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101. Biography Search Very brief article summarizing his career. http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3996 |
102. John Austin Article from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Brian Bix, reviewing this thinker's life, influences and views, and criticisms made by other philosophers. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/austin-john/ | |
103. Austin TX Homes For Sale & Real Estate By John Carroll Real estate services and homes for sale in austin, Round Rock and Manor. http://www.johncarrollrealtor.com | |
104. John F Scott, Illustrator. Graphic Devices Of All Sorts Illustrator in austin, Texas. http://www.jfsillustrator.com/ | |
105. Welcome To John And Claudia's Metropolitan Pages Claudia john's black and white 1961 Nash Metropolitan Coupe. Built by austin, Maintained by Beagles. http://www.geocities.com/nashmetro_1961/ | |
106. Pastemusic.com: John Austin And/or Austin Echo Biography, reviews, audio files, and album information for the Washington, D.C., alternative singer/songwriter. From PasteMusic.com. http://www.pastemusic.com/johnaustin/ | |
107. John T. Austin, Hydrographic Surveyor Professional hydrographic survey, worldwide, using light transportable equipment. Based in Australia. http://www4.tpgi.com.au/users/jaustin/ | |
108. The Parkinson Architectural Archives | Architectural Archives, Drawings, Prints Privatelyheld collection featuring the work of English-born US architect john Parkinson and the successor firms in Los Angeles and austin (1889-current.) Online queries. http://www.parkives.com | |
109. John Osborne Papers and listing of manuscripts, notebooks, galley proofs, and letters held at the University of Texas at austin....... http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/osborne.html | |
110. RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Decendants Of John Austin 6-10-01 Descendants of john austin as presented in a World Connect database. http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:1586309 |
111. Singapore John's Tattoo Tattoo and body piercing services. Shop background details, photo gallery, and owner biography. austin http://www.singaporejohns.com/ |
112. Susan's Plan . Austin Chronicle . 06-28-99 john Landis discusses his work, the wobbly state of indie filmmaking, and the mystery of See You Next Wednesday, that heretofore unexplained Landis catch phrase that has puzzled so many viewers. http://weeklywire.com/filmvault/austin/s/susansplan1.html | |
113. Austin Osman Spare 2 The following items are from the collection of Coil, the premier occult band founded by john Balance and Peter Christopherson. http://www.occultartgallery.com/occultartgallery/spare/spare2.html | |
114. AUSTIN WORKS - Home Of The 1947-1952 Austin Of England Motor Cars Covers 19471952. Available parts and fiberglass, technical, current and classic gasser information and galleries. Profiles and pictures of drag racers john Mazmanian, Junior Thompson, Jeg Coughlin, and Jim Oddy. http://www.austinworks.com/ | |
115. The Austin Chronicle: Film Listings Marc Savlov reviews the war drame directed by john Woo. http://www.austinchronicle.com/gbase/Calendar/Film?Film=oid:142162 |
116. Austin Independent School District : Schools PK5th grades. austin ISD. http://www.austinschools.org/allan/ | |
117. ASSOCWEB Contains details of the club magazine, a history of the marque, racing information, and photographs. http://freespace.virgin.net/john.lovelock4/ASSOCWEB2.htm | |
118. Official Site For Cowboy Comedian, John Wesley Austin!!! Touring Cowboy Comedian providing background, biography, tour schedule, booking information, and merchandise. http://www.cowboycomedian.com/ | |
119. Connally Drumline austin, TX http://www.geocities.com/connallydrumline/ | |
120. JohnRabon.com Performer based in austin, Texas. Schedule, video and audio clips, biography, news. http://johndrabon.tripod.com/ | |
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