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Zitkala-sa 1876-1938: more detail | ||||||
81. University Libraries, Virginia Tech Author, ZitkalaSa, 1876-1938. Publisher, Lincoln University of NebraskaPress, 2001. Location, NEWMAN. Call, E159 M97 2001 http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/September2001/E.php | |
82. Precolombinas Y Chamánicas. América, Asia, Africa Y Australia. Translate this page Zitkala-Sa Cuentos y leyendas de los Indios Sioux. Catorce cuentos recopiladospor Zitkala-Sa de los indios Sioux (1876-1938) con ilustraciones de Angel de http://www.2enero.com/temas/precolom.htm | |
83. Holy Family Mission In The National Register Of Historic Places Is Near Browning Sioux writer and activist ZitkalaSa (1876-1938), who wrote American IndianStories, Legends, and Other Writings was born in the year of the infamous Battle http://www.browningmontana.com/mission.html | |
84. October 2004 - New Books, Sound Recordings And Videos E99.D1 Z58 2004. ZitkalaSa, 1876-1938. Iktomi and the ducks and other Sioux stories.Lincoln University of Nebraska Press, c2004. E99.C9 G65 2004. http://library.auraria.edu/findit/databasesindexes/dbmanage/newtitles.php?action |
85. Gertrude Simmons Bonnin - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Yankton IndiansBiography, ZitkalaSa1876-1938 the reservation. Eastman (1858-1939) and Gertrude Bonnin Simmons/ Zitkala-Sa http://www.questia.com/search/gertrude-simmons-bonnin | |
86. Zitkala-Sa ZitkalaSa. Alias Red Bird; also Gertrude Simmons Bonnin. Life (1876 - 1938).Titles. American Indian stories Old Indian Legends http://manybooks.net/authors/zitkalas.html | |
87. RepeatAfterUs.com - Zitkala-Sa Contents Author ZitkalaSa, 1876 - 1938. 1 Texts. Prose Fiction ( 1 text ),Difficulty Level. A Warrior s Daughter, Intermediate. Search http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=&l=Zitkala-Sa |
88. RepeatAfterUs.com - Zitkala-Sa Contents Author ZitkalaSa Prose Fiction, 1876 - 1938. 1 Texts. Prose Fiction (1 text ), Difficulty Level. A Warrior s Daughter, Intermediate. Search http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=&l=Zitkala-Sa&g=prosefiction |
89. Dreams And Thunder (in MARION) Title Dreams and thunder stories, poems, and The sun dance opera / ZitkalaSa ;edited by P. Jane Hafen. Writings on Zitkala-Sa p. 165-171. http://library.cerritos.edu/MARION/ABD-0387 | |
90. Native Authors--Gertrude Bonnin, Zitkala Sha Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, Zitkala Sha (Red Bird), Yankton Nakota (Eastern Sioux),18761938. Purchase books by Zitkala Sa that are still in print. http://www.kstrom.net/isk/stories/authors/bonnin.html | |
91. Some Notable Writers Of Color ZitkalaSa (1876 - 1938). American Indian Stories Old Indian Legends.Authors by row (from the top). Row 1 Alexie, Baldwin, Wallis, Kingston, Brooks, http://depts.washington.edu/engl/advising/diversity/PosterInfo.html | |
92. Zitkala-Sa - Pearson Rewards Authors - Pearson Rewards ZitkalaSa. Zitkala-Sa (18761938) was born Gertrude Simmons at the YanktonReservation in South Dakota. Writer, teacher, and activist http://www.pearsonrewards.com/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,611_1000054875,00.html | |
94. Women And Minorities In Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons (Zitkala Sa), 18761938, Women/NatAm. 15. Brackett, AnnaCallendar, 1836-1911, Women/Cauc. 16. Bradwell, Myra, 1831-1894 http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/women_minorities.htm | |
95. Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Jeffrey Barrett. Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons (Zitkala Sa). 18761938. Dorothy Rogers.Boodin, John Elof. 1869-1950. Randy Auxier. Boolos, George Stephen http://www.thoemmes.com/american/dmap_entry.htm | |
96. THINGS TO DO SOUTH DAKOTA - FAMOUS PEOPLE Gertrude Bonnin (ZitkalaSa) (1876 - 1938) Sioux writer and pan-Indian activist.Cheryl Ladd (1951 - ) Actress. She was famous for her role in the TV series http://www2.thingstodo.com/states/SD/famous_people.htm | |
97. Volume C: American Literature, 1865-1914 Theodore Dreiser (18711945). John M. Oskison (1874-1947). Jack London (1876-1916).Wovoka (c. 1856-1932). Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala Sa ) (1876-1938) http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_C/explorations.htm | |
98. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Helen (1846 1934) Zitkala-Sa, (1876 - 1938) ZOLA, Emile (1840 - 1902) ZORRILLAY MORAL, Jose (1817 - 1893) ZSCHOKKE, Heinrich (1771 - 1848) http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
99. Hoefel, Roseanne. " Zitkala-Sa: A Biography." As with many uprooted children, ZitkalaSa returned after three years to a Four years later, Zitkala-Sa re-entered school, graduated on to Earlham http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/gcarr/19cUSWW/ZS/rh.html | |
100. - ZitkalaSa, (Gertrude Bonnin), 1876 - 1938, Sioux, Dakota. Tao Pueblo Students ?Taos Pueblo. American Indian Children s and Young Adult Literature http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Childrens/AmericanIndian/authors.html | |
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