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         Us Department Of Energy:     more books (101)
  1. DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Chemistry: Volumes 1 and 2 by US Department of Energy, 2010-03-04
  2. Passive Solar Homes: 91 New Award-winning, Energy-conserving Single-family Homes with Specific Suggestions for Design & Construction by US Department of Housing and Urban Development, US Department of Energy, 1981
  3. Nuclear Energy & Electricity The Harnessed Atom (Teacher's Edition) by US Department of Energy, 1986
  4. Energy and Mineral Resource Recovery: ANS Topical Meeting, April 12-14, 1977
  5. Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Accomplishing Expanded Civilian Nuclear Energy Research and Development and Isotope Production Missions in Teh United States, Including the Role of Fast Flux Test Facility by Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology US Department of Energy, 2000
  6. Glossary of Fusion Energy (DOE/TIC-10192 Rev. 1 January 1982) by US Department of Energy The Staff of Technical Information Center, 1982
  7. Regional Guidelines for Building Passive Energy Conserving Homes by AIA Research Corporation for US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research in cooperation with the US Department of Energy, 1978
  9. DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Electrical Science: Volumes 1 through 4 by US Department of Energy, 2010-03-04
  10. Mars:Mirror Advanced Reactor Study, Final Report, Volume 1-B, Commercial Fusio by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory US Department of Energy, 1984
  11. Columbia River Power for the People a History of Politics of the Bonneville Power Administration by Us Department Of Energy, 1981-01-01
  12. DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Instrumentation and Control: Volumes 1 and 2 by US Department of Energy, 2010-03-04
  13. DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Material Science: Volumes 1 and 2 by US Department of Energy, 2010-03-04

21. The Office Of Science - Home Page
Department of Energy Announces $64 Million in Hydrogen Research and DevelopmentProjects Sponsored by the US Department of Energy Details here.
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FirstGov for Science
Relief for Researchers Affected by Hurricane Katrina Letter from Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director of the Office of Science, to the science community In Memory of John N. Bahcall Tribute to Dr. John N. Bahcall by Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director, Office of Science Solar Energy Workshop Report DOE Outlines Research Needed to Improve Solar Energy Technologies Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization
Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Solar Energy Utilization,
April 18-21, 2005 Rice Genome Sequence International Rice Genome Sequence Effort Completed Multiscale Mathematics Awards New DOE Program Funds $20 Million for Mathematics Research FY 2005 Multiscale Mathematics Research Awards Lawrence Livermore Researchers Capture Four Awards for Industrial Innovation Call for Proposals for High Performance Computing Resources Energy Department Seeks Proposals to Use Scientific Computing Resources at Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge National Laboratories

22. DOE: Building Energy Codes - Home
US Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Building EnergyCodes Program. Search Search Help More Search Options
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Receive news via our RSS feed DOE's Building Energy Codes Program is an information resource on national model energy codes. We work with other government agencies, state and local jurisdictions, national code organizations, and industry to promote stronger building energy codes and help states adopt, implement, and enforce those codes. The Program recognizes that energy codes maximize energy efficiency only when they are fully embraced by users and supported through education, implementation, and enforcement.
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23. U.S. Department Of Energy Research News
The EurekAlert news service provides this collection of current news from DOE sresearch laboratories. Includes current media releases, features,
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Public Release: 9-Sep-2005
DOE's Office of Science sets up program to aid scientists displaced by Hurricane Katrina

The DOE's Office of Science has established a program to assist scientists displaced by the effects of Hurricane Katrina. A clearinghouse at DOE's Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education will match displaced individuals with host grant recipients. The program will match interested students and faculty researchers with research programs that currently receive Office of Science grants whose researchers wish to host such displaced individuals.
US Department of Energy Contact: Jeff Sherwood

DOE/US Department of Energy
Public Release: 9-Sep-2005
Argonne theorist gains new insight into the nature of nanodiamond

The newest promising material for advanced technology applications is diamond nanotubes, and research at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory is giving new insight into the nature of nanodiamond. Contact: Donna Jones Pelkie

US DOECIAC (Computer Incident Advisory Capability) WebsiteCIAC has been providing the US Department of Energy with incident response,reporting, and tracking, along with other computer security support since 1989.

25. The Office Of Science - Home Page
The Department of Energy s Office of Science is revamping the appraisal processit uses each year Sponsored by the US Department of Energy Details here.
Contact Web Publishing Inventory Site Map Privacy Policy
FirstGov for Science
Relief for Researchers Affected by Hurricane Katrina Letter from Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director of the Office of Science, to the science community In Memory of John N. Bahcall Tribute to Dr. John N. Bahcall by Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director, Office of Science Solar Energy Workshop Report DOE Outlines Research Needed to Improve Solar Energy Technologies Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization
Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Solar Energy Utilization,
April 18-21, 2005 Rice Genome Sequence International Rice Genome Sequence Effort Completed Multiscale Mathematics Awards New DOE Program Funds $20 Million for Mathematics Research FY 2005 Multiscale Mathematics Research Awards Lawrence Livermore Researchers Capture Four Awards for Industrial Innovation Call for Proposals for High Performance Computing Resources Energy Department Seeks Proposals to Use Scientific Computing Resources at Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge National Laboratories

26. Smart Communities Network - Creating Energy Smart Communities
Welcome to the Web site of the US Department of Energy s Center of Excellencefor Sustainable Development.
September 11, 2005
Welcome to the Smart Communities Network Web site. We are in the process of re-designing our Web site, so please bear with us as we make changes to enhance the design and utility of the site. While we are are in the process of making changes, we will not be featuring breaking news, current funding opportunities, nor a calendar of sustainability events. However, we will continue to offer great resources, tools, links to articles and publications, and community success stories on a variety of topics from Community Energy, to Green Development, to Sustainable Business. We hope these resources will help you strengthen your local economy, improve and protect the quality of your local environment, enhance the quality of life in your community, and build towards a more sustainable future.

Explore our new section on Communities and Health Visit the Communities and Drought section for information and resources on how urban and rural areas are coping with persistent water shortages.

27. Office Of Science Grants And Contracts Web Site
Department of Energy Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and US Department of Energy (Office of Science/Office of Biological and


Program Areas
Grant Solicitation Notices Grant Application Guide ...
Program Announcements to DOE Government Owned-Contractor Operated Laboratories
HOW TO APPLY FOR AN OFFICE OF SCIENCE GRANT Who is eligible to apply for grant funding?
Colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, for-profit commercial organizations, state and local governments, and unaffiliated individuals may submit grant applications in response to the following grant solicitation notices. "NOTICE"
Effective October 1, 2005, unless otherwise noted, the Office of Science will require all financial assistance applications be submitted through the website. allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies. is THE single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.
Registration Requirements:
As part of the Department's implementation of e-Government, during FY 2005, the Office of Science will begin requiring the submission of applications through There are several one-time actions you must complete in order to be able to submit an application through (e.g., obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, register with the Central Contract Registry (CCR), register with the credential provider and register with You must complete all the steps in "Get Started" at

28. Smart Communities Network: Green Buildings Introduction
Welcome to the US Department of Energy s Smart Communities Network. Introduction toGreen Buildings.


Building Principles

Building Programs

Rating Systems
Other Resources

Green Buildings Introduction Also visit U.S. DOE's Building Technologies Program The design, construction, and maintenance of buildings has a tremendous impact on our environment and our natural resources. There are more than 76 million residential buildings and nearly 5 million commercial buildings in the U.S. today. These buildings together use one-third of all the energy consumed in the U.S., and two-thirds of all electricity. By the year 2010, another 38 million buildings are expected to be constructed. The challenge will be to build them smart, so they use a minimum of nonrenewable energy, produce a minimum of pollution, and cost a minimum of energy dollars, while increasing the comfort, health, and safety of the people who live and work in them. Traditional building practices often overlook the interrelationships between a building, its components, its surroundings, and its occupants. "Typical" buildings consume more of our resources than necessary, negatively impact the environment, and generate a large amount of waste. According to Laurence Doxsey, former Coordinator of the City of Austin Green Builder Program, "a standard wood-framed home consumes over one acre of forest and the waste created during construction averages from 3 to 7 tons." Often, these buildings are costly to operate in terms of energy and water consumption. And they can result in poor indoor air quality, which can lead to health problems.

29. Idaho National Laboratory - Hydropower Program
the US Department of Energy Hydropower Program website provides hydropower factsand information on tech transfer, state resource assessment, R D,
@import url("/shared/c/leftnav.css"); @import url("/shared/c/search.css"); @import url("/shared/c/sidebar.css"); @import url("/shared/c/inl.css"); This site will work and look better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.
Idaho National Laboratory

30. Programs Of The U.S. Department Of Energy
Site of the US Human Genome Project, GenomicsGTL Program, and Microbial GenomeProgramall sponsored by the US Department of Energy Genome Programs.
Human Genome Project Information Genomics:GTL Microbial Genome Program sitemap ... Since its beginning in 1994, the MGP has sparked a revolution in microbiology. About 100 genomes have been sequenced so far. Now Featuring Beyond HGP
poster and PowerPoint presentation

Genomics Primer
Genetics for the Human Race
a Nature Genetics supplement
Gene Gateway:
tools for exploring the sequence
Human Genome Project Completion 1990-2003

Image Gallery
DOE Joint Genome Institute
site directory Human Genome Project Information
Research Goals ... Minorities General Resources
Image Gallery Calendars Glossary ... FAQs Medicine
Gene Testing
Gene Therapy Pharmacogenomics Genetic Counseling ... Gene Gateway Last modified: Thursday, April 03, 2003 Contact the Webmaster * About this Site Website of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

31. Country Analysis Briefs: Middle East
Features reports on the energy sector in the Middle East and North Africa, including briefs on the oil, gas, and electricity sectors from the US Department of Energy.
Home Country Analysis Briefs > Middle East Region Glossary Country Analysis Briefs - Middle East Related Information

Get e-mail updates on Middle East Country Analysis Briefs
Energy overview for: Algeria Arab Maghreb Union Bahrain Egypt ... Yemen Most Requested for this Region: Iraq Saudi Arabia Iran
Alphabetical list of all briefs: Select a Country/Region Algeria Arab Maghreb Union Bahrain Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Libya Oman Persian Gulf Facts Qatar Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Contact Us
Page last modified on

32. DOE Office Of Environment, Safety And Health
US Department of Energy Environment, Safety and Health banner. Button link toES H Homepage Button link to Department of Energy Homepage
About Us Message From Assistant Secretary Mission/Vision EH Strategic Plan Organization Chart ...
Compensation Program
Resources/Tools DOE Directives, Regulations, and Standards DOE Technical Standards ErgoEASER - Search Collection ... RQ Calculator Hot Topics
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    Columbia/Davis-Besse CAP

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    Energy Employees

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    ... System (EMS) Latest News World Safety Congress: September 18 - 22, 2005 Final Environmental Impact Statement EIS-0353 Ireland Work Site Earns VPP Recognition Notice of Availability EIS-0200-SA-02 ... More News Events Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection Symposium Radiation Protection Workshop 2005 Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Workshop - REGISTRATION LIMITED!!!!

    33. DOE Office Of Environment, Safety And Health
    A proactive participant in activities which enhance worker protection. Useful sets of guidelines and information.
    About Us Message From Assistant Secretary Mission/Vision EH Strategic Plan Organization Chart ...
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    Resources/Tools DOE Directives, Regulations, and Standards DOE Technical Standards ErgoEASER - Search Collection ... RQ Calculator Hot Topics
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    Energy Employees

    Occupational Illness
    ... System (EMS) Latest News World Safety Congress: September 18 - 22, 2005 Final Environmental Impact Statement EIS-0353 Ireland Work Site Earns VPP Recognition Notice of Availability EIS-0200-SA-02 ... More News Events Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection Symposium Radiation Protection Workshop 2005 Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Workshop - REGISTRATION LIMITED!!!!

    34. U.S. Department Of Energy - NEPA Web Site
    Site contains DOE NEPA regulations and guidance, text of many DOE EISs and EAs,and links to other resources on NEPA and environmental impact assessment.
    About Us Message From Assistant Secretary

    EH Strategic Plan
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    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Home Security Policy CEQ Web Site What's New ... Contact Us Hot Topics
  • Accident Type A and B Investigations
    Columbia/Davis-Besse CAP
  • Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
    National Environmental Policy Act Program
    Welcome to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) NEPA Web Site. The NEPA Web Site provides information regarding DOE NEPA-related activities, including public involvement opportunities . The NEPA Web contains NEPA-related resources, including full-text searchable DOE NEPA Documents, NEPA and Related Requirements and NEPA Guidance, Status and Schedules of DOE NEPA Documents, and Links to other NEPA-related web sites, including the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ's) NEPAnet . You may also contact us if you have questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this Web Site, or want further information about the DOE NEPA process.
    Because of the security of some information in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, the Department of Energy (DOE) is limiting access to NEPA documents on this web site. Members of the public cannot access most of the environmental impact statements and environmental assessments on this web site at this time.

    35. Peru Country Analysis Brief
    Gives an overview of the oil, natural gas and electrical power situation for energy analysts and policy makers. Provided by the US Department of Energy.
    Home Country Analysis Briefs Peru Country Analysis Brief PDF version April 2005 Background Oil ... Links Peru
    The Camisea natural gas project will likely turn Peru into an important exporter of liquefied natural gas in the near future. Note: Information in this report is the best available as of April 2005. BACKGROUND
    Peru has achieved a strong economic performance in recent years. The country's gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 5.1 percent in 2004, an increase from the 4.0 percent growth rate of 2003. Analysts predict that the economy will further grow at a 4.8 percent rate during 2005. In 2004, Peru passed the fourth and final review of its two-year $380 million "Stand-By Arrangement" with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In line with the arrangement, Peru brought the country's fiscal deficit under the IMF target of 1.9 percent of GDP, with the deficit expected to decline further in the future. The Peruvian economy has benefited from high prices for its mineral exports and good performance from its export-oriented fishing and agriculture sectors. Despite its high level of economic growth, Peru still suffers from several pressing economic problems. The official unemployment rate in the country is above 10 percent, and many analysts believe that the actual unemployment rate could be much higher. There is also widespread poverty in Peru, especially amongst the country's rural population.

    36. Office Of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
    Office of the US Department of Energy (DOE) assigned to develop and manage afederal system for disposing of spent nuclear fuel from commercial and military
    Program Management Yucca Mountain Project
    The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy assigned to develop and manage a federal system for disposing of spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear reactors and high-level radioactive waste from national defense activities. What's New on the Website Caliente Corridor Draft Environmental Assessment DOE Statement on Use of Dedicated Train [pdf] Stakeholder Letter on Dedicated Train Policy [pdf] Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Request
    Feedback Privacy ... Contact Us

    37. Oregon Department Of Energy Homepage
    US Department of Energy 2002 Best Energy Education Promotions (BEEP) Award forWeb Sites. What´s New. Groundwater issues on Cleanup Board s Agenda
    Department of
    Ensure Oregon has an adequate supply of reliable and affordable energy and is safe from nuclear contamination, by helping Oregonians save energy, develop clean energy resources, promote renewable energy and clean up nuclear waste.
    By mandate of the Governor, all state agencies are required to "migrate" all of the existing content to As a result, the Oregon Department of Energy's Web site has moved. The new location for our site is . For more information on the E-Government initative, please visit their site at: Oregon Department of Energy
    625 Marion St. N.E.
    Salem, Oregon 97301
    Toll Free (Oregon only): 1-800-221-8035
    E-Mail Us

    Fax: 503-373-7806

    38. The National Energy Technology Laboratory - U.S. Department Of Energy
    The National Energy Technology Laboratory is federally owned and operated.Our mission is We Solve National Energy and Environmental Problems.
    NETL - National Energy Technology Laboratory The National Energy Technology Laboratory is federally owned and operated. Our mission is to implement a research, development, and demonstration program to resolve the environmental, supply, and reliability constraints of producing and using fossil resources. What's New Business Events Publications ... Home ** This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.** 2004 National Energy Technology laboratory
    U.S. Department of Energy

    39. Genomics : GTL Program, U.S. Department Of Energy
    The US Department of Energy at Oak Ridge program for research in moleular biologygoals and results.
    Human Genome Project Information Genomics:GTL Microbial Genome Program home ... Glossary
    Now Featuring
    Learn more about other U.S. DOE-sponsored genome research programs.
    Genomics:GTL Facilities on the Frontier of Biology
    (Choose PDF file: screen resolution or print quality U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
    Accelerating Discovery for Energy and Environment
    Genomics:GTL Roadmap
    Reserve a copy of the Genomics:GTL Roadmap, a systems microbiology plan for DOE missions. Order Form
    GTL Featured in Recent Publications
    An Electrifying Discovery GTL researcher Derek Lovley describes new discovery in 23 June issue of Nature more... Time (06/20/05) features Venter, DOE genomics research More News and Announcements
    Potential Impact Areas
    • Energy production Environmental remediation Global climate change mitigation
    Program Goals
    • Molecular: Proteins and multicomponent molecular machines that perform most of the cell's work Cellular: Gene regulatory networks and pathways that control cellular processes Community: Microbial communities in which groups of cells carry out complex processes in nature
    Planned User Facilities
    • GTL Facility for the Production and Characterization of Proteins and Molecular Tags GTL Facility for Whole Proteome Analysis GTL Facility for Characterization and Imaging of Molecular Machines GTL Facility for Analysis and Modeling of Cellular Systems and Microbial Community Dynamics
    Site Directory

    40. Yemen Country Analysis Brief
    Features reports on the energy sector in Yemen, including briefs on the oil, gas, and electricity sectors from the US Department of Energy.
    Home Country Analysis Briefs Yemen Country Analysis Brief PDF version PDB version July 2004 Background Oil Natural Gas Electricity ... Links Yemen
    Yemen, a small non-OPEC oil producer, is important to world energy markets because of its oil and natural gas resources and strategic location on the Bab el-Mandab strait, one of the world's most active shipping lanes. Note: The information contained in this report is the best available as of July 2004 and may change. GENERAL BACKGROUND
    Security remains a concern of foreign firms doing business in Yemen, particularly after the French-flagged oil tanker Limburg was attacked off the coast of Yemen on October 6, 2002. Kidnappings of foreigners, including oil workers, have been a problem. There have also been periodic attacks on an oil pipeline in the Marib region of eastern Yemen, which is operated by U.S.-based Hunt Oil. The Canadian oil company Nexen, which operates the Ash Shihr/Al Mukalla oil export terminal, agreed in January 2003 to provide assistance to the Yemeni government in improving security. Political stability in Yemen is critically important to regional oil producers. Yemen sits on the entrance to the

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