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Dotcomguy: more detail |
1. DotComGuy, Gone And Forgotten He lived a dotcom existence for a year, promised six figures by a host of sponsors. The year ended on Sunday, and dotcomguy, derided by Net. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,40940,00.html | |
2. DotComGuy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia dotcomguy was the name of a former computing systems manager who legally changed his name to dotcomguy from Mitch Maddox in 2000. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DotComGuy | |
3. #DotComGuy Fan Pictures And Channel Stats While dotcomguy is always online to be viewed, he is not always online to chat with. The stats from this page are indeed the results of being always http://urgo.org/dotcomguy/ | |
4. DotComGuy Quits 'internet Life' News24 SciTech News dotcomguy quits internet life A man who has spent four years as dotcomguy is finally ready to leave the internet life behind. http://www.news24.com/News24/Technology/News/0,,2-13-1443_1499137,00.html | |
5. CNN.com - Technology - DotComGuy Emerges Without $100,000 'bonus' - January 2, 2 Although dotcomguy officially emerged from his yearlong seclusion Monday, he won t be receiving the nearly $100000 he was promised at the onset of his http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/computing/01/02/dotcomguy.update/ |
6. Dotcomguy: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati There are no posts with some authority tagged dotcomguy . Search in blogs with any authority » Return to the search page » http://technorati.com/tag/dotcomguy | |
7. Digital Point Forums - View Profile: Dotcomguy dominic067. Send a message via MSN to dotcomguy, flaming.chicken@virgin.net dotcomguy is not a member of any public groups http://forums.digitalpoint.com/member.php?u=12699 |
8. Stockpickr! Dotcomguy Portfolio 1 Portfolio dotcomguy Portfolio 1. 931 views. TheStreet.com Rating B. Rate Now 1 2 3 4 Created by dotcomguy. DESCRIPTION. Date updated0924-2006 http://www.stockpickr.com/port/dotcomguy-Portfolio-1/ | |
9. DotComGuy@Everything2.com dotcomguy is a guy who decided to live off of the internet for one year starting on January 1, 2000. The rules are that he can t leave the perimeter of his http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=710091 |
10. Dotcomguy ASP Scripts PHP Scripts Java JavaScripts Scripts Perl dotcomguy Scripts list Scripts Programs Scripts Codes ASP Scripts asp codes dotcomguy scripts list asp scripts php javascrips cgi perl jsp http://www.ezgoal.com/scripts/scripts/c.asp?d=dotcomguy |
11. The Dot Com People Sponsor DotComGuy | Business Wire | Find Articles At BNET.com The dot com people Sponsor dotcomguy from Business Wire in Business provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_Feb_3/ai_59167172 | |
13. DotCom Guy To Live Online For A Year - ZDNet UK Man to change name to dotcomguy, spend the next 12 months getting food, entertainment, social interaction through Net. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,1000000097,2076128,00.htm | |
14. Welcome To E-Commerce Times dotcomguy laughed and said, No, I don t have a girlfriend. We countered by asking if he would find one online, since he can have visitors. http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/1986.html |
15. YouTube - DotComGuy Fan Chat Reunion Every year on Dec 30th we have a dotcomguy Fan Chat Reunion. dotcomguy was the first person ever to broadcast his entire life online for a year, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9G-hbyBf1w |
16. CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: "DotComGuy" Puts Real Life On The Intern dotcomguy I ll need to order dishes and glasses, as well as I ll need to order food to fill this empty pantry, some mops, brooms, other cleaning supplies http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0001/08/smn.04.html | |
17. Web Host Directory - View Profile: Dotcomguy dotcomguy dotcomguy is offline. Registered User dotcomguy has no contact information. dotcomguy is not a member of any public groups http://forums.webhostdir.com/member.php?u=511 |
18. Slashdot | DotComGuy Survives His Year dotcomguy Survives His Year article related to It s funny. Laugh.. http://slashdot.org/articles/01/01/02/0717251.shtml | |
19. DotComGuy Emerges From Confinement dotcomguy emerges from confinement LM Otero, AP file The dotcomguy. DALLAS (AP) dotcomguy, who legally changed his name to reflect his online life, http://www.usatoday.com/news/ndstue02.htm | |
20. Ghost Sites/ Museum Of Interactive Failure/ DotComGuy.com Ghost Sites Museum of EFailure is an annotated screenshot gallery of departed Web Sites from the Dawn of the New Economy. http://www.disobey.com/ghostsites/mef/dotcomguy.shtml | |
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