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         Brandenstein Daniel:     more books (100)
  1. National Geographic Almanac of World History by Pat Daniels, Steve Hyslop, 01 November, 2003
  2. Cracking the AP World History Exam, 2004-2005 (Cracking the Ap World History Exam) by Monty Armstrong, David Daniel, et all 03 February, 2004
  3. Carrier Grade Voice Over IP by DanielCollins, 17 September, 2002
  4. Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West by Daniel James Ladinsky, 01 October, 2002
  5. The American Boy's Handy Book: What to Do and How to Do It (Nonpareil Book, 29) by Daniel Carter Beard, D. C. Beard, 01 October, 1998
  6. Judgment under Uncertainty : Heuristics and Biases by Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, et all 30 April, 1982
  7. 3G Wireless Networks by Daniel Collins, Clint Smith, 18 September, 2001
  8. Parenting from the Inside Out: How A Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J., MD Siegel, Mary Hartzell, 22 April, 2004
  9. What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel A. Helminiak, 01 April, 2000
  10. The Body Farm by Patricia Daniels Cornwell, 01 August, 1995
    More books from Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and France sites

81. The Following Document Was Updated On 04-13-88 And
Frank 1962 2 2 Former Bowersox, Kenneth D. 1987 12 Current Brand, Vance D.1966 5 3 Current brandenstein, daniel C. 1978 8 2 Current Bridges, Roy D., The following document was updated on 04-13-88 and contains 14095 characters. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ASTRONAUTS March 1988 Selection Missions Name Year Group Flown Status Adamson, James C. 1984 10 Current Aldrin, Edwin E., Jr. 1963 3 2 Former Akers, Thomas D. 1987 12 Current Allen, Andrew M. 1987 12 Current Allen, Joseph P. 1967 6 2 Former Anders, William A. 1963 3 1 Former Apt, Jerome 1985 11 Current Armstrong, Neil A. 1962 2 2 Former Bagian, James P. 1980 9 Current Baker, Ellen S. 1984 10 Current Baker, Michael A. 1985 11 Current Bassett, Charles A., II 1963 3 Deceased Bean, Alan L. 1963 3 2 Former Blaha, John E. 1980 9 Current Bluford, Guion S., Jr. 1978 8 2 Current Bobko, Karol J. 1969 7 3 Current Bolden, Charles F., Jr. 1980 9 1 Current Borman, Frank 1962 2 2 Former Bowersox, Kenneth D. 1987 12 Current Brand, Vance D. 1966 5 3 Current Brandenstein, Daniel C. 1978 8 2 Current Bridges, Roy D., Jr. 1980 9 1 Former Brown, Curtis L., Jr. 1987 12 Current Brown, Mark N. 1984 10 Current Buchli, James F. 1978 8 2 Current Bull, John S. 1966 5 Former Cabana, Robert D. 1985 11 Current Cameron, Kenneth D. 1984 10 Current Carpenter, M. Scott 1959 1 1 Former Carr, Gerald P. 1966 5 1 Former Carter, Manley Lanier, Jr. 1984 10 Current Casper, John H. 1984 10 Current Cernan, Eugene A. 1963 3 3 Former Chaffee, Roger B. 1963 3 Deceased Chang-Diaz, Franklin R. 1980 9 1 Current Chapman, Philip K. 1967 6 Former Chilton, Kevin P. 1987 12 Current Cleave, Mary L. 1980 9 1 Current Coats, Michael L. 1978 8 1 Current Collins, Michael 1963 3 2 Former Conrad, Charles, Jr. 1962 2 4 Former Cooper, L. Gordon, Jr. 1959 1 2 Former Covey, Richard O. 1978 8 1 Current Creighton, John O. 1978 8 1 Current Crippen, Robert L. 1969 7 4 Former Culbertson, Frank L., Jr. 1984 10 Current Cunningham, Walter 1963 3 1 Former Selection Missions Name Year Group Flown Status Davis, N. Jan 1987 12 Current Duffy, Brian 1985 11 Current Duke, Charles M., Jr. 1966 5 1 Former Dunbar, Bonnie J. 1980 9 1 Current Eisele, Donn F. 1963 3 1 Deceased England, Anthony W. 1967 6 1 Current Engle, Joe H. 1966 5 2 Former Evans, Ronald E. 1966 5 1 Former Fabian, John M. 1978 8 2 Former Fisher, Anna L. 1978 8 1 Current Fisher, William F. 1980 9 1 Current Foale, C. Michael 1987 12 Current Freeman, Theodore C. 1963 3 Deceased Fullerton, Charles G. 1969 7 2 Former Gardner, Dale A. 1978 8 2 Former Gardner, Guy S. 1980 9 Current Garriott, Owen K. 1965 4 2 Former Gemar, Charles D. 1985 11 Current Gibson, Edward G. 1965 4 1 Former Gibson, Robert L. 1978 8 2 Current Givens, Edward G., Jr. 1966 5 Deceased Glenn, John H., Jr. 1959 1 1 Former Godwin, Linda M. 1985 11 Current Gordon, Richard F., Jr. 1963 3 2 Former Grabe, Ronald J. 1980 9 1 Current Graveline, Duane E. 1965 4 Former Gregory, Frederick D. 1978 8 1 Current Griggs, S. David 1978 8 1 Current Grissom, Virgil I. 1959 1 2 Deceased Gutierrez, Sidney M. 1984 10 Current Haise, Fred W., Jr. 1966 5 1 Former Hammond, L. Blaine, Jr. 1984 10 Current Harbaugh, Gregory J. 1987 12 Current Hart, Terry J. 1978 8 1 Former Hartsfield, Henry W., Jr. 1969 7 3 Current Hauck, Frederick H. 1978 8 2 Current Hawley, Steven A. 1978 8 2 Current Henize, Karl G. 1967 6 1 Former Henricks, Terence T. 1985 11 Current Hieb, Richard J. 1985 11 Current Hilmers, David C. 1980 9 1 Current Hoffman, Jeffrey A. 1978 8 1 Current Holmquest, Donald L. 1967 6 Former Irwin, James B. 1966 5 1 Former Ivins, Marsha S. 1984 10 Current Selection Missions Name Year Group Flown Status Jemison, Mae C. 1987 12 Current Jernigan, Tamara E. 1985 11 Current Kerwin, Joseph P. 1965 4 1 Former Lee, Mark C. 1984 10 Current Leestma, David C. 1980 9 1 Current Lenoir, William B. 1967 6 1 Former Lind, Don L. 1966 5 1 Former Llewellyn, John A. 1967 6 Former Lounge, John M. 1980 9 1 Current Lousma, Jack R. 1966 5 2 Former Lovell, James A., Jr. 1962 2 4 Former Low, G. David 1984 10 Current Lucid, Shannon W. 1978 8 1 Current Mattingly, Thomas K., II 1966 5 3 Former McBride, Jon A. 1978 8 1 Current McCandless, Bruce, II 1966 5 1 Current McCulley, Michael J. 1984 10 Current McDivitt, James A. 1962 2 2 Former McMonagle, Donald R. 1987 12 Current McNair, Ronald E. 1978 8 2 Deceased Meade, Carl J. 1985 11 Current Melnick, Bruce E. 1987 12 Current Michel, F. Curtis 1965 4 Former Mitchell, Edgar D. 1966 5 1 Former Mullane, Richard M. 1978 8 1 Current Musgrave, F. Story 1967 6 2 Current Nagel, Steven R. 1978 8 2 Current Nelson, George D. 1978 8 2 Current O'Connor, Bryan D. 1980 9 1 Current O'Leary, Brian T. 1967 6 Former Onizuka, Ellison S. 1978 8 2 Deceased Oswald, Stephen S. 1985 11 Current Overmyer, Robert F. 1969 7 2 Former Parker, Robert A. R. 1967 6 1 Current Peterson, Donald H. 1969 7 1 Former Pogue, William R. 1966 5 1 Former Readdy, William F. 1987 12 Current Reightler, Kenneth S., Jr. 1987 12 Current Resnik, Judith A. 1978 8 2 Deceased Richards, Richard N. 1980 9 Current Ride, Sally K. 1978 8 2 Former Roosa, Stuart A. 1966 5 1 Former Ross, Jerry L. 1980 9 1 Current Runco, Mario, Jr. 1987 12 Current Selection Missions Name Year Group Flown Status Schirra, Walter M., Jr. 1959 1 3 Former Schmitt, Harrison H. 1965 4 1 Former Schweickart, Russell L. 1963 3 1 Former Scobee, Francis R. 1978 8 2 Deceased Scott, David R. 1963 3 3 Former Seddon, Margaret Rhea 1978 8 1 Current See, Elliot M., Jr. 1962 2 Deceased Shaw, Brewster H., Jr. 1978 8 2 Current Shepard, Alan B., Jr. 1959 1 2 Former Shepherd, William M. 1984 10 Current Shriver, Loren J. 1978 8 1 Current Slayton, Donald K. 1959 1 1 Former Smith, Michael J. 1980 9 1 Deceased Spring, Sherwood C. 1980 9 1 Current Springer, Robert C. 1980 9 Current Stafford, Thomas P. 1962 2 4 Former Stewart, Robert L. 1978 8 2 Former Sullivan, Kathryn D. 1978 8 1 Current Swigert, John L., Jr. 1966 5 1 Deceased Thagard, Norman E. 1978 8 2 Current Thorne, Stephen D. 1985 11 Deceased Thornton, Kathryn C. 1984 10 Current Thornton, William E. 1967 6 2 Current Thuot, Pierre J. 1985 11 Current Truly, Richard H. 1969 7 2 Former van Hoften, James D. A. 1978 8 2 Former Veach, Charles Lacy 1984 10 Current Voss, James S. 1987 12 Current Walker, David M. 1978 8 1 Current Weitz, Paul J. 1966 5 2 Current Wetherbee, James D. 1984 10 Current White, Edward H., II 1962 2 1 Deceased Williams, Clifton C., Jr. 1963 3 Deceased Williams, Donald E. 1978 8 1 Current Worden, Alfred M. 1966 5 1 Former Young, John W. 1962 2 6 Current

82. Space Shuttle Annotated Bibliography, CH12
daniel C. brandenstein, Lt. Comdr. Dale A. Gardner, Jr., Lt. Col. Guin S. Bluford,Jr., and William Edgar Thornton, MD Washington, DC US House of
"Astronauts for First Space Shuttle Flights Named." Space World . 7 (July 1978): 12-21. This article profiles the group of astronauts picked for the Shuttle program. Atkinson, Joseph D., Jr., and Shafritz, Jay M. The Real Stuff: A History of the NASA Astronaut Requirement Program . New York: Praeger Pubs., 1985. Authors present a brief overview of the selection of the first ten groups of NASA astronauts through 1984, then concentrate on covering the watershed selections of 1959, the first group; 1965, the first scientists; and 1978, the first Shuttle selection including women and minorities. Places heavy emphasis on the criteria for selection and the procedures used, and on efforts to bring minorities and women into the Shuttle program. Baker, David. I Want To Fly the Shuttle . Vero Beach, FL: Rouke Enterprises, 1988. This is a children's book on the Shuttle, describing how astronauts are chosen and trained and what it would be like to fly a mission. It is part of the "Today's World in Space" series of books that are short, highly illustrated accounts of various space exploration activities. Bird, J.D. "Design Concepts of the Shuttle Mission Simulator."

83. Space Explorers, Inc.
brandenstein, Who daniel C. brandenstein (Captain, USN, Ret.) What Live onlinechat about Space daniel C. brandenstein Biography. Current Position

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  • Space Explorers Who: Daniel C. Brandenstein (Captain, USN, Ret.) What: Live online chat about Space Flight When: Rescheduled Chat Time:
    Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2004
    AM Alaska Time
    AM Pacific Time
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    AM PM Central Time
    PM Eastern Time Daniel C. Brandenstein Biography: Current Position
    Vice President and Associate Program Manager, Consolidated Space Operations Contract, Lockheed Martin Space Operations, Houston, Texas. Responsible for all CSOC support provided to the Human Space Flight (HSF) Programs including hardware and software development of mission control systems, operational support of HSF missions, sustaining engineering and maintenance of all mission control systems and all associated business management tasks. Education
    Graduated from Watertown High School, Watertown, Wisconsin, in 1961; received a bachelor of science degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Wisconsin - River Falls in 1965. Organizations
    Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Fellow, Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), Association of Space Explorers (ASE), United States Naval Institute, Association of Naval Aviation (ANA) and National Space Society (NSS). Special Honors Naval Experience NASA Experience Selected by NASA as an Astronaut Candidate in January 1978, Brandenstein became an astronaut in August 1979. He was ascent spacecraft communicator (CAPCOM) and a member of the astronaut support crew for STS-1 and STS-2 the first and second Space Shuttle flights. A veteran of four space flights*STS-8 (August 30 to September 5, 1983), STS-51G (June 17-24, 1985), STS-32 (January 9-20, 1990), and STS-49 (May 7-16, 1992)*Brandenstein has logged over 789 hours in space. Following his second space flight, Brandenstein served as the Deputy Director of Flight Crew Operations, From April 1987 through September 1992 Brandenstein served as Chief of the Astronaut Office. In October 1992 Brandenstein retired from NASA and the U.S. Navy.
  • 84. Space Explorers, Inc.
    And we would especially like to thank astronaut daniel brandenstein for beingour guest today. Please join us next month for our last chat scheduled for the

    Bradley Texas 298 Bradley William H 298 brandenstein John 301 brandensteinLouisa 301 brandenstein Margaret A 301 brandenstein Mary E 301 Braziel daniel
    ALPHABETIZED 1850 CENSUS INDEX, ATCHISON COUNTY - MISSOURI Family name....Ind name...Page Aikins Charles 280 Aikins James R 280 Aikins Lafayette 280 Aikins Margaret 280 Aikins Martin J 280 Aikins Thomas 280 Allen Bethel 274 Allen Bethel 274 Allen Elizabeth 274 Allen Elizabeth 274 Allen Isaac 274 Allen Jesse R 274 Allen Mathew D 274 Allen Nancy 274 Allen Nancy A 281 Allen Precilla 274 Allen Richard J 274 Allen Susan J 274 Allen Thomas 281 Allen William R 274 Amen Alexander 286 Amen Anna 285 Amen Corella 285 Amen Mary E 285 Amen Mathias 285 Amen Mathias 286 Amen Midleton 285 Amen Ralph 285 Amen Resin 285 Amen Sarah 286 Amen Sylvester 285 Aull Clarinda 302 Aull Clementine 302 Aull Edward 302 Aull Fremont 302 Aull James 302 Aull Thomas M 302 Baeseley Charles 283 Baeseley Isom 283 Baeseley Misouri 283 Baeseley Sarah 283 Baeseley Susan 283 Baeseley Susan 283 Baeseley Washington 283 Baeseley Woodson 283 Bailey Annie 294 Bailey Ely 294 Bailey Grandeson 294 Bailey James 294 Bailey James 294 Bailey Levy 294 Bailey Nancy 294 Bailey Sarah 294 Bailey Sekiel 294 Baldwin Benjamin 286 Baldwin Catharine 287 Baldwin Elizabeth 287 Baldwin Frances 289 Baldwin Irina 287 Baldwin James H 289 Baldwin Martha 286 Baldwin Mary A 287 Ballard Elisa 272 Ballard Polina 272 Ballard Richard 272 Banzer Catharine 288 Banzer Charles 288 Banzer Christine 288 Banzer Elise 288 Banzer John 288 Banzer Joseph 288 Banzer Magdalena 288 Barlow Elizabeth 287 Barlow George 300 Barlow Jeremiah 300 Barlow Jeremiah 287 Barlow Judy 287 Barlow Louis 287 Barlow Mary 300 Barlow Mary 287 Barlow Susan M 300 Barlow Washington 287 Barlow William 300 Beal Datus 300 Beal Fibia M 300 Beal George 300 Beal Lucina 300 Beal Lucretia 300 Beal Moses 300 Beard Emma J 278 Beard George S 278 Beard Julia A 278 Beard Martha 278 Beard Sarah F 278 Beck Elizabeth 299 Beck Mary 299 Beck Percy (f) 299 Beck William 299 Beck Wilson 299 Beers Davis 289 Beers Elisa 289 Bell Jonaphin 293 Bennett George 290 Bennett Gideon 290 Bennett Jane E 290 Bennett John 290 Blair Sarah 287 Blevins Almida 299 Blevins Daniel 299 Blevins Daniel M 299 Blevins Elise A 298 Blevins Joseph W 299 Blevins Lucy 298 Blevins Lucy 299 Blevins Nathaniel 298 Blevins Wardeman 299 Bluhm Henry 267 Bony Dalcina 277 Bony Elizabeth 277 Bony Hiram 277 Bony Joseph 277 Bony Nancy 277 Bony William 277 Borchers Augustus 300 Borchers Frances M 293 Borchers George 293 Borchers Louise 293 Borchers Mary Jane 293 Bowen S G 300 Bradford A A 303 Bradford Emeline 303 Bradley Alfins 298 Bradley Martha 298 Bradley Martha 298 Bradley Susan 298 Bradley Texas 298 Bradley William H 298 Brandenstein John 301 Brandenstein Louisa 301 Brandenstein Margaret A 301 Brandenstein Mary E 301 Braziel Daniel 280 Braziel George 280 Braziel Melinda 280 Braziel Susan 280 Brissen Jane 269 Brissen Willim J 269 Brody Carolina 302 Brody Colisty 302 Brody Elizabeth 303 Brody Isabella 302 Brody Jesse 302 Brody Louis K 302 Brody Mary 303 Brody Mary E 302 Brody Stephen 302 Brody Stephen 303 Brody William 302 Buckham Charlotte 280 Buckham Martha W 280 Buckham Nancy 280 Buckham Richard 280 Buckham Robert 300 Buckham Robert N 280 Buckham Susan A 280 Bull Carolina 268 Bull John E 274 Bull William A 274 Bulley Angelina 290 Bulley Antony 290 Bulley Charlotte 290 Bulley Charlotte 290 Bulley Melinda 290 Bush Henry 296 Bush Martin 296 Bush Susan 296 Bush Thomas 296 Cameron Eliza 266 Cameron James 266 Cameron John 266 Cameron Mary 266 Cameron Rachael 266 Cameron Salite 266 Cameron Sarine 266 Cameron William 266 Campbell Benjamin 268 Campbell Elizabeth 268 Campbell James A 268 Campbell John 268 Campbell Martha A 268 Campbell Thomas B 268 Campbell William B 268 Candle Elisa J 295 Candle James 295 Candle Martha A 295 Candle Nancy A 295 Candle Polina A 295 Candle Sekiel 295 Candle Susan 295 Candle William 295 Casey Albert 275 Casey Benjamin 275 Casey Edward 275 Casey Harriet 275 Casey Janette 275 Casey Janette 275 Casey Levy 275 Casey Margaret 275 Casey Robert 275 Caudle Hugh 295 Caudle Mary 295 Caudle Sarah 295 Cer Charlotte 292 Cer Elizabeth 292 Cer Harry J 292 Cer John 292 Cer Martha 292 Cer Nancy E 292 Cer Nicholas W 292 Cer Sarah A 292 Chipman Louisa 301 Chipman Margaret A 301 Chipman Martin E 301 Chipman Mary E 301 Choder Glade 290 Choder Mary 290 Choder Patric 290 Christian Elizabeth 301 Christian Mary A 301 Christian Preston R 301 Clark M B 268 Clark Marion B 268 Claus Ann E 286 Claus Elizabeth 286 Clayton Simon H 302 Cleveland Thomas 278 Clevinger Cicha 265 Clevinger Elizabeth 265 Clevinger George W 265 Clevinger Samuel 265 Cloepfield Conrad 300 Cloepfield Conrad 286 Cloepfield Elizabeth 286 Cloepfield Magaret 286 Cloepfield Martha 286 Cocine Elizabeth 281 Cocine John M 281 Cocine Martin W 281 Cocine Mary L 281 Cogdill Abraham 271 Cogdill Daniel 271 Cogdill Jacob 271 Cogdill Kitty A 271 Cogdill Mahala 271 Cogdill Mary 271 Cogdill Merida 271 Cogdill Totter 271 Cogdill William 271 Cole Angelina 297 Cole Angelina 297 Cole Benjamin 297 Cole Burcilla 297 Cole Elise 283 Cole Jane A 297 Cole Jesse 297 Cole Jesse 297 Cole John 283 Collet Mathilda 284 Collet William 284 Combs Daniel 298 Combs Jackson 298 Combs Jesse 298 Combs Margaret 298 Combs William 298 Combs William T 298 Cook Amanda M 265 Cook Annie 265 Cook Elias H 265 Cook Frances 265 Cook James F 265 Cook James K 265 Cook John 265 Cook John C 265 Cook Joshua 265 Cook Lucas 265 Cook Sarah 265 Cooley Daniel 275 Cornogg Janice 289 Cornogg Sarah A 289 Cosley Daniel 294 Cosley Frances 294 Cosley Frances 294 Cosley James 294 Cosley Jane 294 Cowles Arelonia 281 Cowles Catharine 281 Cowles Charles 303 Cowles Clayton 303 Cowles George 303 Cowles Henry 281 Cowles Henry C 281 Cowles Lauris 303 Cowles Martin 281 Cowles Mary 303 Cowles Sarah 281 Cox Allen 292 Cox Lurena 292 Cox Sarah E 292 Cummings Ester 303 Cummings Israel R 303 Cummings John 303 Curry Edward 295 Curry George 295 Curry James 295 Curry Mary 295 Curry Nancy E 295 Curry Sarah F 295 Cuvert Alexander 279 Cuvert Daniel 279 Cuvert Emeline 279 Cuvert Henry 279 Cuvert James 279 Cuvert John W 279 Cuvert Maria 279 Cuvert Mary A 279 Cuvert Silas 279 Cuvert William 279 Daily Elise 303 Daily Favorita 304 Daily John 303 Dallaham John B 290 Daniel Hannah J 294 Daniel James 294 Daniel Margaret 294 Daniel Mary E 294 Daniel William 294 Daniel William A 294 Davis Andrew J 290 Davis Isaack 290 Davis John R 290 Davis Margaret 290 Davis William H 290 Defriece Gilpin 271 Defriece James 271 Defriece James 271 Defriece Philipp 271 Defriece Sarah 271 Denicker Frederick 303 Denicker Maria 303 Deputty James 280 Deputty James 280 Deputty Joseph 280 Deputty Mary A 280 Dickman Margaret 270 Dickman Mary 270 Dickman Sarah E 270 Dickman Thomas 270 Dickman Thomas J 270 Doty Samuel 266 Dougherty Milton 302 Doughty Ada 302 Doughty George 302 Doughty Priphina 302 Draper Hulda 287 Draper Ira 288 Draper Patience 288 Draper Sophrona 288 Dryden Grimes 296 Dryden Hannah 296 Dryden Harrison 296 Dryden Mahala 296 Dryden Sarah E 295 Dryden Thomas M 296 Dryden Vincent 295 Dryden William 296 Eckert Irina 289 English Charles 292 English Frances E 292 English Merinda A 292 English Rebecca J 292 English Sarah A 292 English Stephen 292 Farmer Elizabeth 273 Farmer Jeremiah 273 Farmer Lucy A 273 Farmer Nancy 273 Farmer Robert 273 Farmer Scynta 273 Farmer William 273 Floyd Adeline 281 Floyd Elizabeth 281 Floyd Thomas 281 Follet Louisa 303 Forsyth Charity D 297 Forsyth Mary E 297 Fowler Albert 280 Fowler Belinda 278 Fowler Belinda 278 Fowler Benjamin 278 Fowler Benjamin 278 Fowler Caleb 279 Fowler Carolina 280 Fowler Elizabeth 279 Fowler Elizabeth 278 Fowler Harvey 280 Fowler Hester 279 Fowler Hugh 279 Fowler Isaack 278 Fowler James 278 Fowler James 278 Fowler James W 278 Fowler John 278 Fowler John 280 Fowler John J 278 Fowler John J 278 Fowler Johnas 279 Fowler Kisina 278 Fowler Luci 279 Fowler Lucinda 278 Fowler Lucinda 280 Fowler Mary 278 Fowler Mary A 278 Fowler Mary A 278 Fowler Mary M 280 Fowler Mathilda 278 Fowler Melissa 279 Fowler Nelson 279 Fowler Samuel C 278 Fowler Sarah A 279 Fowler Thomas 279 Fowler Welcome 278 Fowler William 279 Fowler William 279 Fowler William H 278 Francis Elenore 268 Francis Elizabeth 268 Francis William 268 Frazier Davidson 265 Frazier Nathan 265 Frazier Rebecca 265 Frazier William 265 Frazier William W 265 Fugitt Francis S 299 Fugitt Sarah A 299 Fugitt William 299 Gameinaker Andreas 268 Gameinaker Barbara 268 Gibson Isaack 287 Gibson Isaack 287 Gibson J Madison 287 Gibson Margaret 287 Gibson Martha 287 Gibson Mary 287 Gillpys John 270 Gillpys Louisa A 270 Gillpys Lucy 270 Gillpys Lucyda E 270 Gillpys Thomas 270 Gilmore Litia A 300 Gilmore Nancy 300 Gilmore Robert 300 Gilmore Sarah 300 Golden Ann 276 Golden John 277 Golden Maorghe 277 Golden Martha A 277 Golden Millage 276 Gray Dicy 283 Gray Elise 283 Gray Isaack 283 Gray Jacob 283 Gray Sarah 293 Grebe Augusta 282 Grebe Edward 282 Grebe Elise 282 Grebe Martin 282 Grebe Martin 281 Green Amelia A 299 Green James 299 Green Manly 300 Green Martin 299 Green Nancy A 299 Green Salomon 299 Green Sarah J 299 Green William 299 Groves Maronie 304 Groves Sarah 304 Hackler Catharine 277 Hackler David 277 Hackler Elise 278 Hackler Hiram 278 Hackler James M 277 Hackler James W 277 Hackler John B 277 Hackler Julia 278 Hackler Mathilda 277 Hackler Sarah 277 Hackler Talihta 278 Hackler William 277 Hackley James M 273 Hackley John 273 Hale Elenore 268 Hale Freeland 300 Hale Samuel 268 Hale Thomas 268 Hall Ann E 299 Hall Henry B 281 Hall Henry L 299 Hall John R 299 Hall Maria J 299 Hall Mary A 299 Hall Nancy C 299 Hall Sarah J 281 Hall William 299 Handley Annie 267 Handley Archibald 267 Handley Archibald 267 Handley Archibald 267 Handley Elizabeth 266 Handley Harvey 267 Handley James 267 Handley James 267 Handley John 267 Handley John 267 Handley John 266 Handley Joseph 267 Handley Mary E 267 Handley Nathan 267 Handley William 267 Handley William 267 Harmon Catharine 266 Harmon Elizabeth 267 Harmon Elizabeth 266 Harmon George 265 Harmon George 266 Harmon Henry 266 Harmon James 266 Harmon John 266 Harmon Lian (f) 265 Harmon Louisa 267 Harmon Margaret 266 Harmon Martha 266 Harmon Mary 266 Harmon Mary 266 Harmon Mathew 267 Harmon Nathan 267 Harmon Rebecca 266 Harmon Reuben 266 Harmon Stephen 265 Harmon Thomas 267 Harrington Bardemon 273 Harrington Daniel S 273 Harrington Elisha 273 Harrington John 273 Harrington Mahala 273 Harrington Merida 273 Harrington William 273 Hartman Johanna 282 Hartman Mina 282 Hartman William 282 Hartman William 282 Hawkins Benjamin 272 Hawkins Laticia 272 Hawkins Martha 272 Hawkins Pandesher 272 Hawkins Reuben 272 Hawkins William 272 Hays Angelina 302 Hays Carolina 266 Hays Elenore 302 Hays Elizabeth 302 Hays Fibia J 293 Hays Hiram M 283 Hays Isaack W 293 Hays James 302 Hays James 302 Hays James C 283 Hays Jane 293 Hays Jane 293 Hays John 302 Hays John 266 Hays John 293 Hays Judith 302 Hays Julia A 266 Hays Louis 266 Hays Martin 302 Hays Mary E 302 Hays Melinda 293 Hays Sarah A 293 Hays William 266 Heck Elise 280 Heck Francis M 280 Heck Martha 280 Heck Martin W 280 Heck Nathan 280 Heck Samuel 280 Hildebrandt John 272 Hildebrandt Mary 272 Hill Charlotte 266 Hill Emeline 266 Hill George W 266 Hill Henry 266 Hill Mary 266 Hill Nancy J 266 Hill William M 266 Hilvey Elizabeth 265 Hilvey Ellen 265 Hilvey Helvise 265 Hilvey Heridy 265 Hilvey Jane 265 Hilvey Lakahet 265 Hoffman Elizabeth 298 Hoffman Misouri J 298 Hoffman Peter 298 Hoffman Richard 298 Hogan Daniel 272 Hogan Louisa 272 Hogan Sarah A 272 Hollen Frances 272 Hollen Isom 272 Hollen Mary W 272 Hollen Nancy J 272 Hollen Pacha A 272 Hollen William 272 Honk John 270 Honk Nancy J 270 Honk William E 270 Hopkins Catharine 288 Hopkins Elise A 288 Hopkins Joseph A 288 Hopkins Mary 288 Hopkins Minerva 288 Hopkins Nelson 288 Hopkins Nelson O 288 Hopkins William 288 Hoppel Josephine 288 Houck Elizabeth 270 Houck Francis M 270 Houck Jasper 270 Houck John 270 Houck Lucinda E 270 Houck Martha C 270 Houck Samuel H 270 Houck William 270 Hoyt John A 265 Hoyt Mary E 265 Hoyt Mary L 265 Hoyt Stephen F 265 Hoyt William H 265 Hughs Abraham 302 Hughs Benjamin 288 Hughs Charlotte 288 Hughs Clarissa 288 Hughs David 288 Hughs Elizabeth 288 Hughs George C 278 Hughs Harriet 302 Hughs Henry 302 Hughs Jackson 266 Hughs Jacob 278 Hughs John 278 Hughs John 302 Hughs Joseph 278 Hughs Julia A 278 Hughs Melinda 278 Hughs Melinda 302 Hughs Sarah 278 Hughs Simon 288 Hughs Thomas 288 Hughs Thomas 288 Hughs William 278 Hull Ann E 301 Hull Edwald 301 Hull Elizabeth 303 Hull John 301 Hull John 301 Hull Justus 301 Hull Margaret 302 Hulliky William 297 Hunter Elizabeth 276 Hunter Elizabeth 275 Hunter Isabella 276 Hunter James A 276 Hunter John H 275 Hunter Robert 276 Hunter Robert T 275 Hunter William 276 Hunter William 275 Hutchings Robert 297 Jackson Alexander 276 Jackson Asa 276 Jackson Franklin 276 Jackson John 276 Jackson Mary A 276 James Daniel 295 James Martha 295 James Nancy J 295 James William 295 Jameson Elenore 276 Jameson James H 276 Jameson Joeph 276 Jameson Maria 276 Jameson Maria A 276 Jameson Melinda J 276 Jameson Thomas 276 Johnson Alonzo F 274 Johnson Christophe 279 Johnson James 279 Johnson James F 278 Johnson James M 274 Johnson John 279 Johnson John N 274 Johnson John W 274 Johnson Joseph 278 Johnson Joseph J 274 Johnson Martha J 279 Johnson Mary 279 Johnson Melvina 278 Johnson Nancy J 274 Johnson Richard M 274 Johnson Sarah 279 Johnson William 279 Jones Alexander 284 Jones Candis E 284 Jones Gracy W(f) 284 Jones Martha 268 Jones Marvel 297 Jones Ruly A 293 Jones Sampson L 284 Jones Sarah Jane 293 Jones Thomas J 293 Jones Wilson 297 Keeny A J 293 Keeny Anna J 293 Keeny Hannah 293 Keim Alfred 294 Keim Carolina 294 Keim Margaret 294 Kellison Elisa J 266 Kellison Joshua 266 Kellison Mary S 266 Kellison Sarah C 266 Kennedy Louis 291 Kennedy Louis M 291 Kennedy Roda 291 Kenney Clarissa 268 Kenney Eliza C 268 Kenney Emmerine 268 Kenney George W 268 Kenney James 268 Kenney James 268 Kenney Jane 268 Kenney Joseph C 268 Kenney Margaret J 268 Kenney Milbourn B 268 Kenney Washington 268 Kenney William W 268 Kindel Fanny R 301 Kindel Mary A 301 Kindel Rodgers D 301 Kinder Kate A 300 Kinder Sarah 303 King Abraham 277 King Bennett 276 King Berryman 277 King Elijah 276 King Eliza J 267 King Elizabeth 267 King Elizabeth 277 King Henderson 277 King Hester 277 King Isabella 277 King John 276 King Lurelda J 267 King Mathilda 276 King Nancy A 276 King Samuel 277 King Susan 267 King Thomas 267 King Thomas 277 King William 267 King William A 277 Kish Christian 303 Kish Ellsaby 303 Kish Jacob H 303 Kish John M 303 Kish Louise 303 Kish Michael 303 Kish Peter H 303 Labbring Anton 286 Labbring Elise 286 Lamb D 294 Lamb Elizabeth 294 Lamb James M 294 Lamb John K 294 Lamb Nancy M 294 Lamb Penscia 294 Lamb Thomas J 294 Lamb William 294 Lamorie John B 291 Lamorie Julia A 291 Lamorie Julia A 291 Lamorie Moses 291 Lanhart Elizabeth 268 Lathrop Edman 275 Lathrop Jacob 275 Lathrop James D 275 Lathrop Jassom 275 Lathrop John 275 Lathrop Lucynda 275 Lathrop Mary M 275 Lathrop Raul 275 Lathrop Welcome(m) 275 Law Catharine 294 Law Hester 293 Law Isaack 293 Law Isaack J 294 Law James H 294 Law Jesse 294 Law Jesse Dan 294 Law John W 294 Law Mary J 293 Law William 294 Law Willis 293 Liebo Archilles 291 Liebo James 291 Liebo John 291 Liebo Josiah J 291 Liebo Mary C 291 Liebo Nancy 291 Liebo Nancy E 291 Liebo Noah 291 Liebo Noah W 291 Liebo Unicy 291 Liebo Unicy E 291 Livingston Alfred 297 Livingston Elizabeth 297 Livingston George W 297 Livingston Louisa J 297 Livingston Mary L 297 Livingston Valentine 297 Lowber Daniel 303 Lowber Ellen 303 Lowe Ann 297 Lowe Fidelia 289 Lowe Frances 289 Lowe John N 297 Lowe Mary A 297 Lowe Mitchel 289 Lowe Nancy 296 Lowe Napoleon 296 Lowe Peter 289 Lowe William H 297 Lowe WSarah 297 Mann Charles 269 Mann Elizabeth 271 Mann Eppy 271 Mann Jackson 271 Mann James 271 Mann John W 269 Mann Lucetta 270 Mann Martha 269 Mann Nancy 271 Mann Nancy J 270 Mann Nancy J 269 Mann Polina 271 Mann Ruthy 270 Mann Sarah L 269 Mann Susan 271 Mann William 270 Mann William D 269 Mann William P 270 Manville Daniel 304 Manville Hannah 304 Manville James 293 Manville James 304 Manville John 304 Manville John 304 Manville John 304 Manville Mary 304 Manville Orion M 304 Martin Abraham 270 Martin Ann M 285 Martin David 285 Martin Hannah 285 Martin Isaack 285 Martin Margaret 285 Martin Martha 270 Martin McSamiel 285 Martin Thomas 285 Martin Thomas 285 Martin William 270 Mathew Elise A 291 Mathew Job 291 Mathew John H 291 Mc Donald Charles 285 Mc Donald Charles 285 Mc Donald E Jane 285 Mc Donald Elenore 285 Mc Donald James 285 Mc Donald Litia 285 Mc Donald William 285 Mc Donald Zadoc (f) 285 McBride Thomas N 290 McDaniel Abel 273 McDaniel Adolphus 273 McDaniel Dillen 272 McDaniel Ephriam 273 McDaniel Frances 272 McDaniel Harriet 287 McDaniel James 272 McDaniel Lucinda 272 McDaniel Martha 272 McDaniel Sarah A 273 McDaniel Susan 273 McDaniel William 287 McDaniel William 272 McElroy Catharine 301 McElroy James A 301 McElroy Mary E 301 McElroy Mathew 301 McElroy Rachael 301 McElroy Sarah J 301 McFate Thomas 293 McKay Ardina S 268 McKay James A 268 McKay James M 268 McKay John D 268 McKay Joseph C 268 McKee Eben 296 McKee George W 296 McKee James 296 McKee Rachael 296 McKee Sarah 296 McKee Warner 296 Mennois Joseph 293 Millsapp Aydlotte 276 Millsapp Catharine 276 Millsapp Elizabeth 276 Millsapp Pharis 276 Millsapp Pharis 276 Millsapp Russell 276 Millsapp William 276 Millsaps Caldwell 277 Millsaps Emilie J 277 Mllsaps John 277 Millsaps Joseph 277 Millsaps Robeert 3 277 Millsaps Samuel 277 Millsaps Sarah 277 Millsaps Sarah A 277 Millsaps William 277 Mullis Ann 296 Mullis Elizabeth 295 Mullis Ennis 295 Mullis Frances 295 Mullis Grimes D 295 Mullis Henry 296 Mullis James R 295 Mullis Joel M 295 Mullis John 295 Mullis John 295 Mullis Lankford 296 Mullis Levinia 295 Mullis Logan 295 Mullis Mahala 296 Mullis Margaret M 295 Mullis Martha A 295 Mullis Mary J 295 Mullis Melvina 295 Mullis Polina 295 Needles America 275 Needles Elisha S 275 Needles Frank T 275 Needles Henry W 275 Needles John 275 Needles Permilia 275 Needles Sarah 275 Needles Sarah 275 Neely Thomas 270 Neff Afie (f) 269 Neff Catharine 269 Neff Daniel 274 Neff Daniel 269 Neff George 269 Neff Sarah A 269 Nobblet Adisson 287 Nobblet Charles 287 Nobblet George 287 Nobblet Isaack 287 Nobblet James S 287 Nobblet Lucinda 287 Nobblet Nancy 287 Nuckolls Ann 303 Nuckolls Lucinda 303 Nuckolls S F 303 Nuckolls William E 303 O'Neil Samuel 274 Orrihood Mary 302 Orrihood Sarah J 302 Ottman Louis 282 Ottman Rosina 282 Parker Elizabeth 273 Parry Calvin 277 Parry Sarah J 277 Parry Sylvester 277 Pennel William 300 Perman Abigil 292 Perman Amanda J 292 Perman Giles 291 Perman Giles 292 Perman Giles 291 Perman Harriet 292 Perman Hely 292 Perman James 291 Perman James 292 Perman Jane 291 Perman Mary A 291 Perman Mary C 292 Perman Mary M 291 Perman Mathilda 292 Perman Misouri 292 Perman Nancy E 292 Perman Phibia J 291 Perman Wesley G 291 Perman William 291 Perman William 292 Plashers Davidson 266 Plashers Elizabeth 266 Platte A Alford 286 Porter Jane L 299 Porter Rachael 299 Porter Silas M 299 Porter William J 299 Price John 281 Price Mary L 281 Price Rebecca 281 Price Robinson 281 Price Susan 281 Price William S 281 Purdam Elijah 282 Purdam George F 282 Purdam Jane 282 Purdam Jeremiah 282 Purdam John W 282 Purdam Sarah C 282 Purdam William T 282 Rafferty Charles H 300 Rafferty Emelia B 300 Rafferty Mary 300 Rafferty N Jasper 300 Rafferty Riley A 300 Rafferty Samuel B 300 Rafferty Sarah E 300 Rapp Adam 279 Rapp Catharine 279 Rapp Charles 279 Rapp Gottlieb 279 Rapp John 279 Rash Ann 280 Rash Julia 280 Rash Richard 280 Rash Thomas 280 Reed Elizabeth 267 Reed James 267 Reed John 267 Rhodes Henry C 274 Rhodes James M 274 Rhodes Mary R 274 Rhodes Sarah 274 Robbinet Amen 297 Robbinet Eisa 297 Robbinet Esekiel 297 Robbinet George 297 Robbinet James 297 Robbinet Jeremiah 297 Robbinet Ludinda 297 Robbinet Nathaniel 297 Roberts David 296 Roberts Elizabeth 296 Roberts Elizabeth 296 Roberts Elizabeth 277 Roberts Elizabeth 296 Roberts Henry B 277 Roberts James 296 Roberts James 296 Roberts James 296 Roberts James K P 267 Roberts Jane 296 Roberts Jimany 296 Roberts John 295 Roberts Louisa 268 Roberts Mary 277 Roberts Nancy 267 Roberts Nancy A 296 Roberts Nancy J 268 Roberts Nancy R 277 Roberts Newton 296 Roberts Rebecca 296 Roberts S F 296 Roberts Spencer 295 Roberts Strother 267 Roberts Susan 295 Roberts William 296 Roberts William 295 Roberts William 268 Roberts William S 268 Robertson Alvis E 267 Robertson Elizabeth 267 Robertson Janett 267 Robertson Leila A 267 Robertson Samuel 267 Robertson Samuel W 267 Robertson Sarah H 267 Robertson William 267 Rode Martha 281 Rode Martin 281 Roundtree Edna 274 Roundtree Elizabeth 274 Roundtree Frances W 274 Roundtree Irene 274 Roundtree Lucinda 274 Roundtree Mary E 274 Roundtree Robert 274 Roundtree Samuel 274 Roundtree Susan A 274 Rupe Albert G 272 Rupe Bradford 298 Rupe James D 272 Rupe John S 272 Rupe Kisira 298 Rupe Mary J 298 Rupe Mary M 272 Rupe Richard 298 Rupe Richard W 272 Rupe William W 271 Russell Caroline 290 Russell Elisa J 290 Russell Francis M 290 Russell Jane A 273 Russell John 290 Russell Joseph H 273 Russell Lilbourn H 273 Russell Martha 273 Russell Patten 273 Russell R D 290 Russell Rachael 290 Russell Vincent 273 Sand Ann M 288 Sand Joseph 288 Sanford Henry 303 Sanford James 303 Sanford Mary 303 Sanford Nancy 303 Sanford Newill W 303 Sanford William 303 Scammon E D 272 Scammon Elizabeth 273 Scammon Nancy 276 Scammon Samuel M 276 Scammon William 273 Schield Angelina 289 Schield David 289 Schield Nancy 289 Schmidt Charles 269 Schmidt Clarissa A 281 Schmidt Franciska 269 Schmidt Frederick 281 Schmidt G A M 282 Schmidt George 281 Schmidt Herman 269 Schmidt John G 281 Schmidt Theresia 281 Schnittger Frank 269 Schnittger Gehrt 269 Schnittger Lena 269 Schnittger Margaret 269 Schubert Bertha 281 Schubert Cornelius 281 Schubert Emilie 281 Schubert Louise 281 Schubert Oswald 281 Scott Frances J 296 Scott Harrison R 296 Scott Jane 296 Scott Jesse 284 Scott John H 284 Scott John W 296 Scott Josiah D 296 Scott Louisa A 296 Scott Mary A 284 Scott Robert R 284 Scymour George W 271 Scymour John U 271 Scymour Leander 271 Scymour Louisa 271 Shaffer Abigal 301 Shaffer Elizabeth 303 Shaffer Eve 301 Shaffer George H 301 Shaffer George H 301 Shaffer Gilliet 301 Shaffer Henry 301 Shaffer John J 301 Shaffer Joseph R 301 Shaffer Mary E 301 Shaffer Nancy 301 Shaffer Nancy 301 Shaffer William H 301 Shaffer William J 301 Shaw Isaack 265 Short Andrew 289 Short Frederick 290 Short James 290 Short Joshua 290 Short Orinda 290 Shrum Filinia 269 Shrum Henry R 269 Shrum Lydia 269 Shrum Nancy E 269 Shrum Sarah 269 Sickler Arnen 282 Sickler Elisa J 282 Sickler Mathilda 282 Sickler William 282 Simpson Carolina 265 Simpson George W 265 Simpson Jesse F 265 Simpson John K 265 Simpson Joshua 265 Simpson Nathan 265 Simpson Nathan T 265 Sipes Francis 269 Sipes John 269 Sipes John 272 Sipes Nancy E 269 Sipes Percy 269 Sipes Sarah 269 Sipes William 269 Skeen Alexander 298 Skeen Elizabeth 298 Skeen Kinion 298 Skeen Lucy J 298 Skeen Margaret 298 Skeen Mary 298 Skeen Mary 298 Skeen Richard 298 Skeen Thom 298 Slausher Jacob 290 Slinow Charles V 271 Slinow Oliver K 271 Slinow Sarah E 271 Smelser James A 273 Smelser John 273 Smelser Margaret 273 Smelser Martha J 273 Smelser Mary 273 Smelser Melinda H 273 Smelser Nancy M 273 Smelser Sarah E 273 Sparks Martha 276 Sparks Mary 276 Sparks Oliver G 276 Sparks Susan H 276 Sparks William 276 Spellerberg Ann J 303 Spellerberg John 303 Spellerberg Nancy J 303 Squires Altmond 289 Stafford Albert M 286 Stafford Ellen 286 Stafford John 286 Stafford John 286 Stafford Madison 286 Stafford Mathilda 286 Stafford Newill 286 Stafford Precilla 286 Stafford William 286 Stafford Wilson 286 Stanford David G 282 Stanford Hiram A 282 Stanford Jeremiah 282 Stanford Sophia 282 Stanford William J 282 Starke Amos 297 Starke John 297 Starke Mary 297 Steck Ansel 281 Steck Antony 281 Steck George 281 Steck Margaret 281 Steck Maria 281 Steck Michael 281 Stevens Arlina R 289 Stevens Casell 289 Stevens Charles R 289 Stevens Franklin 289 Stevens Hulda AQ 289 Stevens Jane 289 Stevens William G 289 Stintzen Charles 285 Stintzen Elizabeth 285 Stintzen John 285 Stintzen Mary J 285 Stintzen Narcissa 285 Stintzen Samuel 285 Stintzen Sarah A 285 Stintzen Sarah Jane 285 Stone Augustin 274 Stone Catharine 282 Stone Hesekia 282 Stone Isabella 282 Stone Jeremiah 282 Stone Louisa 282 Stoner Catharine 285 Stoner Crosby 285 Stoner Elenore 285 Stoner John 285 Stuart Mary 270 Stuart Mary 270 Stuart Melinda 270 Stuart Nancy 270 Stuart Sarah Jane 270 Stuart William 270 Taylor Drucilla 272 Taylor Elizabeth 267 Taylor Elves 272 Taylor Misouri E 272 Taylor Terry 267 Teague James L 294 Teague Nancy 294 Teague William 294 Teague William H 294 Temple Acinth 290 Temple George B 290 Temple George S 290 Temple Margaret 290 Temple Paris C 290 Temple Thomas H 290 Templeton James M 276 Templeton Martha A 276 Templeton Mary S 276 Templeton Sarah E 276 Thompson Andrew 275 Thompson Berryman 300 Thompson David L 274 Thompson Elenore 274 Thompson George 300 Thompson George C 274 Thompson J D N 300 Thompson Johanna V 275 Thompson John A 279 Thompson L James 274 Thompson Martha 300 Thompson Martha J 279 Thompson Mary 300 Thompson Mary E 274 Thompson Miranda G 279 Thompson Rachael 300 Thompson Robert 300 Thompson Roda 279 Thompson Sarah E 279 Thompson Thomas B 279 Thompson Waughlupy 300 Thompson Winford E 279 Tillman Ansel 273 Tillman Helvina 273 Tillman James A 273 Tillman Thomas 273 Townsend Elizabeth 283 Townsend Emeline 283 Townsend John 284 Townsend John M 283 Townsend Josephus 284 Townsend Louisa 284 Townsend Polina 284 Townsend Robert 283 Townsend Sarah 283 Townsend William 283 Townsend William 284 Traub Frederica 280 Taub Frederick 280 Traub Gottlieb 280 Traub Wilhelm 280 Turner Elizabeth 297 Turner John 297 Turner Martha A 297 Turner Mary J 297 Turner Thomas 297 Vanluven Anson 299 Vanluven Benjamin 287 Vanluven Benjamin 299 Vanluven Catharine 299 Vanluven David 287 Vanluven David P 287 Vanluven Delina 287 Vanluven Ellen 286 Vanluven Fanny 287 Vanluven Frederick 288 Vanluven Frederick 287 Vanluven George 287 Vanluven Hannah 288 Vanluven John 299 Vanluven Levcrett 286 Vanluven Louis 299 Vanluven Lucinda 286 Vanluven Lydia 288 Vanluven Lydia 287 Vanluven Mary 286 Vanluven Mathilda N 286 Vanluven Melinda 287 Vanluven Orsen 287 Vanluven Precinda 287 Vanluven Ransom 286 Vanluven Rida 299 Vanluven Sabra 299 Vanluven Samitha 299 Vanluven Sarah E 286 Vanluven Seth 286 Vanluven Sophia P 287 Vanluven Sydney 288 Vanluven William 287 Vanmeter Abraham 288 Vanmeter Olive A 288 Vaughn Burril 283 Vaughn Edward 283 Vaughn Merilda 283 Vaughn Wesley 283 Waits Andrew J 298 Waits Catharine 269 Waits Daniel D 298 Waits Doucilla E 269 Waits Elisa A 271 Waits Elizabeth 298 Waits Elizabeth 298 Waits Emeline 298 Waits Hilda 297 Waits James 297 Waits Joseph 298 Waits Margaret 298 Waits Mary 269 Waits Mary A 269 Waits Melinda E 269 Waits Misouri 298 Waits Reson 272 Waits Richard 270 Waits Richard 269 Waits Sarah 272 Waits Sarah C 298 Waits Susan 298 Waits Susan 272 Waits William F 272 Walden Elenore 293 Walden Hannah 293 Walden Robert 293 Walker Ann M 269 Walker Frank 269 Walker Helena C 269 Walker Jacob 269 Wallhamm Augusta 289 Wallhamm Bianca 289 Wallhamm Charles 289 Wallhamm Charles C 289 Wallhamm Frederick 289 Wallhamm Gustav 289 Wallhamm Mary 289 Wallhamm Mathilda 289 Wallhamm Mathilda 289 Wallis Elise J 288 Wallis Elizabeth 288 Wallis Isaack F 288 Wallis John 288 Wallis Julia 288 Wallis Mary J 288 Wallis Warren 288 Ward D 268 Ware Archilles 283 Ware Christian 283 Ware Elias 282 Ware Elizabeth 282 Ware James 283 Ware James C 282 Ware John 282 Ware Lucy J 282 Ware Lucy M 283 Ware Maria F 283 Ware Mary 283 Ware Mary 282 Ware Mary A 283 Ware Mary C 282 Ware Mary F 282 Ware Montgomery 283 Ware Nancy 283 Ware Robert 282 Ware Thomas H B 283 Ware William 283 Waymeir Frederick 290 Wells Charles 289 Wells Elizabeth 289 Wells Mary F 289 Wells William 289 Wells William H 289 Welsh Anges 271 Welsh James 284 Welsh John W 284 Welsh Louisa 284 Welsh Mary A 284 Welsh Nicolaus 271 Welsh Philipp 271 West Maria 302 White Charles 284 White Ellen 285 White Finsey 272 White Hannah 284 White Hesekiah 283 White Jacob 284 White James 284 White Josiah B 285 White Lorence 284 White Lorence 284 White Nancy 284 White Newton 280 White Rosewell 272 White Sarah 285 White Sarah 284 White Sarah 283 Wilhelm Eugenius 301 Wilhelm John G 302 Wilhelm Martha 301 Wilhelm Mary A 302 Williams Carolina 270 Williams Harvey 270 Williams James H 270 Williams Louis 290 Williams Louisa N 270 Williams Lucinda 290 Williams Margaret M 270 Williams Rebecca J 290 Williams William H 290 Willis Benjamin 289 Willis Hannah 289 Willis Hiram 289 Willis John 289 Willis Mary M 289 Wilson Alfred 300 Wilson Ann 293 Wilson Caroline 293 Wilson Elilie J 284 Wilson Elizabeth 284 Wilson Francis M 299 Wilson Harriet 293 Wilson Harrison 293 Wilson Isaack 300 Wilson Isaack 293 Wilson Isaack L 284 Wilson James C 284 Wilson Jane 300 Wilson John J 293 Wilson Mary A 284 Wilson Nancy 293 Wilson Nancy 284 Wilson Nicholas C 292 Wilson Samuel 299 Wilson Susan 293 Wilyard Barbara 302 Wilyard Marion 302 Wilyard Samuel 302 Woerlend John 291 Woerlend Mathilda 291 Wolff Abner 286 Wolff Amanda 300 Wolff Ann C 286 Wolff Elizabeth 286 Wolff Emilie 286 Wolff George 286 Wolff George 286 Wolff George 286 Wolff George J 286 Wolff Johann 286 Wolff Mary J 287 Wolff Rebecca 286 Wolsey Abigil 293 Wolsey Abigil 291 Wolsey Elizabeth 293 Wolsey Gibbert 291 Wolsey Grenville 291 Wolsey Lafayette 291 Wolsey Loveann 293 Wolsey Mary C 291 Wolsey Rachael 293 Wolsey Susan 291 Wolsey William 293 Worcester David 269 Works Alexander 291 Works Alexander 292 Works Amanda 292 Works Andrew J 292 Works Beatruly 292 Works Elizabeth 292 Works Elizabeth 291 Works Flemming 292 Works Frances 292 Works Henderson 292 Works James 291 Works Lucy 291 Works Mary 292 Works Melinda 292 Works Nancy A 291 Works Rachael 292 Works Robert 292 Works Sarah A 292 Worl Amos 284 Worl Edward 283 Worl Ellen J 284 Worl Fibia 284 Worl James 284 Worl Joseph 283 Worl Mary 283 Worl Napoleon B 284 Worl Robert 284 Wright Amos 275 Wright Caleb 275 Wright Fesras 275 Wright Isom 275 Wright J 280 Wright John 275 Wright Martha 275 Wright Mary J 275 Wright Scynta 275 Wright Silas 275 Young Christophe 271 Young Elisa K 271 Young James W 271 Young John Henry 271 Young Joseph 271 Young Marinda 271 Young Martha A 271 Young Rufus 271 Young Sarah Jane 271 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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    86. GPN-2000-001655 - President Reagan At Mission Control, Houston
    Astronaut daniel C. brandenstein President, Ronald Reagan Directly above thePresident in the background JSC Flight Operations Director,
    NASA Center: Headquarters Image # : Date :
    President Reagan at Mission Control, Houston
    Full Description
    President Ronald Reagan gets a laugh from NASA officials in Mission Control when he jokingly asks crew members, astronauts Joe Engle and Richard Truly if they could stop by Washington en route to their California landing site in order that he might come along. The STS-2 crew was in their next to last day on orbit when the conversation took place. From left to right standing: Terry J. Hart, NASA Deputy Administrator Dr. Hans Mark, NASA Administrator James M. Beggs, JSC Director Dr. Christopher C. Kraft Jr. From left to right seated: CAPCOM, Astronaut Daniel C. Brandenstein President, Ronald Reagan Directly above the President in the background: JSC Flight Operations Director, Eugene F. Kranz
    Mission Control Houston Texas STS-2 President Ronald Reagan President Reagan The Gipper Richard Truly Joe Engle Hans Mark James Beggs Christopher Kraft Chris Kraft Eugene Kranz Gene Krantz Dan Brandenstein Terry Hart
    Subject Category
    Astronauts, Space Shuttle, Presidents, NASA Management

    87. May 1992 Minutes Of The BOR - University Of Wisconsin System Board Of Regents
    The group included Dean daniel Bernstine and Professors James Jones, Linda Greene,and Gordon Baldwin. Mr. brandenstein is a graduate of UWRiver Falls.
    Back to Regent Minutes Back to Regent Minutes
    MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING of the BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM Milwaukee, Wisconsin Held in UW-Milwaukee Union Room-W150 Fireside Lounge Friday, May 8, 1992 8:30 a.m. -President Lyon presiding- PRESENT: Regents Barry, Clusen, Davis, Dreyfus, Flores, Gelatt, Grebe, Hirsch, Krutsch, Lubar, Lyon, Nicholas, Schilling, Steil, and Vattendahl ABSENT: Regents Grover and Gundersen Approval of Minutes Upon motion by Regent Lubar, seconded by Regent Flores, the minutes of the April 10, 1992, meeting of the Board of Regents were approved as distributed. - - - REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Appreciation to UW-Milwaukee Regent President Lyon stated the Board's appreciation for the opportunity to meet at UW-Milwaukee. He thanked Chancellor Schroeder and the staff of UW-Milwaukee for making the Board's visit so interesting and enjoyable. - Resolution of Appreciation: Regent Clusen Resolution 6096 was presented by Regent Schilling and adopted by acclamation. Resolution 6096: Whereas, Ruth Clusen is completing nine years of distinguished service as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System; and Whereas, during her tenure on the Board, she has made substantial contributions to a broad range of policy issues and has held a number of leadership positions, including Chair and Vice Chair of the Education Committee, Chair of Special Regent Committees on appointment of chancellors, and Chair of the Educational Communications Board and the Council for Public Broadcasting; and Whereas, her selection in 1985 as a member of the prestigious National Commission on the Future of State Colleges and Universities demonstrates the esteem accorded her in the higher education community; and Whereas, throughout her years on the Board, she has maintained a steadfast commitment to educational excellence; an abiding interest in concerns of academic staff and support for their effective involvement in institutional governance; and a firm commitment to equal opportunity for women throughout the UW System; Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, hereby commends our colleague Ruth Clusen for the exemplary service she has rendered to the people of Wisconsin as a member of this Board; and Be it further resolved that, with great appreciation for the wise counsel she has provided, for the countless hours and great effort she has devoted, and for her unstinting support of the University of Wisconsin System, the Board of Regents grants to Ruth Clusen, upon her retirement from the Board, the status and title of Regent Emeritus. Regent President Lyon presented a plaque to Regent Clusen in recognition of her distinguished service. Stating that her time on the Board had been a great pleasure, Regent Clusen recalled that some of the issues before the Board when she began her term were still being discussed. These included faculty and staff compensation, collective bargaining, financial disclosure for faculty and staff, recruitment/retention of women faculty, staff and students, and issues involving academic staff. At that time, Katharine Lyall had been with the UW only about a year, but everyone already knew that she was destined for exceptional accomplishment. Then, there were four women Regentsnow there are two. Then, there was one woman Chancellornow there are four. In many ways, she recalled, this was a less integrated System nine years ago. When President Shaw was appointed, he was told that the Board wanted a real System, not a loose federation. This had been accomplished. Nine years ago, the large size of the System and growing enrollments were points of pride. Now enrollments are being reduced. In those nine years the UW Centers had succeeded in firmly establishing their own mission, and the UW-Extension function was successfully integrated under the leadership of Chancellor Boyle. Over the years, she continued, the student body has become more diverse, although much remains to be accomplished in that regard. Planning the Future has moved the UW forward, and work along those lines should be continued. Among her greatest satisfactions, Regent Clusen said, was to have participated in choosing leaders for UW institutions and the System. Every chancellorship had changed in her time on the Board, and there had been two presidential searches. Turning to current issues, Regent Clusen cited the national dialogue about regionalization versus specialization and urged the Board to bear in mind that the regional campuses were established for accessibilityto bring quality education to all parts of the state. While sacrifices will have to be made because of limited resources, she urged caution about what is done with respect to those campuses. While compensation is still a problem, she was convinced that the Governor's Compensation Commission will greatly assist in resolving that issue. Questions relating to the level of tuition and fees also remain unsettled. With regard to the status of women in the UW System, she commented that women still are underrepresented on the Board of Regents and among senior faculty across the System. In general, she felt women are underpaid, underpromoted and undertenured. She urged the Board to continue efforts in that area, as well as efforts toward greater cultural diversity. The Board members she most admired over the years, Regent Clusen observed, have been people of independent mind who were unprejudiced and had intellectual curiosity. In conclusion, she thanked the Board, the faculty, the staff and the chancellors for the opportunities given to her and for their hospitality. She also thanked the Regents and all others for their kindness since her accident. Most importantly, she said, all the time and effort of being a member of the Board is worthwhile, because it is done for the studentsthe future human resources of the state. - Resolution 6097 was presented by Regent Gelatt and adopted by acclamation. Resolution of Appreciation: Regent Vattendahl Resolution 6097: Whereas, Joel Vattendahl is completing a seven-year term of meritorious service as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System; and Whereas, he brought to the Board a valuable perspective based on his distinguished career in labor union leadership and public service; and Whereas, as a member and Vice Chair of the Business and Finance Committee, he made significant contributions to budget deliberations and other key issues involving financial support for the UW System; and Whereas, he also rendered valuable service as a member of Special Regent Committees for selection of Chancellors and as a member of the Council of Trustees of the UW Hospital and Clinics; and Whereas, throughout the years, he has enlivened and enriched Regent discussions with his perceptive and cogent observations, always well-stated, to the point, and often laced with insightful humor. For example, in his plain-spoken manner, he once summed up the Board's view, after a lengthy discussion, in this short sentence: "We really are in support of this project, we just don't want to say so." On another occasion, he minced no words in characterizing the suggestion for further review of an already well- studied proposal as "nothing more than an exercise in exercise and everyone knows I'm against exercise"; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System hereby commends our colleague Joel Vattendahl for the substantial contributions he has made to public higher education in Wisconsin; and Be it further resolved that, with great appreciation for the loyal service he has rendered, the Board of Regents grants to him, upon his retirement from the Board, the status and title of Regent Emeritus. President Lyon presented a plaque to Regent Vattendahl in recognition of his distinguished service. Regent Vattendahl began his remarks by recalling an incident several years previously in which he had referred to reaction by patrons of a well- known establishment in Cudahy as a means of adding perspective to a Board discussion. Specifically, the discussion focused on the procedure for press announcements of the newly-approved UW mission statements, whereupon, Regent Fish opined that he did not think anyone really cared what process was used. Regent Vattendahl responded that the folks at Pinter's Tap have scarcely spoken of anything else. Turning to current issues, he noted the need for competitiveness in a global economy and the resulting focus on schools of business. He hoped these schools would not advocate the strict top-down management that still is prevalent in the United States, because this outmoded form of management will not succeed in the world market. He also hoped that schools of business will not teach what was all too common in the 1980sthat corporate debt is good because it forces managers to manage more efficiently, and that the real way to manage efficiently is to victimize workers. He pointed out that $5- and $6-per-hour workers cannot send their children to the university, nor can they pay the taxes needed to support the university and other necessary government programs. Stating that schools must teach that workers are important, he noted that it was a corporate attorney turned presidentAbraham Lincolnwho said, "It is labor that has given rise to capital, and as such, is worthy of greater consideration than capital." - The following resolution, presented by Regent Dreyfus was adopted by acclamation. Resolution of Appreciation: Neil Shively Resolution 6098: Whereas, Neil Shively has had a long and distinguished career in journalism, and on May 15, 1992 he will retire as Madison Bureau Chief of the Milwaukee Sentinel where he has worked for 25 years; and Whereas, Neil is known as the dean of the Madison press corps because of the experience and wisdom he has gained from more than two decades of reporting on Wisconsin state government and higher education issues, keeping the public well-informed of key issues; and Whereas, those who have worked with Neil over the years appreciate his professional dedication, knowledge, perceptive reporting, professional manner, and his warmth and good humor; and Whereas, he continued to approach his profession with great interest and enthusiasm, possessing savvy political instincts, a journalist's unsatiable curiosity, and an internal drive and stamina (even in his waning years!); and Whereas, despite his nose for news and investigative style of reporting, he is regarded as a personable and fair journalist who can charm the subjects of his stories even as he reports on their idiosyncrasies, crimes or misdemeanors; and Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Regents and the University of Wisconsin System Administration do hereby commend Neil Shively for a career of outstanding journalistic achievement and for his contribution to public higher education by reporting on news and issues that are in the public interest; and Be it further resolved that the Board and UW System Administration wish him happiness and fulfillment in the years ahead. Mr. Shively thanked the Regents for the resolution of commendation. - Report of the Higher Educational Aids Board The Board was provided with a written report of the May 1, 1992, meeting of the Higher Educational Aids Board. - Report of the Vice President of the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education A written report by the Vice President of the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education was provided to the Board. - Report of Legislative Matters A written report on legislative matters was provided to the Board by Acting Vice President Ward. - Appointment of Regent Committee for Selection of Joyce Erdman Teaching Excellence Awards Regent President Lyon announced the appointment of a Regent Committee to select recipients of the Joyce Erdman Teaching Excellence Awards. The Committee members are Regents Krutsch (Chair), Clusen and Flores. The award selections will be announced at the June Board meeting. - Statement By Regent President Lyon Regent President Lyon expressed appreciation for the cooperation and support he received during his two years as President of the Board. This has not been an exciting time for higher education, he noted. The struggle for very modest budget increases, a damaging LAB audit, inadequate compensation gains, the departure of President Shaw, downsizing, extensive reallocation, and the open records debate made the activity level high. At times, however, he had concern about productivity under these conditions. Turning to positive experiences, he cited first the presidential search, which led to the engagement of a highly competent leader in President Lyall. Second, with considerable effort on the part of Regents and others, the undergraduate education study resulted in initiatives that will enhance the quality of the nucleus of the System's mission. Third, the Governor's Commission on Compensation offers a means of assistance in addressing one of the UW's most difficult problems. Fourth, the UW-System has a well-drawn capital improvement plan to respond to the needs and resources of these times, and the WISTAR Program will enhance the basis in that area. The bottom line, he remarked, is that through the collective efforts of many, the UW System is better positioned than others around the country to maintain quality programs in this time of fiscal constraint. In his remaining time on the Board, he hoped to serve, as former President Schilling has ably done, when experience with the history of an issue might be useful. In conclusion, he thanked System Administration, campus leadership and the Regents' staff for their assistance. - Administrative Rule Proposal: Sec. UWS 17.06(2), Wisconsin Administrative Code Regent President Lyon reported on the May 7 public hearing on proposed amendments on s. UWS 17.06, Wisconsin Administrative Code. Testimony was heard from 17 persons, two others submitted written testimony, and two registered without presenting testimony. Resolution 6099 would forward the amendments for legislative review by directing the secretary to notify the presiding officer of each House of the Legislature that the rules are in final draft form and to cause a statement to that effect to appear in the Wisconsin Administrative Register. Each presiding officer would refer the rule to a standing committee for review. If there is no legislative committee objection, the rules would be promulgated. It was moved by Regent Schilling, and seconded by Regent Davis, that the following resolution be adopted by the Board of Regents: Resolution 6099: That the Secretary of the Board of Regents, pursuant to s. 227.19, Wis. Stats., notify the presiding officer of each house of the Legislature that proposed amendments to Chapter UWS 17, Wis. Admin. Code, are in final draft form and cause a statement to appear in the Wisconsin Administrative Register that said proposed amendments have been submitted to the presiding officer of each house of the Legislature. Regent Krutsch noted the admirable intent of supporters of the rule to create a more hospitable environment for minorities and others to whom epithets may be addressed. She was concerned, however, about language which she felt might stray from constitutional limits by making the rule applicable in some instances when there is not likely to be a breach of the peace. Testimony at the public hearing, she noted, had shown that both supporters and opponents did not have a clear understanding of what the rule would prohibit. This lack of understanding, even by people who considered themselves knowledgeable enough to testify, raised some questions, she felt, as to the possible unintended effect of the rule on the average student. Referring to concerns about the rule expressed in testimony by the ACLU, Regent Krutsch urged the Board to hear more expert testimony by constitutional scholars as to whether the rule is likely to withstand a challenge to its constitutionality. She felt that UW-Madison Law School faculty who drafted the rule were in the position of being advocates for the rule. Therefore, she suggested that the Board obtain testimony from neutral outside experts before making a decision on this issue. Regent Schilling noted that the previous rule was struck down not only because of the breadth of its language but also because of the way it was administered. It was his understanding that Law School faculty and others carefully examined that decision and formulated a proposed rule which they believed would meet the standards applied by Judge Warren. In reply to a question by Regent Schilling, Senior Counsel Hodulik said a group of seven law professors, led by Professor Ted Finman, participated in the redraft effort. The group included Dean Daniel Bernstine and Professors James Jones, Linda Greene, and Gordon Baldwin. Professor Finman had testified that in his judgment the proposed rule meets the standard set in the UW Milwaukee Post case and is consistent with the "fighting words" doctrine. Regent Schilling noted that it is the role of the ACLU to raise questions about any limitation on speech and it probably would not be possible to fashion a rule to which they would not object. Experts could be found, he thought, to argue both for and against the constitutionality of the rule. His position is that the Board has a responsibility to do everything possible to create a hospitable environment for all students, whether or not that means further litigation. Therefore, he urged the Board to adopt the rule. Regent Hirsch expressed concern that a violent response would be necessary in order to prosecute someone for violation of the rule. This, he felt, would encourage a person subjected to epithets to react violently. He asked if a student editorial which ridiculed someone would be covered by the rule. Senior Counsel Hodulik thought it highly unlikely that a situation would arise in which an editorial would be found to violate the rule. Regent Hirsch asked if the rule would apply to a student-to-student exchange if it occurred in a private home or other off-campus location. Senior Counsel Hodulik replied that such an exchange might be covered if a clear link to the campus environment could be demonstrated. Regent Hirsch commented that the Board has no right to make a rule that can potentially invade someone's home. He opposed the rule for that reason and for the reasons he stated at the March meeting. Regent Flores stated that racial or other epithets are no part of the exchange of ideas and are not protected speech. He urged the Board to adopt the rule. Regent Davis stated that the Board's energy should be focused on finding solutions. In the past two months, he noted, the entire Black student body had walked out at Olivet College because they were tired of indifference on the part of people in authority. In Los Angeles, people had not rioted when Rodney King was beaten; they rioted when they felt the system failed them. The issue here, he stated, is whether or not the Board will do its job. Throughout the entire debate he had heard no alternative solutions to the proposed rule. While there were people who said education is the solution, some of those same people have objected to multi-cultural and other ethnic study courses. What everyone wants, he remarked, is an educated, polite citizenrybut that will not be accomplished by doing nothing. He would rather the Board made a mistake trying to solve a problem than to make the mistake of doing nothing when it has the responsibility to do something. If the rule were struck down, he would consider it his responsibility to try another solution. It is his position that the Board has a responsibility to address the problem proactively. Therefore, he continues to support the rule. Put to a roll-call vote, Resolution 6099 was adopted, with Regents Barry, Clusen, Davis, Flores, Gelatt, Lubar, Lyon, Schilling and Vattendahl (9) voting in the affirmative, and Regents Dreyfus, Grebe, Hirsch, Krutsch, Nicholas and Steil (6) voting in opposition. - - - REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE SYSTEM Congratulations to Astronaut Brandenstein President Lyall congratulated Astronaut Dan Brandenstein, who was leading a space mission which began that day. Mr. Brandenstein is a graduate of UW-River Falls. - Approval of Nonpersonnel Actions Presenting Resolution 6100, President Lyall reported that it contained no legal services contracts. She called attention to the following two items: (1) Barron County has named the UW-Center there in memory of former Dean John Meggars; and (2) the list contained an agreement between Parkway Hospital and the UW Medical School which calls for the exchange of services. UW psychiatric faculty and residents will provide certain clinical services to Parkway and Parkway will provide support for laboratory facilities, equipment and patient population for study. Upon motion by Regent Schilling and properly seconded, the following resolution was adopted unanimously: Resolution 6100: That the report of nonpersonnel actions by administrative officers to the Board of Regents and informational items reported for the record (copy on file with the papers of this meeting) be received for the record; and that actions included in the report be approved, ratified and confirmed. - Teaching Excellence Awards Reporting on Teaching Excellence Awards, President Lyall recognized the fine teaching faculty throughout the UW System who not only devote their professional talents to the transmission of knowledge but give of themselves as people to encourage, inspire and mentor students. Their students refer to them as "enthusiastic, stimulating, conscientious, warm and genuinesomeone whose door is always open, always helpful and caring, interested, intelligent, precise and personable, dynamic and outstanding, teacher and motivator, and exceptionally devoted to the students." The May issue of Wisconsin Ideas magazine contains the fifth annual salute to UW's excellent faculty. One of the individual faculty profiled there is UW-River Falls Professor of Elementary Education, De An Krey, who expressed this sentiment about her students when they go forth to teach: "On that critical day when my students teach on their own for the very first time, I want them to know that I thought about them. They are important and whether they succeed is very important to me. Just as their focus has to be on their students, so does mine." This spring, UW institutions are recognizing more than 65 distinguished teachers, in an effort to provide greater rewards for teaching distinction, comparable to those provided for outstanding research and scholarly achievement. There are 3M and Pete Marovick Awards at UW-Eau Claire; Key Kaufer Steiger and Amoco Awards at UW-Madison; Alumni Association and the Allied Health Professions Golden Apple Awards at UW-Milwaukee; the Underkoffler Teaching Awards at UW-Platteville, UW-Madison and UW Center- Richland Center; the Rosebush Awards at UW-Oshkosh; the Stella Gray Awards at UW-Parkside; the Phi Kappa Phi Awards at UW-Platteville; the Outstanding Teachers Awards at UW-River Falls, UW-Stout, UW-Stevens Point, the UW Centers and UW-Extension; the Roseman and Saunders Awards at UW-Whitewater; and the Burlington Northern Award at UW-Superior. Each of the distinguished teachers receiving these awards is an active scholar, who is enlivening teaching with the excitement of asking new questions and figuring out how experiments might be designed to find the answers. Over and over, students say that what challenges them and sparks their intellectual curiosity is catching this sense of excitement from their teachers and from each other. President Lyall congratulated the 1992 teaching award winners for their outstanding personal and professional performance. - Status Report on 1992-93 Budget President Lyall reported that Governor Thompson completed his budget vetos and signed the 1992-93 budget adjustment bill on April 29, 1992. One disappointment was the partial veto of learning technologies funding. This legislative initiative had been reduced several times before an amount was approved by lawmakers, and the Governor's concern with the ending balance and advance commitments eliminated the supplies and expense portion of this funding, leaving about $.5 million remaining. Additional funding for laboratories and student computers was approved, and support for those needs was very much appreciated. President Lyall believed understanding of the importance of supplies and expense, library, and learning technologies needs to the instructional and research programs is much deeper now than in the past, and a dialogue has begun which should be helpful with future budgets. Moreover, she stated, the importance of the 4.5 percent pay plan must not be underestimated. Nearly 70 percent of the systemwide budget increase in state and fee revenues is required for the pay plan. It is much appreciated that the pay plan was kept intact during this difficult year. Looking at the budget adjustment bill as a whole and in view of what is happening in other states, President Lyall stated, the UW System should be very appreciative of the support of the Governor and of the many friends in the state Legislature. - President's Award for Outstanding Student Government President Lyall presented the 1991-92 President's Award for Outstanding Student Government to the UW-Stout Student Association for leadership in the promotion of diversity, a strong service orientation toward students, and for helping to build strong partnerships with all segments of the university community. The award was accepted by Mark Klein, President of the UW-Stout Student Government Association. - Announcement of Retirement, UW-Extension Chancellor Announcing that UW-Extension Chancellor Patrick Boyle planned to retire on December 31, 1992, President Lyall stated that Chancellor Boyle has provided exceptional leadership in making Wisconsin a national model for extension activities. - Presentation: The UW-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Skylines of Wisconsin President Lyall introduced Chancellor Schroeder, who noted that the UW- Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning has been designated as one of UW-Milwaukee's Centers of Excellence. The Chancellor then introduced Robert Greenstreet, Dean of the School, who gave a slide-assisted presentation demonstrating how the faculty, alumni and students of the School have shaped the skylines of Wisconsin's towns and cities. A wide range of buildings and spaces designed or influenced by members of the School was presented, which collectively show the enormous impact the program has had in 20 years on the quality of the built environment in Wisconsin. - - - REPORT OF THE BUSINESS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Regent Gelatt, Chair of the Committee, presented the report. Consent Agenda Items Presenting Resolutions 6101 and 6102 which had been unanimously approved by the Business and Finance Committee, Regent Gelatt moved their adoption by the Board of Regents as consent agenda items. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Approval of Gifts, Grants and Contracts Resolution 6101: That, upon recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the gifts, grants and contracts presented at this meeting (copy on file with the papers of this meeting) be accepted, approved, ratified and confirmed; and that, where signature authority has not been previously delegated, appropriate officers be authorized to sign agreements. John C. Dunn Bequest Resolution 6102: That, upon the recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System and the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the bequest of the late John C. Dunn, of Washington, D. C. be accepted; and that the Trust Officer or Assistant Trust Officer be authorized to sign receipts and do all things necessary to effect the transfer for the benefit of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (In disposing of the residue of the estate, the Will provides: Item II: I give all of my corporate securities, with the exception of my stock in Honeywell, Inc., to the University of Wisconsin in appreciation for the education I received there. Item III: I give and devise the residue of my estate to my parents WILLIAM A. AND INEZ N. DUNN or all to the survivor. In the event that they shall both predecease me then I give my stock in Honeywell, Inc., to the University of Wisconsin.) John Dunn received a B. A. in Comparative Literature in 1956 from UW-Madison. Approximately $100,000.00 will be received from his estate. - Trust Fund Asset Allocation Ratio Regent Gelatt reported consideration by the Business and Finance Committee of the Trust Fund asset allocation ratio, which is the percentage of assets held in stocks compared to those held in bonds. The ratio must balance between the desire for endowment growth and the requirement for income from the endowment. The spending plan now in place will provide additional stability in the spending fraction. Assistant Trust Officer Konshak reported that the university endowment asset allocation ratio has been low in the stock fraction for the past ten years compared to other universities. The Committee considered alternatives to the current 60 percent stock/40 percent bond ratio and decided not to make any change at this time. The following resolution was adopted by the Business and Finance Committee to direct the equity investment managers to be fully invested as of October 1992. Because trust fund responsibility is delegated to the Business and Finance Committee, action by the Board is not required. Resolution: That, upon the recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System, effective October 1, 1992, the equity investment managers for Trust Funds Principal be directed to be fully invested; that is, a cash position would not normally be found in their portfolios. Regent Barry inquired as to the reason for selecting October of 1992 as the timeline for the full investment rule and whether the rule would substitute Regent judgment for that of the asset managers. Regent Gelatt replied that the intent of the resolution is that equity managers should invest all of the money available to them in equities and not keep a portion of it in cash. Typically, they have kept about five percent of the money in cash. The October date was selected to coincide with the effective date of appointment of new investment managers. Regent Nicholas explained that holding a portion of the funds in cash changes the 60/40 ratio that the Committee hopes to maintain. If the manager should take a large cash position, it would frustrate the policy's intent. Regent Davis asked if the directive could provide an excuse for asset managers to maintain that performance might have been better during a particular period if they had the freedom to move into a cash position. Currently, many brokerage houses have similarly structured 60/40 portfolios but, because of current market volatility, are moving to a 5-10 percent cash position in order to pick the right time to get back into the market. Regent Lubar responded that the key issue is the percentage of total funds in equities and in fixed income. The statute sets a maximum of 75 percent in equities. The Regents have chosen 60 percent, which is on the low end of the Big Ten schools. The best performance was by Purdue University which has about 77 percent in equities. If the Regents choose 60 percent, it is that percentage, not less, that should be invested in equities. The philosophy is that investment in equities requires a long-term view, with best results achieved by buying quality stocks, holding them through the cyclical ups and downs, and not trying to outsmart the market. Regent Davis wondered if it might not be preferable to increase the equity percentage rather than to direct the equity managers to be fully invested. His concern was whether the managers would be handicapped by that directive. While the directive might handicap them to some small extent, Regent Nicholas felt, they probably could not be successful overall in trying to time the market. The Committee is more comfortable with the managers being fully invested and thinking about the stocks themselves rather than about what the market may do. - Segregated Fee for Intercollegiate Athletics, UW-Madison In consideration by the Business and Finance Committee of the segregated fee for intercollegiate athletics at UW-Madison, Regent Lyon introduced an amendment to the proposed resolution. The amendment provided for improved accounting procedures, so that student government representatives can have access to revenues and expenditures to enable them to make segregated fee decisions; that the outstanding deficit at the end of this fiscal year be retired over the next five years in a consistent manner; that unanticipated revenue and expenditure savings be applied to the outstanding deficit; that, beginning in 1993-94, the segregated fee for athletics be addressed within the normal segregated fee policy; that the Board of Regents be assured that each unit within the Athletic Department receives regular budget versus actual expenditure comparisons; that the Athletic Department adopt generally accepted accounting practices; and that a proper funding relationship be maintained with the UW Foundation. Associate Vice Chancellor Torphy and Athletic Director Richter spoke to the amendments. Regent Lyon stated that his purpose was to remove the issue from the Regent agenda and have it placed in the regular segregated fee process in the future. Regent Schilling questioned the original intent of the fee when it was passed in 1989 as compared to the purpose for which the fee was actually used. Representatives from the Wisconsin Student Association and Segregated University Fee Allocations Committee voiced their opposition to the continuation of the segregated fee and questioned the legality of assessing the fee in light of students rights under section 36.09(5) of the statutes and System Financial Policy and Procedures Paper 37. They commented that the fee was intended to be temporary and to preserve non-income sports. However, non- income sports were cut, and continuation of the fee indicated to them that the fee is not in fact temporary. Upon motion of Regent Schilling and seconded by Regent Hirsch, the Committee tabled the resolution until the June meeting and asked for clarification as to authority to impose the fee under the statute and existing System policy. - Licensing Policy Report Deputy Vice President Marnocha presented to the Committee a follow-up report on licensing policy, as requested by the Board when the policy was adopted in May 1991. The UW-Madison trademark case is still in process, with completion of the litigation expected to take place this summer. An extension of the contract for special counsel has been requested for a total authorization of $145,000. It was pointed out that Representative Wineke had asked the Legislative Audit Bureau to do a review to determine the total cost of litigating the trademark case. The LAB auditors are currently performing that review. The Business and Finance Committee asked the Licensing Committee to address the predicted outcome of the litigation, in addition to the total estimated cost to achieve resolution. - Report of the Deputy Vice President Status of Federal Indirect Cost Rate Negotiations Deputy Vice President Marnocha provided the Committee with a status report on UW-Madison's federal indirect cost proposal for a rate of 46 percent. Where possible, UW-Madison incorporated the Legislative Audit Bureau's recommendations into their proposal. Federal auditors and negotiators will be in Madison next week to review the LAB report and to negotiate the indirect cost rate for research. Mr. Marnocha also provided information on a survey of federal indirect costs being conducted by the Council on Government Relations and by the Association of American Universities. It is anticipated that recommendations for further adjustments to the indirect cost system will be made this fall. - Audit Subcommittee Meeting Audit Schedule for 1992-93 Internal Audit Director Brunkow provided the audit schedule for 1992-93. Audits have been prioritized into three groups. Audits in the priority-one group include: athletics, federal grants and contracts, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, academic fee systems, and other audits mandated by the Board of Regents, by existing UW System policies and procedures, and by donor requests. Mr. Brunkow indicated that, in order to perform all priority-one audits, the four auditors who have been withdrawn by the Department of Administration, would need to be replaced. The Chair directed System Administration to bring forward a recommendation on the staffing and funding needs to complete all of the priority-one audits, including funding sources. The Committee as a whole emphasized the importance of the audit function and expressed support for adequate staffing. Informational Report on Role and Responsibilities of Audit Subcommittee Proposed guidelines were provided on the role and responsibilities of the Audit Subcommittee. The Chair asked Committee members and other Regents to suggest revisions to the proposed guidelines, which will be returned for action at the June meeting. NCAA Audit of Intercollegiate Athletics, UW-Madison Deputy Vice President Marnocha reviewed with the Committee the findings of the NCAA audit of UW-Madison intercollegiate athletics. The management letter that accompanied the audit recommended that the Department perform a review of management information needs and determine the appropriate computer hardware and software to fulfill such needs; that the Department adopt the enterprise basis of accounting and corresponding policies and procedures; and that the Department require conflict of interest statements from its management personnel, coaches and board members. - Biennial Budget Process Seminar Regent Gelatt announced that there will be a special budget seminar for all Regents on Thursday, June 4, 1992, to review the annual and biennial operating budget process, and the capital budget process. - - - REPORT OF THE PHYSICAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Regent Dreyfus, Vice Chair, presented the Committee's report. Consent Agenda Items Presenting Resolutions 6103-6110, which were unanimously approved by the Physical Planning and Development Committee, Regent Dreyfus moved their adoption by the Board of Regents as consent agenda items. At the request of Regent Hirsch, Resolution 6110 was removed from the consent agenda. The motion to adopt Resolutions 6103-6109 was seconded by Regent Flores and carried unanimously. UW-Milwaukee: Approval of 1992 Campus Development Plan Resolution 6103: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Milwaukee Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the 1992 Campus Development Plan, reflecting updates to the 1979 Campus Development Plan and documenting physical facilities and campus boundaries, be approved. UW-Eau Claire: Approval of Fire Alarm/Smoke Detection Upgrade Resolution 6104: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Eau Claire Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to construct a Fire Alarm/Smoke Detection Upgrade project for an estimated total project cost of $587,800 from General Fund Supported Borrowing - Health and Safety Funds ($338,600) and Program Revenue - Housing Funds ($249,200). UW-Madison: Approval to Extend Lease of Space at 333 North Randall Avenue, Madison, for College of Engineering and University Archives Resolution 6105: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Madison Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to extend the current lease of office and storage space located at 333 North Randall Avenue, Madison, for use by various College of Engineering programs and University Archives: Lessor: The University of Wisconsin Foundation P. O. Box 8860 Madison, WI 53708-8860 The current lease for approximately 11,316 square feet (SF) of space located at 333 North Randall Avenue expires on June 30, 1992. The lease will be extended for a three-year period beginning July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1995, and will provide for continued use of 9,617 SF for offices and 1,699 SF for storage by various College of Engineering programs and University Archives. The annual cost for the first year of the lease will represent an increase of approximately three percent over the current annual rental rate of $106,824.40 (approximately $10.62/SF for office space and $2.77/SF for storage). Annual rental costs for the remaining two years of the lease will reflect a similar increase over the previous year's rate. The following table reflects the proposed lease costs: Annual Approx. Cost/SF Term of Lease Annual Rental Increase Office Storage July 1, 1992 - June 30, 1993 $110,034.50 2.92% $10.94/SF $2.85/SF July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994 $113,208.11 2.81% $11.27/SF $2.94/SF July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1995 $116,477.89 2.81% $11.60/SF $3.03/SF All other provisions of the base lease contract remain unchanged. The University will continue to fund the costs of electricity, custodial services and supplies, and snow and trash removal. Those expenses amount to approximately $1.50/SF. Rental payments and other occupancy costs will continue to be funded by UW- Madison's General Purpose Revenue Operating Budget. UW-Madison: Approval of Minor Project Resolution 6106: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Madison Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to construct an Engineering Undergraduate Electronic Microfabrication Laboratory at an estimated cost of $200,000 General Fund Supported Borrowing - Facilities Repair and Renovation Funds. UW-Milwaukee: Authority to Construct Golda Meir Library Fire Alarm Upgrade Resolution 6107: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Milwaukee Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to construct the Golda Meir Library Fire Alarm Upgrade project for an estimated total project cost of $250,000 of General Fund Supported Borrowing - Health and Safety Funds. UW-Platteville: Approval to Construct Steam Distribution/Condensate Return Line Replacement Resolution 6108: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Platteville Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to construct a Steam Distribution/Condensate Return Line Replacement project, at an estimated total project cost of $523,400 of General Fund Supported Borrowing - Utilities Repair and Renovation Funds. UW-River Falls and UW-Whitewater: Approval for Easements Resolution 6109: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-River Falls and UW-Whitewater Chancellors and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted for the President or Vice President and Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board to execute the following described easements across university-owned land: UW-River Falls (1) to Wisconsin Bell, Inc., covering a 15 foot wide right-of-way for a distance of approximately 214.5 feet on the west side of State Trunk Highway 65 adjacent to the Campus Laboratory Farm, in the City of River Falls, Pierce County, for the installation of a fiber optic cable. Wisconsin Bell will offer a one-time token payment of $150 for this easement. (2) to Wisconsin Bell, Inc., covering a 10 foot wide right-of-way for a distance of approximately 120 feet, and a 30 foot by 30 foot parcel on the north side of the campus access road to the Mann Valley Farm in the town of Troy, St. Croix County, for the installation of a fiber optic cable, the construction of a 143 GSF fiber optic telecommunications station, and an access easement for an access road across a small portion of the farm. Wisconsin Bell will offer a one-time token payment of $8,000 for this easement. UW-Whitewater (1) to Wisconsin Natural Gas Company, a utility easement for a ten-foot wide, four-foot long easement on the northeast corner of Lot 43, along Walton Drive, Whitewater, Wisconsin for construction of a two-inch natural gas main. - UW-Madison Camp Randall Stadium Structural Repair Presenting Resolution 6110, which was approved unanimously by the Committee, Regent Dreyfus explained that the project was for structural repair of the west half of the Camp Randall Stadium seating. The east half had been repaired previously. It was moved by Regent Dreyfus and seconded by Regent Barry that the following resolution be adopted by the Board of Regents: Resolution 6110: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Madison Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to construct a Camp Randall Stadium Structural Repair - Phase 2 project, at an estimated total cost of $675,000 ($540,000 General Fund Supported Borrowing - Facilities Repair and Renovation) and Program Revenues ($135,000). In response to a question by Regent Hirsch, Vice President Brown explained that the program revenue portion of the project is included in the Athletic Department's operating budget for the coming year. Put to the vote, Resolution 6110 was adopted unanimously. - UW-Madison: Approval to Name Molecular Biology and Virology Building Presenting Resolution 6111, Regent Dreyfus noted the tragic loss of Dean Robert Bock, who had died in an accident shortly after his retirement. Throughout his career he had been a major force in molecular biology and virology. Naming the building in his honor would pay lasting tribute to his accomplishments. Upon motion by Regent Dreyfus, seconded by Regent Nicholas, the following resolution was adopted unanimously by the Board of Regents: Resolution 6111: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Madison Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, authority be granted to name the Molecular Biology and Molecular Virology Building at 1525 Linden Drive the "Robert M. Bock Laboratories." - Report of the Vice President Campus Space Planning, UW-Platteville The Physical Planning and Development Committee heard a report on campus space-planning efforts at UW-Platteville, which involved an intensive review of utilization of existing space before any consideration could be given to constructing new space. Each campus is doing such a study, and the Committee is comfortable that the process will produce a well-reasoned, justifiable capital budget. Annual Report on Facility-Related 1992 Budgets of Cities and Counties on Behalf of the UW Centers The Committee received an annual report which showed that the UW Centers facilities, constructed by cities and counties across the state, now have a total value of $126 million. The municipalities have contributed over $4.5 million in operating budgets to the Centers at a time of intense fiscal pressure, which demonstrates their strong commitment to these campuses. Regent Dreyfus asked that letters be sent on behalf of the Board to express appreciation for the continuing support and cooperation of the taxpayers and leaders of those cities and counties. - - - REPORT OF THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE Regent Davis, Vice Chair, presented the report. Consent Agenda Items Presenting Resolutions 6112-6117, which were unanimously approved by the Education Committee, Regent Davis moved their adoption by the Board of Regents as consent agenda items. Regent Gelatt commended UW-La Crosse, System Administration and the Education Committee for including the recommendation of the Supplies and Expense Task Force that new programs specify the university funding requirement, so that Regents are aware of what the programs will cost. Put to the vote, Resolutions 6112-6117 were adopted unanimously. New Program Authorization: B.A. Archaeological Studies, UW-La Crosse Resolution 6112: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse be authorized to implement the B.A. in Archaeological Studies. Approval of Amendments to Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures, UW-Eau Claire Resolution 6113: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the revisions to chapters UWEC 3.05 and 3.06, Faculty Personnel Rules, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, be approved. Approval of Amendments to Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures, UW-Parkside Resolution 6114: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the revisions to chapters UWPF 3.05(1), 3.05(3), 3.08(1), 6.07(3) and 6.12 of the Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, be approved. Approval of Amendments to Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures, UW-Superior Resolution 6115: That, upon recommendation of the Acting Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Superior and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the revisions to chapter UW-Sup 7.01(1)(b),(d), Faculty Personnel Rules, University of Wisconsin-Superior, be approved. Extension of Leave of Absence Beyond Initial Two Years, UW-Milwaukee Resolution 6116: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the leave of absence for Thomas Nykl, Lecturer (Indefinite), Department of Learning Skills and Educational Opportunity, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, be extended through the 1992-93 academic year. Authorization to Recruit Chancellor, UW-Extension Resolution 6117: That, upon recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the Board of Regents approves the Request for Authorization to Recruit for a Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Extension. - Tenured Faculty Review and Development The Report on Tenured Faculty Review and Development was presented at a portion of the Education Committee meeting to which all Regents were invited. The Committee heard testimony opposing the resolution from Professor Gloria Toivola representing TAUWP; David Fellman, Professor Emeritus, UW-Madison; and Professor Diane Kravetz, Chair of the University Committee, UW-Madison. Testimony expressing no objection to the resolution was heard from Professor Julie Brinkley, representing the UW-Green Bay Faculty Senate. Regent Flores expressed concern that the Board may not be able to increase funding for faculty development, a necessary component of the proposed policy. President Lyall agreed that currently not enough is done to provide professional development in the UW System, but allowing institutions to divert funds through quality reinvestment in 1993-95 will provide some flexibility. There also will be a modest Decision Item Narrative prepared for consideration by the Board in the biennial budget process that will recognize the need to make further investments in professional staff development. A friendly amendment was moved by Regent Krutsch that the following sentence be added to the Guidelines, paragraph D.2., page 3: "The review and methods should fully respect academic freedom." The amendment was accepted by consensus. It was moved by Regent Gelatt, seconded by Regent Clusen, to amend the Guidelines by adding a new Guideline 8 on page 4: "Nothing in these Guidelines is intended to alter the existing rules dealing with tenure termination." The amendment passed unanimously. The resolution adopting the Guidelines as amended passed, with Regent Flores voting "No." Upon motion by Regent Davis, seconded by Regent Clusen, the following resolution was adopted by the Board of Regents, with Regent Flores voting in opposition: Resolution 6118: That, upon recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the Board of Regents adopts the Guidelines for Tenured Faculty Review and Development. (The Guidelines are attached as EXHIBIT A.) - Report of the Vice President UW-Madison Faculty Awards Vice President Portch announced to the Committee that four UW-Madison faculty have been awarded Guggenheim Fellowships for 1992-93 and that five UW- Madison faculty have been elected as Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, including Chancellor Shalala. Sabbatical Legislation The Committee was advised that Governor Thompson recently signed legislation that permits faculty on full-year sabbatical at less than full- year salary to receive a full-year credit for retirement benefits. Offer of Vilas Trustees The Trustees of the William F. Vilas Estate responded to the Board's request in April 1992 with an offer of $1,169,520, for fiscal year 1992-93 to support the activities listed in the April agenda materials. Status Report on the Development of the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities Vice President Portch reported to the Committee on the status of the development of the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities. He had concluded that it is necessary for the draft statement to have the benefit of discussion by organized focus groups on each campus next fall and consultation from established systemwide groups. This step is necessary to strengthen the document further and to build the needed widespread support. He expects to bring the document to the Board by February 1993. - UW-Milwaukee Presentation: The UW-Milwaukee Honors Program and the Bradley Foundation Professorships Reporting on a presentation made to the Education Committee on the UW- Milwaukee Honors Program and the Bradley Foundation Professorships, Regent Davis pointed out that the program is very impressive, as is the young scholar, a product of the program, who participated in the presentation. - Trends in Enrollment: Fall 1991 Update The Committee discussed the Occasional Research Brief "Trends in Enrollment," which is an update of the fall 1991 enrollment figures. The report notes that in the last ten years fewer students are taking 15 or more credits. Fifty-five percent are now deciding to take more than four years to complete their degrees because of reduced credit loads. - Projected Supply and Demand for Faculty Reporting on Committee discussion of the Regent staff paper, "Projected Supply and Demand for Faculty," Regent Davis said the report concludes that the shortage of faculty may not be as severe as had been projected in the late 1980s. Vice President Portch said that future occasional research briefs will analyze the Wisconsin situation in light of the national data. The Committee was very complimentary of the work of Executive Assistant Fredi Bove in this area. - Authorization to Recruit Dean, College of Letters and Science, UW-Madison In discussing the authorization to recruit for a Dean, College of Letters and Science, UW-Madison, some members of the Education Committee questioned why the recommended salary range is so much higher than the salary of the former incumbent. Vice Chancellor David Ward distributed additional comparative salary data for Letters and Science Deans at UW-Madison peer institutions. Only one such salary is below the range requested in the authorization to recruit and three are above the maximum salary of the range. Adoption by the Board of Regents of Resolution 6119, which was unanimously approved by the Committee, was moved by Regent Davis, seconded by Regent Dreyfus and carried unanimously. Resolution 6119: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the Chancellor be authorized to recruit for a Dean, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. - - - UNFINISHED OR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The following resolution of appreciation was presented by Regent Vattendahl and adopted by acclamation: Appreciation to UW-Milwaukee Resolution 6120: Whereas, the Board of Regents is very pleased to have been invited to hold our May 1992 meetings at UW- Milwaukee; and Whereas, this visit has been enhanced by the informative presentations made to the Board and to the Committees, as well as other special arrangements provided by UW-Milwaukee; and Whereas, the warm welcome and gracious hospitality extended to us is very much appreciated; Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Regents hereby expresses its gratitude to Chancellor and Mrs. Schroeder and to all those involved in making this visit a most interesting and enjoyable occasion. Accepting the resolution, Chancellor Schroeder thanked all UW-Milwaukee staff who had worked to make the special preparations for the Board's visit. - - - At 10:45 a.m., the following resolution, moved by Regent Nicholas, was adopted on a unanimous roll-call vote, with Regents Davis, Dreyfus, Flores, Grebe, Hirsch, Krutsch, Lubar, Lyon, Nicholas, Schilling, Steil and Vattendahl (12) voting in the affirmative. There were no opposing votes and no abstentions. Resolution 6121: That the Board of Regents recess in closed session to consider personnel matters, including possible appointment of Chancellor, UW-Superior, and Vice Chancellor, UW-Whitewater, as permitted by s.19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats.; to consider personal histories concerning possible appointments to the UW-Green Bay Board of Visitors, and for preliminary report on investigation of a specific personnel matter, as permitted by s.19.85(1)(f), Wis. Stats.; and to confer with legal counsel, as permitted by s. 19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats. - - - The Board arose from closed session at 11:30 a.m., at which time the following actions were announced: Appointments to UW-Green Bay Board of Visitors Resolution 6122: That, upon the recommendation of the UW-Green Bay Chancellor and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, the following nominees be appointed to the UW-Green Bay Board of Visitors for terms ending June 1995: Ruth C. Clusen Robert Deer And that the following members be reappointed for terms ending June 1995: Bruce Deadman Lucy Forsting David Nennig Mary Walden Appointment of Vice Chancellor, UW-Whitewater Resolution 6123: That, upon recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and the President of the University of Wisconsin System, Kay Schallenkamp be appointed Provost and Vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and Professor with tenure, Department of Communication, University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, effective July 1, 1992, at an annual salary of $87,000. Appointment of Chancellor, UW-Superior Resolution 6124: That, upon the recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System and the Special Regent Committee, Betty J. Youngblood be appointed Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Superior, effective immediately, at an annual salary of $91,000. - - - The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Judith A. Temby Secretary May 28, 1992

    88. Intruder Astronauts
    Dan brandenstein, Dan brandenstein (NASA Photo S8440228) Four formerastronauts, from left, Hoot Gibson, Story Musgrave, daniel brandenstein,

    89. STS8
    S8336610 image text Astronaut daniel C. brandenstein, STS-8 pilot, during pressconference. S83-36612 image text Views of STS-8 crew during preflight news
    NASA Photo ID: Title: image text Artist concept of Space Shuttle orbiting earth image text View of Astronaut candidate Guion S. Bluford having head measured image text View of astronaut candidates Brandenstein and Van Hoften behind model image text View of Astronaut David Griggs standing beside T-38A before takeoff image text Astronaut Jon McBride in parachute during Water Survival Training activities image text Portrait of Astronaut Candidate Dale A. Gardner in blue flight suit. image text Portrait of Astronaut candidate Guion S. Bluford in blue flight suit. image text Mission controller Donald R. Puddy, wearing headset, in Mission Control image text Astronaut Richard Truly and Candidate Frederick Hauck in shuttle simulator image text Astronaut Guion S. Bluford and others participate in zero-g studies image text Zero-g tests of involving Astronaut candidate Daniel C. Brandenstein image text Astronaut candidates Francis R. Scobee and George D. Nelson in T-38 image text Offical portrait of Astronaut Richard Truly image text Offical portrait of Astronaut candidate William Thornton image text Challenger in the OPF facility at KSC image text Aerial views of night landing site image text Aerial views of night landing site image text Dr. William Thornton in cockpit of T-38

    90. Encyclopedia: STS-49
    daniel Charles brandenstein (born January 17, 1943, Watertown, Wisconsin) is aformer NASA astronaut who flew four space shuttle missions.

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    Encyclopedia: STS-49
    Updated 36 days 1 hour 29 minutes ago. Other descriptions of STS-49 Mission insignia Mission statistics Mission: STS-49 Shuttle Endeavour Launch Pad: 39-B Launch: May 7, 1992, 7:40 p.m. EDT. Landing: May 16, 1992, 6:57:38 p.m. EDT, Runway 22, EAFB, CA. Duration: 8 days, 21 hours, 17 minutes, 38 seconds. Orbit altitude: 195 nautical miles (361 km) Orbit inclination: 28.35 degrees Distance traveled: 3,696,019 miles (5,948,166 km) Crew photo
    Download high resolution version (855x807, 326 KB)sts-49 mission patch File history Legend: (cur) = this is the current file, (del) = delete this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version. ... The Space Shuttle Columbia seconds after engine ignition, 1981 (NASA). ...

    91. Dan Brandenstein
    Dan brandenstein is an American astronaut who was born on January 17, Before he became an astronaut, brandenstein served as a Navy pilot in the Vietnam
    Dan Brandenstein
    Dan Brandenstein is an American astronaut who was born on January 17, 1943 in Wisconsin. Before he became an astronaut, Brandenstein served as a Navy pilot in the Vietnam War. He has flown over 5600 hours in 24 different types of aircraft. Brandenstein became an astronaut in 1979. He has made four spaceflights spending over 576 hours in space. In 1983, Brandenstein piloted the first nighttime launch and landing of a space shuttle. In 1985, he commanded an international mission. The crew included Saudi Prince Sultan al-Saud and French Patrick Baudry. In 1990, Brandenstein commanded shuttle Columbia in a mission that set a shuttle endurance record. The crew spent 10 days in space and retrieved the Long Duration Exposure Facility. During his last mission in 1992, Brandenstein and his crew performed one of the most difficult space shuttle missions to date. Brandenstein and pilot Kevin Chilton performed some risky flying aboard the new Endeavour shuttle in an attempt to retrieve a satellite. They flew within a few feet of the rotating satellite, allowing the rest of the crew to literally grab it and pull it into the shuttle.
    Last modified prior to September, 2000 by the

    92. Dan Brandenstein
    Translate this page Dan brandenstein es un astronauta americano que nació el 17 de enero de 1943, Antes de convertirse en astronauta, brandenstein era piloto de la Fuerzas
    Dan Brandenstein
    Los enlaces en color anaranjado lo llevan a las páginas en Inglés, que aún no han sido traducidas al Español. Dan Brandenstein es un astronauta americano que nació el 17 de enero de 1943, en Wisconsin. Antes de convertirse en astronauta, Brandenstein era piloto de la Fuerzas Navales y piloto en la guerra de Vietnam. Ha registrado más de 5 600 horas de vuelo en 24 tipos diferentes de aeronaves. En 1979, Brandenstein se convirtió en astronauta. Ha participado en cuatro viajes espaciales y registrado más de 576 horas en el espacio. En 1983, Brandenstein voló el primer lanzamiento y aterrizaje nocturno del transbordador. En 1985, comandó una misión internacional. La tripulación incluía al Prícipe Sultán al-Saud y el francés Patrick Baudry. En 1990, Brandenstein comandó el transbordador Columbia, en una misión que sentó un récord de diez días en el espacio. La tripulación pasó 10 días en el espacio y recogió a la Facilidad de Exposición de Larga Duración. En 1992, durante su última misión, Brandenstein y su tripulación llevaron a cabo una de las misiones más arriesgadas hasta la fecha. Brandenstein y el piloto Kevin Chilton llevaron a cabo maniobras arriesgadas a bordo del nuevo transbordador Endeavor en un intento de recobrar un satélite. Volaron a escasos pies del satélite en rotación, permitiendo que el resto de la tripulación lo agarrara, literalmente hablando, y lo introdujera en el transbordador.
    Última modificación previo a septiembre, 2000 por

    93. Famous Lutherans
    Sandstrom Dan brandenstein Dan Califf Dan Meyer Dana Carvey Dane Placko DanielJoy Danny Wuerffel Darin Erstad Darlene Hooley Dave Hoffman Dave Reichert

    94. Dan Brandenstein Autographed Photo
    Countdown Creations is the internet s leading online store for space (NASA)Tshirts, memorabilia, toys, gifts.

    Memorabilia Autographs Dan Brandenstein Autographed Photo Four-time flyer and former chief astronaut Dan Brandenstein has signed this 8x10" photograph of the maiden launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour. Brandenstein served as Commander of this mission (STS-49).
    Brandenstein autographed these photographs on October 14, 2004, during the Association of Space Explorers' "Evening With The Astronauts" hosted at Countdown Creations' Rocket Town in Houston, Texas.
    A majority of the proceeds from the sale of these photos will benefit the Association of Space Explorers, supporting space science and exploration, promoting education in science and engineering, fostering greater environmental awareness, and encouraging international cooperation in the human exploration of space.
    Availability: We have very limited quantities of these signed photographs and once sold out, we do not expect to have more. Usually ships within one business day. Item AUTOGASEBRA Price

    95. Payekhali ! - Dan Brandenstein
    Columbia (STS-32) Endeavour (STS-49). Rang, Nation, Statut, Groupe de
    Encyclopedia Astronautica
    Piloting astronautics. Figures and facts.

    NASA Astronaut Biographies

    Daniel Charles (Dan) BRANDENSTEIN
    Rang Nation Statut Date de naissance Lieu de naissance Nombre de vols Nombre de sorties USA Inactif Groupe 8 de la NASA, 1978 17 Janvier 1943 Watertown, Wisconsin, USA 32 jours, 21h, 5m, 49s
    Date de lancement Poste Age Notes Challenger (STS-8) Pilote 40 ans 6 jours, 1h, 8m, 43s 17 Juin 1985 Discovery (51-G) Commandant 42 ans 7 jours, 1h, 38m, 52s 9 Janvier 1990 Columbia (STS-32) Commandant 46 ans 10 jours, 21h, 36s 7 Mai 1992 Endeavour (STS-49) Commandant 49 ans 8 jours, 21h, 17m, 38s

    96. Payekhali ! - Les Hommes Et Les Femmes De L'espace
    126 brandenstein, Dan 127 Gardner, Dale 128 Thornton, Bill 339 Barry, Daniel340 Jett, Brent 341 Scott, Winston 342 Wakata, Koichi
    Ordre de rang Par nation Les femmes de l'espace Gagarine, Iouri
    Shepard, Al

    Grissom, Gus

    Titov, Guerman
    Nicollier, Claude

    280 Brown, Curt
    281 Davis, Nancy
    282 Jemison, Mae
    283 Mohri, Mamoru
    284 MacLean, Steven 285 Clifford, Rich 286 Helms, Susan 287 Poleschouk, Alexandre 288 Cockrell, Kenneth 289 Ochoa, Ellen 290 Harris, Bernard 291 Precourt, Charlie 292 Schlegel, Hans-Wilhelm 293 Walter, Ulrich 295 Voss, Janice 296 Wisoff, Jeff 297 Tsibliev, Vasili 299 Bursch, Dan 300 Newman, Jim 301 Walz, Carl 302 Fettman, Martin 303 McArthur, Bill 304 Searfoss, Rick 305 Wolf, David 306 Ousatchev, Iouri 307 Sega, Ron 308 Jones, Tom 309 Malentchenko, Iouri 311 Chiao, Leroy 312 Halsell, James 313 Mukai, Chiaki 314 Thomas, Don 315 Linenger, Jerry 316 Smith, Steven 317 Wilcutt, Terry 318 Kondakova, Elena 320 Parazynski, Scott 321 Tanner, Joseph

    97. Dan Brandenstein Reads Dr. Seuss
    The Space Store is a NASA store with FSTS114 items, isher space pens, astronautcostumes, space sand, space toys, glow in the dark stars, toy rockets,
    // Begin Y! Store Generated Code pm_tagname = null;pm_tagversion = null;pm_accountid = null;
    Shuttle commander and pilot Dan Brandenstein reads Dr. Seuss' There's No Place Like Space at The Space Store to a group of future astronauts

    98. ÖÍÈÈ ÐÒÊ - Ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ êîñìîíàâòèêè
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    ÀÄÀÌÑÎÍ Äæåéìñ Êðýéã (ADAMSON James Craig) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀÉÂÈÍÑ Ìàðøà Ñüþ (IVINS Marsha Sue) (*) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀÊÅÐÑ Òîìàñ Äýéë (AKERS Thomas Dale) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀÊÈßÌÀ Òîéîõèðî (AKIYAMA Toyohiro) /ßïîíèÿ/
    ÀËËÅÍ Äæîçåô Ïèðñâèë (ALLEN Joseph Percival) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀËËÅÍ Ýíäðþ Ìàéêë (ALLEN Andrew Michael) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀËÜ-ÑÀÓÄ Ñóëòàí Ñàëìàí Àáäóë-Àçèç (AL-SAUD Sultan Salman Abdul-Aziz) /Ñàóäîâñêàÿ Àðàâèÿ/
    ÀËÜÒÌÀÍ Ñêîòò Äóãëàñ (ALTMAN Scott Douglas) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀÍÄÅÐÑ Óèëüÿì Ýëèñîí (ANDERS William Alison) /ÑØÀ/
    ÀÍÄÅÐÑÎÍ Ìàéêë Ôèëëèï (ANDERSON Michael Phillip) /ÑØÀ/

    ÀÏÒ Äæåðîì (APT Jerome, III) /ÑØÀ/ ÀÐÌÑÒÐÎÍ Íåéë Îëäåí (ARMSTRONG Neil Alden) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÀÊÈ Äæàé Êëàðê (BUCKEY Jay Clark, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÀÐÐÈ Äýíèåëü Òîìàñ (BARRY Daniel Thomas) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÀÐÒÓ Äæîí-Äýâèä Ôðýíñèñ (BARTOE John-David Francis) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÀÓÝÐÑÎÊÑ Êåííåò Äâàéí (BOWERSOX Kenneth Duane) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÅËËÀ Èâàí (BELLA Ivan) /Ñëîâàêèÿ/ ÁÅÐ Ëþäâèã âàí äåí (BERG Lodewijk van den) /ÑØÀ/ Á¨ÐØ Äýíèåëü Óèëåð (BURSCH Daniel Wheeler) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÈÍ Àëàí Ëàâåðí (BEAN Alan La Verne) /ÑØÀ/ ÁÈÍÈ Áðàéàí (BINNIE Brian) /ÑØÀ/ ÁËÓÌÔÈËÄ Ìàéêë Äæîí (BLOOMFIELD Michael John) /ÑØÀ/ ÁËÓÔÎÐÄ èéîí Ñòþàðò (BLUFORD Guion Stewart, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/

    99. ÖÍÈÈ ÐÒÊ - Ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ êîñìîíàâòèêè
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  • ËÅÍÍ Äæîí Õåðøåëü (GLENN John Herschel, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÊÀÐÏÅÍÒÅÐ Ìàëêîëì Ñêîòò (CARPENTER Malcolm Scott) /ÑØÀ/
  • ØÈÐÐÀ Óîëòåð Ìàðòè (SCHIRRA Walter Marty, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÊÓÏÅÐ Ëåðîé îðäîí (COOPER Leroy Gordon, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÓÎÊÅÐ Äæîçåô Àëüáåðò (WALKER Joseph Albert) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÐÈÑÑÎÌ Âèðäæèë Àéâåí (GRISSOM Virgil Iven) /ÑØÀ/
  • ßÍ Äæîí Óîòòñ (YOUNG John Watts) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÌÀÊÄÈÂÈÒÒ Äæåéìñ Ýëòîí (McDIVITT James Alton) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÓÀÉÒ Ýäâàðä Õèããèíñ (WHITE Edward Higgins, II) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÊÎÍÐÀÄ ×àðëüç Ïèòåð (CONRAD Charles Peter, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÁÎÐÌÀÍ Ôðýíê Ôðåäåðèê (BORMAN Frank Frederick, II) /ÑØÀ/
  • ËÎÂÅËË Äæåéìñ Àðòóð (LOVELL James Arthur, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÑÒÀÔÔÎÐÄ Òîìàñ Ïàòòåí (STAFFORD Thomas Patten) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÀÐÌÑÒÐÎÍ Íåéë Îëäåí (ARMSTRONG Neil Alden) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÑÊÎÒÒ Äýâèä Ðýíäîëô (SCOTT David Randolph) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÑÅÐÍÀÍ Þäæèí Ýíäðþ (CERNAN Eugene Andrew) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÊÎËËÈÍÇ Ìàéêë (COLLINS Michael) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÎÐÄÎÍ Ðè÷àðä Ôðýíñèñ (GORDON Richard Francis, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÎËÄÐÈÍ Ýäâèí Þäæèí (ALDRIN Edwin Eugene, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÝÉÇÅË Äîíí Ôóëòîí (EISELE Donn Fulton) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÊÀÍÍÈÍÅÌ Ðîííè Óîëòåð (CUNNINGHAM Ronnie Walter) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÀÍÄÅÐÑ Óèëüÿì Ýëèñîí (ANDERS William Alison) /ÑØÀ/
  • ØÂÅÉÊÀÐÒ Ðàññåë Ëóèñ (SCHWEICKART Russel Luis) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÁÈÍ Àëàí Ëàâåðí (BEAN Alan La Verne) /ÑØÀ/
  • ÑÓÈÄÆÅÐ Äæîí Ëåîíàðä (SWIGERT John Leonard, Jr.) /ÑØÀ/
  • 100. Ñïðàâî÷íàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ | À. Æåëåçíÿêîâ. Ýíöèê
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