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61. Connecticut Master Chorale - Rutter And Sullivan Concert Notes Festival Te Deum Arthur Sullivan. Sir Arthur Sullivan Sir Arthur Sullivan 18421900.The Festival Te Deum of Arthur Sullivan is a majestic and rousing work. http://www.cmchorale.org/season/02/win02notes.htm | |
62. Arthur Sullivan : Onward Christian Soldiers : Online Sheet Music and much needed work with homeless people. It was composed by Sir ArthurSullivan of. Arthur Sullivan (18421900) Onward Christian Soldiers http://www.mfiles.co.uk/scores/onward-christian-soldiers.htm | |
63. Www.sullivan-forschung.de Translate this page Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900). Arthur Sullivan - Leben und Werk in Zahlen Meinhard Saremba Sir Arthur und Mr. Sullivan - Von Lust und Last mit dem http://www.sullivan-forschung.de/ | |
64. Picture Of 'Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan' - British Library Images Online Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (18421900). Portrait. English composer. Sir ArthurSeymour Sullivan. Click on the image to enlarge further or add to your http://www.imagesonline.bl.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id=11251 |
65. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Sullivan, Annie, 18661936 Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900 Susan CoolidgeSutherland, Alexander, 1853-1902, Editor Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
66. Gilbert And Sullivan -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article info and facts about Arthur S. Sullivan) Arthur S. Sullivan (18421900)defined (A short amusing Arthur Lawrence, Sir Arthur Sullivan, London, 1899. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/g/gi/gilbert_and_sullivan.htm | |
67. The Print Collection Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. THE COMPLETE PLAYS OF GILBERT AND Sullivan /ILLUSTRATED BY WS GILBERT.New York Norton, 1976. ML 410 S95 G73 1983. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/books1.html | |
68. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors G-Gn AUTHOR Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900 (Gutenberg Text Zip); More Bab Ballads (Gutenberg Text Zip); Songs of a Savoyard (Gutenberg Text Zip http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libg.htm | |
69. Audio Collections Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Gilbert and Sullivan weekend sound recording.CD143. Operas Excerpts. Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. http://www.library.eku.edu/branches/music/collection/audio.php?q=O&searchtype=be |
70. RECENT ACQUISTIONS AND NEWLY CATALOGED ITEMS December, 2004 Iolanthe or The peer and the peri /, Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900.Vocal Gilbert 1, Score. Iolanthe or The peer and the peri /, Sullivan, Arthur, http://www.coker.edu/library/newitems1204.htm | |
71. A&A | Memorial To Sir Arthur Sullivan (0) Orpheus (Greek mythology) (0) Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900 (0) Memorial to Sir Arthur Sullivan. North transept, St Paul s Cathedral, http://www.artandarchitecture.org.uk/images/conway/9ca278bb.html | |
72. Sony Classical - Music Never Mind The Why And Wherefore (Josephine, Captain Corcoran, Sir Joseph) Arthur Sullivan (18421900). When Maiden Loves She Sits And Sighs (Janine http://www.sonyclassical.com/music/89248/tracks.html | |
73. University Libraries, Virginia Tech Irish symphony / Sullivan. Author, Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Publisher,Hayes, Middlesex, England EMI Classics, 1992, p1987. http://eagle.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/March2005/Media.php | |
74. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library S9 M5x 1999, Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900, The Mikado / WS Gilbert and SirArthur Sullivan, Mineola, NY Dover Publications, 1999 http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/scores.php | |
75. SULLIVAN The Contrabandista []: Classical CD Reviews- Nov 2004 MusicWeb-Internat Crotchet AmazonUK AmazonUS, Arthur Sullivan (18421900) The Hyperion recordingsowe much to the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society for sponsorship of their http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2004/Nov04/SULLIVAN_Contrabandist | |
76. Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900) - Klassiekemuziekgids.net Arthur Sullivan sinds 1883 Sir Londen 1842 Londen 1900 Brits componist.Werd vooral bekend door zijn operettes (merendeels op libretto s van WS Gilbert), http://www.klassiekemuziekgids.net/componisten/sullivan.htm | |
77. Cartoon Drawings: Subject Index Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Mikado Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900.Patience Sullivan, Arthur,Sir,1842-1900.Mikado. Sullivan, John L. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cdSubjects111.html | |
78. MUSIC VIDEOS M Pirates of Penzance PIRATES OF PENZANCE/Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900.Pirates of Penzance video cass M1500.S9 P51 PIRATES OF PENZANCE/Sullivan, Arthur, http://www.lib.csufresno.edu/lists/music/lists/video-m.html | |
79. New Books On CD CDC Sullivan, Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Macbeth overture Cello concerto ;Te Deum (1872). CDC VAUGHAN, Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958. http://www.mcl-lib.org/new_cds.htm | |
80. HOFHEIMER LIBRARY Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. Mikado Criticism and interpretation. Tchaikovsky,Peter Ilich, 1840-1893. Evgeniæi Onegin Criticism and interpretation. http://www.vwc.edu/library_resources/library/libraryresources/netlibrarysubs/net | |
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