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         Us Department Of Energy:     more books (101)
  1. Appalachian Rivers II Conference by US Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, et all 1999
  2. The First Reactor - 40th Anniversary by US Department of Energy, 1982
  3. Columbia River Power For the People A History of Politics of the Bonneville Powe by US Department of Energy, 1981-01-01
  4. Solar heating Cooling Research & Development Project Summaries - May 1978 by US Department of Energy, 1978
  7. Second Joint Symposium Enhanced Oil Recovery by Society of Petroleum Engineers / US Department of Energy, 1981
  8. The Report of the Alcohol Fuels Policy Review by US Department of Energy, 1979
  9. DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Mathematics: Volumes 1 and 2 by US Department of Energy, 2010-03-04
  10. A Consumers Guide: Heat Your Water with the Sun by US Department of Energy, 2010-05-12
  11. Ground water and energy: Report of the US Department of Energys National Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 2931, 1980 (CONF800137summary)
  12. Ground water and energy: Proceedings of the US Department of Energys National Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 29-31, 1980 (CONF-800137)
  13. The final proceedings of the Solar Power Satellite Program Review, April 2225, 1980, Lincoln, Nebraska ; sponsored by US Department of Energy, Office of ... Satellite Project Division (Conf800491)
  14. In the matter of Proposed Rulemaking on the Storage and Disposal of Nuclear Waste (Waste Confidence Ruelemaking) PR50, 51 (44FR61372) : statement of position ... of the US Department of Energy (DOE/NE0007) by United States, 1980

41. U.S. DOE Global Change Education Program
The US Department of Energy s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER)has established the Global Change Education Program (GCEP) to promote
Photos from the 2005 Orientation and Final Workshop are now online. Click here for links.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research ( BER ) has established the Global Change Education Program (GCEP) to promote undergraduate and graduate training in support of the Department's global change research activities. Global change research encompasses a wide variety of study areas, including atmospheric sciences, ecology, global carbon cycles, climatology, and terrestrial processes. Global change research is supported by BER through the Atmospheric Science Program ( ASP ), the Environmental Meteorology Program (EMP), the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement ( ARM ) Program, the Terrestrial Carbon Processes ( TCP ) effort, the Program for Ecosystem Research ( PER ), and studies carried out under the direction of the National Institute for Global Environmental Change ( NIGEC ). Other studies address integrated assessments, predictions, and policy, as well as paleoclimatology and earth system processes. The two components of GCEP are the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience ( SURE ) and the Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships ( GREF ). A major goal of GCEP is to involve undergraduate students at the end of their sophomore or junior year in BER-supported global change research, then continue this experience during subsequent undergraduate summers. SURE is designed to support individual undergraduate students during multiple years. To further improve the quality of emerging scientists in disciplines related to global change research, SURE students will be encouraged to apply for GREF graduate fellowships and postdoctoral study programs.

42. NNSA Service Center
US Department of Energy Service Center PO Box 5400 Albuquerque, New Mexico871855400 Telephone Locator Number (505) 845-0011. http//
This web site is part of a Federal computer system and monitors for security purposes to ensure availability and protection. By accessing this web site, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities. Click here for full notice.
Updated Tuesday, June 14, 2005 click here for details Search

Current Management and Operating Contracts
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National Nuclear Security Administration
U. S. Department of Energy
Service Center
P. O. Box 5400
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-5400
Telephone Locator Number: (505) 845-0011 The following page(s) have been added or updated: Go back to top.

43. Energy Science News 01/02
The official newsletter of the US Department of Energy s Office of Science.The newsletter covers the progress of scientific research supported by the
Winter 2002, Volume 11, Number 4, Circulation Subscribe Free News in Brief People 11 Physics Questions for the New Century
The February 2002 issue of Discover magazine based its cover story on the recent 105-page public draft of the National Research Council Committee on Physics of the Universe report, Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos: 11 Science Questions for the New Century . DOE's Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics supports research on all 11 questions, illustrated in this article. View from the Inside: Interview with Rob Goldston 3-D Holographic Body Scanner for Better Airport Security A New Way to Visualize Cells and Nuclei National Lab Astrophysicists Explore Supernovae with an Eye on National Security Working Science: Long-Life Rechargeable Batteries
More science news:
The Office of Science
DOE Pulse

Energy Science News is published quarterly by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Planning and Analysis within the Office of Science . Its purpose is to inform scientists, engineers, science students, and the public about progress in research supported by the Office of Science.

44. Ames Laboratory Homepage
Operated for the US Department of Energy by Iowa State University A member ofISU s Institute for Physical Research and Technology
Scientific Programs Newsroom Doing Business with
Ames Laboratory
(Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program) Security Privacy Comments/Questions?
Ames Laboratory
111 TASF
Ames, IA 50011-3020
Updated September 1, 2005 Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy
by Iowa State University
A member of ISU's Institute for Physical Research and Technology
Inquiry 2004
Read the latest about Lab research in the annual science magazine. Headline News "CSI" shows boost interest in forensic education. [Story]

45. United States Department Of Energy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a Cabinetlevel department ofthe United States US Department of Energy National Laboratory System
United States Department of Energy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Dept. of Energy Established: August 4 Activated: October 1 Secretary Samuel W. Bodman Deputy Secretary: Clay Sell Budget: $23.4 billion (2006) Employees: 16,100 federal
100,000 contract (2004) The United States Department of Energy DOE ) is a Cabinet -level department of the United States government responsible for energy policy and nuclear safety. Its purview includes the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy , energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production, many of which are funded through its system of national laboratories Many federal agencies have been established to handle various aspects of U.S. energy policy, dating back to the creation of the Manhattan Project and the subsequent Atomic Energy Commission . The impetus for putting them all under the auspices of a single department was the 1973 energy crisis , in response to which President Jimmy Carter proposed creation of the department. The enabling legislation was passed by

46. United States Department Of Energy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a Cabinetlevel department of is an independent regulatory agency within the US Department of Energy.
United States Department of Energy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Department of Energy Dept. of Energy Established: August 4 Activated: October 1 Secretary Samuel W. Bodman Deputy Secretary: Clay Sell Budget: $23.4 billion (2006) Employees: 16,100 federal
100,000 contract (2004) The United States Department of Energy DOE ) is a Cabinet -level department of the United States government responsible for energy policy and nuclear safety. Its purview includes the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy , energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production, many of which are funded through its system of national laboratories Many federal agencies have been established to handle various aspects of U.S. energy policy, dating back to the creation of the Manhattan Project and the subsequent Atomic Energy Commission . The impetus for putting them all under the auspices of a single department was the 1973 energy crisis , in response to which President Jimmy Carter proposed creation of the department. The enabling legislation was passed by

47. EnergyFiles
US Department of Energy online collections of energy-related scientific and technical information with a distributed searching capability.
EnergyFiles Home Resource List Site Help Comments ... DOE Home Subject Pathways
Within each Subject Pathway below you will find diverse resources hosted by a variety of agencies and organizations. Each Subject Pathway is preceded by a brief explanation of the types of information found under that specific subject category, followed by three distinct sets of resources.
  • Searchable Databases
  • STI Resources and Tools
  • Related Resources
EnergyFiles now utilizes QuickRank
see what else is new!
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48. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy.
University of California about llnl public affairs jobs ... News Releases
LLNL to lend expertise to Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts Read more...
DOE JGI releases latest version of microbial genome database Read more...
Technological advances could undercut Chemical Weapons Convention
New research confirms recent warming of tropical atmosphere
NCI awards additional $14 million to UC Davis-LLNL Cancer Center Read more...

Public Events

Orchestrating the world's largest laser The National Ignition Facility's integrated computer control system monitors and controls thousands of components.
Annual Report Newsline LLNL celebrates World Year of Physics
Public events mark Einstein's "Miraculous Year" Read more... Visit the Laboratory's Discovery Center Special exhibits highlight World Year of Physics Read more... September 8, 2005 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Operated by the University of California for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration

49. Los Alamos National Laboratory: Est. 1943
Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy.
skip to: lanlbar menubar toolbar links ... JOBS Los Alamos National Laboratory
The World's Greatest Science Protecting America Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy Inside Privacy Policy Web Contact

50. DOE Joint Genome Institute
US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute. JGI is operated by theUniversity of California for the US Department of Energy.
DOE Joint Genome Institute
JGI brings the expertise of four national laboratories, Lawrence Berkeley Lawrence Livermore Los Alamos , and Oak Ridge , and the Stanford Human Genome Center to bear on the frontiers of genome sequencing and related biology. Our sequencing targets encompass a rapidly expanding range of microbes, animals, and plants. The new Community Sequencing Program (CSP) aims to broaden the range still further. JGI is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy
Microbial Eukaryotic ...
This fiscal year : 31.575 billion
base pairs sequenced
More statistics
Sequencing for researchers

51. Appliances & Commercial Equipment Standards: Clothes Washer Certification Inform
Discusses minimum efficiency standards and operation costs of residential washing machines.

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Clothes Washer Certification Information
Why Clothes Washer Standards?
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) sets forth an energy conservation program for certain appliances. These appliances are required to be tested in accordance with Federal test procedures to meet mandated efficiency standards. These test procedures can be found in the current U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR, Title 10, Part 430). The CFR also identifies the individual standards, which specify a minimum level of energy efficiency or a maximum level of energy use for regulated appliances. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Codes and Standards (OCS) is responsible for developing and periodically updating these standards, as well as monitoring compliance with the standards.
What Should be Submitted to Show Compliance with Standards
Before any clothes washers can be distributed into commerce in the United States, specific compliance information must first be submitted. Compliance information consists of a statement of compliance and a certification report. Collectively, these documents certify that each clothes washer basic model meets the applicable energy conservation standard. A basic model refers to all units manufactured by one manufacturer which have the same primary energy source, which have essentially identical electrical characteristics and which do not have any differing physical or functional characteristics that affect energy consumption. By following the sample formats of compliance statement and the certification report provided in this brief, compliance requirements under the applicable standards will be considered adequately met.

52. Natural And Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR)
US Department of Energy/Office of Science Environmental Remediation Science Division,search NABIR Home Page Help NABIR Site Organization/Index
An Electrifying Discovery Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
A NABIR sponsored publication Don't forget to check the "NABIR PI Calendar" for updates! Introducing NABIR Primers and Guides NABIR Workshop Reports NABIR Publications ... Other Related Field Activities

53. ARM Home
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program is the largest global changeresearch program supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE).
The content of the ARM website is available to any browser, but for the best experience we highly recommend you upgrade to a standards-compliant browser such as the latest version of Mozilla Internet Explorer , or Opera (all available for free download). skip to main content
Field Campaigns
Submit your field campaign preproposal now!
Media Release
Climate researchers meet for Tropical Storm Cloud Experiment
Last week! Abstracts due September 8 for the AGU Fall Meeting
New Chief Scientist for the ARM Program named
Small processes make a big difference in model outcomes
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program is the largest global change research program supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) . It was created to help resolve scientific uncertainties related to global climate change, with a specific focus on the crucial role of clouds and their influence on radiative feedback processes in the atmosphere. The primary goal of the ARM Program is to improve the treatment of cloud and radiation physics in global climate models in order to improve the climate simulation capabilities of these models. ARM's scientists research a broad range of issues that span remote sensing, physical process investigation and modeling on all scales. ARM's site operators focus on obtaining continuous field measurements and providing data products to promote the advancement of climate models.
ARM Climate Research Facility
ARM's climate research sites serve as a national scientific user facility for collaborative research primarily with university, government agency, and national laboratory researchers. These sites provide significant research capability for the global scientific community. The resulting new

54. PrePRINT Network - Energy, Science, And Technology Preprints - US Department Of
Searchable gateway to preprint servers that deal with scientific and technical disciplines such as physics, materials, chemistry, biology, environmental sciences, and nuclear medicine, related to the activity of the department.
Energy, science and technology for the research community!
The PrePRINT Network has been revised, and the name has been changed to the E-print Network: Research Communication for Scientists and Engineers. The URL for this site is now You will automatically be redirected to this site in a few seconds. If not, please follow the link to We hope the E-print Network proves valuable to you in supporting your research initiatives. Please visit us at our new E-print News page and let us know what you think about our site!

55. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Research includes physics, computing, life sciences, materials sciences, andenvironmental energy technologies. for the US Department of Energy.
Operated by the University of California
for the U.S. Department of Energy. Solving Molecular Energies with a Quantum Computer Lab Will Host
Scientists Slowed

By Katrina
... Science@Berkeley Lab Magazine

Filling up with Hydrogen How Hurricanes Accelerate Pebbles from Heaven Secrets of Breast Cancer The Brightest Beams in Space and more. Berkeley Lab View World Year of Physics Security Updates
Privacy and Security Notice

56. Welcome To The Savannah River Site
Department of Energy Savannah River Site Carbon nanotube An SRNL researchproject has been selected by the US Department of Energy to make hydrogen
var MenuLinkedBy='AllWebMenus [2]', awmBN='532'; awmAltUrl='';
DUN Shipments Done Recently, container No. 41 of Depleted Uranyl Nitrate (DUN) left F Area, marking the last shipment of that material from the Savannah River Site.

An innovative tool developed by a researcher at SRNL to give law enforcement personnel a method for on-the-scene fingerprint detection and analysis more An SRNL research project has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to make hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and refueling stations available, practical and affordable by 2020... more Safe receipt and interim storage of irradiated spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies from domestic and foreign test and research reactors... more
Operated by Westinghouse Savannah River Company
The WSRC Team: Westinghouse Savannah River Company LLC - Bechtel Savannah River, Inc. BNG America
BWXT Savannah River Company
CH2 Savannah River Company ... Polestar Savannah River Company WSRC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Washington Group International
This website is compliant with Section 508A of the Federal IT Accessibility Initiative.

57. Office Of Policy And International Affairs
US Department of Energy About Us, Office of Policy and International Affairs IndiaUS Energy Dialogue - Joint Statement
About Us
he Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs (PI) is the primary policy advisor to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretary on domestic and international policy development and implementation as well as DOE policy analysis and activities. The Office of Policy and International Affairs' role is to deliver unbiased advice to the Department of Energy's leadership on existing and prospective energy-related policies, based on integrated and well-founded data and analysis. The Office of Policy and International Affairs has primary responsibility for the Department of Energy's international energy activities including international emergency management, national security, and international cooperation in science and technology. Select regions from the map
or the drop-down menu:
Go to ... Africa Asia Australia Europe North America South America
Special News Items India-US Energy Dialogue - Joint Statement National Energy Policy - Status Report on Implementation Status Report on Implementation of NEP Recommendations Environmental Policy and Regulatory Constraints to Natural Gas Production (December 2004), report by Argonne National Laboratory Department of Commerce - China Business Information Center DOE Technology Partnership New Initiatives Climate Vision Greenhouse Gas Reporting Guidelines Events

58. EERE: Industrial Technologies Program: Error 404
The US Department of Energy s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energyis updating and has redesigned the Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT)
Where is the Office of Industrial Technologies Web Site?
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is updating and has redesigned the Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT) Web site Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) Web site The Industrial Technologies Web site is

New URLs for the following pages are Industries of the Future

Industrial Assessment Centers
News and Events (now located on the home page)
Crosscutting Technologies
and Industrial Technologies Catalog

59. Idaho National Laboratory - Geothermal Energy
The Idaho National Laboratory is operated for the US Department of Energy s Officeof Nuclear Department of Energy. Geothermal Energy. Geothermal Energy
@import url("/shared/c/leftnav.css"); @import url("/shared/c/search.css"); @import url("/shared/c/sidebar.css"); @import url("/shared/c/inl.css"); This site will work and look better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.
Idaho National Laboratory
  • Geothermal Energy The Idaho National Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology by Battelle Energy Alliance
    • Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal Energy Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park The mission of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Geothermal Program is to work in partnership with U.S. industry to establish geothermal energy as an economically competitive contributor to the U.S. energy supply. Since 1974, the INL has been a key laboratory in executing the Department of Energy’s Geothermal Program, investigating and developing geothermal resource technologies for both direct use and electricity generation, particularly those resources considered marginally economical. Working closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and other national laboratories, the INL ensures availability of nationally recognized geothermal leadership to implement a successful national program. Working with both the states and the

60. EERE: Clean Cities Home Page
Sponsored by the US Department of Energy to support public and private partnerships that deploy alternative fuel vehicles and build supporting infrastructure. Includes how to get started, success stories, resources, and upcoming events.

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The mission of the Clean Cities Program is to advance the nation's economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption. Clean Cities carries out this mission through a network of more than 80 volunteer coalitions, which develop public/private partnerships to promote alternative fuels and vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid vehicles, and idle reduction.
Clean Cities is part of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program
Clean Cities Technology Areas:
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EERE Home U.S. Department of Energy Content Last Updated: 03/08/2005

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