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         Us Department Of Energy:     more books (101)
  1. Cutting Energy Costs by U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1980
  2. Geothermal Small Business Workbook by Bob Lawrence & Associates, Inc. Liz Battocletti, U.S. Department of Energy, 2010-04-16
  3. National Security and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century by Department of Defense, Department of Energy, 2009-03-05
  4. DOE Fundamentals Handbook Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory FSC-6910 (Volume 1 of 2) by Department of Energy, 1993
  5. Pulmonary Toxicology of Respirable Particles: Proceedings (DoeSymposium Ser.) by Wash.) Hanford Life Sciences Symposium 1979 (Richland, Charles L. Sanders, 1980-12
  6. Linking Legacies Connecting the Cold War by Department Of Energy, 1997-01-01
  7. FY 2006 US fusion budget action.(Fiscal Year ): An article from: Fusion Power Report
  8. Slight R&D increase for five US federal agencies.: An article from: Instrument Business Outlook
  9. 2011 Introduction to Wind Power and Wind Energy Systems: Practical Information about America's Wind Program, Turbines, Consumer Guide, Federal Incentives, Large and Small Systems by U.S. Government, Department of Energy, 2010-10-28
  10. Trinity site. by the U.S. Department of Energy, 2009-05-31
  11. The Gene Gateway Workbook by Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010-04-16
  12. The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb by F. G. Gosling, U.S. Department of Energy, et all 2009-10-29
  13. Operations Plan for the Regional Seismic Test Network. NVO-235 by Nevada Operations Office U.S. Department of Energy, 1981
  14. United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992. DOE/NV--209-REV 1 by Nevada Operations Office U.S. Department of Energy, 2000-01-01

101. EERE: Energy Savers
Comprehensive U.S. Department of Energy site, including glossary, fact sheets, and tips for several home systems and appliances.

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EERE Information Center

Interested in saving money by making your home or small business more energy efficient? Want to use renewable energy to heat or power your home or small business? This site is your guide to the world of renewable energy and energy efficiency options.
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Information resources
Fact sheets
Animations Technology reports
Interactive evaluation tools
How a wind turbine works
View our interactive animation to learn how a wind turbine works and how it can be used.
Note: Best viewed in Internet Explorer; Requires the Flash Player. Text Version
State-specific information
Learn what's going on in your state, or find someone to help you with your project.
Printable Version

EERE Home U.S. Department of Energy Content Last Updated: 12/07/2004

102. DOE - Office Of Nuclear Physics
Contains information about programs, laboratories, and universities funded by this office.
FYI: About Nuclear Physics What's New Program Notice DE-FG01-05ER05-23 entitled " Annual Notice for Continuation of Availability of Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Nuclear Physics " is posted on the Grants and Contracts Website. A Letter-of-Intent should be submitted by October 1, 2005 and formal applications are due prior to November 1, 2005. Program Notice DE-FG01-05ER05-24 entitled "Office of Nuclear Physics Outstanding Junior Investigator Program"

103. Sustainability
Energy Management Department uses alternative Energy sources to increase the renewable resources in 3M manufacturing and products.
Skip Header Worldwide Home Select a Country MSDS Search ... Contact 3M Search Skip Main Navigation Brands Technologies Our Company ... Our Company Sustainability Skip Sub-site Navigation Sustainability What's New Vision and Strategy ... Milestones Our Company Sites Business Conduct Policies Careers Community Giving Company Information ... Press Room
Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability
Sustaining Our Future:
3M's Progress toward Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability
3M believes that active and responsible citizenship can make a successful company even stronger. We vigorously affirm our commitment to sustainable development through environmental protection, social responsibility and economic progress. We are committed to help meet the needs of society today while respecting the ability of future generations to meet their needs. That is what we mean by sustainability. Within this site, you'll find details on our vision, strategies, policies, programs and performance. This site is regularly updated with results, data and the latest developments (What's New) at 3M on the environmental, social and economic fronts. Sustaining the Environment
With strong management systems in place, 3M has a long history of continuous environmental improvements to minimize the impact of our manufacturing processes and products on the global environment.

104. ITP: BestPractices Home Page
BestPractices offers tools to help improve a plant's Energy efficiency, enhance its environmental performance, and increase its productivity.
Welcome! BestPractices, a program of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP), works with industry to identify plant-wide opportunities for energy savings and process efficiency. Through the implementation of new technologies and systems improvements, companies across the United States are achieving immediate savings results. We invite you to get involved in BestPractices so your company can join the ranks of forward-thinking U.S. industrial manufacturers who are saving energy and money, reducing pollution and emissions, and increasing productivity right now. Efficiency Tip Solicitations News September 9, 2005 Dow Uncovers Ways to Turn Plant Wastes Into Useful Products, Save Energy and Money, and Curb Emissions August 23, 2005 Dal-Tile Upgrades Compressed Air Systems at Five More Facilities Following Successful 2002 Improvement Project August 9, 2005 New IAC Case Studies Highlight Energy Savings at Five Plants August 4, 2005 Industrial Assessment Center Pre-Solicitation Announcement Now Available August 2, 2005 Don't Forget to Register for the Ohio Technology Showcase More News Events September 13, 2005

105. Isotope Catalog
U.S. Department of Energy isotopes catalog. Quite an extensive list.
You must use a browser capable of using frames.
Maintained by: Catalog - Rev: 09-May-2005

106. DMS Homepage - Transfer From Deleted Files
Materials research in the field of Energy technologies, comprising metallurgy, ceramics, solid state physics and materials chemistry. Contains details about the program, staff, user facilities and news.

107. Nova Scotia Department Of Natural Resources
Policy, programs and services relative to the development, management, conservation and protection of Energy, forest, mineral, parks and wildlife resources.
Government Home Site Index
Government of Nova Scotia Natural Resources 2005 Moose License Draw 2005 Antlerless Deer Hunting License Draw New Wildlife Resources Card Burning Permits ...
Wildlife Habitat and Watercourses Protection Regulations

Osprey, Nova Scotia's provincial bird can be found nesting on top of high trees and structures throughout the province.
The Department of Natural Resources has broad responsibilities relative to the development, management, conservation and protection of forest, mineral, parks and wildlife resources and the administration of the province's Crown land.
About The Department
2005-2006 Business Plan
Publications ... Changes to Wildlife Act
Recent changes to regulations under the Nova Scotia Wildlife Act will help reduce the risk of dogs becoming accidentally captured during the trapping season. The changes clarify rules about the control of dogs in wildlife habitat .... New Park Poster Available
The Department of Natural Resources unveiled the fifth annual commemorative poster of Nova Scotia's provincial parks today (July 13th). The poster, produced in recognition of Canada's Parks Day on July 16th, showcases a two-point-five-kilometre stretch of white sand at Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park in Shelburne County.

108. Resources On Experiments Performed By The Atomic Energy Commission And The Depar
Big index of sites related to human radiation experiments. Last updated in 1997.
Resources on Experiments Performed by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense
Dr. William Sweet, Massachusetts General Hospital, a researcher with the Boston Project Uranium Injections
General Resources from the Department of Energy
DOE Resources on Human Radiation Experiments
Government Documents

109. ESTSC - Energy Science And Technology Software Center
The ESTSC is the U.S. Department of Energy's central repository and distribution point for Federally funded software dealing with all forms of Energy, Energy conservation, waste management, mathematics, and a myriad of other topics.
U.S. Department of Energy Energy Science and Technology
Software Center The Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) centralized software management facility. Operated by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), the ESTSC licenses and distributes Federally funded scientific and technical software developed by the national laboratories, other facilities and DOE contractors. This scientific and technical software represents the latest in Federal technology. In addition, the collection contains selected scientific and technical software from the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
ESTSC Software Listing

DOE F 241.4

DOE Announcement of Computer Software
This form is in PDF-fillable format. User must have Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed to access the form. What's New Most Frequently Requested
Ordering Information

Frequently Asked Questions

U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Energy Science and Technology Software Center P.O. Box 1020

110. Research Links And Background On Ocean Carbon Sequestion
United States Department of Energy (DOE) view of techniques for storing carbon in the ocean.

111. Department Of Energy Test Information
Material available under the openness initiatives of the DOE on nuclear tests which were conducted simultaneously and not announced previously.

112. U.S. Department Of Energy - NEPA Web Site
Site contains DOE NEPA regulations and guidance, text of many DOE EISs and EAs, and links to other resources on NEPA and environmental impact assessment.
About Us Message From Assistant Secretary

EH Strategic Plan
RQ Calculator

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Home Security Policy CEQ Web Site What's New ... Contact Us Hot Topics
  • Accident Type A and B Investigations
    Columbia/Davis-Besse CAP
  • Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
    National Environmental Policy Act Program
    Welcome to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) NEPA Web Site. The NEPA Web Site provides information regarding DOE NEPA-related activities, including public involvement opportunities . The NEPA Web contains NEPA-related resources, including full-text searchable DOE NEPA Documents, NEPA and Related Requirements and NEPA Guidance, Status and Schedules of DOE NEPA Documents, and Links to other NEPA-related web sites, including the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ's) NEPAnet . You may also contact us if you have questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this Web Site, or want further information about the DOE NEPA process.
    Because of the security of some information in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, the Department of Energy (DOE) is limiting access to NEPA documents on this web site. Members of the public cannot access most of the environmental impact statements and environmental assessments on this web site at this time.

    113. U.S. Department Of Energy Oak Ridge Operations
    News and information, access to online reports, and links to specific programs.

    114. Hawaii Energy: Oil, Petroleum Products, Natural Gas, Coal, Electricity, Nuclear,
    Hawaii Energy Information from the USA Department of Energy.
    Home Geography States Hawaii Renewable Potential Map Residential Energy Map Renewable Energy Issues Hawaii Energy Division DOE's Renewable Energy: Projects Alternatives PNLs Wind Power Maps: Hawaii (Geographical Map) Overview Prices * Sales Transportation Fuels (Monthly) Other Fuels (Monthly) Stocks Restructuring ... Summary * No Nuclear Plants Summary Total Residential Commercial ... Electric Power Consumption Total Residential Commercial Industrial ... Appliance Report GO TO ANOTHER STATE:
    Select a State Alabama Alaska Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming United States Additional information on this state may be found under the MULTI-STATE tab above.
    For questions about content, please contact the National Energy Information Center:

    115. U.S. DOE Global Change Education Program
    Information and application materials for several educational and researchexperience opportunities offered to undergraduate and graduate students.
    Photos from the 2005 Orientation and Final Workshop are now online. Click here for links.
    The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research ( BER ) has established the Global Change Education Program (GCEP) to promote undergraduate and graduate training in support of the Department's global change research activities. Global change research encompasses a wide variety of study areas, including atmospheric sciences, ecology, global carbon cycles, climatology, and terrestrial processes. Global change research is supported by BER through the Atmospheric Science Program ( ASP ), the Environmental Meteorology Program (EMP), the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement ( ARM ) Program, the Terrestrial Carbon Processes ( TCP ) effort, the Program for Ecosystem Research ( PER ), and studies carried out under the direction of the National Institute for Global Environmental Change ( NIGEC ). Other studies address integrated assessments, predictions, and policy, as well as paleoclimatology and earth system processes. The two components of GCEP are the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience ( SURE ) and the Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships ( GREF ). A major goal of GCEP is to involve undergraduate students at the end of their sophomore or junior year in BER-supported global change research, then continue this experience during subsequent undergraduate summers. SURE is designed to support individual undergraduate students during multiple years. To further improve the quality of emerging scientists in disciplines related to global change research, SURE students will be encouraged to apply for GREF graduate fellowships and postdoctoral study programs.

    116. SULI About
    This program places students in paid internships in Science and Engineering atany of several Department of Energy facilities. Many of the participants in

    117. The Office Of Science - Home Page
    A very comprehensive U.S. Department of Energy site related to fusion research. Provides a large number of links to institutions and organizations, and there is a special fusion education section too.
    Contact Web Publishing Inventory Site Map Privacy Policy
    FirstGov for Science
    Relief for Researchers Affected by Hurricane Katrina Letter from Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director of the Office of Science, to the science community In Memory of John N. Bahcall Tribute to Dr. John N. Bahcall by Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director, Office of Science Solar Energy Workshop Report DOE Outlines Research Needed to Improve Solar Energy Technologies Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization
    Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Solar Energy Utilization,
    April 18-21, 2005 Rice Genome Sequence International Rice Genome Sequence Effort Completed Multiscale Mathematics Awards New DOE Program Funds $20 Million for Mathematics Research FY 2005 Multiscale Mathematics Research Awards Lawrence Livermore Researchers Capture Four Awards for Industrial Innovation Call for Proposals for High Performance Computing Resources Energy Department Seeks Proposals to Use Scientific Computing Resources at Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge National Laboratories

    118. Princeton (MA) Municipal Light Department
    Information about the PMLD and general information and links related to the electric utility business. Topics include; deregulation, green power, renewable resources, safety, and Energy conservation.
    Welcome to the Princeton Municipal Light Department (PMLD) web page. Within these pages you will find information about who we are, doing business with us, and how to contact us. This web page will also provide general information and links related to the electric utility business. Topics include; deregulation, green power, renewable resources, safety, and energy conservation.
    It is the nature of websites to change, evolve, and grow so we ask that you check back often to view our progress and keep up with current events. Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments or suggestions.
    Watch here for the latest breaking news.
    - An opportunity to provide broadband, high speed internet and cable TV, services to every home in the Princeton community. Click here to view presentation and material on the subject!
    - Wind Farm Project Work Plan. Click here to read on the history of the wind farm and new developments and ideas. For active weather warnings nationwide refer to:
    U.S. National Weather Service's Interact Weather Information Network

    119. Welcome To The Department Of Minerals And Energy
    South African Government Dept of Mineral and Energy.
    Enter Here Since 20 November 2002 you are visitor number :

    120. Norwegian University Of Science And Technology Department Of Thermal Energy And
    Presentation of the Department.

    Main areas Structure courses Courses ... Ægidius The departement is reorganised with the new department of
    energy and processengineering , EPT. This web will next year
    be transferred to, Department of Thermal Energy and Hydropower has activities within energy- and process technology, combustion and environment, hydraulic turbines and pumps, and hydraulics and pneumatics. The department plays an important role in the University appointed area of Energy ad Environment. Our strategy is to bring together expertise from different areas to solve important problems in society. Our students and employees are developing in an interdisciplinary and active environment.. Department of Thermal Energy and Hydropower Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A, 7491 Trondheim Telephnone: +47 73 59 27 00 Fax: + 47 73 59 83 90
    Editor: Ingvald Strømmen, Intranetcontact: Last updated:

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