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61. Su - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors (ps Ben MOWSHAY) Fraudem Bear f 1928 The Seeker Finds 1929 Martha Summerhayes, nee ? (F 1844 or 1846 1911 or 1926) 1049 Vanished Arizona a 1908 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/su.htm | |
62. Arizona Bookstore Summerhayes, Martha. Vanished Arizona. University of Nebraska Press. (Reprint of 1911 Salem Press second edition.) In 1874 a young New England woman marries http://www.arizonahandbook.com/AZBooks.htm | |
63. Nonfiction - Page 5 by Martha Summerhayes Summerhayes recounts her experiences at various army posts, focusing on a 1870s stint in Arizona and producing one of the essential http://www.azhumanities.org/cbd3-5.html | |
64. Biography / Autobiography Review Archive Martha Summerhayes Vanished Arizona. Ron Suskind A Hope in the Unseen. Top. T. Randy Taraborrelli Once Upon a Time audio. Jack Todd http://www.myshelf.com/adult/bio_archive98_03.htm | |
65. Nixon Library Summerhayes, Martha. PW 979.105 FAU Desert wife. Faunce, Hilda. PW 979.2 HAF Recollections of a handcart pioneer of 1860 a womans life on the Mormon http://www.butlercc.edu/nixon_library/parts/special_collections/pioneer.cfm |
66. NARA - Publications - Military Service Records - PART 27 MichaelSummerfield, William J. 2205 Summerhayes, Martha W.Summy, William H. 2206 Sumner, Aaron B.Suprenant, Thomas 2207 Sur, Achilles H.Sutliffe http://www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-catalogs/military-service-records | |
67. Book Audiobooks Compare prices, Martha Summerhayes, Beverlys, Ltd, Audio Cassette, 199905-01. 1675801, Venicewalks Audio Guide - Chas Carner, Alessandro Giannatasio Price http://books.idealo.com/6R1C33L86K0-Travel-Audiobooks.html | |
68. The Online Books Page: Browse Titles: Vanguard A History Vanished Arizona Recollections of the Army Life by a New England Woman , by Martha Summerhayes (Gutenberg text); The Vanished Messenger , by E. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=title&index=23112&k |
69. September 2005 Calendar Of Events - Boulder Public Library For the July meeting, the group discusses Vanished Arizona, Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman, a memoir by Martha Summerhayes. http://www.boulder.lib.co.us/calendar/ | |
70. July 9, 2005 Calendar Of Events - Boulder Public Library For the July 9 meeting, the group discusses Vanished Arizona Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman, a memoir by Martha Summerhayes. http://www.boulder.lib.co.us/calendar/july2005/9.html |
71. V Voyage of The Paper Canoe Nathaniel H. Bishop; Vanished Arizona Martha Summerhayes; Venus and Adonis William Shakespeare; The Voyage of the Beagle http://www.reference.com/Dir/Arts/Literature/Online_Texts/Project_Gutenberg/V/ | |
72. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Summerhayes, Martha Sun, Tzu Swift, Jonathan, 16671745 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837-1909 Synge, John Millington, 1871-1909 Syrett, Netta http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
73. Tempe's Best Books Of The Twentieth Century Summerhayes, Martha. Vanished Arizona (Non Fic 979.1 S955V). One of the first newcomers to Arizona, Martha Summerhayes lively recollections of Army life http://www.tempe.gov/library/adult/adultbib1/bestbook.htm | |
74. Title Vanished Arizona, recollections of the army life by a New England woman. Summerhayes, Martha. ?. Project Gutenberg, http://eservice.digilib.sh.cn/ebook/letter_list.asp?current=2&letter=V |
75. Az Historical Society - Rio Colorado Division/Yuma and what life was like on the frontier; Martha Summerhayes (a military wife arriving in Arizona Territory in 1875) talks about arriving on a steamboat, http://www.yumalibrary.org/ahs/education.htm | |
76. Az Historical Society - Rio Colorado Division/Yuma Summerhayes, John Wyer, b. 1835, Nantucket Island, traveled as mil. officer on Colorado River boats between 187478, with wife Martha Dunham Summerhayes, b. http://www.yumalibrary.org/ahs/lib_archives.htm | |
77. Arizona State Library, Archives And Public Records Clark s descriptions of his own travels and of the experiences of such authors as Joseph Wood Krutch, DH Lawrence, Ross Calvin, and Martha Summerhayes. http://www.lib.az.us/text/braille/azbooks1-03t.cfm | |
78. History And Information About Quartzsite, Arizona In 1875 Martha Summerhayes described this place as being the most melancholy and uninviting that she had ever seen, saying that it reeks of everything http://jeff.scott.tripod.com/quartzsite.html | |
79. Pacific Travel Report and Into Mexico The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin, 1846 1847; Vanished Arizona, by Martha Summerhayes; I Fought With Geronimo, by Jason Betzinez http://www.houstonculture.org/travel/pac.html | |
80. Southwest Travel Report by Enos A. Mills; Vanished Arizona, by Martha Summerhayes; Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown; I Fought With Geronimo, by Jason Betzinez http://www.houstonculture.org/travel/sw.html | |
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