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81. Charles Bennett On Melodrama, Hitchcock favorably compared my work to that of British dramatist John Webster (1580?1638?).Webster, it is said, endowed villains with matchless cunning, http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~muffin/bennett_c.html | |
82. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: English Confessors And Marytrs (1534-1729) Pope Gregory XIII, between 1580 and 1585, made several important viva voce Carthusians John Houghton, Robert Lawrence, Augustine Webster, 4 May, 1535; http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05474a.htm | |
83. EMLS 9.1 (May, 2003]: 4.1-20 Religion, Politics, Revenge: The Dead In Renaissanc In John Webster s The White Devil (written between 160912), Duke Fransico and The Stripping of the Altars Traditional Religion in England 1400-1580. http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/09-1/ristdead.html | |
84. Curiosidades De Shakespeare In Love - Como Se Hizo Translate this page (Webster, John -Londres, 1580-1624. Dramaturgo inglés. Es uno de los principalesdramaturgos de su época. Sus tragedias, inspiradas en novelle y relatos http://www.tepasmas.com/datos.php/shakespeare.htm | |
85. Books - Bücher - Antiquarian Books Larry - Books - Bücher JB Gen. Ca. Jacques Bellot. Le maistre d escole Anglois (1580). Halle, 1912 . Or Sacred Poems etc. London, 1650. PRICE EUR 35,00; Webster, John. http://users.unimi.it/austheod/larrycat.htm | |
86. Guthrie Theater 1580, John Shakespeare is involved in lawsuits regarding several mortgaged family John Websters tragedy The White Devil is staged and published. http://www.guthrietheater.org/act_III/studyguide/chrono.cfm?id_studyguide=663007 |
87. MessageListing 6917 OCASIO EDWIN 018 6322 PASCHALL John 028 8469 PHILBIN ROBER 002 1580 7205 WARRINGTON FR 079 5577 WATSON MILLIE 077 1110 Webster John 075 4480 http://www.bupers.navy.mil/navadmin/nav02/nav02123b.txt | |
88. WeWh Webster, Daniel (17821852) American lawyer, statesman, author, journalist. He was known for ballads, such as the Ballad of John Henry. http://www.philately.com/philately/biowewh.htm | |
89. UBC Archives - William Messenger - File List 325 John Taylor 1580. 3-26 B. Griffin 1596. 3-27 Overbury 1581. nd 14-27 H.Walpole nd 14-28 Webster, John nd 14-29 Wycherley nd Literature in http://www.library.ubc.ca/archives/u_arch/messeng1.html | |
90. SHAKSPER: Submitted Papers in Webster s *Duchess of Malfi* 27 5366 images of water in Milton 15 43-55 *Amint gaudia* 29 13-15 Webster, John and scholarship 10 45-63 sickness and http://www.shaksper.net/archives/files/cahiers.index.html | |
91. Publications Editor John G. Webster, John Wiley Sons, New York, NY, vol. 15801591,June 1999. Resende Jr., FGV, Diniz, PSR, Tokuda, K., Kaneko, M., http://www.lps.ufrj.br/profs/diniz/publications.htm |
92. MSN Encarta - Webster, John Translate this page Webster, John (Londra 1580 ca. - 1652), drammaturgo inglese. Esponente del teatroelisabettiano, intorno al 1600 collaborò con vari scrittori, tra cui http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569843/Webster_John.html | |
93. MSN Encarta - Risultati Della Ricerca - Webster John Webster John http://it.encarta.msn.com/Webster_John.html | |
94. The Hamlet People Spouse John Fraser. John Fraser and Isabella Warren were married in 1835.1668 Children George Webster and Sarah Bliss were married on 13 Dec 1695.801 http://prometheusli.com/hamlet/hamlet_tree/f-p/b131.htm |
95. The Atlantic Online They were born probably about 1580, but very little is known of their history . George W. Dole, JD Webster (afterwards General Webster, http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/1872apr/sanborn.htm | |
96. Biografia De Webster, John Translate this page Webster, John. (Londres, c. 1580- id., 1624) Dramaturgo inglés. Es uno de losprincipales dramaturgos de su época. Colaboró con Thomas Dekker, John Heywood http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/w/webster.htm | |
97. Project MUSE Webster, John. The Works of John Webster An OldSpelling Critical Edition, Making Ireland British, 1580-1650. Oxford Oxford University Press, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_medieval_and_early_modern_studies/v034/3 | |
98. Project MUSE English Dramatic Interludes 13001580 A Reference Guide. 68. $23.00 paper.Webster, John. David Gunby, David Carnegie, and MacDonald P. Jackson, eds. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_journal/v057/57.1books_received.html | |
99. New Catholic Dictionary: English Martyrs Dimock, Robert, layman, 1580; Dingley, Sir Thomas, Venerable, Knight of SaintJohn, 1539 Eastgate, John, monk, 1537; Eastgate, Richard, monk, 1537 http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd05033.htm | |
100. English Communities In Crisis, C. 1580-1640 - Topic 2 Mortality in Cumberland and Westmorland, 15801640 , Economic History Review 2nd The Social Economy of Dearth in Early Modern England , in John Walter http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/undergrad/modules/hi375/reading2/ | |
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