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Susan Coolidge: more books (100) | |||||||||
22. Antique Collectors' Club Ltd Susan Coolidge Antique Collectors Club has a reputation for definitive books on antiques, decorative arts and many other subjects. http://www.antique-acc.com/acatalog/ACC_Susan_Coolidge_284.html | |
23. Antique Collectors' Club Ltd Susan Coolidge Antique Collectors Club has a reputation for definitive books on antiques, decorative arts and many other subjects. http://www.antique-acc.com/ACCUS/acatalog/ACCUS_Susan_Coolidge_277.html | |
24. Susan Coolidge Susan Coolidge. (18351905). back home next New Every Morning. http://www.poemtree.com/Coolidge.htm | |
25. "New Every Morning" By Susan Coolidge And, spite of old sorrows. And older sinning,. Troubles forecasted. And possible pain,. Take heart with the day and begin again. Susan Coolidge http://www.poemtree.com/poems/NewEveryMorning.htm | |
26. Susan Coolidge, Real Name Sarah Woolsey Susan Coolidge (1845 1905 ) Pseudonym of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey adopted in A play from the novel by Susan Coolidge CARRINGTON, Norman Thomas, 1880 http://www.collectingbooksandmagazines.com/cool.html | |
27. Susan Coolidge Information And Links KeyWorlds.com s collection of Susan Coolidge sites and links. http://www.keyworlds.com/s/susan_coolidge.htm | |
28. Susan Coolidge Quotations Compiled By GIGA GIGA s compilation of quotations, quotes, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Susan Coolidge. http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautcoolidgesusanx001.htm | |
29. Alibris: Susan Coolidge Used, new outof-print books by author Susan Coolidge. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Coolidge, Susan | |
30. Susan Coolidge Quotations Famous quotations. Quotes for Coolidge, Susan. QuotationsBook.com Famous Quotations - Coolidge, Susan. 43060 quotations by 7960 authors in 1328 http://www.quotationsbook.com/authors/1679/Susan_Coolidge | |
31. Susan Coolidge Susan Coolidge wrote What Katy Did, A Little Country Girl, Just Sixteen, The Barberry Bush, Little Tommy Tucker. http://www.buriedantiques.com/19th_century_authors/susan_coolidge.htm | |
32. Susan Coolidge Discussion Susan Coolidge Discussion. Talisman Interviews William Bronk, Clark Coolidge, Anselm Hollo, Susan Howe, Nathaniel Mackey, Alice Notley, Ron Padgett, L http://www.gnooks.com/discussion/susan coolidge.html | |
33. Clover By Susan Coolidge Clover by Susan Coolidge. Susan Coolidge Author of What Katy Did, Mischief s Thanksgiving, Nine Little Goslings, etc. http://books.jibble.org/1/5/7/9/15798/15798-8/CloverbySusanCoolidge-0.html | |
34. Clover By Susan Coolidge Clover by Susan Coolidge. Clover by Susan Coolidge. books.jibble.org Previous Page Next Page. Page 1. V. CAR FORTYSEVEN VI. ST. HELEN S VII. http://books.jibble.org/1/5/7/9/15798/15798-8/CloverbySusanCoolidge-1.html | |
35. World Of Quotes - Susan Coolidge (pseudonym Of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey) Quotes. Susan Coolidge (pseudonym of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey) Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Susan-Coolidge-(pseudonym-of-Sarah-Chauncey- | |
36. World Of Quotes - Susan Coolidge Quotes. Susan Coolidge Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. Quotes from famous political leaders, authors, http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Susan-Coolidge/1/ | |
37. Susan Coolidge Book Reviews Susan Coolidge detailed book reviews. Finish Line (Click here) Susan Coolidge Candidates will lie and cheat to become governor of New York, http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/Topic_10775.asp | |
38. What Katy Did At School By Susan Coolidge Detailed Book Review Other books by Susan Coolidge (click here) Review Summary of What Katy Did At School by author Susan Coolidge. This is the sequel to What Katy Did. http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/info_24567.asp | |
39. MSN Encarta - Coolidge, Susan Coolidge, Susan (18451905), American writer of girls books. Susan Coolidge was the pen-name of Sarah Chauncy Woolsey, who was born in Cleveland, http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781529734/Coolidge_Susan.html | |
40. Clover By Susan Coolidge - Project Gutenberg Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of Clover by Susan Coolidge. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/15798 | |
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