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81. May New Titles - Colville Public Library More deaths than one a Nero Wolfe mystery, Stout, Rex, 18861975, LP FICTION Stout. Northwest Book. Washington ghost towns. Florin, Lambert. http://www.scrld.org/newtitles/2005/May/New titles CPL.htm | |
82. WHMC-Columbia--Lewis John Stadler, Papers, 1927-1955 (C2429)--INDEX Stebbins, G. Ledyard, Jr. Stern, Curt; Stern, Malvin D. Stewart, Ward; Stone, Wilson S. Stout, Rex (18861975); Strandskov, Herluf H. Stratton, Rebecca http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/invent/2429index.html | |
83. Search Results 03 Jul 2005 LINAS ADULT CD AUDIOBOOK UNABRIDGED LIST Page 1 AUTHOR The father hunt Stout, Rex, 18861975. Gambit Nero Wolfe series / Stout, Rex, The hand in the glove Stout, Rex, 1886-1975. Not quite dead enough ; and, http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/S?pp/agc:@field(SUBJ @od1(Stout, Rex,--1886- |
84. }Ú×îñ Stout, Rex, 18861975 Carr, John Dickson, 1906-1977 Woolrich, Cornell, 1903-1968. ? ?, LCSHDetective and mystery stories http://www.lib.osakafu-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?smode=1&key=&code=205333 |
85. Methode 3 Von Rex Stout Translate this page Rex Stout (1886-1975) wuchs in Kansas auf und war seit 1927 als freier Schriftsteller tätig. Mit seiner Detektivgestalt Nero Wolfe wurde er einer der http://www.hoerspielkrimi.de/archiv/m/methode3.htm | |
86. Jan Magnussons Bibliografi över Svenska Och Vissa Utländska GLBTQ-romaner Samt 1933 Stout, Rex (18861975), Forest fire, New York, 1933. 1934 Boye, Karin (1900-1941), Kris, Stockholm, 1934. 1934 Dinesen, Isak, (pseud. för Karen Blixen http://www.janmagnusson.se/bibliografigay6.html | |
87. Rex Stout (1886 – 1975) a profile page for the famous US mystery writer Rex Stout, a master of humorous prose. http://avenarius.sk/stout/ | |
88. Rex Stout Bibliography A bibliography of Rex Stout s books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors. Rex Stout s picture. Rex Stout USA (1886 1975) http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Rex_Stout.htm | |
89. Rex Stout - Wikiquote Rex Stout. (1886 1975) American author of detective fiction. There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up, and the kind you make up. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Rex_Stout | |
90. Rex Stout Rex Stout. (1886 1975 ) Rex Stout war born in Noblesville, Indiana, as the son of John Wallace Stout and Lucetta Elizabeth Todhunter, who were Quakers. http://www.topmystery.com/authors/Rex Stoutinfo.htm | |
91. Rex Stout Top 50 crime writers Rex Stout. Author info Book List Links. Rex Stout. (1886 1975 ). Nero Wolfe, private eye is featured in. Fer-de-Lance (1934) http://www.topmystery.com/authors/Rex Stoutlbooks.htm | |
92. Rex Stout Rex Stout Rex Todhunter Stout (1886 1975) was an American author best known as the creator of the larger-than-life fictional detective Nero Wolfe. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=545 |
93. ?·?(Rex Stout, 18861975)Paradising http://wolfking.blogdriver.com/wolfking/512957.html |
94. Rex Stout Search. Title, Author. Authors Titles Categories Languages Recommended Help. Rex Stout. Rex Stout. Life (1886 1975). Titles. Under the Andes http://manybooks.net/authors/stoutrex.html | |
95. [gialloWeb] Le Bibliografie: Rex Stout Translate this page Rex Stout Noblesville (Indiana, USA), 1886 - 1975. Romanzi con Nero Wolfe. 1934, Fer-de-Lance, La traccia del serpente, CG 167 e 704 - GM 149 http://www.gialloweb.net/biblio/stout.htm | |
96. Biblio: Bookstore Information For Avalon Books Jacket is bright and clean. ISBN 08044-2005-X. Probably a First Edition. Hard Cover. Stout Rex 1886 1975 LITERARY CRITICISM MYSTERY DETECTIVE. http://www.biblio.com/bookstores/avalonbooks.html | |
97. D.H. Lawrence Collection, Index Of Correspondents Percival Reginald35.1 (from Lawrence, nd) Stern, Benjamin H.35.1 (from Lawrence, 1923) Stout, Rex, 1886197548.1 (to Egmont Arens, 1928) Taylor, http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lawrence.dh.corr.html | |
98. People In Kansas History Stout, Rex, 1886 1975, Topeka, mystery writer. Stiles, Jackie, Claflin, basketball player. Sutherland, Earl, 1915 - 1974, Burlingame, winner of the Nobel http://www.kshs.org/people/ | |
99. Biographical List Of Names (STI - STQ) Compiled By GIGA Rex Stout, American novelist (1886 1975) - BUY AMAZON BOOK Ruth Stout, American gardener and writer (1884 - 1980) - BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubiosti.htm | |
100. Freedom House Archives | Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library Stout, Rex T. (Rex Todhunter), 18861975Correspondence Sussman, Leonard R. (Leonard Richard), 1920- Contributions in Human Rights http://infoshare1.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/FH/ | |
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