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161. Lambda Calculus Introduction Lambda calculus provides the basis for Functional Programming languages. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tildeFP/Lambda/Ch/ | |
162. Graphing Software For Data, Algebra, Calculus And Trigonometry And Solutions Of Enter first and second order nonlinear ordinary differential in analytical form. The program will generate a numerical solution to the equations and graph multiple curves on a single graph. Can also be used for algebra and calculus formulas. Includes illustrations and free demo. http://www.hanleyinnovations.com/sgstandard.html | |
163. StudyWorks! Online : Interactive Calculus Interactive calculus. The activities in this section will help you get a handson feel for some of the fundamental principles of calculus. http://www.studyworksonline.com/cda/explorations/main/0,,NAV2-62,00.html | |
164. Table Of Contents These notes constitute a general, noncalculus introductory physics course. They are based on lectures given through the IUN/FYDE distance education program of the University of Winnipeg, which provides access to university level courses for communities outside of Winnipeg http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/physics/index.html | |
165. The Polyadic Pi-Calculus: A Tutorial The Polyadic picalculus A Tutorial. Robin Milner. Abstract The pi-calculus is a model of concurrent computation based upon the notion of naming. http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ | |
166. Math Notes Quick reference for basic algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, and physics formulas. Includes online calculators. http://www.geocities.com/tvtronix/mathnotes/ | |
167. SpringerLink - Publication calculus REFORM PAGEcalculus from Graphical, Numerical, and Symbolic Points of View. This site discusses the calculus reform book written by A. Ostebee and P. Zorn at St. Olaf http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0944-2669 |
168. MathServ Calculus ToolKit Online calculators for several calculus functions. http://math.vanderbilt.edu/~pscrooke/toolkit.shtml | |
169. Calculus - Content Standards (CA Dept Of Education) Grades Eight Through Twelve Mathematics Content Standards. http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/mthcalculus.asp | |
170. Department Website Shlomo Sternberg Advanced calculus by Shlomo Sternberg covers analysis on linear spaces and manifolds extending through introductory differential geometry. http://www.math.harvard.edu/people/SternbergShlomo.html | |
171. Multivariate Calculus, Problems Features problem sets for different topics. Includes a brief introduction to each topic. Uses pdf or dvi files. http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/smaurer1/Math18H/multivarH.html | |
172. Why Study Calculus? A Brief History Of Math Explains, in everyday language, the developments in astronomy, math, and physics that contributed to the discovery of differential calculus and its relationship to area formulas. http://math.vanderbilt.edu/~schectex/courses/whystudy.html | |
173. Multivariable Calculus In The Lab Multivariable calculus in the Lab. A collection of Maple V R3 Worksheets. Used in Math 222 at Cornell, Fall 1994. Copyright Notice http://mathlab.cit.cornell.edu/local_maple/mvc/lecguide.html | |
174. J. R. Hindley University of Wales, Swansea Lambda-calculus, combinatory logic and type-theory. http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk:80/staff/jrh/ | |
175. Guided Readings In Elementary Quantum Mechanics Contains guided readings in Advanced Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry, specifically, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics, with an emphasis on chemical applications. Notice that Guided Reading means what it says, you can not simply read the material contained in this site, you must answer questions about the material as you proceed. These notes allow persons to review/carry out the algebra and calculus for standard quantum mechanical problems. http://web.uconn.edu/~ch351vc/ | |
176. Topics In Integral And Differential Calculus An explanation and demonstration of the differential formulas, including an applet. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/kawasaki/mathPages.dir/index.html | |
177. S.O.S. Math Contains tutorials covering algebra, geometry, calculus, differential equations, matrices, and complex variables. Reviews the most important results, techniques and formulas. Presented in worksheet format and require active participation. Includes practice quizzes and forum board. http://www.sosmath.com/ | |
178. Information Of Products Information of Products. http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/calc/ | |
179. Limits Limits. Derivatives. Integrals. http://www.ies.co.jp/math/products/calc/menu.html | |
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