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Williams Rufus Phillips: more detail |
61. FULTON COUNTY INDIANA Bertha Phillips, who preceded in death; in 1941 m. Mildred Bowers. Moon Cemetery,18511911, also referred to as the SHARON CEMETERY, is across the road http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/genealogy/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Fulton County/Html/FC C | |
63. Browse The NYPL Digital Picture Collection(P) Earle, Alice Morse 18511911 Two centuries of costume in America, MDC Williams, Henry Smith 1863-1943 The historian s history of the world a http://digital.nypl.org/mmpco/browse.cfm?trg=srcauth |
64. Stephen WEEMS - Cythia Jo WERNER 1 Thomas WEEMS =Hannah Phillips Marriage 19 SEP 1717, Boston, Suffolk, 1 Mary WEIDNER =Lightfoot Williams Marriage 16 JUL 1816, Catawba County, http://www.gaia.edu/genclass/weems/people/p000004f.htm | |
65. Acquistion , Pam-Ref, Call , Author Code, Location, County Irene Williams,1965,G,,Shawnee County Historical Society 870162,,978.163 1940,G,5 91-0133,REF,352.78117,His,KS,Phillips,, Historical Records Survey, http://members.cox.net/ubert/TGSLibraryListMarch2004.csv |
66. 0 HEAD 1 SOUR FTW 2 VERS 10.0 2 NAME Family Tree Maker For Windows Charles Phillips, pastor of Kingston 1 CONC Methodist Church officiating. Pallbearers were EH 1 CONC Thompson, Oscar Williams, John Fisher, George Brown http://www.prpletr.com/Gedcom/Good 073103.GED |
67. Vital Statistics K-M father of Miss Clara I. King and Mrs. CC Williams, Mrs. Maud McDermott of Rufus B. Peery performed the ceremony. After their wedding trip the couple http://www.coloradoclues.com/Vital Statistics K-M.htm | |
68. Davis Family Tree Jan 25, 1872 1851 1911 . 4 JC Houchins 1872 . 3 William RufusAshby b 1867 3 John Ashby b DEC 1867 . +HARRISON A. Williams . http://www.geocities.com/quosac/GED/DavisFamilyTree.htm | |
69. Davis Family Tree Jan 25, 1872 1851 1911 . 4 JC Houchins 1872 . 4 Minnie MaeHouchins 3 William Rufus Ashby b 1867 3 John Ashby b DEC 1867 . http://members.iquest.net/~smdavis/genealogy/DavisFamilyTree.htm | |
70. Routt County Burial Index MICHAEL (1851 1911 ) HAHNS PEAK CEMETERY- CONKLE HUGHIE (1918c-1931 ) OAKCREEK Williams ALAN ALBERT (1945 -1973 ) HAYDEN CEMETERY- http://www.yampavalley.info/history6072130.asp | |
71. Cemeteries T.40R.4, BELL, Scott 1851 1911 Oak Hill Cem. S.18 NE.5 H/Nancy Bell. Craw. Child GRADDY, Rufus T.39-R.3, Allen 1887 1967 Lea Cem. S.19 Craw. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pinnell/cemetery.htm | |
72. The Seamans And Allied Families Genealogy Page MOFFETT Rufus; MOREY Sophia (~1820 ); MORIN Clara (Claudia) (1880 - 1978) Searls Florence Gertrude (1851 - 1911); SEARS Amy Deborah Judith http://www.nettally.com/gary18/gedcom/WC_IDX/IDX001.HTM | |
73. Wood Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Wood Robbins - Gardner of Edgecombe Co NC - Rufus Tubbs 4/14/04 Albert Wood1851-1911, GAR, Montgomery Co, PA - Deb 6/13/02 http://www.genforum.familytreemaker.com/wood/all.html | |
74. Name Index --W Walton, Samuel (1851 1911) Walton, Sarah Adeline (1852 - 1920) West, JohnRufus (1851 - 1940) West, John W (1848 - ) West, Laura (1881 - ) http://hindskw.cts.com/KennethHinds/nameindexw.html | |
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