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         Read James:     more books (110)
  1. On the end of tragedy, according to Aristotle; an essay, in two parts; read to a literary society in Glasgow, ... By James Moor ... by James Moor, 2010-05-29
  2. Analysis of a course of lectures, on mechanics, pneumatics, hydrostatics, and astronomy; read by James Ferguson. by James Ferguson, 2010-05-29
  3. Observations on the origin and antiquity of round churches; and of the round church at Cambridge in particular. By Mr. James Essex, F.A.S. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, May 24, 1781. by James Essex, 2010-06-10
  4. My Brother's Life: The Life of James Marshall Read by John Mark Read, 2008-12-03
  5. My Father's Life: The Life of James Chester Read by John Mark Read, 2008-12-30
  6. Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, ... and astronomy. Read by James Ferguson, F.R.S. The ninth edition. by James Ferguson, 2010-05-28
  7. An account of a very extraordinary effect of lightning on a bullock, at Swanborow, ... Sussex. In sundry letters from Mr. James Lambert, ... and one from ... Read at the Royal Society, May 1, 1776. by James Lambert, 2010-05-27
  8. To Read and Sew: James Allen's Girls' School,1741-1991 by Brian Green, 1991-06
  9. Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, electricity, and astronomy, read by James Ferguson, F.R.S. The sixth edition. by James Ferguson, 2010-06-02

101. Origins Of Peace And Violence: Introduction
The works of different researchers, mainly james W. Prescott, are presented. Here you can read a short history of Dr. Prescott s research and the full
Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug Abuse INTRODUCTION SCIENCE POLITICS LINKS We need your support (see below for more info): INTRODUCTION It is generally known (back to medieval or ancient times) that deprivation of sensory stimuli like voice and vision in the early phases of human life will cause irreversible mental retardation in the child. Also the prevention of child play will cause intellectual deficits in the adult. But eyes, ears and the nose are not the only human sensory systems. Additionally there are the two body sensor systems, the "somatosensors". One is the vestibular sensor for maintaining orientation and upright walk. The other one is the skin, for sensing touch. MOTHER BONDING IS ESSENTIAL FOR PEACE Through the work of James W. Prescott, Ph.D. and various others until the mid 1970s it was established that these previously neglected senses are of overwhelming importance for the development of social abilities for adult life. Their deprivation in childhood is a major cause for adult violence. James W. Prescott, Ph.D., was a health scientist administrator at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), one of the Institutes of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1966 to 1980. He created and directed the Developmental Behavioral Biology Program at the NICHD where he initiated NICHD supported research programs that documented how the failure of "Mother Love" in infant monkeys adversely affected the biological development of their brains. These astonishing abnormal brain changes underlie the behaviors of depression, impulse dyscontrol and violence that result from mother-infant separations.

102. The New Yorker: The Critics: Books
Long before he met Roethke, james Wright shared his view of sincerity as the “As you read them,” Wright warned, “you will be conscious of the absence of
KIMWORLD Inside the North Korean slave state. by IAN BURUMA Issue of 2005-08-22
Posted 2005-08-15
All tyrants are alike, no doubt, but tyranny comes in different forms, and the North Korean variety is an extraordinarily vicious blend of Western and East Asian influences. On such matters, Martin provides far more detail, including long transcripts of interviews with refugees and defectors, but, again, Becker is more incisive. The political component, a mixture of Stalinism and strict neo-Confucianism (with its stress on obedience to authority), is perhaps less complicated than the religious aspects. The Kims' behavior recalls that of such Roman despots as Nero and Caligula, who revelled in their power. In Pyongyang, this often involves a sinister form of practical joking: turning top officials against one another and watching the results on hidden television monitors; or taking other men's wives as mistresses and, when finished with them, forcing the women to remarry men picked on a whim. As Auden ventured in a discussion of Iago, practical joking is always a way of playing God. Even though Kim Il Sung had stamped out all independent religious activity in North Korea, the Christian influence is visible in the Kim cult. Apart from the Philippines, Korea has long been the most Christianized country in Asia. In the South, about thirty per cent still belong to various Christian denominations, not including all the followers of pseudo-Christian evangelists, of whom there is a rich variety. Unlike Filipinos, however, the Koreans were originally converted not by Western conquerors but by missionaries, many of whom were Korean themselves. The attraction of Christianity may have been partly political, a means of resisting both the Korean gentry and alien oppressors, especially the Japanese, who ruled Korea between 1910 and 1945. Like the Poles and the Irish, many Koreans believed that the church would help deliver their country from foreign domination.

103. Maxwell
Biography of james Clerk Maxwell (18311879) His paper On Faraday s lines of force was read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society in two parts,
James Clerk Maxwell
Born: 13 June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Died: 5 Nov 1879 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
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James Clerk Maxwell was born at 14 India Street in Edinburgh, a house built by his parents in the 1820s, but shortly afterwards his family moved to their home at Glenlair in Kirkcudbrightshire about 20 km from Dumfries. There he enjoyed a country upbringing and his natural curiosity displayed itself at an early age. In a letter written on 25 April 1834 when 'The Boy' was not yet three years old he is described as follows, see [5]:- He is a very happy man, and has improved much since the weather got moderate; he has great work with doors, locks, keys etc., and 'Show me how it doos' is never out of his mouth. He also investigates the hidden course of streams and bell-wires, the way the water gets from the pond through the wall and a pend or small bridge and down a drain ... When James was eight years old his mother died. His parents plan that they would educate him at home until he was 13 years old, and that he would then be able to go the Edinburgh University, fell through. A 16 year old boy was hired to act as tutor but the arrangement was not a successful one and it was decided that James should attend the Edinburgh Academy.

104. James Wolcott: Off The Radar, On The Seismograph
james Wolcott is a VANITY FAIR contributing editor Posted by james Wolcott. This seems to be getting almost no attention in the American media or even
James Wolcott is a VANITY FAIR contributing editor Off the Radar, On the Seismograph Posted by James Wolcott This seems to be getting almost no attention in the American media or even across the blogosphere, but something momentous and politically seismic may be shaking in Mexico, and the intrepid Al Giordano is all over it in full-throated battle cry. "In the hills outside of Mexico City, the temperature rose above 100 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday, heating the political pressure-cooker that, today, Thursday, April 7, may boil over beyond the city limits of the capital and even the national borders. "The world may learn today that the work of the Mexican revolution is unfinished. Eighty-six years ago this week Mexican revolutionary General Emiliano Zapata was assassinated in a State-plotted ambush, on April 10, 1919. Eleven years ago, also at this springtime of year, leading presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio was assassinated on the campaign trail, in Tijuana: on March 23, 1994. What President Vicente Fox, together with his former adversaries of the once-monolithic PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party, which ruled Mexico for seven decades prior to Fox’s 2000 electoral victory), are attempting today is nothing less than a pre-emptive coup d’etat: a political assassination, dressed up in legal technicalities no more serious than a parking ticket, to remove Mexico’s leading presidential candidate from the 2006 contest. "At 9:30 a.m. (Central Time Zone) Mexico City Governor Andr©s Manuel L³pez Obrador will address a multitude in the Zocalo, the village square of this country of 100 million Mexicans, a crowd that as of 7:30 this morning included at least a million of them..."

105. USA: Madison Amendments
USAproject, presidents-area, james Madison Proposed Amendments to the FRtR Presidents james Madison Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
FRtR Presidents James Madison Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
James Madison
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June 8, 1789
Quote I am sorry to be accessary to the loss of a single moment of time by the house. If I had been indulged in my motion, and we had gone into a committee of the whole, I think we might have rose, and resumed the consideration of other business before this time; that is, so far as it depended on what I proposed to bring forward. As that mode seems not to give satisfaction, I will withdraw the motion, and move you, sir, that a select committee be appointed to consider and report such amendments as are proper for Congress to propose to the legislatures of the several States, conformably to the 5th article of the constitution. I will state my reasons why I think it proper to propose amendments; and state the amendments themselves, so far as I think they ought to be proposed. If I thought I could fulfil the duty which I owe to myself and my constituents, to let the subject pass over in silence, I most certainly should not trespass upon the indulgence of this house. But I cannot do this; and am therefore compelled to beg a patient hearing to what I have to lay before you. And I do most sincerely believe that if congress will devote but one day to this subjects, so far as to satisfy the public that we do not disregard their wishes, it will have a salutary influence on the public councils, and prepare the way for a favorable reception of our future measures.

106. Slackjaw Online: Columns By Jim Knipfel Of The NY Press
read the cover story about Jim Knipfel that appeared in the June 1, 2000, read Jim Knipfel s latest memoir, Ruining It for Everybody
Welcome to...
Slackjaw Online Slackjaw Online is a selection of columns written by Jim Knipfel. Slackjaw originally appeared in the Welcomat (now the Philadelphia Weekly) on a weekly basis from 1987 to 1994. Since then, Slackjaw has been published regularly in the New York Press, where most of the columns presented here originally appeared.
photo by Debbie Egan-Chin " Things are bad in this world. Ugly, smelly, nastya world full of stupidity and starvation and diseasebut things never really get as bad as they should." Jim Knipfel The Mayor of Hostile City
Read the cover story about Jim Knipfel that appeared in the June 1, 2000, issue of the Philadelphia City Paper. Preface by Mike Walsh
The Buzzing
, a novel by Jim Knipfel, is the story of an aging, embittered journalist who stumbles onto what may (or may not) be the story of a lifetime.
Quitting the Nairobi Trio
is the memoir of a 6-month incarceration in a locked Minneapolis psych ward after a failed suicide attempt. Available at Amazon in

107. TCS: Tech Central Station - "I Am Absolutely Moved And Transformed"
Editor s note james K. Glassman and Eric Bovim of TechCentralStation are traveling with the Thompson delegation in Cameroon , Zambia , Rwanda , Kenya and
HOME James K. Glassman Host, TCS Email Author Biographical related articles Milton Friedman and Many Others on the Consequences of Price Controls Trials in Error First, Do No Harm to Basic Research Resistance Isn't Futile ... Doctors Without Economics
articles by author Come Fly With Me Terrorism, AIDS and Partnerships Beyond the FASB Closed Encounters of the Good Kind ... Shocking and Sickening
Font Size: "I Am Absolutely Moved and Transformed" By James K. Glassman Published E-Mail Bookmark Print Save TCS
TORORO, Uganda , Dec. 5 A high-level delegation led by Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson got a close-up look today at how life-saving high-tech pharmaceuticals get delivered to Ugandans inflicted with the HIV virus in remote and primitive regions of this poverty-stricken country, which has become one of the most successful in Africa at fighting AIDS. Groups of four or five members of the delegation including U.S. government officials, public-health leaders and corporate and NGO executives (and a few members of the press, including me) traveled in four-wheel-drive vehicles behind Ugandan health workers on Suzuki motorbikes to villages around 10 miles from this eastern Uganda city, which itself is three hours by bus from the capital, Kampala. Each of the health workers delivers anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs to HIV-infected Ugandans, most of them poor farmers living in mud huts with thatched roofs. The health workers each drop off a week's supply of the drugs and interview the patients to determine their condition and report back to medical teams at a provincial hospital.

108. JustBible Index - King James Version
Just Bible is free Bible software on the Web and is available for free use. Each of the 1189 chapters in Just Bible is a separate hyperlinked web page.
King James
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109. Audio Bible Online
Audio Bible, The King james Version narrated by Alexander Scourby is online.
Click here for a no frames version.

110. Review: Sin City
Sin City. A Film Review by james Berardinelli version of Sin City would have been a crime. The one that exists is a pleasure. © 2005 james Berardinelli
Sin City
A Film Review by James Berardinelli
United States, 2005
U.S. Release Date:
4/1/05 (wide)
Running Length:
MPAA Classification:
R (Violence, nudity, sexual situations, profanity)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio: Cast: Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Jamie King, Brittany Murphy, Benicio Del Toro, Nick Stahl, Elijah Wood, Michael Clarke Duncan
Directors: Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino ("special guest director")
Producers: Elizabeth Avellan, Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez
Robert Rodriguez
Music: Robert Rodriguez, John Debney, Graeme Revell U.S. Distributor: Dimension Films Sin City is the most visually inventive comic book adaptation to make its way to a movie screen. While other directors have attempted to remain faithful to the look and "feel" of their source material, Robert Rodriguez has taken things a step further, by using Frank Miller's graphic novels as storyboards and immersing the audience neck-deep in the noir currents of Miller's den of iniquity. It's easy to get lost in Sin City . There's something to appreciate around every corner - the gritty characters, the uncompromising story, and, most of all, visuals to astound and amaze. "Eye candy" doesn't even begin to describe what Rodriguez has accomplished.

111. Guidelines On Reading Philosophy
A good way to begin when you re trying to read a difficult article is to first skim the You should expect to read a philosophy article more than once.
Guidelines on Reading Philosophy It will be difficult for you to make sense of some of the articles we'll be reading. This is partly because they discuss abstract ideas that you're not accustomed to thinking about. They may also use technical vocabulary which is new to you. Sometimes it won't be obvious what the overall argument of the paper is supposed to be. The prose may be complicated, and you may need to pick the article apart sentence by sentence. Here are some tips to make the process easier and more effective.
Skim the Article to Find its Conclusion and Get a Sense of its Structure
A good way to begin when you're trying to read a difficult article is to first skim the article to identify what the author's main conclusion is. Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraphs, since authors will often tell you there what they intend to be arguing for. When you do figure out what the author's main conclusion is, try to restate it in your own words. This will help you to be sure that you really understand what the author is arguing for. When you're skimming the article, try also to get a general sense of what's going on in each part of the discussion. What is the structure of the article? Sometimes authors will tell you, early in the paper, what their argument will look like. This makes your job easier.

112. U.S.
james Doohan, Who Played Scotty on `Star Trek, Dies at 85. July 20 (Bloomberg) james Doohan, who fielded the request ``Beam me up as the starship

113. Parkway Rest Stop
So, if there is a one a zillion chance that he will read this, he can confirm or deny this I suppose he read the “momless” angst on everyone’s face.
August 21, 2005
New York City Mini-Meet.
Yesterday it seemed that I had just gotten off the train from New York City after the Neil Diamond Concert, when I found myself boarding the same train for the trip back to New York City for a bit of a mini-blogmeet. It seems that Zonker was in town to attend a bachelor party on Friday night, so I arranged to meet him near his hotel in New York for some interesting and thoughtful conversation semi-drunken carrying-on. Mr. Surly and I went into the City together and did the steamy and fragrant (sometimes good, sometimes bad) walk from Penn Station to Desmond’s Tavern , which was right next door to Zonker’s hotel. This was a good thing on several levels. First, it was a good thing for Zonker, who, the night before, had found himself drawn into the beer-tequila, beer-tequila, beer-tequila maelstrom and really needed a nearby bloody mary joint. Second, it was an extremely comfortable and friendly saloon that served excellent draft beer in pints (I recommend the Brooklyn Lager in mass quantities).

114. CitizenLink - Extras - Dr. Dobson Shares His Thoughts On The Supreme Court Nomin
Dr. james Dobson is sending the following letter concerning President Bush s nominee to the Supreme Court to supporters of Focus on the Family Action.
var PageTitle = escape( document.title ); var WebsiteId = "CIT"; var StyleSheet = "EAF_stylesheet.css"; var LogoImage = ""; var RefUrl = document.location.href;
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STEWART WAS SECRET ANTICOMMUNIST FBI AGENT Screen legend james STEWART worked as a secret agent for notorious FBI leader J EDGAR HOOVER, was secret anticommu
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document.write(''); Screen legend JAMES STEWART worked as a secret agent for notorious FBI leader J EDGAR HOOVER, rooting out suspected communists from Hollywood, according to a damning new biography. Hoover knew the VERTIGO actor was a Right-wing Republican and asked him to work undercover for the FBI in 1947, because Stewart's status as a famous, decorated war hero and officer in the American Army Air Force Reserve Corps made him the perfect choice to help flush out subversives in LA, Stewart's late wife GLORIA HATRICK McLEAN recalled. And author MICHAEL MUNN's sensational expose, JIMMY STEWART: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LEGEND claims the star was so keen to assist Hoover, he spied on his closest friends, including CARY GRANT and director FRANK CAPRA, who directed his hit movie IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. McLean says, "Jim went barefoot up the mountain and saw the burning bush - only God's name was J Edgar Hoover.

116. Americans United: D. James Kennedy
D. james Kennedy Who Is He And What Does He Want? By Rob Boston Are TV preacher D. james Kennedy s views extreme? Judge for yourself.

The DC scoop read the latest dispatches from CNN s Washington bureau. HOLLYWOOD TODAY. The wonder of Hollywood read our privacy guidelines. Contact us.
cnnSiteWideCurrDate = new Date(2005, 7, 21); International Edition Member Services

118. James Kay Photography ­ Utah, Arizona Fine Art Framed Prints Photographs Decor
ALL PHOTOS © COPYRIGHT james KAY. FineArt Gallery 1 Canyonlands of Utah and Arizona. Click on a thumbnail to view an image and for print ordering

Fine-Art Gallery 1: Canyonlands of Utah and Arizona

Click on a thumbnail to view an image and for print ordering information
A variety of images in this gallery are available as note cards
Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Zion Nat'l Park, Utah

Metate Arch, Escalante, Utah
Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona 67-AZ-CB-117 Mules Ears, Utah 67-UT-SRD-1 Buckskin Gulch, Utah 67-UT-PR-80 Spooky Gulch, Utah 67-UT-EC-463 Monument Valley, Arizona 67-AZ-MV-11 Zion National Park, Utah 617-UT-ZN-84 Antelope Canyon, Arizona 617-AZ-AN-2 Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona 617-AZ-CB-9 Circle Cliffs, Utah 617-UT-CRC-10 Arches Park, Utah 617-UT-AR-20 Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona 617-AZ-CB-4 Escalante Canyons, Utah 67-UT-EC-504 Zion National Park, Utah 67-UT-ZN-137 Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona 67-AZ-CB-10 Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah 67-UT-AR-59 Zion National Park, Utah 67-UT-ZN-10 Lime Creek, Utah 67-UT-SJ-10 Slickhorn Gulch, Utah 67-UT-SJ-2 Paria Canyons, Utah 67-UT-CB-4 Grand Canyon, Arizona 67-AZ-GRC-79 Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona 67-AZ-CB-48 Bisti Badlands, New Mexico

119. Outside The Beltway : Frist Plays God Card On Judges
point is that he’s not a sleazy partisan. If he gives that away, I don’t see what his hook is. Posted by james Joyner at April 15, 2005 1104 Permalink

Friday, April 15, 2005
Frist Plays God Card on Judges
Posted by James Joyner at 06:31 Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is set to join televangelists in calling Democrats "against people of faith" on judicial nominees. Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue (NYT) As the Senate heads toward a showdown over the rules governing judicial confirmations, Senator Bill Frist, the majority leader, has agreed to join a handful of prominent Christian conservatives in a telecast portraying Democrats as "against people of faith" for blocking President Bush's nominees. Fliers for the telecast, organized by the Family Research Council and scheduled to originate at a Kentucky megachurch the evening of April 24, call the day "Justice Sunday" and depict a young man holding a Bible in one hand and a gavel in the other. The flier does not name participants, but under the heading "the filibuster against people of faith," it reads: "The filibuster was once abused to protect racial bias, and it is now being used against people of faith." Organizers say they hope to reach more than a million people by distributing the telecast to churches around the country, over the Internet and over Christian television and radio networks and stations. Dr. Frist's spokesman said the senator's speech in the telecast would reflect his previous remarks on judicial appointments. In the past he has consistently balanced a determination "not to yield" on the president's nominees with appeals to the Democrats for compromise. He has distanced himself from the statements of others like the House majority leader, Tom DeLay, who have attacked the courts, saying they are too liberal, "run amok" or are hostile to Christianity.

120. Outside The Beltway : CNN Suspends Novak After He Walks Off Set
The incident occurred Thursday as Novak and Democratic operative james Carville were handicapping Let me just finish, james, please, Novak continued.

Friday, August 5, 2005
CNN Suspends Novak After He Walks Off Set
Posted by James Joyner at 07:19 The ever-cranky Bob Novak has been suspended by CNN after he swore at James Carville and then walked off the "Inside Politics" set yesterday. CNN Suspends Novak After He Walks Off Set (AP) Robert Novak, whose revelation of a CIA officer's name in a 2003 column has sparked a federal probe, was suspended by CNN after he swore and walked off the set during a live taping of "Inside Politics." CNN correspondent Ed Henry said afterward that he had been about to ask Novak about his role in the investigation of the leak of Valerie Plame's identity, which the columnist has repeatedly refused to comment on. The incident occurred Thursday as Novak and Democratic operative James Carville were handicapping the Senate candidacy of former Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Novak said the opposition of the Republican establishment in Florida might not be fatal for her. "Let me just finish, James, please," Novak continued. "I know you hate to hear me, but you have to." Carville, addressing the camera, said: "He's got to show these right wingers that he's got a backbone, you know. It's why The Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching you. Show 'em that you're tough." "Well, I think that's bull and I hate that," Novak replied. "Just let it go." As moderator Henry stepped in to ask Carville a question, Novak walked off the set. A CNN spokeswoman, Edie Emery, called Novak's behavior "inexcusable and unacceptable." Novak apologized to CNN, and CNN was apologizing to viewers, she said. "We've asked Mr. Novak to take some time off," she said.

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