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141. Tran-Loi-Minh Qi-Gong Kung-Fu International Association Ett f¶rbund klubbar i s¶dra Sverige. Information om klubbarna och om lam siu lam ehm yeng kuen, eller p¥ svenska fem formers strid. http://www.sydshaolin.com/ | |
142. CNN.com - China Freedoms Going, Going, Gong - November 11, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/11/11/china.robinson/index.html | |
143. CNN.com - Free Falun Gong, Followers Tell China - January 14, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/01/14/hongkong.falungong/index.html | |
144. CNN.com - China Set For Long Battle Against Falun Gong - June 6, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/06/china.falungong/index.html | |
145. NETZEITUNG AUSLAND: Falun Gong: Sekte Oder Lehre? Special der Netzeitung zum Thema. Kritische Betrachtung der Lehre, der Anh¤nger und Zitate von Sektenexperten. http://www.netzeitung.de/ausland/137114.html | |
146. Chinesisches Kampfkunstzentrum - Tai Chi, Wing Tsun, Kung Fu, WuShu, TaiChi, Tai Lo Yong bietet Yang Stil, Chen Stil, Schwert, F¤cher, und TaiChi-Qi-gong an. Es findet sich eine Beschreibung des Werdegangs der Lehrerin und ein Kurskalender. D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen http://wingtsun-taichi.de/ | |
147. Falun Gong TV Airwave Hackers Nabbed CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/04/02/china.falungong.ap/index.html |
148. CNN.com - HK Prosecutes Falun Gong - June 17, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/17/hk.falungong.trial/index.html | |
149. CNN.com - Falun Gong 'hijacks' Chinese Airwaves - March 7, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/03/07/china.fgong/index.html | |
150. CNN.com - Falun Gong TV Hackers' Trial Begins - Sep. 19, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/09/19/china.falun.gong/index.html | |
151. United States - San Francisco The Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, with jurisdiction in Northern California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Includes statements of Chinese Government policy on Taiwan, Tibet, Falun gong, Western China, and the WTO. http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org/ |
152. Planet Gong - Cyber-home Of Gong, GAS And Gliss. Official band website includes latest news, band background, gigs, an online shop, forum, chat room and information about GAS and Gliss. http://www.planetgong.co.uk/ | |
153. Gong The Song Collection An online jukebox of new and old Malay (Melayu), Englishlanguage and Hindi songs. RealPlayer required for listening. http://media.unitele.edu.my/ |
154. Instituto Internacional De Qi Gong Cursos y seminarios en Espa±a, M©xico y Luxemburgo. http://www.iiqg.com/ | |
155. Nancy Gong - Gong Glass Works © 2004 Presenting Nancy gong's most recent work, including windows, entryways, glass sculptures and decorative accessories. http://www.nancygong.com/ | |
156. Falun Gong Slovensk© str¡nky o tejto starod¡vnej Änskej met³de, slºÅ¾iacej na zušľachÅ¥ovanie mysle, tela a ducha. N¡jdete tu popis cviÄen, m´Å¾ete si zdarma stiahnuÅ¥ literatºru a dozvedieÅ¥ sa viac o prenasledovan Falun Gongu v Äne. http://www.falungong.sk | |
158. ASIANOW - Chinese Leaders Criticized For Handling Of Falun Gong - January 10, 20 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/01/10/china.cult.busters/index.html | |
159. Liang Gong Apresenta§£o da t©cnica Lian gong, para pessoas que buscam um exerccio simples com alto poder de fortalecimento harmonioso do corpo. http://www.geocities.com/rvlancelot/liangong/liangong.html | |
160. Dizien, Muguette Praticienne Qi gong. Pr©sentation des cours et stages, informations sur le Qi gong, bas© sur des concepts philosophiques de la m©decine traditionnelle chinoise. Paris, 17¨me. http://site.voila.fr/leqigong |
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