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81. Medeltiden Den berömde isländske författaren Snorri Sturluson (11791249) berättar att detvar en stor stad på 1000-talet, men han levde inte då och han återberättade http://www.mimersbrunn.se/arbeten/1992.asp | |
82. Encyclopedia - The Free Encyclopedia Births. Snorri Sturluson (Icelandic historian and author of the Younger Edda). Deaths. France LouisVII, King of France (reigned 1137 - 1180). . Categories 1179 http://www.objectssearch.com/pedia/get.jsp?page=/wiki/1179 |
83. Lexikon: 12. Jahrhundert - Begriff Snorri Sturluson,isländischer Geschichtsschreiber, Staatsmann und Dichter http://lexikon.donx.de/?action=details&show=12. Jahrhundert |
84. Heimskringla Heimskringla is the old norse name of a collection of sagas recorded inIceland around 1225 by the poet and historian Snorri Sturluson (11791242). http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Heimskringla | |
85. Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi 1179) og Speculum historiale eftir Vincentius frá Beauvais (d. Um brautryðjandastarfAra segir Snorri Sturluson í formála Heimskringlu Ari prestur http://www.am.hi.is/handritasafn/nokkurThekktHandrit.php?fl=6 |
86. IH-Schindowski Angebots- Und Verkaufsliste Von Briefmarken (Seite 21) Translate this page 546, O, 800. Geburtstag von Snorri Sturluson. gestempelt, Pracht, 0,15. 0,40.1179/82, **, 25. Jahrestag des Aufstandes gegen die Besatzung, kpl. postfr. http://ih-schindowski.de/listen/liste_21_.html | |
87. Jane Chance, Scholarly Interests Report, Rice University Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) On Natural Philosophy and Medicine, Selections from the Research Center of Snorri Sturluson sn, Bogarnes, Iceland. http://cohesion.rice.edu/administration/fis/report/FacultyDetail.cfm?DivID=1&Dep |
88. 1178 Emperor Antoku of Japan, Thomas I of Savoy, Snorri Sturluson, Iceland. Years 11751176 1177 1178 - 1179 1180. Decades 1140s 1150s 1160s - 1170s - 1180s 1200s http://wikipedia.pavelreich.com/1178 | |
89. Younger Edda - InfoWrangler Wikipedia Snapshot 26.11% relevance); Gylfaginning (24.97% relevance); Snorri Sturluson (23.68% relevance);Edda (17.48% relevance); Elder Edda (9.6% relevance); 1179 (8.87% relevance http://www.infowrangler.com/phpwiki/wiki.phtml?title=Younger_Edda |
90. What Is 1178 Births. Emperor Antoku of Japan; Thomas I of Savoy; Snorri Sturluson, Icelandichistorian, politician and author of the Younger Edda. Deaths. http://www.whatis.tv/1178.html | |
91. Language School Explorer - Information About 1178 Years 1175 1176 1177 1178 - 1179 1180 1181. Emperor Antoku of Japan; Thomas I ofSavoy; Snorri Sturluson, Icelandic historian, politician and author of the http://sun.world-explorer.com/info/1178 |
92. LibraryCatalog HT 1179 Y66 J67. Jordan, William Chester. From Servitude to Freedom Heimskringla The Stories of the Kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson, pt. 1 of 4. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/medievalstudies/Catalog.html | |
93. Sources com/_ht_a/eyesguy/myhomepage/heritage.html Jack Grey Hall, PO Box 1179, Angels Camp History of the Kings of Norway (and Uppsala), Snorri Sturluson 1967 taken http://mykindred.com/cloud/TX/sources.htm | |
94. Salem Press Catalog CloudsAristophanes, 1176 The ClownHeinrich Böll, 1179 The Cocktail HeidiChroniclesWendy Wasserstein, 2814 HeimskringlaSnorri Sturluson, 2817 Helen http://salempress.com/display.asp?id=2&column=Table_of_Contents |
95. Definition 1178 - BegriffsPortal.de Snorri Sturluson. http://begriffsportal.de/1178 |
96. Amsterdamer Beiträge Zur älteren Germanistik Bd. 51 (1999) -- 56 (2002) [Media Translate this page Snorri Sturluson. Hg. von Hans Fix (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon des Germanischen Kennisprofiel en ideologie van Hildegard van Bingen (10981179). http://www.mediaevum.de/zeitschriften/abaeg5.php | |
97. RNS > Skýrslur Með Tillögum í öryggisátt > Yfirlit skipverji slasast við netaveiðar, 02.12.03, 23.09.04, 1179 090, 00,Snorri Sturluson RE219, skipverji veikist eftir að hafa unnið við viðgerð á http://www.rns.is/SkyrslurTillogur.php?skyrslaOrder=Sorter_skyrsla_smellir&skyrs |
98. Electronic Resources The distinguished norseman Snorri Sturluson,the Edda , 10001179. 273.From discourse to dissent? theorizing the construction of women in http://sunzi1.lib.hku.hk/ER/subject.jsp?subj=200&type=th&total=801 |
99. MysticWicks Online Pagan Community And Pagan Forums - Study Group Thread of spá or spae Skidbladnir ..Freyr s magic ship that sails on water and airSnorri Sturluson ..composer of the Younger Edda, born 1179. http://paganforums.org/showthread.php?t=52484 |
100. Terry Sanford Institute Of Public Policy - Prospective Students PO Box 1179 Fort Valley, GA 31213 Tel (912) 8255544 Snorri SturlusonIcelandic Fellowships The Sigurður Nordal Institute PO Box 1220 121 Reykjavík http://www.pubpol.duke.edu/graduate/mpp/MPPfunding.html | |
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