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         Wagner Richard:     more books (100)
  1. Richard Wagner Composer of Operas by John F. Runciman, 2009-10-04
  2. Opera & drama (Oper und drama) by Richard Wagner, 2010-09-11
  3. Das Rheingold in Full Score by Richard Wagner, 1985-09-01
  4. Judaism in Music and Other Essays by Richard Wagner, 1995-06-28
  5. The Wagner Operas by Ernest Newman, 1991-09-23
  6. The Ring of the Nibelung by Richard Wagner, 1977-08-17
  7. Jesus of Nazareth and Other Writings by Richard Wagner, 1995-10-01
  8. Richard Wagner and His World (The Bard Music Festival)
  9. Wagner: The Terrible Man and His Truthful Art by M. Owen Lee, 1999-09-11
  10. The Art-Work of the Future and Other Works by Richard Wagner, 1993-12-01
  11. Finding an Ending: Reflections on Wagner's Ring by Philip Kitcher, Richard Schacht, 2005-09-22
  12. Richard Wagner: The Last of the Titans by Joachim Kohler, 2004-12-11
  13. Wagner Androgyne by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, 1997-12-22
  14. Richard Wagner and the Anti-Semitic Imagination (Texts and Contexts) by Marc A. Weiner, 1997-04-01

1. Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner (18131883) Its theme reflects something of Wagner s own politics (he was involved in the semi-revolutionary, intellectual Young
Epoch: Romantic
Country: Germany
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Detailed Information about
  • Operas
    • "Die Feen"
    • "Das Liebesverbot"
    • "Rienzi"
    • "Der fliegende Holländer" (Flying Dutchman)
    • "Tannhäuser"
    • "Lohengrin"
    • "Der Ring des Nibelungen"
      • "Das Rheingold"
      • "Die Walküre"
      • "Siegfried"
      • "Götterdämmerung" (Twilight of the Gods)
    • "Tristan und Isolde"
    • "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg"
    • "Parsifal"
  • Other Works
  • Picture Gallery
  • List of Works
  • Bibliography
Introduction (born Leipzig, 22 May 1813; died Venice, 13 February 1883). Die Feen ; this remained unheard, but his next, Das Liebesverbot Rienzi , and did much conducting, especially of Beethoven In 1839 they slipped away from creditors in Riga, by ship to London and then to Paris, where he was befriended by Meyerbeer and did hack-work for publishers and theatres. He also worked on the text and music of an opera on the 'Flying Dutchman' legend; but in 1842 Rienzi , a large-scale opera with a political theme set in imperial Rome, was accepted for Dresden and Wagner went there for its highly successful premiere. Its theme reflects something of Wagner's own politics (he was involved in the semi-revolutionary, intellectual 'Young Germany' movement).

2. Wagner, Richard
Richard Wagner (18131883)

3. Richard Wagner Archive
Introduction Richard Wagner (18131883) who regarded himself as "the most German of men", "the German spirit" is not only known because of his 13

4. Wagner, Richard (1813 - 1883)
Wagner, Richard (1813 1883) Wagner was a remarkable innovator both in harmony and in the structure of his work, creating his own version of the

5. Richard Wagner Home Page
Richard Wagner Home Page. Wagner's operas tiresome, megalomaniac, endless screaming music for masochists? Not at all.

6. Information On Richard Wagner Biography.
Information on Richard Wagner Biography.

Die Festspielseiten des Nordbayerischen Kuriers. Hier gibt es Infos rund um die Bayreuther RichardWagner-Festspiele Programm, Kartentauschb rse

8. Richard Wagner Verband International E.V.
Die Dachgesellschaft informiert ber ihre umfassende T tigkeit und alle weltweit angeschlossenen Mitglieder nebst Daten zu Stipendien, Wettbewerben

9. Essentials Of Music - Composers
Richard wagner richard WAGNER Born May 22, 1813. Leipzig, Germany It is telling that Richard Wagner s artistic beginnings lie in both music and drama.
Born: May 22, 1813. Leipzig, Germany
Died: February 13, 1884. Venice, Italy
In his own words...

"True drama can be conceived only as resulting from the collective impulse of all the arts to communicate in the most immediate way with a collective public... Thus especially the art of tone, developed with such singular diversity in instrumental music, will realize in the collective artwork its richest potential will indeed incite the pantomimic art of dancing in turn to wholly new discoveries and inspire the breath of poetry no less to an undreamed-of fullness. For in its isolation music has formed itself an organ capable of the most immeasurable expression the orchestra." German opera composer, conductor and musical writer. Wagner changed the concept of opera by viewing it as a "total art work" ( Gesamptkunstwerk
in 1842, followed soon after by The Flying Dutchman and Lohengrin
Wagner fled Germany after the political upheavals of 1848, spending the bulk of this time in Zurich writing the text for his Ring Cycle , as well as a number of books on music. The most famous is the two-volume

10. Bayreuth, Richard-Wagner-Festspiele
Aktueller Spielplan mit Besetzungsliste, Sitzplan und Hinweis auf authorisierte Vorverkaufsstellen. (

11. Richard Wagner - Home
Midi files of leitmotives, libretti, Images links about Richard Wagner

12. Richard Wagner
Picture of Richard Wagner. (sent by franlihevic). Born 22 May 1813, Leipzig (Germany) Died 13 February 1883, Venezia (Italy). Go to section links

13. Wagner, Richard Encyclop Dia Britannica
Wagner, Richard German dramatic composer and theorist whose operas and music had a revolutionary influence on the course of Western music, either by

14. Richard Wagner: Profile Of Wagner
Richard Wagner was to opera as Beethoven was to symphony. Wagner, unlike any other composer of his time, was not formally trained in music as a child.
var zLb=12; var zIoa1 = new Array('Suggested Reading','Wagner - The Ring Cycle Character Analysis','','Opera FAQ - Wagner',''); var zIoa2 = new Array('Elsewhere on the Web','Wagner Biography','','Wagner Music','','Wagner - Tristan Chord',''); zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Entertainment Classical Music Classical Composers Richard Wagner: Profile of Wagner Entertainment Classical Music Essentials Intro to Classical Music ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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15. Richard Wagner - Wikipedia
Translate this page Ende Juli bis Ende August, die weltberühmten Richard-Wagner-Festspiele statt. Richard Wagner kann als Erfinder der Filmmusik bezeichnet werden.
Wikimedia braucht Ihre Hilfe Helfen Sie uns, in diesem Quartal 200.000 US-$ (ca. 163.000 €) zu sammeln, damit wir Wikipedia und unsere anderen Projekte auch weiterhin kostenlos und werbefrei der Allgemeinheit zur Verf¼gung stellen k¶nnen. Weitere Informationen auf unserer Spenden-Seite
Richard Wagner
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
F¼r den Artikel zum gleichnamigen Schriftsteller, siehe unter Richard Wagner (Schriftsteller) Wilhelm Richard Wagner 22. Mai in Leipzig 13. Februar in Venedig , Palazzo Vendramin Calergi) war ein deutscher Komponist
  • Biografische Daten Werke Bearbeiten
    Biografische Daten
    Der Komponist wurde am 22. Mai in Leipzig als neuntes Kind des Polizeiaktuars Carl Friedrich Wagner (1770-1813) und der B¤ckerstochter Johanna Rosine Wagner geb. P¤tz (1774-1848) geboren. Sechs Monate nach seiner Geburt, am 23. November 1813, starb der Vater an Typhus . Im August heiratete Wagners Mutter den j¼dischen Schauspieler und Dichter Ludwig Geyer , der sich der Familie nach dem Tod des Vaters angenommen hatte, den Wagner aber nie gemocht hat. Spekulationen, wonach Geyer der leibliche Vater Richard Wagners gewesen sei, sind weder bewiesen noch klar widerlegt. Noch 1814 ¼bersiedelte die Familie nach Dresden Im Jahr 1828 kehrte Wagner nach Leipzig zur¼ck. Hier lernte er 1828/1830 an der Nikolaischule sowie an der Thomasschule. Mit 16 Jahren erlebte Wagner

16. Richard Wagner Society Of South Australia Inc
Group and contact information, articles, calendar of events.
OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC The Richard Wagner Society of South Australia Incorporated ...
... is a non-profit organisation which promotes and encourages artistic, scholastic and public interest in the musical, dramatic, literary, theoretical and aesthetic works, and the life and influence of Richard Wagner through such events as lectures, recitals, exhibitions and films, and assistance to promising young artists. Home Program About Us How to Join ... Contact Secretary Next Event - The Master's Birthday Classics Restaurant - Sunday 22 May 2005 Tristan's shepherd comes to Richard's 192nd Birthday Lunch !! Tristan und Isolde in Concert Queensland Performing Arts Centre Featuring Lisa Gasteen, and The Australian Youth Orchestra, conducted by Richard Mills AM - click here Details:
  • Secretary: Marian Frost Post : PO Box 307, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia ABN
Member of the
Richard Wagner Verband International
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Every effort has been made to present, as accurately as possible, all the information presented via this site at the time of publication. However, no guarantees are implied nor any liability accepted with respect to its correctness when it is read. Last Update: 5 May 2005

17. Richard Wagner: Definition And Much More From
Wag·ner ( väg n?r ) , Richard 1813–1883. German composer known especially for his romantic operas, often based on Germanic legends.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Arts Business Entertainment Games ... More... On this page: Dictionary Encyclopedia Fine Arts WordNet Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Richard Wagner Dictionary Wag·ner v¤g nər Richard
German composer known especially for his romantic operas, often based on Germanic legends. Among his works are Tannh¤user (1845) and the tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen Encyclopedia Wagner, Richard, 1813–83, German composer, b. Leipzig. Life and Work Wagner was reared in a theatrical family, had a classical education, and began composing at 17. He studied harmony and the works of Beethoven and in 1833 became chorus master of the theater at W¼rzburg, the first of a series of theatrical positions. Die Feen (composed 1833), his first opera, was in the German romantic tradition begun by Weber; Das Liebesverbot (1835–36) demonstrated his assimilation of the Italian style. In Paris he completed Rienzi (1838–40) but was unable to have it performed there. Its production in Dresden in 1842 was highly successful, and in 1843 Wagner was made musical director of the Dresden theater. Der Fliegende Holl¤nder (1841) was less successful. It was based on Heine's version of the legend of the Flying Dutchman, a legendary phantom ship, and it foreshadows the idea, developed in

18. Wagner Richard Triebchen Switzerland
Celebrities in Switzerland Richard Wagner Home Celebrities in Switzerland Wagner, Richard (1813 1883), Germany / Music star, Triebchen / LU
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Wagner, Richard (1813 - 1883) Germany Music star Triebchen / LU
He came to Switzerland in 1866 to escape the political pressure of Bavaria. People there were highly critical of his influence on the young king. The Wagners lived near Lucerne. More celebrities Germany Music star LU All celebrities
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19. Wagner Richard Triebschen Suisse
Wagner, Richard (1813 - 1883), Allemagne / Musicien, Triebschen / LU
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Wagner, Richard (1813 - 1883) Allemagne Musicien Triebschen / LU
Il vint en 1866 à cause de pressions politiques en Bavière (on lui reprochait son influence sur le jeune roi). Il vécut près de Lucerne. Plus de stars Allemagne Musicien LU Toutes les célébrités
Les informations contenues sur ce site ne sont pas un substitut pour un conseil juridique donné par un spécialiste connaissant votre situation en détail. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour les conséquences de décisions prises sur la base des informations trouvées sur ce site. Mic ch el . Aucune partie de ce site ne peut être reproduite sous quelque forme que ce soit et par quelque moyen que ce soit sans notre accord écrit préalable.

20. Richard Wagner
Richard wagner richard WAGNER. Born May 22, 1813, Leipzig It is telling that Richard Wagner s artistic beginnings lie in both music and drama.
RICHARD WAGNER Born: May 22, 1813, Leipzig
Died: February 13, 1884, Venice
In his own words....
    "True drama can be conceived only as resulting from the collective impulse of all the arts to communicate in the most immediate way with a collective public...Thus especially the art of tone, developed with such singular diversity in instrumental music, will realize in the collective artwork its richest potential—will indeed incite the pantomimic art of dancing in turn to wholly new discoveries and inspire the breath of poetry no less to an undreamed-of fullness. For in its isolation music has formed itself an organ capable of the most immeasurable expression—the orchestra."
German opera composer, conductor, and musical writer. Wagner changed the concept of opera by viewing it as a "total art work" ( Gesamptkunstwerk
Rienzi in 1842, followed soon after by The Flying Dutchman (1845), and Lohengrin
Wagner fled Germany after the political upheavals of 1848, spending the bulk of this time in Zurich writing the text for his Ring Cycle, as well as a number of books on music. The most famous is the two-volume Opera and Drama, in which he set out his new ideas on reforming opera. The most infamous is his Jewishness in Music , a virulent antisemitic diatribe. In 1862 he returned to Germany, settling in Bavaria under the patronage of young Ludwig II. Here Wagner completed Tristan und Isolde, a tale of forbidden love made all the more fitting by the fact that he was at that time having an affair with Cosima von Bulow, daughter of Franz Liszt and the wife of Tristan's conductor, Hans von Bulow. In 1866 Wagner returned to Switzerland and continued work on the Ring, taking time out to compose a completely different type of work, the comedic

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