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Tao Yuanming: more books (46) | |||
61. Poetry desperately admired Tao YuanMing, a poet of nature who wrote a single love poem, Yet the nature poet Tao YuanMing, at home http://www.poetrymagazine.org/magazine/0899/poem_29853.html | |
62. Poetry both Po Chuyi and Su Tungpo desperately admired Tao YuanMing, a poet of naturewho wrote a single love poem, a poem thought by Chinese dilettantes to be http://www.poetrymagazine.org/magazine/0899/poem_29853_print.html | |
63. Nan Hai Co.,Inc.,U.S.A. - Chinese Culture Lectures The Pastoral Poet Tao YuanMing Sun Jing (CCL-084). 85. The Poems of Tao YuanMing -Sun Jing (CCL-085). 86. Zhang Fei in Chinese Literature - Zhou Zhaoxin http://www.nanhai.com/culturelectures.html | |
64. Peach Blossom Shangri-la (Tao Hua Yuan Ji) By Tao YuanMing Peach Blossom Shangrila (Tao Hua Yuan Ji) By Tao YuanMing Translated and proofedby Rick Davis and David Steelman Note from the translators This file http://www.cumorah.com/etexts/peach10.txt | |
65. New Page 1 Statue of Tao YuanMing Tao YuanMing or Tao Qian. a native of Chasang of Xunyang(present day Jiujiang city). was an outstanding poet of the Jin Dynasty. http://www.jiujiang.gov.cn/English/lushan/history/2-4.htm |
66. ART 306 Telling Tales: Narrative In Asian Art Tao YuanMing and Chinese politics. Readings Watson 123124, 142-143; Brotherton2000. This week ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR RESEARCH PAPER due. Week 11. http://people.hws.edu/blanchard/Art306/syllabus05.html | |
67. ART 403 Seminar: Gender & Painting In China Susan E. Nelson, Tao YuanMing s Sashes Or, The Gendering of Immortality Martin J. Powers, Love and Marriage in Song China Tao YuanMing Comes Home, http://people.hws.edu/blanchard/Art403/syllabus02.html | |
68. Lexikon: Tao Yuanming - Begriff Translate this page Tao YuanMing (?) oder Tao Qian war ein berühmter chinesische Literatur chinesischer Dichter während der Jin-Dynastie östlichen Jin-Dynastie. http://lexikon.donx.de/?action=details&show=Tao Yuanming |
69. Tao YuanMing Poems The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/humftp/E-text/Chinese/taoyuan1.htm | |
70. The Literary Review : Two Poems.(World Views: New Writing About Nature) @ HighBe The Literary Review; June 22, 1996; Tao YuanMing Barnstone, Tony Chou Ping Tao YuanMing (365 or 372427 CE), also known as T ao Ch ien, was the first http://static.highbeam.com/t/theliteraryreview/june221996/twopoemsworldviewsneww | |
71. Jinhua Municidal Government In particular, Tao YuanMing of the Eastern Jin Dynasty came all the way to settledown in a hermit life near the Mount Jiufeng. After his visit to the West http://www.jinhua.gov.cn/english/lvyou/bls.htm |
72. Guan Ning Neglects A Nugget Of Gold He Finds In A Rice Paddy | Clearharmony - Fa Tao YuanMing wrote in one of his poems, My teacher has taught me, I shouldworry about if I have attained the Tao instead of worrying about if I have http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200506/26912.html | |
73. Tradukoj De Guozhu Tao YuanMing (365427)/LA SINJORO DE KVIN SALIKOJ*. Wu Jun (469-520)/INSTRUITULODE YANGXIAN *. ASPuskin (1799-1837)/AL APKERN* http://www.elerno.net/elibro/tradgz3.htm |
74. Gojan Novjaron Tao YuanMing(365 427 ). REVENO EN KAMPARO. En 405( la 1-a jaro de Yixi-erao dela Orienta Jin-dinastio) Tao YuanMing funkciis en urbo Pengze, http://www.elerno.net/penseo/pen87.htm |
75. 1994-9 : Ecrivains De L'ancienne Chine Translate this page (4-1) Tao YuanMing, ou Tao Qian (365 ou 372 - 427). Tao YuanMing, dans ses poèmes,tantôt dialogue avec Confucius, tantôt est partisan de la philosophie http://perso.wanadoo.fr/youpiao/htdocs/chapitre9/1994_09.htm | |
76. Tao Yuanming - Wikipédia autre prénom, est un écrivain chinois. Il est un des plus grands poètes http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Yuanming | |
77. Portrait Gallery Chu Yuan, Confucius, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Tao YuanMing, Qi BaiShi, Pu Hsinyu This painting of Tao YuanMing was by the Wang Chungyu, a fourteenth-century http://www.chinapage.com/portrait.html | |
78. Tao YuanMing Poems The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.chinapage.com/taoyuan1.html |
79. Tao Yuanming - Wikipedia Translate this page Tao YuanMing (?) oder Tao Qian war ein berühmter chinesischer Dichter währendder östlichen Jin-Dynastie. Er lebte im 4. Jahrhundert n. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Yuanming | |
80. Pohl Tao YuanMing und der Wein (auf Chinesisch) Shi yu zhen.Mantan Tao YuanMing yu jiu , Wenshi zhishi 8/1994, S. 121-122, 127. http://www.sinologie.uni-trier.de/mitarbeiter/pub_pohl.html | |
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