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81. Newbooks March28-April3 Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. OPERAS. SELECTIONS. OPERETTAS SOUND RECORDING.MCD17827. Mussorgsky, Modenst Petrovich, 1839-1881. http://www.lib.uwo.ca/music/nbmarch28.htm | |
82. Scout Report Archives Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900 Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900 Operas.Publisher, Farron, Jim. Boise State University. Language, English http://scout.wisc.edu/Archives/SPT--FullRecord.php?ResourceId=1830 |
83. UWM Music Library New Acquisitions In Music 9/03: Scores Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Pirates of Penzance / WS Gilbert and Sir ArthurSullivan. Dover Publications, Mineola, NY 2001. M1500.S92 P5 2001 http://www.uwm.edu/Libraries/Music/Rcntacq/sc903.html | |
84. The Yeomen Of The Guard (in MARION) Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Fairbanks, Douglas, 1909-; Grey, Joel, 1932-;Faris, Alex. McCarthy, John, 1919-; London Symphony Orchestra. http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/ACU3379 |
85. Arthur Sullivan's Biography Gilbert and Sullivan Archive. Sir Arthur Sullivan. Arthur SEYMOUR Sullivan.(1842 1900). Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan was born in Lambeth, London, http://math.boisestate.edu/gas/html/sullivan.html | |
86. Arthur Sullivan: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Sullivan , Sir Arthur Seymour 18421900. British composer known for a series ofcomic operas, including H. http://www.answers.com/topic/arthur-sullivan | |
87. Arthur Sullivan Arthur Sullivan. Picture of Arthur Sullivan. (sent by Egon Schrøder) New YorkCity Opera Gibert and Sullivan Page Sir Arthur Sullivan biography http://www.classical-composers.org/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=sullivan |
88. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3 Sir William Schwenck Gilbert Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. (1836 1911 1842 -1900). Life Operas Photo Gallery Home Page, Not Available http://www.karadar.com/Dictionary/sullivan.html | |
89. Gilbert & Sullivan Operas Sir William Schwenck Gilbert Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. (1836 1911 1842 -1900) The Operas of Gilbert Sullivan http://www.karadar.com/Operas/sullivan.html | |
90. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Gilbert & Sullivan Sir William Schwenck Gilbert (1836 1911). Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842 - 1900) Additional Information. Gilbert Sullivan Archive Home Page http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/g&s.html | |
91. H.M.S. Pinafore - W.S. Gilbert/Arthur Sullivan HMS Pinafore review of a performance of the Gilbert Sullivan operetta began writing satiric musicals with composer Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900). http://www.culturevulture.net/Opera2/HMSPinafore.htm | |
92. Schott Music - Shop - Sheet Music - Eulenburg Pocket Scores - Sullivan, Arthur ( Sullivan, Arthur S. Lloyd-Jones, David - Mackerras, Sir Charles. The Yeomen ofthe Guard. Overture. Orchestra. study score. Order No. ETP 1134 http://www.schott-music.com/shop/1/Eulenburg_Pocket_Scores/1660485/ | |
93. Class Act: Composers: "S" Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842 1900) British composer remembered best today for his A Gilbert and Sullivan Discography Visit this Class Act Selected Site! http://www.classicmoviemusicals.com/comps.htm | |
94. BBC - H2g2 - Sir Arthur Sullivan - Composer - A620975 Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842 1900) was one of the leading composers of the Victorianage. He composed numerous hymns and other pieces, but is most famous for http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A620975 | |
95. Crossmap Christian Directory :: Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842 1900) Brief biography with summary of operettasincludes recommended Naxos recordings. http//www.hnh.com/composer/Sullivan.htm http://dir.crossmap.com/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Sullivan,_Sir_Arthur_Seymo | |
96. Gilbert Sullivan - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Gilbert, W. S(William Schwenck)18361911, Sullivan, ArthurSir1842-1900 The immortal operettas of WS Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan were to http://www.questia.com/search/gilbert-sullivan | |
97. Savoy Operas Gilbert And Sullivan - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Onli Sullivan, ArthurSir18421900 Photograph GILBERT Sullivan A CRITICAL . Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour. Encyclopedia article; The Columbia http://www.questia.com/search/savoy-operas-gilbert-and-sullivan | |
98. Sheet Music Plus Results Mikado Lyrics by WS Gilbert, music by Arthur Sullivan (18421900). By SirArthur Seymour Sullivan, William Schwenk Gilbert. (score). Vocal Score. http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=33170&phrase=Gilbert Sullivan |
99. Fichiers MIDI De Sir Arthur Sullivan http://www.metronimo.com/fr/midi/index.php?page=Sullivan |
100. Starr Sheet Music Collection IU Lilly Library 18591907 Stults, Robert Morrison, 1862-1933 Styne, Jule, 1905- Sullivan, SirArthur, 1842-1900 Suppe, Franz von, 1819-1895 Sutton, Mrs. Symons, Arthur, http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/starr_section1.shtml | |
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