Home - Book_Author - Thibault Jacques Anatole Francois |
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Thibault Jacques Anatole Francois: more detail | |||||
101. Biografia De Anatole France, Biografias, Frases Celebres Y Fotos De Personalidad 1844-1924) Escritor francés, n. en París y m. en La http://www.elasere.com/interes/biografias.asp?id=5089&Photo=Anatole France.jpg&e |
102. Anatole France (Biografie) Translate this page Anatole France (Biografie) 1844 - 1924. Anatole France hieß eigentlich Jacques-AnatoleThibault. Am 16. April 1844 wurde er in Paris geboren, http://www.dieterwunderlich.de/Anatole_France.htm | |
103. AIM25: British Library Of Political And Economic Science: DELL, Robert Edward, 1 Hopkinson, London, 1934) and The Geneva racket, 19201939 (Robert Hale, London,1921), 1934-1973; papers concerning Dell s relations with Anatole France, 1913 http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=1&coll_id=2834 |
104. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes- Historia 1844-1924. http://cervantesvirtual.com/historia/frases/cuads_frases_f.shtml | |
105. DigitalBookIndex: FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN Authors (72,000 EBoo Gabriel, 1786-1863 Froissart, Jean (Sir) 1338?-1410? http://www.digitalbookindex.org/_help/helpauthors04a.asp | |
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