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Wood Eugene: more detail |
41. Cemetery Records - Veterans U-Z Wood, Ebenezer, 17731862, Revolutionary War 1812? Wylie, Daniel D., 1840-1923,Civil War. Wylong, Alexander, 1904-1927, World War I http://www.westchestergov.com/wcarchives/Online_Indexes/PersonalNameIndexes/ceme | |
42. Allendale Cemetery, Section 14, Allendale Township. BUHRER Eugene B. 1905 1937. BUNNELD Susie D. ) Ch. 1840 1923 Grace, daughter1895 1902 Mrs. Hendrikje May 23, 1859 Sept. Wood Lizzie M. d. Jan. http://www.macatawa.org/~brianter/AllendaleCemetery.html | |
43. WebGED: HAMRICK HAMBRICK Data Page female b. Est 1905 spouse Bailes, Elvin Eugene (1906 1959 in ,Clay,WV spouseHamrick, Jasper Newton (1840 - 1923) - m. 14 WV d. 8 Jun 1993 in ,Wood,WV spouse http://www.lloyd1.com/b0001610/HAMRICK.wbg/wga61.html | |
44. HCGS - Mechanicsburg Cemetery - Fall Creek Township, Henry Co., Indiana McCormack, James, 1840, 1923, McCormack, Lawrence C. 1887, 1949, Seward, Sarah M.(Wood), 1845, 1870, Vanwinkle, Eugene F. 1897, 1945, Son of HG E. http://www.hcgs.net/mechanicsburg2.html | |
45. Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 11 1867 Mast, Caroline A., 18771933 Wood, Reginald E., 1898-1915 son of EN M . William, 1840-1910 Pearne, Harriet Anne, 1840-1923 Shelley, Daniel S., http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale11.htm | |
46. Biographical Dictionary Of The Organ | Names Begining In W Eugene (1917-); Ward, Stuart Humphry (1923-); Ward, Whiting, George Elbridge (1840-1923); Whitlock, Percy William (1903-1946) http://www.organ-biography.info/composers-w/ | |
47. Migrations Project - Surname Page Eugene GLAVIN, 18201906, County Kerry, Ireland. John GORDON, 1820-1885,Washington County, IN Sylvanus L. WHITMORE, 1840-1923, Ira, Rutland County, VT http://www.migrations.org/surname.php3?migname1=ALLEN |
48. The Political Graveyard: Freemasons, Politicians, Wisconsin Henry Harrison Markham (18401923) of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis.; Wayne Lyman Morse (1900-1974) also known as Wayne L. Morse of Eugene, http://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/WI/masons.html | |
49. Name-key For Spiritualists Crowell, Eugene, 18171894 Crowley, Sylvia Z. Bird married to Dr. Jacob Crowley, Simmons, Mary Delano Robbins m. to Milton Wood Simmons, 1832- http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
50. DACE Thru DYKES DAVIDS,, Zelma I. (Wood), See STONE, 1991, Raymore (Vol 2). DAVISSON,, Kenneth Eugene,1920, 1970, Pleasant Hill (Vol 3). DAWSON,, Martha E (Wall), 1840, 1923, Sharon http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/D.htm | |
51. McAdams - Myers: Photographs And Portraits Of Individuals McDowell, Eliza Preston See Wolff, Eliza Preston (McDowell), 18401923 Massie, Eugene C. 1861-1924. Massie, HM See groups McGuire s University School, http://www.vahistorical.org/research/photo_individuals_m.htm | |
52. Waddell - Wythe: Photographs And Portraits Of Individuals Withers, Eugene See ExtraOversize Album Virginia Constitutional Wood,Thomas Longstreet 1867-1892 See Groups Virginia University Students, 1888 http://www.vahistorical.org/research/photo_individuals_w.htm | |
53. Preferred Artists ALEXANDER Robert RSA RSW 18401923 ALGIE Jessie 1859-1927 ALISON David RSA 1882-1955 Wood David Innes Sandiman 1933-96 Wood Frank Watson 1862-1953 http://www.scottishfineart.net/preferred artists.htm | |
54. A Guide To The Collections, Section 3 Gannett, William Channing (18401923) REGISTER Howell, Edwin Eugene (1845-1911)REGISTER Papers, diaries, field notes, 1867-1911; two linear feet http://www.lib.rochester.edu/rbk/rare3.htm | |
55. Documenting The American South: First-Person Narratives Of The American South Memoirs of a Southerner, 18401923. Savannah, Ga. sn, 1923, c1912. 64 p. Wood, James H. The War; Stonewall Jackson, His Campaigns, and Battles, http://docsouth.unc.edu/fpn/texts.html | |
56. Th - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors T Memoirs Of A Southerner, 18401923 a 1923 Elean THOMAS, 1Lady GIFFORD {JM? Donald Eugene THOMPSON (M 1913 - ?) Donna Fay THOMPSON (F 1882 - ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/th.htm | |
57. Mathieson: Women, Magic And Power 1800-1960 W Cora LV Scott Hatch Daniels Tappan Richmond, 18401923 Eugene Taylor.Shadow Culture Psychology and Spirituality in America. http://merlin2.alleg.edu/employee/a/acarr/smsyllabus/mathieson83.html | |
58. Eureka Pioneer Cemetery Rbt S (18401923); Fair, Bert Ray (1921-1938); Fair, Roy C (1881-1937); Fairfield, Gorman, Louisa Matilda (1854-1898 CA) w/o Thms; Grant, Eugene D http://users.wi.net/~census/lesson17.html | |
59. Sandy Springs Cemetery, Green Twp, Adams Co OH Ky MID Inf Confederate State Army 1841 1919 STOUT, Eugene P 1907 George M 1875 -1951 WILSON, James M 1840 - 1923, Co K W d. 4 Jan 1891, 12y 6m Wood, Dr JM d http://www.scioto.org/Adams/cemeteries/sandyspringscem.html | |
60. Guide To The Pirie MacDonald Portrait Photograph Collection[1885]-1942(Bulk 1900 3, 61, Burton, Richard Eugene (18611940), poet, educator, 1931 9, 221,Krutch, Joseph Wood (1893-1970), author, educator, 1937 http://dlib.nyu.edu:8083/nyhsead/servlet/SaxonServlet?source=/pirie.xml&style=/s |
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