a single payment or in four equal, annual installments, over four suc- cessive years." Awards. The Brewster Memorial Award, by action of the Council, xvas made to Donald S. Farner, with the following citation: "His experimental work has probed deeply into the fundamentals of avian physiology. He also has made a signal contribution to the ornithology of the Western Hemisphere by bringing abstracts of significant foreign literature to the attention of American ornitholo- gists, and he has carried out important analyses of bird-banding data. His published work has been distinguished by its insight and its scholarship, and, in many ways, he epitomizes the modern approach to ornithological research." Marcia Brady Tucker Awards, assisting young ornithologists of promise to attend the annual meeting, were given by vote of the officers to Peter L. Ames, Yale University; William G. George, University of Arizona; and Mary Anne Heimerdinger, Yale University. Van Tyne Memorial Awards were given, by action of the Committee on Research, to Frances T. Hamerstrom, Plainfield, Wisconsin; .lames Enderson, University of Wyoming; and Denis F. Owen, University of Michigan. Membership. T]e Secretary reported that 3,036 copies of The Auk are being mailed; this mailing list includes all classes of members, subscriptions, and exchanges with other journals. The Treasureifs records showed members by classes, before the elections in this meeting, as follows: Fellows .............................................. 79 Fellows Emeriti ...................................... 2 Honorary Fellows ................................ 20 Corresponding Fellows ......................... 69 Elective Members ................................... 195 Honorary Life Elective Members ........ 8 Honarary Life Members .................... 18 Members ................................................ 2120 Student Members ................................. 79 Total 2590 Finances. The report of the Treasurer appears in full elsewhere in The uk. The dues for all dues-paying classes of members were continued at five dollars per year by vote of the Council. Stephen S. Gregory, resigning Chairman of the Investment Trustees, reported that the appraised value of the endowment holdings, as of 31 July 1960, was $159,836. This figure includes $7,270 received in cash during the fiscal year. Without the additional monies received, the endowment holdings would have totalled only $152,566, a decline in value, from 31 July 1959, of $6,133. Editorial matters. The Editor, Donald S. Farher, reported that three numbers of Volume 77 of The 4uk have appeared so far in 1960, and that the fourth is in press. He stated that page proofs of the "Ten-Year Index of The Auk (1941-1950)" are now being corrected and that publication is expected before the end of 1960. The Editor of The Handbook of North ,4nterican Birds, Ralph S. Palmer, reported that the Yale University Press is now setting the first volume in type. Reports of committees. W.J. Breckenrldge, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Biography, reported that one memorial to a Fellow aud three obituaries (two of Corresponding Fellows, one of an Elective Member) bad been imblished during the year ending with the July 1960 issue of The Auk. l)uring the year ending July 1960, the Committee had learned of the deaths of one Patron, one Corresponding Fellow, one Elective Mereher. two Life Members, ten Members, and one Student Member: Jesse D. Anthony, Member, 1959 Albert L. Apfeld, Member, 20 November 1959 Arthur Edward Aronoff, Student Member, 12 June 1960 Paul Bartsch, Elective Member, 24 April 1960 Evelyn Vida Baxter, Corresponding Fellow, 1 October 1959 Sidney Fay Blake, Member, 31 December 1959 George Howard Burrows, II, Member, 1960 Stephen Emerson, Member, June 1959 Edith Krieger Frey, Life Member, 2 December 1959 Raymoud Ga1o Guernsey, Patron, 19 May 1959 Solomou Paul Jones, Member, 26 January 1959 Herinram Francis Kortheuer, Member, August 1959 Horace G. Mack, Member, 25 May 1959 Walter Wehle Naumburg, Member, 17 October 1959 Flora S. Richardson, Life Member, 5 July 1960 Jerry E. Stillwell, Member, 4 September 1959 Joseph C. Howell. Chairman of the Committee on Student Member- ships, reported by letter that 80 students had been named to receive The 4uk free of charge for one year. Of the awards, five were re- newals for applicants of earlier years. In 1959 the number of awards was 38. S. Charles Kendeigh, Chairman of the Committee on Research, pre- sented the report of his COlnmittee. it appears separately in full on pp. 242 fl. Clarence Cottam, Chairman of the Committee on Bird Protection, presented his report, xvhich appears separately in full on pp. 244 if. ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the meeting of Fellows and Elective Members, George H. Lowery, Jr., vas re-elected President, Austin L. Rand was advanced auto- matically to First Vice-President, John T. Emlen, Jr., was elected Second Vice-President, Herbert G. Deignan vas re-elected Secretary, and Charles G. Sibley was re-elected Treasurer. Three 1hen were elected to the Council, with terms expiring in 1963: Dean Amadon, Roger T. Peterson, and Harrison B. Tordoff. Donald S. Farner was re-elected Editor of The 4uk by action of the Council. Tle Council also re-elected to the Board of Investing Trustees Cyrus Mark,.Chairlnan, Arlie W. Schorger, and Stephen S. Gregory (if the last named could be induced to reconsider his resigna- tion). 'I'he complete list of officers and members of the Council ap- pears at the end of the Proceedings. ELECTION TO SPECIAL CLASSES oi,' MEMBERSHIP The following persons were elected to special classes of membership: FELLOW George A. Bartholomev, Jr. Eugene Eisenmann Joe T. Marshall, Jr. CORRESPONDING FELLOW Francisco Bernis, Spain Jean Dorst, France Finnur Gudnmndsson, Iceland J. Allen Keast, Australia ELECTivE MEMBER James R. King, Pullman, Washington Daniel S. Lehrman, Newark, New Jersey David F. McKinney, Delta, Manitoba L. Richard Mewaldt, San Jose, California Val Nolan, Jr., Bloomington, Indiana Miklos D. F. Udvardy, Vancouver, British Columbia HONORARy LIE ELECTIVE MEMBER Winthrop Sprague Brooks, Orleans, Massachusetts William Dyer, Mary Ellsworth, Monica Ann Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, Ursula Freimarck, Lowell Getz, Norma Guezen, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hann, Priscilla Hazen, M. Catherine Hinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Fenn Holden, John Howell, Maude Hukill, Marion L. Hundley, Bette Jane Johnston, Irene F. Jorae, Mrs. Nell T. Kelley, Robert Kirkendall, Justin Leonard, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Lunk, Harold D. Mahan, Joseph H. Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel McGeen, James McLaughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Messner, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Miles, Walter P. Nickell, Mr. and Mrs. Denis F. Owen, Robert Payne, Mrs. Thomas Petts, Miles D. Pirnie, Sergej Postupalsky, William Prychodko, David Rocheleau, Jon P. Rood, Donald B. Savery, Mrs. David Smith, Haven H. Spencer, Peter Stetten- helm, Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Storer, William Thompson, Heather Thorpe, Dr. and Mrs. Harrison B. Tordoff, Elsie Townsend, Mrs. Josselyn Van Tyne, Willet T. Van Velzen, James Vanden Berge, Charles F. Walker, Dr. and Mrs. Lavrence H. Walkinshaw, Dr. and Mrs. George J. Wallace, LaRue Wells, Harold F. Wing, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Wing, Larry Wolf, Mark Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wool- fenden, Jean Wright. Minnesota: James Beer, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dickerman, Arnold B. Erickson, Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Hofslund, Dr. and Mrs. Dwain Warner. Missouri: William Elder, Hazel Phil- brick. Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs. John Lueshen. New Jersey: Mrs. Herbert E. Cames, Ann Chamberlain, Charles T. Collins, Mrs. J. Y. Dater, Frank Gill, Bertram G. Murray, Jr., Norman B. Pilling, Jeff Swinebrod, Peter Westcott, Helen J. Williams. New Mexico: John P. Hubbard, Ralph J. Raitt, Jr., Dale A. Zimmerman. New York: Dr. and Mrs. Dean Anmdon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Axtell, Mr. and Mrs. Winston B. Brockner, John Bull, Roland C. Clement, William Dilger, David Dunham, Stephen W. Eaton, Don R. Eckelberry, Eugene Eisenmann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ficken, Lion Gardiner, E. Thomas Gilliard, Helen Hays, James M. Hartshorne, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stuart, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Paul Kellogg, Wesley E. Lanyon, Ethel E. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Mitchell, D. Bruce Murray, Theodora Nelson, Ralph S. Palmer, Richard H. Pough, Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Short, Jr., Charles G. Sibley, Paul Slud, Walter R. Spofford, Robert C. Stein, Mrs. Dayton Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ulrich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaurie, Jayson A. Walker, Joshua Wallman. North Caro- lina: Charles H. Blake, William S. James, G. Thomas Taylor. Ohio: Howard E. Blakeslee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. D. Booth, Vera Carrothers, Adela Gaede. Harold Mayfield, John Mayfield, Henri C. Seibert, Mildred Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Trautman. Oklahoma: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, John A. Weins. Pennsylvania: Dorothy L. Bordner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Bordner, Frederick V. Hebard, Kenneth C. Parkes, Frank W. Preston, W. E. Clyde Todd, Charles Trost, Mr. and Mrs. Rodnmn Ward, Merrill Wood. Rhode Island: Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar H. Fries. South Dakota: Byron Harrell. Tennessee: Albert Ganier, Mrs. Amelia R. Laskey. Texas: Clarence Cottam, Allan Hayse, Margaret Louise Hill, Mrs. L. T. Hill, Pauline James. Vermont: Mrs. James R. Dowus. Vir- ginia: Joseph H. Magee. Washingto,*:: Donald S. Farner. Wisconsin: John T. Emlen, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Epple, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland P. Grant, Joseph L. Guerino, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hamerstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey and daughter, L. Barrie Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Jung, Robert A. McCabe, Orrin J. Rongstad, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie W. Schorger, James G. Teer, Charles M. Weise. h. RICIIARD MEWALD' and MARTIN L. MOR'ON, San Jose State Col- lege, San Jose, California, Comparative Reactions of Migratory and Non-migratory I4/hite-crowned Sparrows to Like Environmental Conditions. CAm, W. HEL4S, Massachusetts Audubon Society, South Lincoln, Massachusetts, and Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, Gonadotropins and Migratory Activity. S. CHARLES KENDEIGH, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, Energy Conserved by Roosting in Cavities. GEORGE W. Cox and S. CHARLES KENDEIGH, University of Illinois. Champaign, Illinois, The Relation of Energy Requirements of Tropi- cal Finches to Distribution and Migration. GEORGE J. WALLACE, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi- gan, Dutch Elm Disease and the Robin Dilemma. RCHARD F. BERNARD, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi- gan, The Presence of DDT in ,4vian Tissues. THURSDAY MORNING SESSION NCHOL^S E. COLUIAS and ELSIE C. COLLI^S, University of California, Los Angeles, California, Some Mechanisms of Nest Building by thc African Village I4/eaverbird, Textor cucullatus. WILLI^4 C. DILER, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, The Evo- lution of Displays zqth Special Reference to Precopulatory Displays of Agapornis. MRS. WILLIAM KEETON, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Evo- lution of Nest Building in the Parrot Genus Agapornis. J'onN WILIiAU HARDY, University of California, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, Pupil Flexion Display and Associated 13ehavior in the Orange- fronted Parakeet, Aratinga canicularis. MILLCENq-' S. FICKEN, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Cotrt- ship of the American Redstart. IOBER'r W. FCKEN, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, ,4n ,4naly- sis of the Precopulary Display of the Common G'ackle. GERAID COLLIER, University of California, Los Angeles, California, Comparative Ontogeny of Behavior in Young Red-winged and Tri- colorcd Blackbirds. THURSDAY At'rERNOON SESSION WESLEY E. LANYON, American Museum of Natural History, New York, The Middle ,4roerican Populations of the Crested Flycatcher, Mylarchris tyrannulus. JANET K.;A/, Tle Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. Fng- land, Food Selection in British Finches. MRs. JOHN Y. DATER, Ramsey, New Jersey, Esophageal i)iverticula of the Common tedpoll. PAUL SLUD, American Museum of Natural History, New York, Eco- logical Distribution of Birds in a Tropical Wet Forest ztrea. (;EORGE A. BARTHOLOMEW and THOMAS R. HOWELL, University of California, Los Angeles, California, Temperature te.qulation in Lay- san and Black-looted ,41battosses. SOCIAL EvINTS A luncheon for the Council and a dinner for Fellows and members of the Council were held ou 23 August; iu the evening a reception, sponsored by the host organizations, was held for those not attending the business session. In the evening of 24 August a reception was held for 1hembets and guests at the Michigan Union. Wives of lnembers and other guests were given a special tour of the campus, followed by a tea, on the afternoon of 24 August, and, on the morning of 25 August, were taken hy bus to visit Greenfield Village and the historic Botsford Inn. The Annual Banquet took place in the Ballroom of the Michigan Union on the evening of Friday, 26 August. FIELD TRIPS On Saturday, 27 August, two all-day field trips were offered: one, to visit the new General Motors Technical Center and the Cranbrook Institute of Science; the other, to East Lansing and its vicinity, to visit the United States Department of Agriculture Poultry Research Labora- tory, the Museum of Michigan State University, and the Rose Lake Wildlife Experimeut Station of the Michigan Department of Conser- vation. ]_ESOLUTIONS The following resolutions xvere submitted by the Resolutions Com- mittee (John T. Emlen, Jr., Chairman; Kenneth C. Parkes; and Burr L. Monroe) and approved by the General Session on 26 August 1960: 1. Whereas, The American Ornithologists' Union, here assembled at Ann Arbor, Michigan, has taken note of the appalling destruction of bird life associated xvith the current widespread use of chemical pest/- cides, particularly in programs designed to suppress the Dutch Elm Disease in the Northern States and the Fire Ant Problem in the South- ern States; and Fhercas. Basic research during the past few years has demonstrated that serious threats of ecological unbalance exist in the prevailing insect control practices; Therefore, Be ]t Resolved, That agencies concerned with the regula- tion of pesticide dissemination take prompt action to examine research findings and to re-evaluate and modify existing regulations in accord- ance with an objective evaluation of these findings; and le It Further Resolved, That research institutions be encouraged to continue and expand investigations on the effect of pesticide practices on wildlife and the potential dangers of the continued use of such materials; and Be It Further Resolved, That, in formulating new regulations, respon- sible agencies be urged to take full cognizance of specific insecticides and other devices for minimizing the destruction of wildlife, and to place drastic restrictions on the use of cheap general pesticides where less dangerous materials are available; and Be It Further Resolved, That the Secretary of The American Orni thologists' Union be instructed to transmit copies of this resolution to those departments of government whose responsibility it is to formulate and carry out the regulation of insect control activities, and to such other agencies, organizations, and officials as should be informed of this problem as the President of the Union shall designate. 2. Fhereas, The value of any meeting is dependent upon the facili- ties of the meeting place and upon the energy and efficiency of the individual members of the local committee in performing their respective assignments; and Fhereas, The benefits and enjoyment of such meetings are enhanced by the cordiality and hospitality of the hosts; Therefore, Be It Resolved, That The American Ornithologists' Union in session at its Seventy-eighth Stated Meeting commends the Museum of Zoology of The University of Michigan, the Department of Zoology of Michigan State University, the Michigan Audubon Society, and the Detroit Audubon Society for contributing greatly to the outstauding success of this meeting; and I3e It Further Resolved, That The American Ornithologists' Union expresses its appreciation to each comnfittee member of these several groups for his or her efforts to make the 1960 meeting a memorable and profitable occasion. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION Expiration of Term George H. Lowery, Jr., l)rcsiden! ....................................... 1961 Austin L. Rand, First Fice-]residea! ................................... 1961 John T. Emlen, Jr., Sccod Vice-President .............................. 1961 Herbert G. Deignan, Secretary ......................................... 1961 Charles G. Sibley, Treasurer ............................................ 1961 Donald S. Farner, Editor of The tuk ................................... 1961 ILECTIvE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL Oliver I,. Austin, Jr .................................................... 1961 Harold F. Mayfiekt .................................................... 1961 Lester L. Snyder ...................................................... 1961 Joseph J. Hickey ...................................................... 1962 Arlie W. Schorger ..................................................... 1962 Robert W. Storcr . ..................................................... 1962 Dean Amadon ......................................................... 1963 Roger T. Peterson ..................................................... 1963 Harrison B. Totdoff . ................................................. 1963 Robert T. Orr, Cooper Ornithological Society Representative ............. 1961 I-I. Lewis Batts, Jr., Wilson Ornithological Society Representative ........ 1961 James P. Chapin, 1939-42 Herbert Friedmann, 1937-39 Hoyes Lloyd, 1945-48 Ernst Mayr, 1957-59 Alden H. Miller, 1953-56 Robert Cushman Murphy, 1948-50 Alexander Wetmore, 1926-29 EX-PREStDENTS INVESTING TRUSTEES Turner Biddie ......................................................... 1961 Cyrus Mark ........................................................... 1961 Arlie V;. Schorger ..................................................... 1961 AOU COMMITTEES 1960-1961 COMMITTEE ON BIOGRAPHY: Maurice G. Brooks, Chairnan. Aaron M. P, agg, Hildegarde Howard, J. Murray Speirs. COMMITTEE ON BIRD PROTECTION; Clarence Cottam, Chairmare Ira N. Gabriel- son, H. Albert Hochbaum, Robert A. McCabe, David A. Munro, Richard Pough. COMMITTEE ON TIlE BREWSTER AWARD: Austin L. Rand, Chairman. S. Charles Kendeigh, Alden H. Miller, A. William Schorger, Alexander Wetmore. EmTORIAL COMMITTEE: Donald S. Farner, Chairman. Donald R. Eckelberry, Eugene Eisenmann, John T. Emlen, Samuel A. Grimes, Wesley E. Lanyon, Frank McKinney, Eugene P. Odum, Robert W. Storer, George M. Sutton, L. R. Wolfe. COMMITTEE ON ENDOWMENTS: Albert Wolfson, ChairmaD. Mrs. Herbert E. Carnes, Cyrus Mark, Roger T. Peterson, Alexander Wetmore. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: Charles G. Sibley, Chairman. Herbert G. Deignan, Hoyes Lloyd, Olin Sewall Pettingill, S. Dillon Ripley, Albert Wolfson. COMMITTEE ON TIlE NOMINATION oF HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING FELLOWS: Herbert Friedmann, Chairman,. Margaret M. Nice, Albert Wolfson. COMMITTEE ON THE NOMINATION OF FELLOWS AND ELECTIVE MEMBERS: Oliver L. Austin, Chairman. John Davis, Harrison B. Tordoff. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Winston W. Brockner, Chairman,. Mrs. Robert V. D. Booth, Dorothy Louise Bordner, Shirley A. Briggs, Angelo D'Angelo, John J. Elliott, Albert F. Ganier, Earle R. Greene, Mary A. Heimerdinger, Frederick M. Helleiner, Clarence S. Jung, John Lunn, Joe T. Marshall, Carl S. Marvel, Mrs. Osborne Mitchell, Robert W. Nero, Robert J. Newman Val Nolan, Jr., Harold S. Peters, Peter C. Petersen, Jr., William F. Rapp, Mrs. Marjory Bartlett Sanger, George A. Smith, L. R. Wolfe, Mrs. Harriet B. WoolfendeR. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Chandler S. Robbins, Chairman. Herbert G. Deignan, Philip Du MoRt, W. Earl Godfrey. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS: Editor The uk, Chairman. President, Secre- tary, Treasurer, Editor of "Ten-Year Index to //uk" (L. R. Wolfe), Eugene Eisenmann. COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH: S. Charles Kendeigh, Chairman. Andrew J. Berger, John T. Emlen, Donald S. Farner, Ralph S. Pahner, Milton B. Trautman, M.D. F. Udvardy. COMMITTEE ON STUDENT AWARDS: Raymond A. Paynter, Chrirman. Pierce Brodkorb, Robert T. Orr, George M. Sutton, Harrison B. Tordoff, Dwain W. Warner. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON VERNACULAR NAMES OF NOR'II AMERICAN' BIPEDS: Roger T. Peterson, Chairman. Robert J. Newman, Fice-Chairmam Eugene Eisenmann, W. Earl Godfrey, Alden H. Miller, Kenneth C. Parkes, Olin Sevall Pettingill, Chandler S. Robbins. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY PP, OBLEMS RELATING TO AVIAry- CLASSIFICATION AND TIlE A.O.U. CHECi-LSTS: Alden H. Miller, Chairman. Dean Amadon, W. Earl Godfrey, George H. Lowery, Jr., Robert W. Storer. LOCA L COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 1961 ANNUAL MErING: John W. Aldrich, Chairman. Elting Arnold, Shirley A. Briggs, Thomas D. Burleigh, Edwin G. Davis, Allen J. Duvall, Ray C. Erickson, Ira N. Gabrielson, Luther C. Goldman, Hartley H. T. Jackson, Joseph E. King, Daniel L. Leedy, Charles N. Mason, Alexander Wetmore, John E. Willoughby. | |