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61. Edgar A. Poe Collection, Folder List 1844 29 Taylor, Bayard, 18251878. 15 June 1848 Thomas, Frederick W. (FrederickWilliam), 1806-1866 30 23 Nov. 1840 31 4 July 1841 32 24 Sep. http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/poe.e.folder.html | |
62. NYPL, Berg Collection-Level Records Taylor, Bayard, 18251878. Bayard Taylor collection of papers, 1848-1907.Catalog Record. Teasdale, Sara, 1884-1933. Sara Teasdale collection of papers, http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/brg/records.cfm | |
63. Charles Wesley Slack, Papers, 1817-1860 1860, 29 Oct. Taylor, Bayard, 18251878; Chester Co., Pa. To _. Seeks informationabout scheduling a lecture. Autograph Letter Signed. 1 p., 21 cm. http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/amerhist/slack1.html | |
64. DSpace At Cornell University: Item 1813/2145 Citation, Bayard Taylor (18251878), A Glance at Warsaw in Travels in Greeceand Russia, with an excursion to Crete (New York GP Putnam s Sons, 1859), http://dspace.library.cornell.edu/handle/1813/2145 | |
65. Newton's Library (T) 4k stuffed, 12k unstuffed * downloads. A short and poetical explanation of thespirit of chano-yu, the Japanese Tea Ceremony. Taylor, Bayard 1825-1878 http://www.newtonslibrary.org/t.shtml | |
66. Newton's Library - All Books Taylor, Bayard 18251878 Beauty and the Beast () AQ. Thackeray, WM 1811-1863On Being Found Out () AQ. Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862 http://www.newtonslibrary.org/all.shtml | |
67. No. 1960: The poem by Bayard Taylor (18251878) is Stanza 1 of his Bedouin Song. The AldousHuxley quote is from his Music At Night. And the Philip Hone diary entry http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1960.htm | |
68. Bibliography Of American Literature, Table Of Contents + Taylor, Bayard 18251878. + Thaxter, Celia Laighton 1835-1894. +Thomas, Frederick William 1806-1866. + Thompson, Daniel Pierce 1795-1868 http://collections.chadwyck.com/bal/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content=toc_t. |
69. REH Bookshelf - T Taylor, Bayard. (18251878) For instance I noted in his book of travels,Bayard Taylor, when speaking of his explorations in Vienna, mentioned Count http://www.rehupa.com/bookshelf_t.htm | |
70. DSRB Auction 12, Lot 73 Taylor, Bayard (18251878). Eldorado; or, Adventures in the Path of EmpireComprising a Voyage to California, via Panama; Life in San Francisco and http://www.dsloan.com/Auctions/A12/73WebA12.htm | |
71. Taylor Coat Of Arms, Family Crest Cora Taylor (19th c) American prostitute; Bayard Taylor (18251878) American James Bayard Taylor (1825-1878) American travel-writer; Brook Taylor http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp/s.Taylor/Origin.SC/sId./qx/coatofarms_details | |
72. KSB - About Kennett - History Kennett Squares most famous citizen was Bayard Taylor (18251878). A residentof Kennett Square, this nineteenth-century author, diplomat, poet, http://www.kennett-square.pa.us/aboutkennett/history.htm | |
73. Wonders Of The African World - Episodes - Black Kingdoms Of The Nile - Retelling Again, in 1852, when the American diplomat Bayard Taylor (18251878) visitedSudan and gazed upon the temple carvings of sumptuously clad gods and rulers http://www.pbs.org/wonders/Episodes/Epi1/1_retel1.htm | |
74. American Poetry - Pre-Civil War Period Taylor, Bayard (18251878). The ballad of Abraham Lincoln Boston Fields, Osgood, Co., 1870. A book of romances, lyrics, and songs http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/ampo4_toc.html | |
75. Authors CDVs Bayard Taylor (18251878). American poet, travel writer, translator, and novelist.Accompanied Matthew C. Perry to on his first expedition to Japan in 1853. http://www.antiquephotographics.com/authorscdv.htm | |
76. Taylor, Bayard // (1825-1878) , \\ , ? The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.americana.ru/t_amer/taylor__bayard.htm | |
77. The Poet Of The Month Is Bayard Taylor An Extraordinary Man, A Bayard Taylor (18251878). The Song of the Camp. By Bayard Taylor. GIVE us a song! the soldiers cried,. The outer trenches guarding, http://www.tarzanajoe.com/page3.html | |
78. Stories, Listed By Author Taylor, Bayard (18251878) (chron.) * At Home, (pm). Grit Nov 8 1931 * ThePachas Son, (ss) Our Young Folks Dec 1867 * The Story of Jon of Iceland, http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s1317.htm | |
79. Stories, Listed By Author Taylor, Bayard (18251878). * Who Was She?, (ss). Signet Classic Book of AmericanShort Stories, ed. Burton Raffel, Signet Classic 1990 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s170.htm | |
80. A Summer Idyll: Landscapes From The Brandywine Valley Bayard Taylor (18251878) wrote melodramatic works that retold local folktales.And John Russell Hayes (1866-1945) offered poetic rambles through the http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/3aa/3aa320.htm | |
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