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Sullivan Annie: more detail | |||||||||||||
61. Women Of The Hall Mrs Kelley Annie Oakley of the Wild West by Walter Havighurst Biog/Oakley A Anne Sullivan (18661936), teacher Teacher, Anne Sullivan Macy a tribute by the http://www.teencybercenter.org/study/women.htm | |
62. Library 4 Universal: Online Results. Currently Displaying Hits 1 to 1 of 1 Hits Returned by Your Search. Subjects. Items. Sullivan, Annie,18661936Drama. 1. First 15 Hits. Last 15 Hits, Annie,--1866-193 | |
63. ETU A miracle has happened! The light of understanding has shone upon my littlepupil s mind, and behold, all things are changed. Annie Sullivan, 18661936 http://wwwnew.towson.edu/etu/020905/ | |
64. Lesson 5 outlaw; Harriet Beecher Stowe (18111896) - Author of Uncle Tom s Cabin;Annie Sullivan (1866-1936) - Helen Keller s teacher; Susie http://shrike.depaul.edu/~aali/lesson5.html | |
65. Ain't Love Grand? after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetnessthat it pours into everything. Annie Sullivan (18661936). http://silverquills.net/loveprose.html | |
66. Helen Keller: From Tragedy To Triumph (Childhood Of Famous Americans Series) Keywords Keller, Helen,, 18801968, Juvenile literature, Sullivan, Annie,,1866-1936, Children s 9-12 - Biography / Autobiography, Juvenile Nonfiction http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/WhitePulp/isbn0020419805 | |
67. Notable Women Of The United States http//www.greatwomen.org/barton.htm. Anne/Annie Sullivan (Macy) (18661936)Hi, my name is Anne Sullivan. I am on the left in this photo. http://coy.ne.client2.attbi.com/WomensHistory.html |
68. Becker Medical Library Books P. Lash. A=Lash, Joseph P., 1909 Keller, Helen, 1880-1968. Sullivan, Annie,1866-1936. N=HV1624 K4L37 1980 (BACS 355419). T=Helical | |
69. Becker Medical Library Books Translate this page Nella Braddy. A=Henney, Nella Braddy, 1894- Sullivan, Annie, 1866-1936. Keller,Helen, 1880-1968 N=HV1624 M3J41 1934 (BACS 355186). T |
70. 1866 1936 Annie Sullivan is an inexperienced halfblind Yankee schoolgirl who attempts Está interesado/a en 1866 1936? manténgase informado permanentemente y http://1866-1936.idoneos.com/ |
71. NA Access Point Translate this page NA Access Point. Sullivan,Annie,1866-1936 Sullivan,Annie,1866-1936 ~?,(1866-1936). http://www.t-lib.tamagawa.ac.jp/cgi-bin/lvision-aptoxref.cgi?bino=1998-03-28-11. |
72. Hellen Keller Collections - Etext Conversion Project Anne Sullivan (18661936), originally Joanna Mansfield Sullivan - Born in Anne Bancroft was in the role of Annie Sullivan, repeating her stage success. http://www.nalanda.nitc.ac.in/resources/english/etext-project/helen/hellenkeller | |
73. Reading Room Index To The Comic Art Collection Sullivan, Annie, 18661936. k. Darkness. Call no. PN6728.1.P3R4no.13 - Keller, Helen, 1880-1968. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/krri/keg.htm | |
74. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Sul" To "Suluname" Sullivan, Annie, 18661936. k. Darkness. Call no. PN6728.1.P3R4no.13 - Sullivan, Bob. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/srri/sul.htm | |
75. Library 4 Universal: Online Translate this page De 1 résultats récuperés. Sujets. Tous les dossiers. Sullivan, Annie,1866-1936. 1. Premier 15 résultats. Dernier 15 résultats. http://efl4u.kpdsb.on.ca/4DACTION/web_Gen_2002_SubjSearch/Sullivan, Annie,--1866 | |
76. Library 4 Universal: Online Translate this page récuperés. Sujets. Tous les dossiers. Sullivan, Annie,1866-1936Juvenileliterature. 1. Premier 15 résultats. Dernier 15 résultats. http://efl4u.kpdsb.on.ca/4DACTION/web_Gen_2002_SubjSearch/Sullivan, Annie,--1866 | |
77. Riane - Les Sourds Ont La Parole Translate this page Ann Mansfield Sullivan (1866-1936). Annie Sullivan naquit le 14 Avril 1886 deparents irlandais. Quand elle eut 9 ans, sa mère mourut et Anne fut envoyée à http://membres.lycos.fr/riane/Aduler/Sullivan.htm | |
78. Perrys Chapel Cemetery 1942 JM Jowers 18681938 EA Jowers 1866-1936 Baby Dunn Dyson 1908- Jul 21, 1930MOM Annie M. Dyson Aug 22, 1900 Dora Inez Dunn Sullivan Sept 13 http://members.tripod.com/~NicholsB/perryscem.html |
79. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall Anne Sullivan (1866 1936) The next year, the Headmaster of Perkins wroteto Annie Sullivan about the situation of Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=208 |
80. SULLIVAN ANNIE 1866 1936 (in MARION) Sullivan Annie 1866 1936. Records 1 to 2 of 2. Gibson, William, 1914 The miracleworker; a play for television. New York Knopf, 1957. http://library.cerritos.edu/MARION?S=SULLIVAN ANNIE 1866 1936 |
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