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King Flexner: more detail | |||||
61. LITR 4232 2001 UHCL Sample Student Research Papers Amen, Dr. king. Works Cited. flexner, Eleanor, and Fitzpatrick Ellen. Century ofStruggle The Woman s. Rights Movement in the United States. http://coursesite.cl.uh.edu/HSH/Whitec/LITR/4232/models/projects/proj01/rp01runn | |
62. CNN.com - Caribbean States Call For U.N. Force In Haiti - Feb. 26, 2004 CNN s Lucia Newman, Elise Labott, Jamie McIntyre, Susan Candiotti, RichardPhillips, Allison flexner and John king contributed to this report. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/02/26/haiti.revolt/ | |
63. Kim Martin S Endnotes Eleanor flexner, Century of Struggle The Woman s Rights Movement in the Edith Abbott, Florence king, and Lola Maverick Lloyd to Hazle Buck Ewing, http://www.ilstu.edu/~mtavakol/kmartin2.html |
64. Ridgely Torrence Correspondence king, Eleanor Lynn, 1, nd. king, Hortense flexner, 2, 19461950. kingsland, Dorthea,3, 1940. Kinsey, Alfred C. 1, 1948. Kirkwood, Robert Ogilvie, 1, 1941 http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/torrence/torrence2c.ht | |
65. NARA - NHPRC - Annotation Hortense flexner king Papers, ca. 1860 1914 1973 1975. Louisville, KYUniversity Archives and Records Center, University of Louisville, 1995. http://www.archives.gov/nhprc/annotation/march-98/recent-records-products.html | |
66. King - The Idea Of A Mormon University Arthur Henry king BYU Studies 13(2) Winter 1973, p.115125. I would alsorefer to Abraham flexner s famous book published in 1930, Universities American http://www.byu.edu/fc/ee/w_ahk73.htm | |
67. AAC -- Sign In Page AnneGeneviève Marcelin,1* Isabelle Cohen-Codar,2 Martin S. king,3 Philippe J. Li, M. king, DJ Kempf, D. Podzamczer, C. flexner, C. Katlama, DV Havlir, http://aac.asm.org/cgi/content/full/49/5/1720 | |
68. Hand Transplant Recipient To Meet With Local Media (lobby area by Burger king) 225 Abraham flexner Way Louisville, KY. NOTE,All interviews are to be embargoed until 500 pm February 27, 2001 http://www.handtransplant.org/news_release/022601.html | |
69. March 25 - Wikipedia 1965 Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther king, Jr. complete successfullytheir 4 day 50 mile 1783); 1863 - Simon flexner, pathologist (d. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_25 | |
70. Art Bulletin, The: Benjamin West, John Galt, And The Biography Of 1816 (2) flexner s defensive tone suggests a complication, which Dunlap a laurelcrowned bust of the king gazes in imperious profile toward the new president http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0422/is_2_86/ai_n6140251 | |
71. Søgning.dk - Arts : People : K king, Andrea (1); king, flexner (1); king, Larry (17); king, Perry (1);king, Ross king, Stephen@ (133); kingsley, Ben (29); kingston, Alex (13) http://www.soegning.dk/dir/Arts/People/K | |
72. A Theoretical Model 1 James T. flexner, Washington The Indispensable Man (Boston Little, In contrast to the noble but futile king, the true heroes in king Lear may be http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~gpomper/TM.htm | |
73. Virological And Pharmacological Parameters Predicting The Response To Lopinavir- AnneGenevieve Marcelin,1* Isabelle Cohen-Codar,2 Martin S. king,3 Philippe J. Li, M. king, DJ Kempf, D. Podzamczer, C. flexner, C. Katlama, DV Havlir, http://www.natap.org/2005/HIV/061605_03.htm |
74. CLARK MSS. Edgar DeWitt Jones, Harry Kemp, Hortense (flexner) king, Alfred Kreymborg,Richard Le Gallienne, Mary Sinton (Lewis) Leitch, James Hamilton Lewis, http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/clark.html | |
76. Published Guides To APS Collections Cornelia S. king, comp. American Education, 16221860 Printed Works in the Library Publication No. 15. Philadelphia APS, 1991. flexner, Simon http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/bibs.htm | |
77. States Dyckman Over the next few years, at king s Farm he gained stature as a businessman He is the subject of an engaging monograph by James Thomas flexner entitled http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/albany/bios/d/stdyckman.html | |
78. Oberlin College Archives | Letter Indices | Henry Churchill King Index - F Henry Churchill king Index to Correspondence, 18971928. Contents flexner,Abraham 1923 (186) Flickinger, CA 1925 (187) Flickinger, Roy C. 1923 (189) http://www.oberlin.edu/archive/holdings/indices/King/index_f.html | |
79. The North Texas Skeptic king Bio Pharmaceuticals, based in North Carolina, manufactures a line of homeremedies When Abraham flexner released his famous report for the Carnegie http://www.ntskeptics.org/2002/2002june/june2002.htm | |
80. Clinical Features Associated With Transformation Of Cerebriform T Greer JP; Salhany KE; Cousar JB; Fields JP; king LE; Graber SE; flexner JM; SteinRS; Collins RD; Division of Hematology, Vanderbilt University Medical http://www.aegis.com/aidsline/1991/jan/M9110500.html | |
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