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Shabazz El Hajj Malik El: more detail | |||||
61. Whats In A Name? Understanding Malcolm X--Literature/U.S. History Lesson Plan to evaluate four stages in the life of Malcolm X the periods he was known as Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Malcolm X, and elhajj malik el-shabazz. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/malcolmx/ | |
62. Malcolm X: El Hajj Malik El Shabazz VHS Malcolm X el hajj malik el shabazz !File not found @urlplot Malcolm X el hajj malik el shabazz. Be the first person to review this film! http://www.buyindies.com/listings/1/1/FCTS-11992.html | |
63. Soul Of America - New York City : Civil Rights Movement Thus, elhajj malik el-shabazz became a hated outcast to the NOI, By then, even el-hajj malik el-shabazz was feeling the heat and everyone around him http://www.soulofamerica.com/cityfldr2/nyc14_p2.html | |
64. Imperial College Islaamic Society Apr. 22, 1964 Makes his hajj and becomes el-hajj malik al-shabazz. Jun. 28, 1964 - Forms the Organization of Afro-American Unity http://www.islamicity.com/Mosque/MyJourney/Malcolm_X.htm | |
65. PLAYAHATA.COM Malcolm X (elhajj malik el-shabazz) and the Black Power Movement But even beyond death, el hajj malik el-shabazz inspired generations for decades to http://www.playahata.com/pages/bhfigures/bhfigures23.html | |
66. Islamic Invitation Centre - Malcolm X Here is an excerpt of a letter el hajj malik el shabazz wrote about his hajj experience. In it, he explains what it was during this blessed journey that http://www.islamicinvitationcentre.com/articles/Introduction/racism/Malcolm_X.ht | |
67. Lessons From Malcolm X - By Shahid Athar MD Shahid Athar, elhajj malik el-shabazz - The Prince of Islam in North America from his book Reflections of an American Muslim, (Kazi Publication, Chicago, http://www.islamfortoday.com/athar05.htm | |
68. On Imagination Recently, I had a renewed interest in elhajj malik el-shabazz, you may know him as Malcolm X. Several of his speeches are online, which I have been http://www.cs.northwestern.edu/~ayman/blog/archives/2004/07/17/el-hajj-malik-el- | |
69. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project Encyclopedia: Malcolm X Malcolm X (el hajj malik elshabazz) (1925-1965). In the late 1950s and 1960s, while Martin Luther King, Jr. rose to national prominence professing http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/about_king/encyclopedia/x_malcolm.htm | |
70. Du'a For Guidance el hajj malik shabazz American Muslims Today. by Jamila Saudi el hajj malik shabazz was a person whose life span encompassed several stages of http://www.stanford.edu/~jamila/Malcolm.html | |
71. Muslim Business Student Association, UCLA malik elshabazz, better known as Malcolm X, wrote these words in a letter to the What el-shabazz found so endearing in hajj was the unity hajj brings http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/zone/clubs/mbsa/hajj.htm | |
72. Welcome To Oakes College :: University Of California, Santa Cruz el hajj malik Betty el shabazz AfricanAmerican Theme el hajj malik and Betty el shabazz s partnership represents the strength and unity of the http://oakes.ucsc.edu/housing.htm | |
73. Twf_log0402: 2/21: A Benefit In Honor Of El-Hajj Malik Al-Shab A Benefit in Honor of Malcolm X (elhajj malik al-shabazz). Saturday February 21st MACLA 510 So. First St, San Jose 9pm - 1am Doors open at 830pm http://listproc.ucdavis.edu/archives/twf/log0402/0044.html | |
74. See Malcolm X elshabazz, el hajj malik. see Malcolm X. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?j109:I02744:j109EL.html |
75. OAARU Haile Selassie Addresses The OAU el hajj malik el shabazz s Speech To The OAU The Ballot Or The Bullet el hajj malik el shabazz http://beta.communities.msn.co.za/OAARU/malcolmsspeechtotheoau.msnw | |
76. Unsolved Homicides elhajj malik el-shabazz Ray was found unresponsive on April 3, 1999 inside his home at 315 Northland Drive, D, by neighbors. The Coroner s Report lists http://www.lexingtonprosecutor.com/unsolved_murders.htm | |
77. Racism And Islam : How Hajj Transformed Malcolm X Against Racism hajj as a shift against racism. el hajj malik el shabazz (Malcolm X) s letter Here is an excerpt of a letter el hajj malik el shabazz wrote about his http://www.soundvision.com/Info/racism/xletter.asp | |
78. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz | The Niggerati Network elhajj malik el-shabazz. by Prometheus 6 May 25, 2005 - 850am. on Civil rights Ideology Race and Identity. from Malcolm X Make it Plain. http://www.niggerati.net/node/273 | |
79. Find A Grave Cemetery Records- Malcolm 'Malik Shabazz' X After a visit to Mecca, Malcolm X converted to orthodox Islam and adopted the name elhajj malik el-shabazz. He married Betty Sanders on January 14, 1958. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=1134&pt=Malcolm 'Malik Sha |
80. Malcolm X - The Life, Philosophy And Influences Of Malcolm X Never refer to elhajj malik el-shabazz as simply Malcolm. The only respectful and acceptable way to reference him is as el-hajj malik el-shabazz or http://www.blackagenda.com/cybercolonies/malcolm/ | |
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