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Wright Thomas: more detail | |||||
61. Modern Mss By Type Constitutional historian Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron Macaulay (18001859).Historian Housman, Alfred Edward (1859-1936). Classicist and poet http://rabbit.trin.cam.ac.uk/Msscolls/type.html |
62. ModList.html Public figure and author Housman, Alfred Edward (18591936). Classicist and poet Lapsley, Gaillard Thomas (1871-1949). Constitutional historian http://rabbit.trin.cam.ac.uk/Msscolls/ModList.html | |
63. Thomas Couch Family Old Thomas COUCH Part of Group 5 of the Couch DNA Project Tennessee 5Florence Cornella Wright1700 (1884-1886) 5 Emma Wade Wright-1701 (1886-1971) http://www.couchgenweb.com/couch/josephc.htm | |
64. "Dire Le Sud" - Bibliographie Pour Le Seminaire De J. Pothier, UVSQ BU, Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia (1787). In Writings. Tomorrow Is Another Day The Woman Writer in the South, 18591936. http://www.sudam.uvsq.fr/Semjp00_bib.htm | |
65. Dictionary Of British Classicists Housman, Alfred Edward (18591936) kp Howard, Henry (ca. 1517-1547) em Sinclair, Thomas Alan (1899-1961) rt Sion ap Hywel ab Owain (s. xvi) em http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/class_entries.htm | |
66. PPL Danville South S - Z Schwartz, Minnie, 1859 1936, Danville South. Scott, Charles K. 1874 - 1943,Danville South Wright, Joseph Thomas, 1862 - 1962, Danville South http://history.plainfield.lib.in.us/Cemeteries/DanvilleSouthSZ.htm | |
67. Tales The Tombstones Tell - N-S Scallon, Hugh, 18591936, 116 Schaafhausen, Christina (Mrs. Herman Huth), 1825-1903,101 Smith, Catherine (Mrs. Thomas Mathews Mrs. RJ Darnell), 37 50 http://www.monticellowi.com/RichlandCo/tales-ind-ns.htm | |
69. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - H Brigade (MJTrow) 211. Housman, AE (British Poet, 18591936) The Case of theBlood Royal (Donald Thomas) 170-174, 176-177, 179-200, 208-210, 212-214 http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactershi.html | |
70. American Artists: Artcyclopedia Thomas Satterwhite Noble, 18351907, Painter Abbott Fuller Graves, 1859-1936,Painter, Abbott Fuller Graves Portsmouth Doorway Art Prints http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/American-artists-19th.html | |
71. J. Harlin O'Connell Collection Of The 1890s 8 ALsS to Mabel Beardsley Wright, 1907, 1908, and nd ALS to My Dear Son sFriend (Mabel ALS to Mrs. Thomas Bird Mosher from Robert H. Sherard, 1904 http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/oconnell.html | |
72. Keywords Johnston, Clarence H. (Clarence Howard), 18591936 (Architect) Joliet (IL) Thomas and Harris (Architect) Thomas Bishop and Company (Architect) http://special.lib.umn.edu/manuscripts/digital/atcterms.html | |
73. IOOF Cemetery Pg 4 McCloskey, Olive May Wright 1879 1946 Buried beside William McCloskey. McCloskey,Thomas 1837 Melendy, Ellen M. 1881 1967 Buried beside Thomas Melendy. http://www.cagenweb.com/sanbenito/sbenioof4.htm | |
74. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Virginia, 18821941 Authors W Woolley, Lell Hawley, 1825- Authors WWright, Thomas, 1859-1936 Authors W Wrong, George McKinnon, 1860-1948 http://www.archive.org/mediatypes-browse.php?mediatype=texts&collection=gutenber |
75. Cos - Coz - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors D Thompson (ed) 3v n 1897 11896, Citizen Bird (w Mabel O Wright) n 1897 Fr,Thomas Cyrille Sketch Of My Life a 1944 Thomas COWHERD {CA} (M ? ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/co4.htm | |
76. Arizona And Southwestern Matas, Louisa M. Aphold (see also Wright, Lula Aphold) O Neill, William (Bucky),18601898 (see also Campbell, Thomas E.) Ong, Wing Foon, 1906/07?- http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/branches/spc/homepage/azbiog.htm | |
77. Ballarat Genealogical Society Surnames "G" GILES, Thomas 1857 Glendaruel, Coghills Creek VIC AUS GROVES, Joseph Herbert,18591936, Ballarat, VIC, Aus Marrickville Sydney, NSW, Aus http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/names/g.htm | |
78. P DATA002 SCOTT Julia 18591936 SWEET Annas 1867-1911 SWEET Harlow Pedigree chart in binderPed-04 at Barrie LE BOTILER Thomas (Sir) 1st Lord Dunboyne c1271 1329 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/162/e162p002.htm | |
79. Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 1 Gifford, Elizabeth S., 18591936 Heuer, Claus, 1827-1910 Heuer, Eliabeth, 1834-1906 Van Sant, Thomas E., 1849-1922 Van Sant, Emma Hoyle, 1851-1941 http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale1.htm | |
80. Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 11 18471917 Baumann, Henry F., 1849-1917 Baumann, Anna, 1859-1936 Baumann, 1951 Caughty, Thomas, Wells, Bartholomew, 1810-1901 Wells, Sarah, http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale11.htm | |
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