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Sumanaru Simona: more detail |
81. Raport 91, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ANTIP D. Simona ALEXANDRA, GRUPUL SCOLAR DE CHIMIE INDUSTRIALA 109, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sumanaru M. SORINA MIHAELA, GRUPUL SCOLAR INDUSTRIAL A.SALIGNY http://www.edu.ro/adm2001/raport_total_per_scoala.asp-cj=BC&nj=BACAU&cs=102&ns=S |
82. Raport Translate this page 91, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ANTIP D. Simona ALEXANDRA, BACAU, 7,11, 6,68, 6,75, 6,30, 8,42. 109, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sumanaru M. SORINA MIHAELA, BACAU, 6,48, 5,95, 5,70, 5,00, http://www.edu.ro/adm2001/raport_candidati_per_scoala.asp-cj=BC&nj=BACAU&cs=102& |
83. Untitled Document 13, CB 1377, PREOTEASA V. CAMELIA Simona, 428, 392, 820, 484.4495657 744,CIS 368, Sumanaru GH.H.STELIAN, 281, 242, 523, 118.2964855 http://www.ippmf.ro/pstomatologie.htm | |
84. Untitled Document 36, CB 1067, ANTON C. ANCA GABRIELA Simona, 244, 224, 468, 69.49256445 971,CIS 368, Sumanaru GH.H.STELIAN, 281, 242, 523, 118.2964855 http://www.ippmf.ro/nou/stomatologie.htm | |
85. RMS Britannic : Britannic floating above a a moment of the water actually being ice. . .and. . .there theyare! End of (C) 19992000 by Simona Sumanaru and Michael Hart . http://www.findword.org/br/britannic.html | |
86. Shounen-ai See shoujoai. (C) 1999-2000 by Simona Sumanaru and Michael Hart . presentedby findword.org 2005, see origin article from wikipedia http://www.findword.org/sh/shounen-ai.html | |
87. Métodos De Promoción De Páginas Web En Buscadores - P Poems by a Little Girl Hilda Conkling. Poems and Tales From Romania Simona Sumanaru.Poems of Cheer Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Poems of Progress Ella Wheeler Wilcox. http://www.buscadores.info/directorio'40138 | |
88. Raport 24, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, MURARITA I. Simona, SCOALA CU CLASELE IVIII RUGINOASA/DULCESTI,6 53, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sumanaru V. IONUT CRISTIAN, SCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII MIRCESTI http://ns.edu.ro/adm2001/raport_admisi_per_liceu.asp-cj=NT&nj=NEAMT&cs=29&ns=GRU |
89. Raport 26, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sumanaru G. SORINA ADRIANA, SC. CU CLASELE IVIII RUBLA comunaVL. 60, xxxxxxxxxxxxx, BARBU R. Simona ANDREEA, SCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII NR.5 Rm http://ns.edu.ro/adm2001/raport_admisi_per_liceu.asp-cj=BZ&nj=BUZAU&cs=46&ns=GRU |
90. This Is The File GUTINDEX.01. It Contains Etexts Published By Also see Feb 2001 The Malay Archipelago by Alfred Russell Wallace V11malayxx.xxx2530 Mar 2001 Poems and Tales from Romania, by Simona Sumanaru patfrxxx.xxx http://mirror.njit.edu/gutenberg/GUTINDEX.01 |
91. Haaren, John H. Hart, Michael (1947) A Brief History of the Internet - released 250 Poems and Talesfrom Romania by Michael Hart, Simona Sumanaru - released 2538c. Hart, Rev. http://www.pluckerbooks.com/works/priced/inprogress/part08.html |
92. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Ebooks Easy Download Facility John McDouall Stuart Snorri Sturlson Charles Sturt Hermann Sudermann Eugene Sue Simona Sumanaru Martha Summerhayes Charles Sumner Sun Wu http://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/project_gutenberg/ACCESS/INDEX.HTM | |
93. Free EBooks M. Sturt and EC Oakden John J. Stutzman Hermann Sudermann Eugene Sue AM Sullivan Simona Sumanaru Martha Summerhayes Charles Sumner http://www.thalasson.com/gtn/ | |
94. Welcome To ByteCenter :: Logged Out org/gutenberg/cgibin/sdb/cat.cgi/cat.cgi? label=ID ftpsite=http//www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/ alpha=1341 132.) Poems and Tales From Romania Simona Sumanaru. http://computers.bytecenter-network.com/scripts-bin/directory.php?cid=40138&user |
95. Index Listings For The New Files Jan 2001 TCB On The Plains, By Starting with a few that were reserved earlier Mar 2001 Poems and Tales fromRomania, by Simona Sumanaru patfrxxx.xxx2538C Jan 2001 TCB On The Plains, http://promo.net/pg/nl/0006.txt |
96. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Ebooks Easy Download Facility Eugeen Edward Stroobant Gordon Stuart John McDouall Stuart Snorri Sturlson CharlesSturt Hermann Sudermann Eugene Sue Simona Sumanaru Martha Summerhayes http://www.informationcds.co.uk/images/cds/authors_index.htm | |
97. WorldWide Forums - Loads Of Loads Of E-books McEnery Stuart Joseph Stump Joseph Sturge Snorri Sturlson Charles Sturt M. Sturtand EC Oakden Hermann Sudermann Eugene Sue Simona Sumanaru Martha Summerhayes http://worldwideforum.net/index.php?showtopic=42771 |
98. - : : SASSA SERVICE : : - Translate this page Sumanaru, Livia, De Cristoforis, 1-10-2005, 28-02-2006, Double. Szalecka, Agnieszka,Tartaglia, 1-10-2005, 28-02-2006, Double http://www.sassa.org/en/assegnatari.html | |
99. - : : SASSA SERVICE : : - Translate this page Sumanaru, Livia, De Cristoforis, 1-10-2005, 28-02-2006, Doble. Szalecka, Agnieszka,Tartaglia, 1-10-2005, 28-02-2006, Doble http://www.sassa.org/es/assegnatari.html | |
100. Gutenberg Arhiva *** Macedonia On-Line The summary for this Macedonian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.2mg.com.mk/gutenberg/kniga.asp?id=13781 |
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