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         Wilde Oscar:     more books (100)
  1. The Complete Short Stories (Oxford World's Classics) by Oscar Wilde, 2010-01-18
  2. The Importance of Being Paradoxical: Maternal Presence in the Works of Oscar Wilde by Patrick M. Horan, 1997-09
  3. Complete Shorter Fiction (Oxford World's Classics) by Oscar Wilde, 2008-06-15
  4. Who Was That Man?: A Present for Mr. Oscar Wilde (The Masks Series) by Neil Bartlett, 1988-08
  5. Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde (Signet Classics) by Oscar Wilde, 2008-10-07
  6. The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde by Neil McKenna, 2006-11-07
  7. Andre & Oscar: The Literary Friendship of Andre Gide and Oscar Wilde by Jonathan Fryer, 1998-04
  8. Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde by Oscar Wilde, Vyvyan B. Holland, et all 2000-11-30
  9. The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
  10. Complete Poetry (Oxford World's Classics) by Oscar Wilde, 2009-08-31
  11. Oscar Wilde - The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) by Oscar Wilde, 2008-06-15
  12. The Thief of Reason: Oscar Wilde and Modern Ireland by Richard Pine, 1995-12
  13. Oscar Wilde's Wit and Wisdom: A Book of Quotations (Dover Thrift Editions) by Oscar Wilde, 1998-01-27
  14. Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture: The Making of a Legend

81. Great Books And Classics - Oscar Wilde
Great Books and Classics Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) For links to informationabout Oscar Wilde, visit The World Wide Wilde Web.

82. Storia Gay - Oscar Wilde In Italia (1897)
Translate this page È passato oltre un secolo da quando Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), reduce da due annidi carcere inflittigli per la sua omosessualità 1 decise di venire in
Home page Giovanni Dall'Orto Saggi di storia gay > Oscar Wilde in Italia > Biografie di personaggi gay
di: Giovanni Dall'Orto
Oscar Wilde in una caricatura di Toulouse-Lautrec, all'epoca del processo (1895) Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), reduce da Parigi , dove Wilde Ballata del carcere di Reading e tentando di dimenticare l'uomo che l'aveva portato alla rovina, Alfred Douglas (1870-1945) detto " Bosie dargli un appuntamento
Oscar Wilde a Napoli - 1897 , che ben sapevano quale influsso avesse Douglas su Wilde. Al quale, da brava vittima dell'amore, non rimase che ribattere, in una lettera del 23 settembre 1897:
Lo amo arrivarono a Napoli il 20 settembre 1897 e dopo pochi giorni si installarono sulla collina di Posillipo, nella Villa Giudice Nonostante Wilde viaggiasse sotto falso nome ( Sebastian Melmoth Matilde Serao (1856-1927) ne scrisse sul quotidiano "Il Mattino" Ad essere sinceri era ingenuo
Inoltre non tutte le frequentazioni della coppia erano innocenti: quelle con disponibili maschi locali non potevano non creare pettegolezzi:
la maggior parte dei miei amici sono in prigione Capri , dove Wilde e Douglas erano andati in gita.

83. Reading Room Index To The Comic Art Collection
Wilde, Oscar, 18541900. Index entry (p. 420) in Puros Cuentos III, Wilde,Oscar, 1854-1900Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Canadian comics.
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection,
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84. Rodrigo Quesada: Oscar Wilde (1854-1900): El Arte Por El Arte... -nº 15 Espécu
con panteras por Rodrigo Quesada Monge, para El Espéculo.
OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900):
A UNA CENA CON PANTERAS. Dr. Rodrigo Quesada Monge
Costa Rica "And all men kill the thing they love,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word.
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!"
NOCIONES PRIMIGENIAS. H ablemos de Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Pero hagámoslo con la alegría de quien se prepara a dedicar una canción, una canción para uno de los más grandes poetas de este siglo, y por lo tanto, uno de los más agudos y lúcidos visionarios de nuestra época. Porque, entre la tristeza y el gozo, la gloria y la miseria, el triunfo y la caída, la figura de Wilde se yergue grande y aleccionadora por dondequiera que se la mire. A contra pelo del canon victoriano, es decir, del conjunto de creencias y principios que regían el gusto artístico y la conducta moral de los ingleses, durante el reinado de la adusta e hierática reina Victoria (1837-1901), uno tiene la dicha reservada y discreta de encontrarse con espíritus aventureros y osados, como Wilde, que se atrevieron a tomar tales convencionalismos y reglas por los pelos, para lanzarlos por encima de la borda de un programa socio-ideológico, que no sólo era fiel tributario de la corona sino también de las estructuras imperiales. En la condena de Wilde a dos años de trabajos forzados por sodomía, confluyen la hipocresía moral, el cinismo político, la prepotencia colonialista y finalmente la más

85. Oscar Wilde
Translate this page Oscar Wilde (Irlanda, 1854-1900), Wilde. Novelista, poeta, crítico literario yautor teatral de origen irlandés, gran exponente del esteticismo cuya

86. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
A biography of Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde; includes a list of related links.
Home Ancient Theatre Medieval Theatre 16th Century ... Email Us OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900) O In his "De Profundis" Wilde said: "I took the drama, the most objective form known to art, and made of it as personal a mode of expression as the lyric or the sonnet; at the same time I widened its range and enriched its characterization." This article was originally published in Representative One-Act Plays by British and Irish Authors . Ed. Barrett H. Clark. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1921. pp. 3-4. RELATED WEBSITES

87. Ricerca Canzoni Con Wilde Oscar (1854-1900)
ricerca Canzoni Wilde Oscar (1854-1900) Oscar (1854-1900)&cosa=t

88. Oscar Wilde Euskaraz
Oscar Wilde. (18541900). Literatura modernoaren aitzindarietako bat izan zen,zalantzarik gabe, Oscar Wilde, eta hemen ere hasieratik egin ziren ahaleginak
OSCAR WiLDE Literatura modernoaren aitzindarietako bat izan zen, zalantzarik gabe, Oscar Wilde, eta hemen ere hasieratik egin ziren ahaleginak euskarara ekartzeko haren lanak, eta asko dira itzulitako obrak, hiru bertsioak ere bai zenbait kasutan. Joseba Altunak euskaratu zituen, lehenbizikotz, Wilderen narrazioak eta liburuan eman argitara, 1927an, Verdes Atxirika argitaratzailearekin, Ander Jauregibeitiaren irudiekin ilustratua. Biografia eta bibliografia txikiaz gain, sei narrazio zekartzan: Bakaldungai zorijontsuba; Urretxindorra ta larrosa; Erraldoi berekoya; Benetako adizkidia, Zuziriko ospetsuba eta Ume ixarra. Bere lanekin egindako hurrengo liburura arte pasa ziren urteak, baina itzulpen lana ez zen gelditu. 1954an Bingen Ametzagak, Euzko-Gogoa ren 1954ko 11-12. zenbakian Reading baitegiko leloa poema eman zuen argitara, Wilderen poema-lanik ezagunena. Urte bereko Egan en 2-4. zenbakian, bestalde

89. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Oscar Wilde Quotes
1. Ah, well, then I suppose I shall have to die beyond my means. ~ OscarWilde (18541900) Irish writer, playwright from last words

90. BBC - History - Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it Just one of Oscar Wilde sendlessly entertaining and often hardhitting quotations.
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Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
'The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it...' Just one of Oscar Wilde's endlessly entertaining and often hard-hitting quotations. He is a man who inspired - and continues to inspire - both admiration and argument. The roller-coaster story of his life is testimony to his eccentric genius. He was born Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde in Dublin, 1854, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. His genius for writing was instantly recognised and in 1878 he was awarded the Newdigate Prize for his poem 'Ravenna', an initial confirmation of his prodigious talent. A first volume of poetry Patience was published in 1881, three years after he had received his degree. This was followed by

91. Oscar Wilde Quotes - The Quotations Page
Oscar Wilde (1854 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist, poet more author details Oscar Wilde; Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
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Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
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Showing quotations 1 to 30 of 81 total We have 3 book reviews related to Oscar Wilde.
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A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
Oscar Wilde
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.
Oscar Wilde
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde - More quotations on: [ Enemies Forgiveness
America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.
Oscar Wilde - More quotations on: [ America
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.
Oscar Wilde - More quotations on: [ America Civilization
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.
Oscar Wilde
Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.
Oscar Wilde - More quotations on: [ Argument
At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though perhaps its chief use is to illustrate quotations from the poets.

92. Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page
Oscar Wilde (1854 1900), The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891; Life is too importantto be taken seriously. info add mail Oscar Wilde (1854 Wilde&file=other

93. Oscar Wilde - Free Online Library
Oscar Wilde (1854 1900). Wilde, Oscar. Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin, Irelandon October 16, 1854. He was educated at Trinity College,
Library Oscar Wilde Online Dictionary Spelling Center
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland on October 16, 1854. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. He was considered a brilliant student. In 1878, his poem Ravenna won the Newdigate Prize. Shortly after leaving university his first volume of poetry was published. He moved to London in 1879. Wilde married Constance Lloyd, the daughter of a wealthy Dublin barrister, in 1884 and the couple had two sons. Wilde wrote fairy stories for his boys. These were later published as The Happy Prince and Other Tales. After being married for 11 years, Wilde had left his wife and began having a homosexual affair with Alfred Douglas. In May 1895, Wilde was prosecuted and imprisoned for homosexuality under the terms of the Criminal Law Amendment Act. He served two years in Old Bailey in London. Regrettable, his mother died while he was still in jail In 1897, after being released from Reading Prison, Wilde moved to France. A year later he wrote The Ballad of Reading Gaol, a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died on November 30, 1900, in Paris, France, three years after leaving prison. He is buried in Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, in a tomb designed by Epstein.
Famous quotations by Oscar Wilde:
  • I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.
  • 94. Oscar Wilde, Writer And Wit, 1854 - 1900
    Short biography of Oscar Wilde, writer and wit. Oscar Fingal O FlahertieWills Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854.
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    Oscar Wilde
    Writer and Wit
    1854 to 1900
    Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854. His father, Sir William Wilde, was an eminent Dublin surgeon and his mother, Jane Francesca Elgee, agitated for Irish Independence and wrote revolutionary poems under the pseudonym "Speranza". In 1864 Wilde went to the Portora Royal School where he excelled in the classics, taking top prizes. He was awarded the Royal School Scholarship to Trinity College in Dublin where he earned a Foundation Scholarship. In 1874, he won the college's Berkeley Gold Medal for Greek and was awarded a Demyship scholarship to Magdalen College in Oxford. There Wilde was awarded the Newdigate prize for his poem, Ravenna , and a First Class in both his "Mods" and "Greats. After graduation, he moved to London. In 1881, he published his first collection of poetry, Poems , which received mixed reviews by critics. In 1881 and 1882 Wilde travelled across the United States giving over 140 lectures in 260 days. He spent the next couple of years in Britain and France, championing 'Art Nouveau'-essentially the Aesthetic, art for art's sake movement. In 1884, he married Constance Lloyd. They had two sons, Cyril in 1885 and Vyvyan in 1886. He worked on The Woman's World magazine in 1887-1889. In the following six years he published two collections of childrens stories

    95. Oscar Wilde At -- Essays, Resources
    Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. Oscar Wilde. 1854 1900 *. playwright, poet,novelist and critic born in Ireland, famous for his wit.
    Start your day with a thought-provoking quote from the world's greatest thinkers and writers. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. Oscar Wilde playwright, poet, novelist and critic born in Ireland, famous for his wit.
    Oscar Wilde is most acclaimed for his comic theatrical masterpieces, particularly The Importance of Being Earnest and Lady Windermere's Fan which feature entertaining plots and witty dialogue. He was also a novelist, poet and critic and a proponent of the aesthetic movement which promoted the idea of 'art for art's sake'. Wilde was at the centre of a legal issue involving homosexuality and was imprisoned for two years. Source : Classics Network Editorial Team
    Irish poet and dramatist whose reputation rests on his comic masterpieces Lady Wintermere's Fan and The Importance of Being Earnest. Among Wilde's other best-known works are his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, which deals very similar theme as Robert Luis Stevenson's Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde. Wilde's fairy tales are very popular - the motifs have been compared to those of Hans Christian Andersen.
    "When they entred they found, hanging upon the wall, a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lyin... [

    96. Outdated Or Mis-Typed Link
    Wilde, OscarOscar Wilde (18541900), an Irishman who was educated at Oxford and lived inLondon, was a dominant and controversial figure in British cultural life from
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    97. Oscar Wilde OR Wilde Oscar - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Libr
    Subjects, Wilde, Oscar18541900Criticism And Interpretation Wilde,Oscar (Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills Wilde), 1854 1900, Irish author and wit, b. Wilde OR Wilde, Oscar
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    Research Topics on: Oscar Wilde OR Wilde Oscar List All Research Topics Aubrey Beardsley Frank Harris Oscar Wilde ... Picture of Dorian Gray
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    - 3761 results More book Results: Oscar Wilde: The Major Works Book by Isobel Murray Oscar Wilde ; Oxford University Press, 2000 Subjects: Wilde, Oscar1854-1900Criticism And Interpretation OXFORD WORLDS CLASSICS OSCAR WILDE OSCAR WILDE was born in Dublin in 1854. Self-advertised, he...Classics she has edited the following volumes by Oscar Wilde : Complete Shorter Fiction 1979 , The Picture... The Writings of Oscar Wilde - Vol. 4

    98. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
    the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. Oscar Wilde (1854 1900) Ave Imperatrix Oscar Wilde and the Poetry of Englishness

    99. Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Wilde (1854 1900) Anybody can write a three-volume novel. It merelyrequires a complete ignorance of both life and literature.
    rotten Library Biographies Authors
    Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Wilde
    "Anybody can write a three-volume novel. It merely requires a complete ignorance of both life and literature." Oscar O'Flahertie Fingal Wills-Wilde was not English, but Irish. He was best known as a flaming homosexual who wrote plays and had a bit of a sass-mouth.
    In 1878, Oscar Wilde moved to London with a singular purpose: to achieve superstardom. He'd already received his degree from Oxford University, and his entire upbringing had been less than conventional. His father was an antiquarian, a gifted writer, and a specialist in disease. His mother was a poet and a journalist, who'd taught Wilde to view life as an unfolding performance.
    Wilde enjoyed making a full spectacle of all his activities. He'd hail a cab just to cross the street. His wardrobe was designed by theatre costume departments who could easily understand the dramatic effects he wished to achieve. His standard uniform included a velvet coat edged with braid, knee breeches, black silk stockings, a soft loose shirt with wide low turned-down collar, and a large flowing pale green tie. Sadly, that wasn't sufficient. There would also be outrageous sunflowers, blue peacock feathers and dainty lilies in his buttonhole at all times - a ridiculous touch which became his public signature. His clothing tickled and poked the establishment nearly as much as his essays. Oscar's work was often sustained by the implied acknowledgement that he was gay, gay, gay. His private life flew in the face of harsh anti-homosexual Victorian society. He preferred lower-class males, because their passion was all body and no soul. He once bragged to a friend of having had sex with five different boys in a single night. "I kissed each one of them in every part of their bodies. They were all dirty and appealed to me just for that reason." The man truly had the velveteen touch of a dandy fop, asserting that the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. As his literary career flourished, the risk of a huge scandal grew ever larger.

    100. OSCAR WILDE
    Wilde, Oscar (1854 1900). a selective web guide to Oscar Wilde from A discussion of Oscar Wilde s Portrait of Dorian Grey and Patricia Highsmiths s
    WILDE, OSCAR (1854 - 1900) a selective web guide to Oscar Wilde from
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    19th century authors 20th century authors 20th century poetry
    General Articles Article contends that Salome extends Wilde's critique of aestheticism begun in The Picture of Dorian Gray . "The Princess, Persona, and Subjective Desire: A Reading of Oscar Wilde's Salome ," orig. pub. in Papers on Language and Literature, Winter 2004 by Marcovitch, Heather On Dorian Gray's connection with Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurian and to the Gothic tradition. "'Culture and Corruption': Paterian Self-Development versus Gothic Degeneration in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray ," orig. pub. in Papers on Language and Literature, Fall 2003 by Clausson, Nils "Dorian Gray, Tom Ripley, and the Queer Closet" by Jonathan Alexander and Deborah Meem. A discussion of Oscar Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Grey and Patricia Highsmiths's novels, "both Highsmith's and Wilde's novels describe how their heroes attempt to, in Dorian's words, 'multiply their personalities.' They are characters who want to be other than what they are." In CLCWeb Library of Research and Information. CLCWeb Contents 5.4 (December 2003)

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