsabiliza de ninguna de las opiniones de los escritos que contiene. Entendemos su misión como la de una biblioteca, recogiendo el material existente y respetando todas las opiniones, sin afán de lucro, ni de ninguna ideología ni propaganda.
Luis Ripoll

Fco. Gordillo

76. Richard Wagner - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART
richard wagner AskART, an artist directory with richard wagner and 35000+ American painting and other artists - richard wagner artwork prices, valuations,

77. Richard Wagner - Bayreuther Festspiele - Der Ring Des Nibelungen ...
Offre informazioni sulla sua opera pi¹ il calendario degli eventi in Bayreuth.
Benvenuti a
Il sito web per tutti i fans di Richard-Wagner
Una versione italiana completa clicca qui Vita - Informazioni sulla sua Opera - Il PARSIFAL (tutto in italiano) Links (siti in italiano) - I Lieder di Wagner (con traduzione italiana) Calendario e Cast delle rappresentazioni a Bayreuth 2002/03 - La storia delle Bayreuther Festspiele La versione italiana
una traduzione della versione tedesca clicca qui Wagners Frauen in Leben und Werk Hitler , Wagner und Bayreuth Kurioses rund um Wagner Kritik der Bayreuther
Mehr als 556.000 CDs, Videos und Bücher zum Aussuchen und Bestellen. Jeden Monat über 2.500 Neuheiten. Non solo Wagner...
Suchen in: Bücher Englische Bücher Klassik DVDs Suchbegriffe: CHI VOLESSE AIUTARCI A RIEMPIRE QUESTO SITO (o tradurre dal tedesco) PUO' CONTTATARCI QUI

78. Wagner, Richard --  Encyclopædia Britannica
wagner, richard German dramatic composer and theorist whose operas and music had a revolutionary influence on the course of Western music,
Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Early life. Exile. Return from exile. Last years in Bayreuth. ... Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard
 Encyclopædia Britannica Article Page 1 of 7
Richard Wagner
born May 22, 1813, Leipzig
died Feb. 13, 1883, Venice
Richard Wagner, drawing by Franz von Lenbach, c.
Courtesy of Richard Wagner-Gedenkstatte, Bayreuth, Germany
German dramatic composer and theorist whose operas and music had a revolutionary influence on the course of Western music, either by extension of his discoveries or reaction against them. Among his major works are The Flying Dutchman Lohengrin Tristan und Isolde Parsifal (1882), and his great tetralogy

79. Richard Wagner
R©flexions sur le compositeur, le th©¢tre de Bayreuth, la mise en sc¨ne de ses uvres et en particulier du Ring. Galerie photographique, plans et textes.
Richard Wagner Éléments biographiques Note à propos d'une légende (Richard Wagner, son père - et l'antisémitisme) Les oeuvres ... Photos

80. Wagner, Richard --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
wagner, richard (1813–83). Among the great composers for the theater, richard wagner was the only one who created plot, characters, text, and symbolism as
Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in This Article's Table of Contents Richard Wagner Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Wagner, Richard
 Student Encyclopedia Article Page 1 of 1
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner, painting by Franz Seraph von Lenbach, 1882, Bayreuth, Germany.
Archivo Iconografico, S.A./Corbis
Wagner, Richard... (75 of 505 words) var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]]; To cite this page: MLA style: "Wagner, Richard."

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